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Topics - chop-chop

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Health / Poop time = Painful
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:41:17 am »
Hi I have been on a Paleo Diet for about 2 weeks and I was wondering about the quality of my poop and my pooptime  ;D

Before I started this new way of eating I was eating a Mexican oriented diet. Lots of corn, beans and rice with everything.
I have since cut  all grains and dairy (I am not lactose intolerant).

Problem is I get abdominal cramps right when I go the the bathroom. I get minor urges. I also get this feeling that I am not fully empty (I think it's called straining). I am not constipated nor have diareea but I would say my feces are closer to the diarrheal side. They are between type 4 and Type 6 in the Bristol Stool Scale.

Most of the research I've done online points to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) but I am confused since for me it went the other way (I started experiencing IBS after starting a paleo like diet) while most people go Paleo to fix it.  ??? I don't recall  this condition with my previous diet unless I ate lots of really spicy salsa or foods.

So anyways what can I do to improve my pooptime? Off course while staying as close to the Paleo philosophy of eating


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