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Messages - van

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General Discussion / Re: Yolk color
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:06:37 am »
 First, the primary grains fed to chickens to lay are soy and corn.  You'll never get an egg any where even close to the color or orange by feeding any amount of cracked yellow corn.  It's the conversion of the green foods they eat and or the insects that produces that color.  Also, look for thick in consistency of the yolks.  Free range really means nothing except that have some room to move around.  Free range should mean that they have ample green space where insects and green grasses and weeds are still lush.  Check out ninety percent of free range chicken operations and you'll find that they're devoid of anything green.  Their chickens ate it all some time ago.  But I have seen farmers who move their chickens from field to field and or within a large field, rotating, with mobile pens.  Now that's an egg worth eating.

Health / Re: Extremely Dry Mouth When Waking Up In The Morning
« on: March 05, 2011, 10:49:16 am »
eating too late at night, or the equivalent of going to sleep with ample food in the stomach gives some, including myself dry mouth.  Too hungry before bed and you won't be put to sleep by a full belly.  Kind of a balancing act.  Certain mouth cleansing solutions can also tend to dry up or reduce saliva production.  Thus you might try just warm water brushing. 

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Question for Iguana - Instincto carbs
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:58:10 am »
  I've mentioned this before, but it may help here.  Years ago when I visited the instinctive center in France (five times over as many years) I started eating raw tuna.  I wasn't yet able to think about eating meat the first time I went.  I had eaten raw tuna at sushi bars before, but only infrequently.  When I returned I ate it often, maybe every other day.  For at least a month I had cups of waste material in the toilet.  This after years of colonics and all kinds of intestinal cleansing and twenty years on a raw diet.    For all of my childhood and years after, tuna was the food my family used most often.  I probably ate it three times a week my whole life till I turned raw.   So from my point of view, experience,  I have witnessed first hand how the body will exchange building blocks, and how cleansing raw protein is.   
  As far a reactions from fruit:  I think a lot has to do with where people are in their tolerance to sugar, in their diet,  period.  Typically, adulterated fruits are the highest in sugar, hence the ability to sell them.  As we age, our ability to control blood sugar weakens or lessens.  See Rosedale's articles on insulin and leptin resistance for a more detailed account on how powerfully they affect our hormones and hence our entire system.    Any excess sugar feeds all sort of things beyond candida.  And we all come from various backgrounds which have left us with less than intact healthy intestinal bacteria.  So each of our reactions to sugar will of course be different.   Usually those do the best with high sugar or fruit diets are also those who are very very active, and are able to burn off excess sugar in the blood before it can cause hormonal problems or feed things like candida.    So as we age, I believe our needs or tolerances change.     I look back on the high fruit diets I used to think were healthy and shudder at the thought.  But then I really acted out my beliefs to my own detriment.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: January 29, 2011, 01:51:52 am »
Goodsamaritan,  I'm not convinced we all have Tapeworm; some form of worms, maybe.  I routinely for many, many years, actually since 1978 when I returned from India with my new 'friends' look each day.  It's obvious when the dogs at the farm get tapeworms.  YOu can see the little wriggling specs, just as in your video.  But for me,  none yet.  Interested to here how it goes.  You know with some worms like roundworm,  I wouldn't do herbal wormers.  They can get agitated and burrow through tissues and migrate all over to avoid the herbal preparations.  Just something to consider.  Tapeworms are prevelant with those who eat raw pacific wild salmon.  You might have another form of fish tapeworm? for I know you often eat fish.    And the story continues....

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello - newbie raw meat gal from South Africa
« on: January 28, 2011, 11:44:22 am »
Bronwen, hi.  You might try the pages of   They have or had an 'enlightening' article describing just how many animals are killed when tractors farm with discs, or with orchards and the killing of ground animals that would otherwise descimate the fruit tree's roots.  The examples are many.  Bottom line is that when you eat beef, you may eat one cow a year.  When you eat carrots and beans, and fruits, you actually are killing hundreds of animals (albeit, small ones) each year.  We tend to value a larger animal more than say a rabbit or snake or ground squirrel.      The other point is, all well cared for and humanely killed large animals live a glorious life that they never would have had the chance to live if not for you.  And they aren't left in the wake of a tractors harrow or discs bleeding to death from being cut in half or dismembered.    Maybe this might help.     Oh, and you might try eating your beef separate from your salads.  Salads tend to diminish the acid level needed to handle meat, especially  if coming from a veg. orientated diet.   All the best,   Van

General Discussion / Re: Mineral Supplements and Liver
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:48:10 pm »
I do well for years now with sodium reduced concentrated sea water and it's minerals.  Although in reducing the sodium, most of the time calcium and potassium is also mostly eliminated. 

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:45:39 pm »
Hi Klowcarb.  I want to suggest to you that your newly expanded diet may actually be the reason for your muscle gains.  I think I can remember reading (not sure from which forum) where you were so happy with eating, correct me if I am wrong here, just ground beef, and raw.  I think during those days you were completely satisfied with how your work-outs were doing.  Hope you don't find this as being judgemental.   I can't tell you how many times I have fallen into the minds' trap of believing it's found 'perfection' in a diet.  Very tricky thing.  And then there's Charles who promotes basically Wallmart meat and fat at the exclusion of most anything else, including organs etc.    And extolls the notion that he is the healthiest person in the world.   We each have what seemingly works for us, at any particular time period.  And my guess is that most of us here are constantly learning, adapting and evolving as we relearn to feed ourselves.  But again, variety, as I have found offers me the greater balance or health for my body.  So Yes, for you light cooking may unlock certain nutrients you weren't assimilating before, and, or, the inclusion of the foods you now list may equally be what's feeding your 'muscles'.      For instance,  I have ducks at my farm.  I notice that I feel better when I eat at least 3-6 yolks a week, sometimes more.  However I have seen it written in forums several times that eggs don't satisfy as does meat and for that reason they are overlooked or passed by.   That's true for me too.  But my guess is that years ago foragers would never find  several dozen eggs to split amongst a tribe so that each could eat a dozen.  No, they more likely stumbled on one or a few eggs and snarfed them down right then and there, completing more of their nutritional needs.    The same logic can be applied to eating liver, heart, testicles, thymus, bone marrow, brain, kidney, eye balls, fish eggs, insects, vit-c rich fruit, whale, salmon etc. etc.   And finally reading what I have just written here,  it appears it's just as much a reminder to myself as a note to you.   Let us know how it plays out for you.  Would love to see a recent picture.   Van

Journals / Re: journal by leah
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:06:12 am »
HI,  I enjoy tremendously my meat and fat eaten this way.   First I purchased a meat grinder.  I also got an extra small sieve plate, which determines the size of the meat coming through the grinder.  The wholes are around an eighth of an inch.  I use fresh meat.  Now I buy chuck steaks and cross rib roasts, the cheapest most flavorful cuts I can get.   I used to be addicted to NY steaks for flavor and chewableness/tenderness.  But now it doesn't matter how tough the meat is.  Yeah!  After I ground separately the back fat and meat,  I make a baseball size round piece of them and place them on a plate in the fridge for keeping.  In the morning and mid afternoon I take one of each out of the fridge and let warm.  An hour before I want to eat I place the fat and flatten it out in a large, say ten inch, ceramic bowel.  On top of the flattened fat, I take a ball of meat and do the same.  On the stove I have a large cooking pot that I have about two to three inches of water at 110 degrees F, well below enzyme damaging temp.  I place the bowl in the water.  I may go back in a half an hour and heat the water back to 110 F.  I use an kitchen timer so I don't forget and leave the heat on too long.  What happens is magic.  Most of the fat has now melted into a golden liquid and is sitting around the meat like patty.  I add celtic sea salt ( really the only salt with most of the magnesium and other trace minerals left in tack,  I used to use Himalayan salt until I learned the truth about it )  and chopped fresh garlic.    I'd bet even the most sad dieter would even like this mixture.  It's exquisite, and so satisfying.  When I travel I pack in a freezer zip lock bag, one ball of meat and one ball of fat which I smush down.  I can store about five days of food in a container soft cooler that is smaller than a loaf of bread.  If out for the day,  I'll place the fat and meat in a large mouth glass jar with screw lid.  So easy to eat anywhere, and can be eaten so quickly too.  Hope this helps.  I so look forward to eating this way each meal, and of course when hungry. 

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:44:36 am »
raw has cassia sticks, of great quality.  Open and suck on two disks in the morning on empty stomach.  wait an hour before eating.  They work.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Suddenly reduced appetite for raw fat.
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:14:12 pm »
I have just recently noticed the same thing.  So I cut it in half, and have more energy. 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Potato dinner replacement?
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:10:50 pm »
Just nibble the potato or anything else that comes with the steak.  that will appease everyone.

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:32:29 am »
they both oxidize almost overnight

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:45:33 am »
more than likely you have pockets where bacteria are thriving.  Try having your teeth/pockets cleaned by a hygenist and cut down on sugars rinsing your mouth with either warm water or diluted salt water after every meal.  Floss too. 

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:39:44 am »
yeah,  I agree,  Instinctive peoples use them alot.  I have too.  they also cleanse, what ever that means.  Don't do too many or will really relieve your symptoms.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:36:37 am »
I may have mentioned this before, but,  try placing it in a ceramic or glass bowl in the fidge.  Flip it over every two days or so.  After a week or two it will have a slightly tart taste.  It's pretty good that way, also the layer on the outside gets dried out, that too is good.

Hot Topics / Re: DurianRider
« on: April 09, 2010, 02:52:50 am »
one thing to remember when listening or reading about anyone, is that most of us evolve, we learn, we change.   That's a hard concept to let in when taking someone as one who knows the truth.  Paul, may have an even more radical truth to share in five years.  As well as Durianrider. 

I'll 'leave it'.  You tend to make quick conclusions, and this time, it was from not eating much fat at all, but a heck of alot of protein.  You might like to see what it would be like if you slowly changed the ratio of fat and meat, allowing your body to adapt to using fat as fuel.  That is an experiment you can't do overnight and write about your response the next day. 

General Discussion / Re: Which bone marrow to get?
« on: April 04, 2010, 08:50:32 am »
you might like to try this with any type of marrow, top or bottom bone pieces.  scrape out into bowl, and flatten onto the bowl, thus breaking it fully apart.  Place bowl in  pan or warm water.  You can either place the bowl directly in water that is warm, or above the water sitting on a jar or something.  Cover pot, and in a short time it has melted, or gotten quite soft and pleasant to eat.  I like to dip my meat into the marrow liquid. 

Rabbit starvation, from what I have read, is about a relation of protein to either fat or carbs as a total percentage of calories.  Thus one can avoid rabbit starvation by eating either fat or carbs with their protein.  Those eating high protein diets and little or no fat,  are you eating carbs along with your wild lean meats?

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:49:05 am »
my experience is that they are not much more than soft soft mushy green pea like balls.   I think it is from the bile combining with the oils used.  They look impressive in the toilet floating.  But truly wonder if it is nothing but oil and bile.

Journals / Re: majormark - so far so good
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:49:57 am »
Kefir can go through a lot a adaptation to what milk you put it in.  Try keeping it closer to body temp, and remember to stir it several if not many times a day to provide the grains milk instead of already digested milk stagnating around undisturbed kefir grains.  I like it the best just,  just as it turns sour.  You have to cool it quickly then.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Insulin spikes, FROM SMELL!!!
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:36:24 am »
It does read as stressful to you. HOwever,  smells and tastes do provide an insulin response.  Maybe just leaving the room might be enough for you.

Journals / Re: Ioanna's Journal
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:33:55 am »
'it' being  marrow.   Can you eat it plain with out meat and enjoy it, the same quantity that you would eat along with meat.  It does keep a long long time inside the bone in the fridge.  I used to  go through the laborious task of emptying 20 pounds of marrow bones into 'tupperware' containers and refridgerate.  Now,  I just spread the bones out on a wire rack in the fridge and the dry cool air dries the left over meat on the surface of the bone keeping it from going bad or smelling bad.  I ended up throwing out two bottles of green pastures clo because I didn't trust, intuition or not, the burning in my throat after taking it.  Rancid oils have the same burn.  The owner told me it's simply the  fermentation??  I presently take Mercolas spray Vit D.  Here in northern Ca.  I am able to get sun about every third day on the average. 

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:06:45 am »
I agree with getting rid of the mercury, and had mine taken out.  But it's a risk, for the non-amalgam fillings have a different co-efficient of expansion than tooth material, and don't always maintain adhesion to the tooth leaving the possibility of weakness and leaking leading to decay.  Advice,  carefully select dentist who is up on the latest bonding materials. 
    I would suggest taking a lesser amount of hcl and not looking for a burn.  I think that is advice given without studying what the effects can be to the stomach lining, as in, it's too late when it burns.   My guess is everyone has different nerve or pain thresholds in the stomach as well as different stomach linings or thickness of linings.  Look for help with digestion on lesser amounts and take your time with increasing the amounts.  I found out that it helped initially but eventually I thought it was making me weak and stopped. 

Journals / Re: Ioanna's Journal
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:51:38 am »
Ionna, there a was a time when all I wanted was bone marrow with meat.  Then I couldn't eat it anymore.  I would try to eat it inbetween meals to increase my fat intake, and or keep the marrow from slowing down the digestion of meat. It was hard to eat it alone, even if hungry.  That was a sign to me my body didn't really want or need it.  I went back to back fat. Now I do fine with it and crave it again.  Not sure what this says, but maybe we all need to mix things up more.  Lately, don't tell Tyler, I've been eating a pint of raw cream a day. Yum, it's amazing.  I think even addicting.  But at this point, I don't care.  I also started to enjoy avocado with my meat again.  Paleo people would have eaten eye balls, brains, suet, back fat, bugs, and the list goes on.    And thanks for posting your picture.  Captivating.   I like having an idea as to who it is I'm writing to.  Have been meaning to do the same for some time now.  I agree with Phil, that Vit D thing I think is a big one.  It regulates so many things in our body.

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