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Messages - van

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Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:35:21 am »
exercise does help.  It gets the blood and lymph moving, moves the intestines, gets oxygen to the brain etc.  Just don't do alot.  Walking is sufficient.  The tendency in the beginning is to just sit and lay around. 

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:32:11 am »
didn't have diareaha, but had to lay on the couch for a weekend with no energy.  The body has to develop mean for using fat as fuel.  I would say it is adaptation.  look at the accounts of Stephason's men.  They all went through similar experiences.

General Discussion / Re: I cant get myself to eat raw meat
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:21:56 am »
I don't know, it's a full length motion picture.  It's worth the three dollar rental, believe me.  It's not just about animal conditions, for it includes a much bigger realization.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:20:14 am »
parasites do exist.  My dogs eating for over twelve years get tapeworms routinely. However, they also eat moles and groundsquirles that also routinely have fleas which carry tapeworm eggs.  There are different sources to get the many different varieties.  But I think Tyler is right when he expresses the risk is so low, don't worry.  Just make sure you're eating healthy meat.  Pasture fed animals have far less parasite infestation than pen or grain finished animals.  I've never heard it be a problem for anyone eating raw meat.  And if you should be the first one,  fine,  just take a pill and it's gone.  Then you can start to make plans as to how to avoid any future problems. 

a little fact,  kefir is a community of about 20-30 different bacterium and yeasts that really know one knows where the original colonies came from.  Some like to speculate that they came from outer space...
  One thing in common to all the varieties is that they all have been grown on lactose.  That's not to say they could be persuaded to shift their food source.  But let's see what happens. 

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: more raw paleo in the news
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:52:33 am »
  I think that was the intention.  I wonder though,  do you really spend 70 dollars on food a day?

General Discussion / Re: Stomach Pains
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:17:18 pm »
Light bulb in cabinet, simply adjusting the wattage till i got around 100 f.  I used to use quart mason jars.  I shielded the jar from the light

Journals / Re: majormark - so far so good
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:15:00 pm »
I don't know.  Mary at North Star  bison wanted to know when I would get a bad tasting one to check out with that particular animal, but it never happened.  It could be any number or things.  But typically they were kind of rubbery, not as dark and rich looking and rather bland.

General Discussion / Re: I cant get myself to eat raw meat
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:46:56 am »
As I couldn't help my self from refraining on charles's site,  you might like to look at the netflix dvd out now,  Food inc. before you consider eating supermarket beef.  Once you start, it's hard to convince the mind to change direction.

Journals / Re: majormark - so far so good
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:43:45 am »
There's good liver, and then there's liver I can't eat

General Discussion / Re: Stomach Pains
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:34:21 am »
Roony,  your writings remind me of the way I must have sounded many years ago when I smoked pot.   I would take a little bit of information and weave it into a fantastical story.  I also had even a much greater ability to believe what I wanted to.  Know I realize I know very little.    I think it's true here, that almost everyone's diet is evolving as we learn more.  I doubt that hardly anyone, save one or two, would state emphatically that they have settled into the ultimate diet that will serve them to their grave,  that they wouldn't make changes or find out that they had done something inherantly not healthy after all.   

General Discussion / Re: Stomach Pains
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:27:17 am »
CK, when I used to make raw yogurts,  I got my starters from the chemist who made them.  He told me that yeast grow better at cooler temps, and bacteria grow better at body temps.  I then always cultured my kefir and yogurts at body temp.

Journals / Re: majormark - so far so good
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:43:35 am »
Just to make sure,  keep the organs exposed to air in fridge, ie,  hanging, wire racks, or with liver, flipping it over in a glass or ceramic bowl.  Heart should dry out nicely, and liver gets a little tart, my preference. 

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 06, 2010, 12:39:00 am »
I am wondering if you are eating the fruit right after eating meat?

General Discussion / Re: Meat in protective gas?
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:38:58 am »
OR,,, go to hanging meat like the photos from GS.  It stays red a long time that way.  First thing I do when I get home is get the meat out of the paper wrap from the store.  Even meat laying on top of each other goes brown. 

green stools from juicing, gas, diarreha, are symptoms of drinking more than your body needs or wants.  Try purreing the vegetable all by itself, without any other veg. then suck the juice out of the puree.  You'll soon hit a stop that will tell you just how little your body will tolerate in the first place.  This stop isn't there when you mix with other vegs.   To trespass this stop by mixing vegs and fruit in juices and throwing down your throat, always for me led me to ,"Gee, what's the next really healthy thing I can throw down, and more is better".    One can do the same just by chewing on the veg and spitting out the pulp.  It will surprise most as to how little we can tolerate when it comes to vegs like parsley or kale, or spinach....   Carrots, apples, zucinnis, cucumber,,,, a different story

with baking soda, moisten it and spread it inside arm pit, leave while showering, then rinse off when done.  That's it, don't use as a powder aftershowing.  I bet you'll stop perspiring when you give up cooked food and allow the glands in the arm pits to cleanse themselves by letting them perspire for as long as they need.  I always have wet armpits when I eat cooked food, as well as a smell. 

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:41:09 am »
Heh, it was me,  it's called a reostat, the dial you dim lights with.  Just wire it inline with the plug, and you can adjust the wattage/voltage/ temp to what ever you want.  I think I mentioned earlier, you might like to try it with water in to simulate the fat, instead of just being empty, and then when you've found your setting, fill it with fat and try it again.    ps  they have those plastic screw caps that screw over the connected wire strands, much better than wrapping with electrician's tape.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Questions for Carnivores
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:59:43 am »
Nicola,  the one you listed is a very similar type product.  I would try it myself.   

Maybe you can create a poll of how often and how much we all poop, heh, maybe pictures too.  I am sure Tyler would love that.    But seriously,  I don't think that cooked is the same as raw.  For the record, I go everyday.  There's just not that much to poop out.  meat and fat are highly digested, and the absence of carbs leave little bacteria, which for carb eaters is the majority of the content of the stool.

General Discussion / Re: Testicles
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:17:14 am »
the testicles I ate look like Uni or sea urchin, bright to pale organge.  They are solid, not little or big sacks filled with semen.  I think the semen is in the prostrate?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Questions for Carnivores
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:14:46 am »
  Nicola,  a common suggestion as to how to figure out how much magnesium one should take is to find the dose that causes the intestines to put out or increase their peristalsis, and back down from there.   But it looks like you are suggesting that you could keep on pooping solid poops if you didn't back off or forget to take your magnesium.  MY guess is that you'd find like I did that after a very short while your intestines would be empty and the solid would go to a more fluid consistency.    I think if we ate the whole animal like earlier paleo did,  we'd find those sources of magnesium that that particular animal stored away.  I think you disagree with the premise that bones were eaten regularly, and once again I mention the smaller animals probably included in paleo's diet, as well as blood and the magnesium in it that is carried to those parts of body requiring high concentrations.  I find I do better with a magnesium supplement.  I use ionic Great Salt Lake solutions that are high in Mg. 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: raw marrow
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:32:54 am »
I used to empty all the marrow out and compress tightly into sealed containers and keep in the fridge for some time.  A lot of tedious work.  Now I dedicated the top shelf in the fridge and put a stainless steel wire rack and lay out the bones.  It's being close to each other that allows the meat etc left on the bones to go off.  They keep easily this way for a month, the inside marrow portion kept like nature intended-all sealed up.

General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:51:38 am »
I'm sure most of here are going to ask what the antiB are for, and may suggest alternatives. 

General Discussion / Re: Eggs
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:50:15 am »
I think you're in england.  You don't have green grass this time of year.  So my point was that unless you're ordering your eggs from southern parts of europe, your eggs are from chickens that are eating primarily grain.  That's all.  I have a rooster, he did little to change the quality of the eggs from my chickens.  I have heard that supposedly they're easier to digest or something, but didn't notice any difference.   You can tell the degree of how much green a chicken eats as it shows directly in the deep color intensity of their yolks.

General Discussion / Re: Eggs
« on: January 28, 2010, 09:41:49 am »
If you were to go to the farm where whole foods gets their eggs,  I'll bet you any amount those chickens aren't out on lush green fields, and that at least 80 percent of their calories or energy to lay an egg comes from grain.  Don't mean to be condescending, but rather would welcome any discoveries you may find.  For I might be wrong.    This time of year almost everywhere is green in Ca. but for over half the year, unless someone goes to the extent of irrigating pastures, not much green will exists nor the bugs that thrive in moist soil....  That's why I say always,  get your own chickens, if you have space and water.  There is nothing like a truly pasture, bug and sprouted grain fed chicken or duck egg.

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