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Messages - van

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I've kept bees, and know bee farmers.  It is not my experience that queens are not kept with the hive. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: January 22, 2010, 03:30:06 pm »
You have to watch guys like william and me, for we're zero carb guys.  In my opinion no need to jump on that bus right away, for it's plagued with theories and speculation.  My best advice for you it definately don't mix your meat with veggies or fruits, just fat.  When eating carbs like fruits they can spike insulin responses and cause cravings.  Best to eat them alone and when hungry as opposed to bored.  Eating fruit after exercise lessens the blood sugar or insulin effect, and eating them in moderation.  Fruits like berries are also low glycemic and have higher ratios of vitamins/mineral.  Use them as a treat, rather than a staple.  You also might try having fruit in the morning when hungry, and then having two smaller meat and fat meals when hungry.  This should be a little easier on the digestive system.  Charles on the zero carb site had good advise, don't eat your protein meal until you feel hungry enough to eat a whole steak.  The thought is that if you are really truly hungry, your body will most likely digest it fine,  unless you over eat.

General Discussion / Re: first time eating high meat...
« on: January 21, 2010, 03:49:08 am »
  It would be great if someone could find an innoculant for the meat.  I live in northern Ca. on the coast.   This time of year there's a lot of mold and fungus growing most places.  Thus airing out meat in my guess would pick up these airborne 'locals' and probably my meat would be a culture of them.  Whereas someone who lived elsewhere would have other 'innoculants'.    In Europe where they age and culture meat for sausages etc.  they have developed certain innoculants,  same with cheese.    I wrote about this some time ago here, and am hoping again that someone might have a good idea as to what might work well.  The last time I tried high meat here,  I developed an ear problem with wetness.  I used to have them years ago.  So who knows,  I also had been swimming alot in an indoor pool.   I had also suggested burying the meat.  Maybe in a stainless screen material.   Any ideas?

General Discussion / Re: How to consume bones?
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:58:10 am »
Ok,  you can order rib bones from North star bison.  I keep them frozen as well as the ferrier's file,  I keep both in the freezer between filings.  Use the narrow slanted grooved side of the file.  Remember to order a good handle with the file, they come without one.   With sharp knife take off the outside tissues on the rib till you get down to real bone, now you're ready.  I keep in freezer cause the bone starts to smell and no longer taste good if simply kept in the fridge over several weeks.  Place file pointing down onto a big cutting board.  I recommend bamboo, plastic ones eventually feed you plastic everytime you cut on it.  Stroke the rib against the file, up and down.  I file off about two tablespoons powder each time, about twice a day.   I eat it plain when hungry and wait till I am hungry again till I eat meat and fat.   Get a two to three inch paint scraper, preferably chromed or stainless steel to scrape the powder into a pile and then with scraper and spoon scoop it up into spoon like you would with a dust pan and sweeper.  I chew it a bit and swallow.  Like I said, fresh bone has a yummy taste, indicating to me that my body likes it.  Marrow bones can be used, but harder to get off all connective tissue and tendon, plus you have to get all the marrow out, it clogs the file.  Oh, and also you'll need a wire brush, the kind used to brush off old paint on houses.  Mine is about two inches wide by about five inches long.  After each filing, stroke brush in the direction of grooves to dislodge stuck bone filings.  I do this before I scrape the board with scraper and include this all at one time.   It seems like a little bit of work, but I can do the whole operation in less the four or five minutes.    The rib bones have a cartilidge middle that has other nutrients besides the ones in leg bones.   If you order from North star, tell Marry that you want them like she did for me, vacuum packed in packages of five or six, and as full length as they can offer them.  As mentioned before all carnivores eat bones, and I believe that past paleo peoples ate them too, as did stephason, and any one eating smaller animals like birds, reptiles, rabbits etc.  Plus when 'they' scraped out the marrow, they would have as I do scrape out the softer cancellous bone near the knuckle portion at the top or bottom of the bone.

my advice with worms is to get a stool test.  otherwise you'll always wonder and the mental energy is draining.

I have large dogs.  They pull on large pieces of meat and with their canines shred it and puncture it many times.  It's pretty hard for a dog or animal to simply swallow a large piece of meat without having put a lot of teeth made holes in it first.  The digestive juices flow into these 'holes' and get at the middle of large 'chunks' as described.   their digestive juices can also completely dissolve bones.  Pretty strong stuff.

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: January 20, 2010, 03:02:11 am »
Hi,  no real need to post here, but of course if you want to we always like to hear how things go when anyone transitions to raw.  Lots of info here, especially lately, seems we are all pretty active.  Questions are always answered.  Thanks for saying hi.

Good Samaratin might be the one to investigate this for you.   He loves things like this.  Why don't you write him if he doesn't respond in a little bit.

Off Topic / Re: 2 Uk food Articles re banning butter and trans-fats
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:52:54 am »
I wonder about the drop in Finnish heart problems in the last 40 years as stated?   It seems with a little money and a little clout one could conduct one's own studies, and then publish, and then do a larger one, and so on pulling in advocates of high fat diets.  It is easy to see the writing on the wall, for even I sometimes think that those overweight and eating carbs should pay higher insurance premiums.   So it's really no different that what 'he' is suggesting.   Obviously the problem is that no one really knows for sure.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:45:48 am »
Like reintroducing dairy back into one's diet by adding one additional tablespoon each day to enable what small amount of lactase digesting bacteria remaining to begin to flourish again,  may I suggest the same program. Each day add a berry or three to you get up to a small serving size, whatever that is. 

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 18, 2010, 04:40:24 am »
My dogs have eaten egg yolks for about thirteen years.  They are a great food for them and us.  I leave them out of the fridge. Just keep them out of the sun.

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 18, 2010, 04:34:04 am »
  I too am on the fence about tetanus shots.  Haven't had one in years.    But what works for infections:  get iodine and dilute it so that it looks like a strong strong tea.  Warm it and soak your finger in it three times a day for twenty minutes at a time.  It will penetrate and kill germs.  Only certain kinds of honey work for wounds.  I would stay away from ingesting sugars with an infection, and add garlic to your meals.   keep us informed.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Insulin, Growth Hormone, bulking
« on: January 18, 2010, 04:22:22 am »
thanks for the report,  I'm sure we'll all be interested to hear how it goes.  I can remember a couple of months ago, after already focusing on squats, I included dead lifts, and wow, for a couple of weeks it felt as though I was always pumped.  Then that phase left.  Not sure what that means except that it seems to maintain a strong growth hormone surge we have to mix it up and keep pushing heavier weights?

In warm areas like GS lives, there isn't a die off period from cold weather, thus the populations of parasites can be astronomical to what we have here.

General Discussion / Re: Hunting
« on: January 17, 2010, 01:47:42 pm »
Eric,  only had chicken once, not really a fan either.  You're in the east coast, so at this time of the year there really isn't much green and bugs for chickens, so I am not sure if I am reading an earlier post or not. If not, you can be sure their calories are from grains.   Chickens routinely have samonela in and around them, their poop, water, and feed all gets contaminated.  I had a goat die because a chicken got in the goat yard and samonela got into the goats digestion and spread.  They can be sensitive.  Point is, I wouldn't compare a chickens health to that of wild meat or domesticated grass fed beef.  Not ever had samonela I can't emphathise, but hope this doesn't derail your efforts at other raw foods.

Thanks Guittar man,  well written my exact sentiments.  I remember in high school, friends put on on over 30 pounds over the summer.  Most of it came from Beer.  But again,  I like the tone of your words, supportive yet encouraging one to take responsibility for their claims.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:43:26 am »
can't imagine
td that you're going to find quality pemican in the uk, or for that matter anywhere short of buying it from William or Delfuego.

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:37:03 am »
  Seriously,  William how about sending some of your pemican to DJR.  YOu might have a customs problem.  But I would love to see  what happens when he eats yours.  Thanks for the details about how you make it.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Only 2 of 12 Tribes Consumed ANY Dairy
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:12:17 am »
First,  I'm  off dairy, even though I have over 15 goats now for many years.   Half the truth of dairy is that without the right gut flora you won't digest the lactose.  But those bacteria can be built up by eating small amounts and supplementing with probiotics.  I even did implants with extremely high counts of many different forms of probiotics.  Could say more if anyone is interested.   The next half,  is is your milk coming from either cow or preferably goats eating  GREEN grass and weeds, bushes, etc.  And not just grass that may be brown,  cut, processed.   Most dairy consuming cultures almost always culture their milk in some way or another,  hence, cheese, yogurt, kefir etc.....   It is VERY hard to meet all these requirements, yet when milk was used as in Switzerland all the requirements were met routinely.  For example, when winter came and green grass and summer had passed, the mountain people dried up their animals till they gave birth in spring when the grasses were green again.  They relied on their cultured cheeses and butter over the winter. It's only in 'our' attempts to shortcut the process that we've messed with natures formula that has historically built some pretty strong individuals with the milk collected from animals.

So go to Wallgreens, take off your shirt, get a strip of three pictures taken and put them on line.  Next week,  after you've put on another ten pounds of MUSCLE, do the same at Wallgreens.    You appear most naive that even if you have put on ten pounds of muscle, that you know now the real truth about diet and health.  Let's just see what happens in the near future and not so near.  Oh, and how taking your blood sugar levels at regular intervals for this period of time.  For if you're right about all of this,   other world 'experts' will be knocking at your door for more information.  And you'll  be on your way to becoming famous.  Not that that would be what you'd want.  But probably would happen anyway.   Keep us posted.

General Discussion / Re: Cod
« on: January 14, 2010, 01:49:37 am »
freezing kills parasites.  Enjoy. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: January 13, 2010, 12:30:09 pm »
  AV almost 100 percent of the time looks at toxins as being the source of his clients problems and prescribes often very strict and hour by hour detailed instructions on how to heal and release toxins.  I don't have really an direct experience with  him, BUT, approaching health from the viewpoint of eliminating toxins can be a very addictive and lifelong process.  One that he makes his 'living' off of.  My only real hint here is that others here approach health by allowing the body to seek it's own balance by offering it a raw balanced fare, for eventually we all must find that for ourselves on a day to day basis. 

General Discussion / Re: Any way of knowing if my high meats gone bad?
« on: January 10, 2010, 04:17:24 am »
that's a good guess about respecting the smell of high meat.  But,   then there's durian, and it's smell, and the smell of parmesan cheese.  Both foods that wouldn't get most sick, well except for TD,lol, with the cheese.  I think it could have as much to do with acculteration.  For whiskey kills you more and more each time you drink it, and yet one has to get used to the taste and smell to indulge.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:57:44 am »
 some believe that we're here, our lifespan is determined by how much time is needed to effectively to create the next offspring.  With chimps, they probably mate earlier and are also prone to being eaten as they get older.  Hence genetically there bodies are eliminated after a certain point. Pure speculation

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:42:24 am »
look on the net under ferrier supplies.  You want a file that has the small many lined up grooves on a diagonal.  the file is over a foot long, get a good handle.  Keep it and the bone in the freezer between filings.  It takes me maybe 2-3 minutes for filing.  I only eat freshly filed.  It's easy.

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