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Messages - van

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Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: January 06, 2010, 04:15:59 am »
  Lex, sorry to hear that.  Isn't there an ultrasonic something or other that can 'blast' apart the stones.  I think I heard of someone using that technique once?  Best of luck

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Burning Protein/Flushing Amino
« on: January 06, 2010, 04:11:58 am »
too bad you didn't measure your blood sugar levels though out the day.  I would have loved to see the results.

Off Topic / Re: Sinister UK attempt to control our food-supply
« on: January 06, 2010, 04:08:15 am »
you can't fight belief systems, no one could have told me when I was a vegan.....   information or understanding turns things around.   Having said that,  I wonder, if one could find out what health conditions this guy in charge has and correspond with him directly.  A little wishful I'm sure, but possible.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: I don't get how fish works.
« on: January 06, 2010, 04:01:07 am »
fish that far north feed exclusively on a rich food chain starting from plankton growing on some of the most nutrient dense waters in the world.  Most fish in that region have high amounts of fat, and high amounts of omega 3's.  they also ate the entire fish; if you read where they eat them fermented or frozen like popsicles.

« on: January 05, 2010, 11:49:03 pm »
stops can go away by blending, freezing, heating, juicing, mixing and to some extent dehydrating.  A good share of Instincto Nutrition is based on stops.

General Discussion / Re: best places to find these nutrients?
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:46:14 am »
does anyone have any source to find the amount of mg. in blood?  I suspect you'll find it there.

Health / Re: Foot Fungus
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:54:39 am »
try washing with baking soda.  make paste and apply for a minute or two.  whatever is there won't be there for long. unless it's systemic...

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Liver?
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:51:40 am »
I agree about Norht star bison liver.   Simply leave it in the bag for  week in the fridge, then take it out and place it in a bowl in the fridge, turning it over every day or so.  It just gets better each day.  I don't like leaving food in sealed bags too long, for anerobic bacteria might be a problem. 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Alternating high and low carb
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:44:28 am »
You might like to ponder about;  if you're carbing up, then your also shutting down your ability to efficiently use fat as a fuel source.  This is not my direct experience, but from what I have gathered.  I can tell you for the last almost three years of near zc my ability to use fat as fuel increases consistently over time.   So when you write about getting enough protein.... it just makes me suspicious that you're not able to utilize the energy from fat or that you've neglected to eat enough fat?

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 03, 2010, 10:53:33 am »
I just had a long discussion with a woman I have been dating for a couple of months now.   She got rather stern with me and almost accused me of having an addiction, or at least stating that many or most people on 'unique' food quests are.  Her one point that stuck was that somewhere along the line that the person's innate guidance for balance got thrown off.  I have to agree in my case, for in high school I dieted for wrestling and continued for almost a year afterwards.  Then there's my dad who would buy up to 100 dollars of vitamins a week.  This was about 30 years ago, vit. prices were so low then.  I tried to tell her about how well I do with my diet, and also how I have this real fear of hospitals and doctors and will do anything to avoid the both.  And agreed that if there was an addiction it was out of this fear.  But also that I want to have another child, ride horses, mountain bike, snow ski with my daughter and be strong and active for a long while.  I did mention how if she would pay attention that women when they hit 40 (she's 31) go downhill real fast.  Even though she didn't blink, I think she already new this.  But for her, food IS one of her real passions. She loves to cook.   So, even though she listens, I think it barely sinks in.   And then I wonder why I chose her.  Well actually she chose me, another story,  But, there is this appreciation of having someone in my life like her that may help balance the equation, or bring me into a larger social circle and hence the opportunity to experience a greater variance of life....   Also I have never been involved with a lover without having an effect on their food choices.    And I tend to believe that setting an example is really the only way to teach.   
    Food is a biggy,  bigger than most will even be willing to look straight on into long enough to pierce even the thinnest skin.  So if there's any advice, if you think you really care for this guy,  stay conscious and accepting when he eats his peanut butter m&ms.   Probably the only way he'll be able to do the same when you eat that half living thing on your plate.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 29, 2009, 04:09:13 am »
I agree with the latest comment,  think the main point is that it's really hard not to let the mind jump in and intervene with the perpetual logic that something needs to be purchased to complete the detox, that there is a magic bullet out there.  The mind is pretty  tricky, real tricky

Primal Diet / Re: How important is coconut cream?
« on: December 29, 2009, 04:06:04 am »
there's a big big difference in the quality/freshness and fat content of coconuts.  As they mature, their fat content increases.  Young coconuts are almost an entire different specie.  When buying coconuts that have been shipped, my experience is that almost half of them are on their way out in terms of going moldy.  So, be picky and if experimenting,  use only the ones that taste really good and chuck the rest, or as I do give them to your chickens or some other bird in your neighborhood.

something to consider when pondering sleeping options is pressure points and body alignment.  for instance, too soft of a mattress and the spine and hips will be out of alignment. too hard and the body will be supported by few too many points to allow optimal blood flow and general body ease.  Body fat and muscle percentages has alot to do with how one may adopt to a hard sleeping surface.  Many newer designed beds work on the principle of a composite laying technique when the top surface is soft and cradling and the lower layers get progressively firmer to offer proper support or alignment. 

Personals / Re: i'll be in san diego january 5-8th
« on: December 28, 2009, 04:35:27 am »
  There is a whole foods there, and also  Jimbos, should do for a while.  I'm eating a whole foods NY steak,  which is really good.

sometimes 'we' really don't know what to reform to.  Just imagine is yours and my way of close to zc failed us today.....

GS,, I think the advice I'm writing here, you gave to someone previously.  that is, that your wife may want to eat one type of protein by itself.  Also you might share with her what she chooses, might help relieve some of the anxiety. 

A suggestion;  C.K.  how about asking 'them' first if they are a troll.  There next responses should tell you.  As regards ex vegan,  I could see how he or she would ask.  It is most interesting that Durian guy is winning and competing as much as he says.  I don't doubt that he'll blow out his adrenals-nervous system eventually.  It's pretty hard to always exercise right to the needed levels to balance blood sugar. 

« on: December 21, 2009, 10:47:54 am »
  I live where lyme disease is everywhere.   you can be sure that deer are heavily exposed to it.  My guess is the weak or those unable to defend against it die off and the strongest go on to breed.   My dogs have been bitten thousands of times, with no apparent symptoms.  they have always been raw, so I suppose somewhat protected.  But back to deer meat.  I would think it would have to have the spirokeets in the blood as they are probably attached onto up to 50 maybe even 100 times a day.  I have pulled up to 60 ticks off each of my dogs in heavy tick season.  They protect my goats on a wild hillside.  I like the advice GS gave, but even then adults can have much more active immunities than children.  I would try to learn more, and not just anectdotal stories.  Lymes is a nasty thing to have to deal with, and if your child is already in a weakened state, not sure where he is at right now, he might not have the resistance. 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Frequency of low carb meals?
« on: December 17, 2009, 10:20:09 am »
Thanks Lex, for I too, after all the reading I've done couldn't step in and answer her question.  It is rather fascinating sometimes when I look back or in the present and notice my energy levels stabilize from eating fat as fuel. 

Hot Topics / Re: Sous vide: recognition of dangers of high-heat cooking?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:57:46 am »
  HI,  you can hook up a reostat, like what's used with dimming lights to your slow cooker.  Not very difficult, just spice and rehook some wires with caps.  YOu can buy them at any hardware store.  I did it when I used to make yogurt.  You just play around with the settings with the cooker filled with water to you get the right temp.  Usually overnight per attempt. 

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: December 14, 2009, 01:43:37 am »
  Just a thought,  Nicola, maybe it's the chemicals in the water in the pool where you swim.  Have you ever noticed a correlation between swimming and watery stools.  Some people 'drink' more water when swimming than they now about.  Here in the US almost everyone uses Chlorine to disinfect pools.  You might be highly sensitive to it, and of course it could be disinfecting  your intestines.   Just a thought....

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 13, 2009, 07:30:49 am »
I tend to think the extra vit c from the limes helps with gums, but who knows?   As far as rotting teeth,  I swallow the small amount directly, and rinse immediately.  Small chance.  Basically it's more of an insurance method.  Vit c deteriorates quickly, I imagine even in meats.  Since I don't kill and eat right away, I figure it can't hurt.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 13, 2009, 01:37:06 am »
one, maybe two limes a day works for me without adding too much sugar to my diet.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello!
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:14:56 am »
 Hey Dwight,  how exciting it is for you to start eating right so young.  Looked briefly at the site,  simply stay with what tastes good from the grass fed offerings.  If convenient you might like to visit their facility.  Never know what you might learn.  Make sure you eat raw grass fed fat along with your meat.  If opposed to eating raw right away, you might try searing your meat for a few seconds on each side. A pan works fine for this.  If attempting raw, make sure it has sat out for a couple of hours to warm up.  Much more palatable that way.  Best of luck.

Hot Topics / Re: New Cordain Newsletter
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:22:36 am »
I wrote 'him' back and noted that as with almost all studies, that when adding more fruits and vegs. that unless the F and V were simply additive to an already existing diet, which I doubt they were, that they were in substitution to other foods.  That means it could be the foods that were now substituted for the F and V having been responsible just as much as the F and V causing the improvements.   
   It's rare that investigators consider the whole picture.  Usually when we do one thing, say exercise, we are also doing others, like eating less sugar, going to bed on time, etc...

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