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Messages - MrBBQ

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Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:24:03 am »
@Jessica: Int'resting ideas...I've been thinking about juicing organic lettuces with cucumber and celery, or some occasional cabbage, but I'm not sure how natural some of these items are regarding our true heritage (for instance, the original wild lettuce was a narcotic, which was bred otherwise for nutrition), plus cabbages are goitrogenic (depleting iodine uptake in the thyroid gland). Naturally, rotating the various items would be prudent (just as rotation of herbs).

Incidentally, on occasion, I've been steeping some mineralising herbs like nettle, dandelion, horsetail and others at warm temperatures, but you never know what your oxalate intake and other anti-nutrients becomes.

Potatoes?! Aren't these like one of the worst offenders on blood glucose given their mainly starchy/polysaccharide make up? In my opinion, starch is one of the tragedies of human history, even though it's a dense energy source. Aside from the great minerals, why would anyone recommend this high-glycotic-rate food? My mum used to like raw potatoes when she was peeling and chopping them for deep-fried chips (she knows better now!), but they were never to my taste...I'd be interested to know if you can educate me some more about the humble "spud" (as we call them), but I hold it partially responsible for the recent premature death of my diabetic, insulin-resistant grandmother (who I tried to educate aside from the men in white coats).

Squashes are also starchy, although I can enjoy courgettes/zucchini when I buy them.

Humans have tried to be clever over the millennia in breeding these sugars/starches into fruit/veg with a lower mineral content coresponding to less vital soils - it's not easy finding properly-ripened, low-sugar/acid stuff!

Maybe the hard deposits from the saliva are minerals that aren't bio-available or something...I think I noticed this same effect when I was buffering my acidic ferments/juices with ground rocks (I was using this cheap stuff called CalMag). Just a thought...(in other words, I was drinking high TDS fermented beverages!)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:30:29 pm »
Hey all,

I've been trying to heal my teeth (a la Weston Price proposition) on a raw diet over the last couple of years, although it's proved quite unsuccessful thus far (actually losing more enamel).

I realise that it's problematic for me to be raw zero-carb (which has been effective for others hoping to increase bone density and repair teeth), so I'm generally trying to include minimal carbs to keep me out of ketosis.

However, most of the raw carb choices are fruit and honey (overly-sweet and acidic), plus nuts seem to promote tooth decay (I've eliminated all nuts for the foreseeable future).

Has anyone noticed tooth healing with raw omni (with maybe 100g raw animal fats per day) and the inclusion of Green Pasture raw fermented cod liver oil, Green Pasture butter oil and maybe some supplementary D3 and 6-12 (very orange) egg yolks per week?

I realise that raw butter is not paleo and that some strains of raw grass-fed butter are more suitable than others (that is, from A2 milk instead of A1 milk), but it's meant to be high in K2, which is very beneficial for tooth healing and bone building.

I realise that zero-carbers don't need raw butter to strengthen bones/teeth, but currently my low carb trials do not seem to be having the "stop the rot" effect that I need to save my teeth (functionally and aesthetically).

Is it possible that I'm just being impatient and that my nutritional status will gradually improve after 6-12 months, or should I change my protocol to just having fruit every couple of days? Personally, I reckon that eliminating the nuts will help, although I do reckon that fruit has a negative impact on my teeth, even in small quantities.

Does anyone alternate daily between honey and fruit, or anything else carby? I do secure possibly the finest honeycomb in my locality, which I could eat regularly in small amounts, but I like the idea of enjoying some vitamin C intake too. I've also been enjoying bee pollen from the same source, which I really enjoy.

I know that you (my good contemporaries) will have some useful guidelines for me, so here I am putting my enquiry into the ether...



Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 31, 2009, 06:19:41 am »
I don't really have any direct knowledge about most things - I'm merely repeating/synthesising from stuff I've read, hence my motto efficacy rules!

Yeah, you must've read it elsewhere in another thread because I have written it down (merely because I'm often appealing for someone to enlighten me about my naivety!).

Personally, I like the simplified description on Wikipedia (, which is where I obtained some of my knowledge - not that it's the most authoritative source.

Simplisitically, I read that minerals in non-ionic (colloidal) form are more taxing to uptake/digest, so they're less bioavailable and to some extent become taxing to the kidneys and find themselves deposited throughout the organism (or raw materials for nanobacteria!).

I have never looked at studies or peer-reviewed journals (or done the pathology/histology myself), so I can't say that what I relate is completely factual - it's just what I've read from various sources that seem well-intended and non-profitable.

Another thing I said is that I'd read about cultures exhibiting longevity while consuming high TDS water, so unless you're experiencing any health challenge, you may continue (although you can consider alternative perspectives/practices for your own experimentation).

Previously, I would just fill a few jugs of tap water and let them sit on the counter overnight.

Typically now, I'll cook/distill a few litres at a time and the boiler chamber is generally encrusted with a lot of white/brown ground minerals within only a single batch, leaving a very crystal clear water...

I might cut out the celtic sea salt for a bit and just use these concentrated de-salinated ionic drops that I have - see if I feel any different with the reduced sodium intake (although I like the chloride for my stomach acid). I'm glad that we had this discussion now...

I think I read somewhere that because of the presence of the right ratio of magnesium in the salt, the sodium is excreted without any taxation/expenditure of minerals/water from the body.

I reckon you're pretty fortunate to have a natural well, rather than treated water+chlorine (and no plastic bottle in between).

Also, wasn't traditional salt one of the only cargo that was selectively imported (traded) into self-sustaining populations, even though it's reputably non-paleo (however useful to the organism)? After all, in their right ratios (that is, forming the substrate of life-supporting oceans), they are simply trace ions that we happen to have in our bodily fluids...

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 31, 2009, 04:38:47 am »
Why let anything bother you, hehe?! ;-))

Sun-dried ocean salts with their full complement of charged trace minerals, charged potassium-balanced sodium chloride and organic lifeforms aren't the same as rocks dissolved in rainwater runoff. Magnesium in sun-dried, hand-harvested (well, by wooden rakes) salt is particularly important in the ratios (not present in crystal salt).

Ocean water minerals are dissolved ions, whereas fresh water minerals are less so - hence the freshness! Of course, our kidneys cannot deal with so much sodium that we can survive drinking pure sea water, but mixing with a ratio of fresh/pure H2O assists with this little caveat (without the dissolved rocks).

It's the same reason that these salts from long-past inland seas (e.g. pink Himalayan rock salt) represent a danger to life - because they're rocks that've long crystallised out of substrate, losing much of their trace mineral balance and content of organic life...

By all means, add ground up rocks to your organic garden, but not to your water - hence the point about high TDS water presenting an excretion/deposition burden. Animals can't get their minerals from rocks - only from ions (charged particles), which are provided by consuming flora/fauna in various forms (yum!).

Maybe there is some contamination from runoff water at certain points in the ocean (e.g. near estuary), but that's not considered here!

Also, there's this recent point about nanobacteria, which use this kind of inorganic mineral to build their encapsulating bodies/shells and ultimately turn us to stone from the inside out (e.g. vascular calcification) - int'resting, to say the least...

Anyway, at least that's what's supposed, but I can't give references to studies etc.

Just stay away from the rocky, dry white/pink stuff...and high TDS water (or maybe not - just enjoy what works for you - efficacy rules!).

For now, I'm sticking with the H2O+ions+structure, although I may experiment with moderate TDS spring water, if I can find a source that delivers in glass bottles. Most plastics turn out to be harmful on an everyday basis (a la endocrine disruption), but of course, personal efficacy rules!

By the way, where's the water thread - I'd like to read it...



Off Topic / Re: Political Spectrum Poll
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:52:27 am »
Haha, cool - many potential inclinations!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:43:05 am »
There's a difference between the minerals from rocks (inorganic) and minerals from living colloids/substrates (organic - ocean water, fruit/plant juices etc.), as you rightly assert goodsamaritan. However, I don't have enough coconut water laying around, nor enough heirloom/organic, juicy, low-glycaemic fruits that won't unbalance my blood sugar or mouth acidity. Above all, I got into this sordid affair to save my gradually dissolving tooth enamel (a saga that begun a decade ago, which presently continues with the same vigour!).

With unripe and hybridised fruits, it's impossible to avoid excessive organic acids/sugars, plus I don't have my seasonal heirloom fruit-growing operation online yet. ;-))

One of the best ways to rehydrate is to consume one's own urine, but I realise that's a taboo practice not to be advocated around here (open minds, of course). Urine is structured and has its complement of anions/cations!

Many people say that the kidneys are efficient with no unnecessary net mineral loss with fluid intake, yet I'd be willing to bet that if you simply fasted on distilled water, a TDS meter of the urine would confirm loss of dissolved solids each and every time - hence the need to add back some bioavailable ionic minerals and bring a little structure...

Anyway, back to the topic...

I read that any water heated above ~70 degrees celsius / ~160 degrees fahrenheit invokes leukocytosis (cooked water like cooked food!), even when it's subsequently cooled - this is absolutely the case with boiled-condensed (i.e. distilled) water. I reason that this is down to the loss of natural structure, plus there are virtually no anions/cations in the water, so it almost tastes caustic (my pH meter says it's ph 9-10, which I find a little weird). If my taste buds don't trust something, I don't...

So what's my strategy to avoid both the murky contents of plastic-bottled spring water and cooked TDS-skeletonised, unstructured distilled municipal water?

I drip the water straight into a vessel with a layer of sun-dried ocean water in the bottom, surrounded by piezoelectric quartz, thereby dissolving ionic (very bioavailable and no net effect on kidneys) minerals from the word go as well as bringing natural structure back to the water (apparently!).

Very high TDS water is a burden on the kidneys because the dissolved minerals are not bioavailable, so they're only good for excretion, or worse still, for deposition in joints/organs etc.

Personally, if I lived close to a spring and that water didn't taste too "hard", I'd collect the water in glass bottles every week/month, but I don't have the facility. Saying that, apparently, some stories report that cultures did very well (longevity-wise) on both low and high TDS water, so this net load must be natural/normal for a fully evolved double set of kidneys.

I might return to trying local spring water (Buxton in my case, which is the closest with moderate TDS) as an experiment to see if my thirst is better quenched than the mild coconut-saline cocktail I'm drinking, although I still subscribe to this idea of dead/stagnant and living water, whereby some people are running their water through a vortex to emulate nature's water courses. I do find it disgusting and exclusive though that the charge is so much for something that naturally comes out of the ground and ultimately destroys the environment with its packaging/distribution - sacrilegious rape!

I might find a way to start collecting/filtering rainwater, considering the high rainfall around my parts...

By the way, I'm merely vocalising what's in my head as a means for constructive thrashing, rather than antagonistic chant-downs - in that vain, I like what you've been suggesting and of course, I'm learning every day...

It would be int'resting to know whether the aboriginals drank much locally-harvested spring water, or obtained hydration from fruits, given the latitude - then again, today's fruits and today's bottled spring water are far from anything akin to our genome's original habitat...Not that I'm survivalistic or anything...

I will try to keep the lymph circulation around my kidneys moving, drink some chanca piedra and other diuretic teas, as well as some cucumber+lemon juice and maybe things will subside in the absence of that cheap&nasty cinnamon equivalent.

Thanks again my good contemporaries. ;-))



Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 30, 2009, 08:09:52 pm »
Hey goodsamaritan,

Do you reckon it's a good idea to drink water without any dissolved minerals? I realise that rainwater has very low TDS, but I've read from many schools that it's not good practice to drink 0 TDS (artificial) water, which is the reason that I add some TDS back with electrically intact salts. What's your thoughts?

Nevertheless, I agree with the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle. The optimal diet reference is also a useful link (even though it's not raw paleo), thanks.



Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:55:31 pm »
Hey Jessica,

You're right because I've just bought some genuine ceylon cinnamon from a trusted wholefoods supplier and it was really different to the previous supply that I'd been using up until yesterday. I'll go easy on the cinnamon anyway forthwith, although I do like its flavour and as you rightly asserted, the cassia bark is the problematic product (high in coumarin).



Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 30, 2009, 08:06:36 am »
Hey goodsamaritan,

Thanks for the great advice.

My fruits are just the non-exotic, low-glycotic-rate ones - berries, freshly-squeezed lemon/lime juice blended with its fibre/pectin, mature coconut meat, avocado, occasional apples from my parents' trees and whatever else I can find organic in my favourite fruit shop across town. Sometimes I eat half a mango or papaya with berries for some variation, but that's maybe twice per moon.

Very astute question to ask about the water...

I distill my water, which drips into a large vessel containing celtic/sun-dried sea salt and some large quartz crystals. I then usually add some blended coconut water+pulp for extra minerals along with different ionic minerals that I'm experimenting with.

Ultimately, I remove all of the total dissolved solids from the municipal water (humans can't be mineralised by dissolved rocks), add back my own ionic minerals with moist sea salt and then structure the water with quartz crystals. I can't say that the celtic salt from today's oceans is totally without impurities, but I accept its most valuable ionic minerals nevertheless.

I've also been considering a way to infuse water with blended sea vegetables (for even more minerals), but that's another elaboration - a little bit like the method of preparing irish sea moss.

I highly suspect the cinnamon as the causal basis for my bilateral kidney pains, especially considering that I've only just started including it and I was also ingesting coumarin from turmeric tincture as part of a liver flush preparation (which never affected me in the past). Typically, moderation is the key, especially with something as spicy/potent as cinnamon. I'm just too bloody excessive with things sometimes - reminds me of Patrick Timpone's deprecated motto "if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing (drum hit!)"...

Having said that, I was also experimenting recently with toning down the acidity of my lemon/lime juices with a teaspoon of french green clay and a capsule of shilajit (also for some extra minerals). I don't actually know how bioavailable the minerals in that kind of sun-dried clay are to humans, but it seems the minerals are pretty bioavailable. I've also heard of a few other RPDers including clay as a source of minerals for tooth healing (along with the bone meal), aside from the apparently small requirement for minerals alongside meats+fats+organs.

I like lemon/lime juice (with its fibre), which does not spike my blood sugar, plus it's nice and sour (although I usually rinse my mouth after drinking it through a straw). Maybe grapefruit is also a good choice, but I don't find the organic incarnations too often...

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: December 30, 2009, 05:26:36 am »
Hey Tyler,

Thanks for the quick response, which is appreciated.

I will try to greatly simplify my raw omni diet and continue with the same moderate meat+fat quantity - sometimes it's easy to overlook the finer inclusions and I've just read that cinnamon can affect the kidneys due to both its moderate oxalate content, coupled with its coumarin content, which is a liver/kidney toxin in significant amounts. I have (recently) regularly been sprinkling cinnamon on my fruit, which is something I didn't mention. I read that cinnamon has the effect of regulating blood sugar (e.g. post-prandial) and blood lipids, so I was including small amounts, although I usually wasn't careful to measure how much (sometimes maybe a full heaped teaspoon).

In any case, if it transpires (after exclusion) that it is the cinnamon that's causing some pain (hopefully it will subside - argh!), I will be somewhat the wiser.

I seem to have the ability of walking blindly into these overdosing scenarios and paying heavy prices.  :'( Woe is me, hehe...

Thanks again.  ;)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Kidney Stress
« on: December 30, 2009, 02:18:20 am »
Hey all,

I've been a way for some time again due to travelling and family events, although I've been managing to carefully maintain my raw, low-carb omnivorous eating style amongst the onslaught of invitations to eat of the fire that burns...

Well, in the last month, I noticed dark circles under my eyes (I eliminated them years ago with raw veganism), which could've been a number of things, including overtaxed kidneys according to some traditional medicine.

The point is now that I have pain/burning proximal to both kidneys (bilateral, posterior, low abdominal pain), which is disquieting. I find these two manifestations to be more-than-coincidental (dark circles, kidney pain) and I'm searching some of the online literature/anecdotes for a clue about the appropriate next step.

Has anyone transitioning to RAF from medium-term raw vegan experienced a kidney challenge?

Just out of curiosity, I've been checking the pH of my morning urine (not sure how this may be relevant), which has been between 3.5-4.0 - quite acidic.

Currently, I've just been eating 200g fatty meat + 100g fat (all grass-fed) each day, along with some berries, avocado, coconut meat etc. and plenty of water (2-3 litres).

Is it possible that the change to meat+fat is eroding some kind of oxalate precipitation in the kidneys, which is working loose, or otherwise buildup/precipitation of uric acid crystals?

I read about Lex passing some stones recently, which may have been oxalate-based (eroded over some time on ZC), so I'm wondering if my enquiry is particularly relevant.

I'm confused because Tyler said to me in a recent post that nobody here had experienced renal/kidney problems, yet here I am after only a few months on raw meat+fat with renal pain (not superficial either - the first thing that I notice when I awaken in the morning).

If anyone has any constructive commentary about this phenomenon, I would greatly appreciate their contribution, thanks.



Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:36:29 am »
Having a mental position to defend (that of the ego) arises from a false sense of self (as divided from everything else) - namely, the ego's perpetuation either from pleasure or pain. The ego as a pathological entity in evolving consciousness feeds either on pleasure or pain - ultimately division/conflict. Transcend the ego and realise that it's not you - the true self is the quieter voice, which you can allow to arise simply by observing the ego's monologues/dialogues/trialogues in a non-judgemental manner (that way, you're observing as a separate consciousness to the ego modality).

The ego dies when there is no conflict/division, so as soon as there is no mental position to defend, the true consciousness has become manifest (transcending the ego, or the "little me").

Where ego consciousness takes offence (seeks further conflict), the transcended consciousness merely laughs (of course, there could be no other reaction).

With this kind of evolved consciousness, actions like "taking offence" become completely futile and ultimately constitute a resistance of reality as it unfolds/manifests. Better to be the playful consciousness, like most children up to a certain age ('til the point of becoming jaded)...

Health / Re: RAF and pH levels
« on: December 07, 2009, 08:58:26 pm »
If it's any consolation, I'm currently engaged in the same wonderment...

My urine is often really yellow and meagre (with 300-400g meat+100-200g fat), unless I'm drinking plenty of distilled water-based electrolyte beverages all day. Maybe it's tough on the kidneys to keep the blood balanced, I'm not sure...It currently doesn't seem optimal for me either...

Strangely enough, whenever I've tested the pH of my distilled water with a pH meter that's supposed to be calibrated, whereby the water has been dripped into a container holding quartz crystals, the pH reading is 8-9...Weird...

Don't be adding too many cations (or whatever - hydrogen ions) to your water - it'll be caustic and damage your oesophagus, hehe!

How much meat/fat are you eating? I'm considering halving my intake and gauging the result...Maybe some omnivores lean (pardon the pun) to the vegan side...

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 06, 2009, 08:08:49 am »
Hehe, am I not the master of my own journal?! (long live long posts!) Just kidding, I'll moderate my posts a little in future...

I'm not transitioning from cooked to raw - I'm transitioning from exclusively raw vegan who initially went through a period of heavy detoxification and then was never unbalanced/ill, which means never experiencing cold/flu-like symptoms. Currently, I have the symptoms of a "cold", which implies to me that there's some immuno-compromise since changing to RVAF - hence my question, did anyone experience immuno-compromisation when transitioning from a typical short-medium term raw vegan (2 years) to primarily raw animal food.

I asked about the pig forage already and was told that they were mainly in the woodland (birch trees) and pastures, although their diet was supplemented with arbitrary things like potato peelings and some minimal cereals. I could see the pigs in the fields and there're pictures around the farm shop of the pigs in the woods. My plan was certainly never to form a staple from pork, although I did enjoy it seared for my brunch, which I easily may repeat...

The British Isles is undoubtedly very green on account of its weather, which I appreciate to the extent that I'm regularly in nature (hence the MTBing to the office off-road), although my contrast was to that of my warm, well-established cave, which I'm oft loathe to leave! ;-)) I also love the warmer climes, but admittedly, it's refreshing to return to the rain, mist and blustery winds!

Haha, I loved pictures of those neck rings on women - fascinating cultural practices. Funnily enough however, those savages had a much more harmonious/intuitive relationship with their ecosystems - quite unlike Western civilisation's (if you can call it that) barely reconcilable self-injurious, capitalistic/materialistic presence (someone said "like a loaded gun pointed at the head of the Earth").

Must fly - witching hour has begun...

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 06, 2009, 05:32:02 am »
Hehe, liars seems pretty damning...;-))

I agree, it's the incarnation of idealism as its sadistic half-wit self - driving people down a very slippery slope into simply another eating disorder. Of course, if there's a void to be filled, people will fill it...

I just can't understand why vegetarianism is so self-perpetuating (or other pseudo-ethical/spiritual movements for that matter), given its undermining effect on human health. As goodsamaritan says, everyone eventually hits the wall - better sooner-realised rather than later...(of course, there's the "don't knock it 'til you've tried it principle"!)

Nevertheless, I did learn some valuable memes from the raw vegan community - namely, try not to use excess thermodynamics, especially around certain fatty acid chains!

Also, it makes one confounding of this generally over-emphasised ethic that creating pastures destroys forest (likewise monocrop fields!), which interrupts the hydrological cycle, thereby driving water away (no shade) and stifling biodiversity (not to mention the argument about excess methane gases!).

Efficacy rules (let that be recorded for all time)...Nobody has all the answers, except maybe the innate (very quiet) wisdom somewhere coded covertly in our epigenetics/memetics, which this community is potentially manifesting through its experiential knowledgebase (I know it's the reason that I gladly began eating raw meat).

It seems to me like the cooked meat vs raw meat efficacy is something bordering on the truest dichotomy at our culture's core.

Going back to the innate voice thing, it reminds me of how the Amazonian shamans simply intuited (apparently direction from the plants' consciousness(es) themselves/itself) which plants (and plant parts) to combine (from tens of thousands of plant species) to subtly pharmacologically produce an orally active form of complexed DMT/MAOI for their psychedelic rituals (some may speculate trial and error, or copying animals, which is very unlikely). It really testifies to the epigenetics/memetics that's coded somewhere deep within/without...

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:33:03 am »
I've just watched this multi-part raw vs cooked debate: (part 1 of ...)

I'd been searching for Susun Weed content, mainly because I'd just caught an interview with her on Patrick Timpone's One Radio Network podcasts and found her to be quite charming, albeit somewhat over-animated (like a witch in a Disney film or something).

It would've been nice to see a counter-argument from a RAFer, who I'm sure would've looked less bedraggled than the raw vegan lady.

Incidentally, I wonder if anyone has any critique on the apparently healthy raw vegans David Wolfe, David Jubb (allegedly more breatharian) and the rather scornful Brian Clement...(amongst others) I find all of these to be very much less-than-placid and markedly over-animated, which some probably translate as healthful, but I reserve judgement.

Also, I didn't really think that Aajonus Vonderplanitz ever looked that youthful/well-preserved, by comparison, considering he's a RVAFer.

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 05, 2009, 11:30:46 pm »
Int'resting comments, thanks (really appreciate the time/consideration that people take/make).

It's strange because I'm sat here replying with a runny nose and a sinus-related headache, which is something that I've not experienced in years since being a raw vegan. Was anyone else immuno-suppressed/weakened while initially transitioning to RAF? I'm wondering how beneficial RAF is, given the initial effects I'm experiencing (heart racing/aching, slow bowel, weakened immunity, dark circles). Conversely, I'm considering that the "cold" symptoms are RAF-related/seasonal detoxification.

On the matter of Shivambu Shastra, I'd drink my own urine throughout the day if it wasn't so unacceptable/inconvenient at my workplace. I tried just a drop in water initially and gradually increased the amount (also tried homeopathic multiple dilutions in the beginning) until I was drinking a full glass. I noticed very pronounced detoxification effects in the first couple of weeks, with a sense of wellbeing thereafter. Urine is filtered blood (plasma ultrafiltrate), so it's mainly well-structured water+salts+urea including the de-fibrinolytic enzyme urokinase, plus possibly some HGH (human growth hormone) from the night's repairs or post-workout (and more, including those substances enumerated previously - so kind).

There is no logical "need" to consume my own blood product, but I simply intuit it whenever it's appropriate. Do you know about the theories of homeopathy/isopathy? Quite int'resting methinks (and a testament to the structure potential of water).

My other question would be - why not recycle these almost haphazardly-dumped urine-dissolved nutrients? Maybe the kidneys are not so discriminate in their electrolyte/fluid balancing, detoxing discretion. What says you?

Typically, all of my water for consumption is distilled/evaporated (like rainwater), carbon-filtered and then remineralised/restructured (with salts and piezoelectric quartz), so I don't consume chlorine in that way, although I use the showers at my workplace after biking there in a morning, so ultimately, I'm bathing in chlorinated water and effectively breathing the outgassed chlorine in the steam. Chlorine impacts the body ecology (which is significant, considering we're more foreign DNA than native DNA), so avoidance is best wherever practicable. Funnily enough, I love to swim but I can't find any natural lakes (or a nearby ocean/cost) where I could swim without "disinfecting" myself!

Previously as a raw vegan, I had no real body odour, even when consuming onions and garlic, so I could've gotten away with showering at home, where I might have a chlorine filter, although as a RAFer, I really have a very pronounced body odour (like sugary fried beefburger+onions!). This is another aspect I wonder about concerning RAF, because before as a raw vegan, I could wear my clothes without constantly having to wash the stink off them all of the time.

I recently went to my local general practitioner (doctor), which is state-funded in England and asked for that 25-dehydroxycholecalciferol test (given the compromise of my tooth enamel), but the result came back as simply "not deficient" instead of a mg/dl reading -very typical covert finding! I've seen the home test kits, but figured it would be appropriate to take 5000IU during the winter, given that my sun exposure is minimal (office worker with rigid work/break schedule, and less-than-understanding management culture - yes, I should leave but the labour market is tricky in my region for IT professionals and I'm currently renovating my house).

Also, I might put forth the incidental fact that I measure out 2ml of F-CLO each day with one of my meals (along with the centrifuge-span raw grass-fed butter oil), as well as maybe a couple of tablespoons of lacto-fermented land-animal liver (rich in the carotenoid vitamin A1/retinol, but not D3/cholecalciferol). I'm speculating that maybe the D3 hit brings some more balance to the land liver, hence affording me the opportunity to have it nicely complemented on a regular basis for facilitating tooth healing.

It's well-established that photosynthesis of vitamin D3 from cholesterol is diminished during the months around the winter solstice (where shadow is longer than top-to-toe), so I find it prudent to address that somehow in the absence of vitamin D-rich food (I don't eat fish eggs or fish at the moment).

I read that lard (rendered pork fat) is rich in vitamin D if the pigs have had great exposure during whichever seasons, so I'd like to ask if anyone secures a fair amount of pork fat for mincing or whatever as a vitamin D source?

Going back to the tooth healing (I've heard a few mention it around here), some of the WAPF-types (like on the comments posted in response to various articles) mention that after consuming a glut of raw milk and bone broths, along with F-CLO+butter oil, their dental fillings literally start popping out, whereby the tooth dentine is remineralising/glazing itself from within. Has anyone had this experience on any paleo protocol, or is it simply sensationalised story-embroidery? I also read this kind of thing (chipped teeth completely reforming) on raw vegan forums and I couldn't help thinking it was in the foodlement-promoting culture.

Although I insist on wholefood-complexed supplements (foodlements), I tried (in desperation) experimenting supplementation with pharmaceutically-produced vitamin K2 (menaquinone) and it transpired that the dose of each capsule was really high (I think the brand is banned from market now), which seemed to precipitate in cerebral hypoxia (oxygen starvation to the brain tissues) after only a few days of taking it (the dose was 5mg, instead of a more normal 1mg, so I should've taken one per week, or at least emptied and weight-divided the capsule contents). Retrospectively, it was an unusual mindset to engage in that practice, for which I've forgiven myself, but it left me with a slight motor disturbance (tremor) and cognitive insufficiency (brain fog), from which I've not completely recovered. As soon as I realised that my blood coagulation (where K2 is implicated) may have been affected, I administered wholefood B3/niacin (e.g. cayenne pepper), garlic, onion, shivambu shastra, natto, ginkgo etc. to try and get the blood moving. Funnily enough, I visited the emergency room (we call it A&E) and they tested my oxygen saturation, which was 95%, where that's the very bottom end of the scale (ideally should be 99%). The moral of the story is, don't ingest man-made/uncomplexed molecules (that's the 20/20 hindsight!).


My body really can't seem to take excess fat, whenever it's not burned in my energy cycle. Once again, I've experienced rapid heart rate and chest ache at an unwelcome time (sometimes, I wake up with it during the night as well). I've heard/read Lex mention that this subsides after months (the cardiovascular system somehow coming to terms with high fat consumption -> fatty blood) but I wonder about the organ/circulatory strain, mainly because it's totally unnatural to have a racing heart at rest.

I was hoping to fast on fluids and herbal teas today, given my seasonal detox symptoms, but frankly, I felt/intuited the need for some substantial nourishment...

So, today, I began my foray into raw pork after buying a pork fillet at my local farm shop (from free-range Tamworth pigs), which I've thinly carved into slices and seared for 15 seconds each side. Usually, if I'm going to try something, which may involve a little cheating (or at least I fancy cheating), I do it on the weekend, so it's psychologically outside the staples (habit-forming) category. I also complemented the dish with some lightly poached egg whites and raw yolks, although cooked egg whites are a re-tangled/coagulated protein, so they're a rarity (still appealing to my umami-love along with the soft yolks though!). Best to be relaxed about things, especially when you're trying something new like raw/semi-raw pork (hence the nod to the traditional cooked English breakfast, albeit without a grilled/chopped tomato etc.). I thoroughly enjoyed the seared pork, so I'll gradually transition that to raw. My favourite farm girl told me that the pork is always very fresh and the animals are extremely healthy with their woodland and open forage, so I'm happy to include that as a raw staple.

On the matter of cheating, I'll also sometimes have a nut milk (very few nuts like macadamia, pecan, hazel) with a cold-brewed (low-caffeine) organic coffee base mixed with raw cocoa+carob and a little cold-pressed local+biodynamic honey (strictly only containing monosaccharides). I'm completely anti-caffeine (typically drink only overnight herbal infusions like nettle, red clover, dandelion leaf etc.), although I occasionally enjoy this beverage as an exceptional non-paleo divergence back into the zeitgeist. Apparently, the theobromine in the cocoa re-balances the metabolic impact of caffeine (they're both xanthines), so with only cold-brewed coffee, the jitter never happens. Like I said, this is an exception, not a staple.

Returning to the weather, it's often rainy/drizzly, cold, windy and grey outside in England, so there's little incentive to even open the curtains, nevermind stepping out during the winter. I'm not afraid of these conditions because I cycle to work in all weather, but given the opportunity of retreating to a warm, sheltered "cave" with lots of nice food/beverages, and the serenity of my own space (I live alone), that is where I dwell. I'm not the type to walk around naked in my house, but my property has very large windows, whereby nosey people are always looking in, so I often keep the blinds/curtains closed. Also, many of my non-paleo but boho friends favour the indoors for self-abuse (smoking, drinking etc.), so that culture prevails (I don't drink, nor do I actively/passively smoke, considering that I only meet them in public places where smoking indoors is prohibited, thankfully!).

Does anyone here from the UK know a good source for healthier, traditional, unpasteurised beer? I have real/pale ale pubs in my locality, as well as international pubs, but I can never identify what's pasteurised/processed or otherwise...(sometimes I'll do the ethanol thing intermittently in social scenarios - like drinking wine on a date, for instance).

Maybe I should volunteer for some humanitarian work in a more equatorial clime, but I'm not a very forceful person when it comes to moving out of my comfort zone (I'm just a homebod!), so catalytic happenings are sometimes the only means for major personal shifts. Notwithstanding, I have a great capacity for introvert activity like exploring the various spiritual dimensions, psychedelic/ethnobotanical shamanism, nutritional experimentation/health activism and engaging my wider communities of friends (like Terence McKenna once quoted someone saying "find the others", whereby the Internet provides a means by which we can find those with which we have a true kinship, who we would never otherwise encounter in our daily footwork/headwork (maybe just through literature in the past). If one is a subversive individual (true rebels always walk alone), not necessarily accepting the norms of one's cultural/social nomenclature (e.g. relying on dentists for tooth health!), forum technologies facilitate the nexus for perpetuating one's almost innately-natural course (and giving hindsight). I know that certainly, none of my friends or family are practicing these marginalised, yet effective/self-sufficient lifestyles. Thankfully, I like to dispose of political correctness at each and every opportunity!

What's everyone think about the archaic practice of self-mutilation, as demonstrated by tribal cultures on every continent? I personally have no markings, piercings or insertions (hehe!), plus I've retained my foreskin(!), but I just wondered how everyone reconciled it with early/late paleolithic lifestyle intent...I trust that nobody collects the scalps of their opposing tribesmen! ;-))

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 04, 2009, 03:31:05 am »
There've been few saccharides in my daily dose t'day and I've found two plates of meat+fat+marrow to be nicely satiating (roughly 400g fatty meat and 100g brisket fat), although I've eaten a couple of avocados, mainly because they were softening.

I took the afternoon off work and purposely had left my pre-prepared dishes at home, knowing that I would be home by ~13:00 (especially given that it's a 10k off-road bike round trip, where I try to minimise load). I ate the first plate at ~14:00 and the second plate at ~17:00. Otherwise, I simply sipped herbal teas and raw coconut juice (topped up with distilled, re-mineralised water) throughout the morning (no breakfast) and afternoon. I've also had a few teaspoons of coconut butter, palm oil and palm kernel oil, as well as some fresh bee pollen and lecithin.

I'm wondering to myself if anyone else ever drinks while eating, or waits maybe until an hour later. Typically, I avoid drinking around a meal.

My resting heart rate is currently 70-80bpm, which doesn't seem particularly elevated. My digestion is effortless, with the exception of the sensation up my right shoulder blade whenever I'm consuming fats (or anything that invokes biliary activity like liquorice tea or some kind of bitter). The weird sensation (along the liver/GB meridian line) started following my 10th biliary flush, whereby a considerable quantity of stones and sludge were passed, allowing more upstream debris to shuffle from its residence into a new, less-accommodating space (I've done subsequent flushes and the sensation is diminishing with each productive flush).

I'm consuming tinctures (ethanolic extractions) of gold coin grass (from TCM) and bupleurum in the mornings, followed by turmeric and bupleurum in the evenings (when the stomach is empty). My long term plan is to completely dredge all debris from the biliary system, facilitating optimal uptake of my prized/sacred/ancient raw nutrition, of which I should require less.

I'm also int'rested in colonising my gut with a more paleolithic biodiversity of organisms, which means minimal exposure to surgically sterilising agents (in my house, car etc.), although I do use eco-detergent to wash pots/pans. I can't really escape chlorinated water, so I embrace it where necessary (handwash basins, showers etc.). I've read something about these mineral deposits spewed out of rock faces, which sound interesting (a source of minerals, fulvic/humic acid, rich diversities of probiotics etc.), although I tried to order some via eBay from this tricky company in Belgium and it never arrived. I bought some shilajit capsules from this online Ayurveda shop, but I didn't really notice much effect.

I'm wondering if anyone uses these sun-dried clays, with complexed bio-available minerals (for mineralising, as well as detoxification)?

Typically, when I wake up, I piss my midstream into a glass and drink it (shivambu shastra), although I didn't this morning because I arose a little earlier (05:30) and wanted to rest longer back in bed without having to fetch a glass from downstairs (I don't bother to pre-organise one!). I'm interested in the notion of rightly-stimulated healing - in this case, the consumption of a so-called waste product (plasma ultrafiltrate), so I engage in the practice. Maybe there's some concentration of HGH in there from the night's repairs (particularly with a sufficient dive into delta-nowhere-land and various dreamscapes), I don't know...

Is anyone here a so-called lucid dreamer?

Currently, I'm paying £7/kg chuck and £12/kg rump, with free brisket fat and marrow bone(s). I spend roughly £5 on fuel to fetch the meat, so my weekly spend with various extra cuts and chicken eggs approaches £40.

I've just opened a new bottle of the "cinnamon tingle" F-CLO and the taste seems much nicer than the last bottle (I've noticed that stevia is on the list of ingredients). I'd recommend this flavour over the others, although, of course, it's a matter of taste. I've not tried the gels...

I'm also popping 5000IU of vitamin D3/cholecalciferol from UVB-irradiated lambs wool (lanolin) during the dull winter season.

'til the next time...

Journals / Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:15:09 am »
Well, school's closed today, so I thought I'd begin my foray into journalistic anthropocentricity.

Nature proving to be the chief undertaker, I'm int'rested in the various schools of naturalism as far as I can be self-sufficient and altruistic without proving to be oppressive to my kinfolk.

My burgeoning dietary funk has brought me to this compassionate nexus of the paleorati, for which I'm thankful...;-)) Actually really thankful...(thank you for having me!)

It's actually one of the best communities I've been a party to, which is a strong testament to the original paleolithic mindset (orgiastic!).


Most of my youth was misspent, although instead of dying young, I decided to explore the possibility that most people are digging their own grave with their teeth and various less-than-benign pharma-peddling industrial complexes are profiting somehow. Misinformation abounds, even in the counter-counter communities...

I seem to have an (accultured from the womb?) affinity for the sweet and the sour, so as a long-term citrus junkie, my tooth enamel has been subjected to some demineralisation and as a family member who faithfully trimmed the fat off his meat and passed it on, I could imagine that the combination of sugary-acid payloads and lack of fats has severely diminished my dental sufficiency. Ignorance was not so!

Nevertheless, in my stumbling, meandering manner, I happened upon the work of Weston A. Price, which proved to be a revelation of sorts - something that I did not value highly enough at the time, given the advocation of dairy, which I had long been avoiding. I was also not much of a cook, so I couldn't imagine boiling bones, plus I knew that most cod liver oil was already rancid and heat processed. In a twist of madness, I happened upon the raw plant-based community with its anecdotes of tooth healing and the power of greens etc. (hehe), which ushered in a retrospectively futile two year pursuit of the hallmarks of healing. I'd read about the raw paleolithic approach almost at the beginning, but concluded immediately that it was impracticable (what, meat, raw?!).

Although I've disposed of the temporal dimension in my realisation of the intensity of the here and now (which is all we have), I'm beginning this chronicle as a means to facilitate my recollection of experientially-realised states of health-reclamation - something that I've not necessarily fully realised thus far (and wouldn't necessarily expect to either!). Damned if I do, damned if I don't!

My staples are currently raw grass-fed rump/chuck steak, lamb chops, brisket fat, creamy marrow fat, lamb's/cow's liver and other select cuts when I feel the urge. I like to lacto-ferment my liver in sparkling water kefir, so it usually has a fizzy tingle (maybe my teeth are affected by that though). I consume F-CLO, raw butter oil and krill oil, along with sporadic GLA oils etc. I enjoy odd fruits including cucumber, avocado, coconuts and various berries (sometimes half a mango or papaya, if I feel like it).

I continue to attempt to transition to RZC as a means for healing my teeth, which are compromised to the extent that anything other than meat/fat feels like it's penetrating the dentine and irritating the nerve tissue. However, since maturing into RVAF, I've noticed a strengthening of feeling in the teeth, as if the roots are held in tighter or something.

I respect circadian rhythms and it's ~22:00 here, so I'm ascending to my darkened, electrically-silent room for the matter of deep, deep sleep (sleeping with no clothes seems to be even more effective for the deep delta brain wave state).

'til the next time...

Hehe, cool...I understand your point now RawZi...Personally, I consider the silent inflammation that continues unnoticed for years to be more of a threatening syndrome than immunomodulation challenge manifestations like regularly-reddened skin. The toxic load of the kidney/liver<-blood<-tissues is of significance in re-balancing immune conditions, so long-term abstinence from food-borne toxins would be a very helpful factor.

I would love to start eating wild, raw fish, but frankly, I have no idea where to buy it from (whereby it's fresh and has been handled properly) and I'm not versed in searching for parasites, which I'd prefer not to consume (Anisakis etc.). I realise that these things can't inhabit our bodies for long, but it's my intention to steer clear, where possible. What's your strategy?

I'm typically mistaken for being much younger, yet I believe it's part of my demeanour as well as a long-term health endeavour (partly catalysed by having an endoscope shoved up the worst orifice that could be envisaged for a male of the species - for no good reason - damn why did I remind myself of that again!).

On the matter of allopathic doctors and their technological diagnostics/metrics, it's obviously within the ethnographic edifice of elitist altruism - a benign institution, if ever it's been linked to global industrial complexes...A last-resort option, if it ever came to that...

Did you ever consider herbalism as an endeavour in further stimulating your healing, as well as periodic/intermittent water/liquid-nutritional fasting?

Also, what about the bio-diversity of your gut's ecosystem - high meats, ferments etc.? Immunity is rooted there, so some say (as well as neurotransmitter production and even blood cell production, as some controversially say of the latter).

Do you know about the humates/fulvates of moomiyo/shilajit, which are also meant to be immunomodulators, as well as sources of so-called soil-borne organisms? I suppose I'm getting off-topic now, so I'll care not to digress further...

So the safety concern and subsequent ban of mercury amalgam dentistry in Denmark, Norway and Sweden is unsubstantiated? Ocean mercury load aside (whether organically bound/complexed), for me (and many others), dental amalgams remain a safety risk and my intent is to minimise heavy metal exposure by having them correctly removed and the residue carefully chelated with the most natural means. Furthermore, on the matter of the oceans, aren't there many more inorganic/organic molecules in that ecosystem that weren't around at the time of our paleolithic/hominid genome development. I'm all for advocating these counter-counter arguments, but when there's some substance in the original argument, I don't easily dismiss it. Once again, I suppose efficacy rules and I do value your experiences/insights...

@RawZi: What's your point? I would prefer to say adequate cellular/systemic metabolism (absence of inflammatory process) is the facilitator of vitality hallmarks, yet are you proposing any strategy? Are we talking biochemistry of inter/intra-cellular fluid, electrolyte sufficiency, organ function, gut symbiosis, anti-oxidant status, general systemic healing? We are, of course now in the wider ecosystem of industrial civilisation and orthodox medical iatrogenesis, so the equation has slightly more variables...

Danger of absolute perfection? I agree that there are no absolutes nor any true ideological definition of perfection, but I prefer to propose "best endeavour", particularly on account of those healing a chronic or terminal condition. Naturally, we recount stories of natural lifeforms trekking/migrating for large portions of their life to secure their optimal nutrition, so maybe in Western civilisation, this notion is skewed somewhat.

Awkward results and social complications? As The Doors' Jim Morrison said "Where's your will to be weird?" and maybe some other cliches. Ultimately, I only embraced the raw eating style on account of my subversiveness. Surely, living peoples' projections of what one is socially-accepted to do is undermining to one's own intuitive course? Aren't people doing what they desire like buying into destructive food industries, so they can satisfy their materialistic obligations projected upon them by their equally-soulless peers (a la covert peer pressure). Best to embrace intellectual anarchy to some extent, as a means for self-realisation (of course, be surrendering, hehe). Maybe there're some RAFers around here that take their raw animal meals to work in opaque lunch boxes, or try to gently introduce unsuspecting ones, I don't know...Tiny minds everywhere is my (non-judgemental, hehe) observation...

I still wonder what your advice would be to someone experiencing acute biliary attacks with strong admonition from orthodox medicine to tear out the defective (and apparently needless, yet systemically critical) organ...;-))

Hot Topics / Re: Are Fish Oils (DHA & EPA) bad for us?
« on: December 01, 2009, 04:49:47 am »
Why is it then that aboriginal tribes were constantly seeking to secure the preformed long-chain n3 fatty acids, instead of pressing/consuming nuts/seeds?

Copy nature...

By the way Tyler, thanks for the quick insight on your IF.

Also, Schauberger was a pragmatist-naturalist, so his compassionate observations were rooted in true nature - not pseudo-science. I remain open-minded to archaism and esoterism, as well as pragmatism! ;-))

Hehe, cool...I love stuff that flies in the face of other stuff...

I'd heard from toxicological circles that 1 atom of mercury is enough to induce the death of a cell. Mercury is pro-oxidant, stealing spare electrons. The application of mercury in dental amalgams is a testament to the evasion of massive liability on the part of the various dental associations. I have 4 amalgams and as soon as I've decided on an appropriate chelation/clathration approach, I shall be having them carefully removed.

I'm not sure if you've engaged in any mercury amalgam removal/chelation (most use massive surface area clays/zeolites, cilantro/coriander and chlorella/algae), but I'm interested to know if you gathered any metrics beforehand.

Maybe your anecdote testifies nothing, yet there're many people that recover from chronic conditions with reduced heavy metal exposure and chelation.

Since I began exclusively eating RV/WAI, then RVAF, my hair has begun falling out (in disproportionate amounts) and then immediately growing back again. My hair has been past shoulder length for the last 5 years, although it's currently all different lengths, mainly because I refuse to shave it all off. I speculate that my hair loss/regrowth is the self-evidence of my mercury amalgams, given that my nutritional profile far exceeds my standard diet modality prior (with the greater potential for detoxification).

Typically, liver flushing is the same (layer upon layer of anecdotes, particularly from those veterans on curezone) and I'm still awaiting your description of an optimal approach to clearing away cholelithiasis due to a stone-filled liver/GB...Personally, I have noticed very significant differences from biliary flushing and I've also experienced biliary pain from passing stones (even with the smooth muscles relaxed a la magnesium).

Given that your average infant has already accumulated bile stones, it's doubtful that you've cleared them or not accumulated them. Naturally, I respect your choice...

Otherwise, if anyone else is interested in experimenting with liver flushing, read Telman's Liver File blog on CureZone ( Also, the condition of bile stasis/sludge/stones in the biliary tree is oft-referred in TCM as "damp heat"), whereby there're many effective herbs that can assist to facilitate liver/GB flushing.

If you'll gladly homogenise the endocrine-disrupting xenoestrogens into your daily environmental toxicity cocktail, that's your prerogative - maybe you should start introducing a few parts per million of exogenous HCAs/AGEs and aflatoxins, just to balance out the flavour, hehe. Personally, I'll stick to non-leaching materials like glass, or at worst, higher quality metals/alloys. Maybe I'll accept LDPE or HDPE for my ice cube trays, but otherwise, I'll prefer the excellence approach to foreground/background toxicity avoidance.

Typically, efficacy rules, so if anything works for anyone, great, otherwise adapt/change...;-))

Many standard people develop superficial and sometimes deeper lines in their late 20s / early 30s, so no wrinkles (or at least superficial lines) is quite uncommon, particularly on the forehead or around the eyes. I was interested to gather anecdotes about people reforming skin complexion/tone/lines on RVAF - maybe that's for another thread...

Hehe, cool...It was more an appeal for our very good contemporary Tyler to substantiate his subjectivity on the matter of castor oil + biliary flushing, which I consider to be valuable.

As we all know, nutrition is only as valuable as what one can uptake, starting with ingestion and finishing with excretion. Personally, I believe that the more one can uptake, the less one has to eat. The less one requires to be satiated, the less time one must spend eating and furthermore, the longer one may live via SIRT-1 gene expression etc. (yeah, I know intermittent fasting is another facilitator, but coupled with an optimal uptake/intake ratio, it could be even more effective).

Ultimately, my point was that with optimal bile flow, potentially less food may be required. Maybe a high fat diet would clear some of the smaller debris from the biliary tree and prevent bile stasis, but what about the larger/fused debris that becomes quite dangerous when it develops a rock-hard mineral coating? Also, what about people adopting the diet in later life, who have biliary insufficiency/attacks (I know quite a few non-family/friend standard dieters around me that've opted to have their GB removed and biliary tree mutilated)?

So, to reiterate, it's uptake vs intake...(and the potential for recycling)

And may I simply assert...Why not juxtaposit non-invasive healing modalities with optimal nutrition?!

It would be ideal of there was some way to gather metrics on bile sufficiency...;-))

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