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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: raw eggs make my gas stink!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:31:16 am »
maybe yolk is what really is supposed to be injested and not the white??I'll try that.....

    In nature, we wouldn't be getting as many fresh laid eggs.  We'd be getting half developed animals in the eggs more often.  There wouldn't be much white left.  I hope eating less white does it for you right now.

I was a raw vegan before for many years......not sure if smelly stools is really healthy.........are raw eggs really healthy if they give u smelly stools???I was always taught that u are truly healthy when the body is clean and doesn't smell????

    Besides goat milk and eggs, are you still eating fruit and vegetables?  Have you tried any meat yet?  Milk is not more of a cleanser.  It is meant to nourish a baby.  They have fresh clean intestines, and start out on a sort of "milk cure diet" (Google that term).  Many adults go on it for 40 days or more, milk alone, nothing else.

    Whole eggs can be used as a cleanser.  They can help heal and nourish intestines damaged by many years of years veganism.  I suggest you eat eggs alone, not a mono-meal, but a mono week, a sort of "banana island" as they would call it in 80/10/10.  You probably need seven or eight days of just eggs, nothing else ever during that time, to clean out all the old cellulose fiber and dried plant juices.  If you're eating other foods with it, the eggs can combine with those and with the way you are now only make more work.  After a full week, add one food at a time, until you can eat whatever is healthy, with no problem, no farting.      

We have at least one member who's close to 60, so there may be some over 60, but probably not many.

    I can think of at least 2 member that are OVER 60.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Fixing narrow palates and cranial deformities
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:59:26 am »
To RawZi, orthodontic appliances can help with curved spines, forward head posture a couple of dentists (Dr Sims an Dr Stacks) are using appliances which cure tics/tourettes. One of the main positives that of broadening of the palate is it dampens the nervous system and allows more room for trapped nerves and tongues. An open palate opens up personalities. It's hard to believe dentist still extract teeth and use old school braces to make nice smiles when theres so many more options out there which are less invasive (but more work/training (less profit))

To wodinga,

    Very interesting.  I have one person who seems to have some sort of nervous tick, and had a malocclusion (grew up on formula and total SAD) worked on by a regular dental surgeon.  Another person who had some malnutrition and needed a neck brace for a while.  I'm wondering about long-bones though, like rickets.

    When my palette broadened from eating RAF, I think it helped my personality and my nervous system showed improvement alongside too.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:47:35 am »
Isnt it funny how raw milk doesnt spoil and commercial milk does? I think it will be a long time before the rulers allow people to live healthily.

    It's healthy to take your health, not wait around and see if the "superiors" consider you in a good light and "allow" you to have it.  Whether they have a reason or not to see us healthy or know what's healthy, it's NOT THEIR HEALTH!  It's the health of the feed animals and our health.  They are not there to own us like we are hated things.  WE allow THEM their to assist us IF we ever need.  They're there because they want to be, not because we voted them in.  If we don't vote for one ruler, the other ruler up there will win the position anyway.  

edit 0_:39:30 PM misspelling

General Discussion / Re: raw eggs make my gas stink!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:43:03 am »
    Me too.  Plant foods ferment into bubbles of gas.  Liver gets bubbly like that too.  Muscle meat doesn't do that, neither does fat or water.  I was so gassy the last few years of vegan and I know so many people who still are both those and think it's normal.  I don't think gas is good, if I feel so much better without whole vegetables, grain, over-sweet foods etc.  Could it be that eggs have leutein?  A carb containing thing?  Cooked eggs smell farty, could it be a detox that you ate a lot of cooked eggs before?  Are you eating other stinky things like peppers, cabbage, garlic and onions?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:11:32 am »
    :)  cool.  So many people who drank milk used to clabber it.  Now few people know the word.  I guess clabbering doesn't work with commercial milk -v :D  When will the so called appointed rulers ever learn to let people live healthy lives, stop vaccinating their animals, stop boosting "growth" with antibiotics etc so we all can do something simple like clabber again.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:06:31 am »
dear rawzi, i just don't know where to buy a good organic chicken which is not grain fed. my pa farmer's chickens are grainfed. so, i never gave him any chickens yet. what do you mean by "cultured butter"? my pa farmer supply me his grassfed raw unsalted butter all yr round. i'm not also familiar with 'Astragalus" ...

    Maybe some other "white meat" then.  I don't think you use pork, as practically no one but me in this country uses it. I didn't eat any when I had a cold, but I would use it for a cold for myself now.

    Ask your farmer if he cultures the cream that is your butter.  It may be that he already cultures it all.  Are you using butter marked Winter, Spring or Summer?  Cultured butter has even less carbs.

    Astragalus is a Chinese Traditional Medicine herb.  You can get it in any health-food store.  It's not as popular as echinacea, but I find the two don't compare and the astragalus much more healthful.  Bulk or any brand should be good.  It doesn't taste bad either.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Fixing narrow palates and cranial deformities
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:01:56 am »
    Thank you and best of healing to you!   

    So we can fix narrow palates and cranial deformities that happened due to poor nutrition.  How about other bone deformities?  Is osteopathy used for that too? (in addition to diet)  

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:58:45 am »
I drink 4 liters of Plain raw milk per week and 2 liters of yogurt. All of this is consumed within about 1 week. The milk lasts about 11 days before it is pretty sour smelling, still drinkable, but doesnt taste great lol. My yogurt is always gone within 2-3 days just because its so darn tasty!

    Mix your milk with your yogurt and let it sit 1 - 3 days unrefrigerated.  The sugar will lower, the protein will grow.  It will last longer and taste better.  I'm going to drink some now!

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:53:42 am »
dear rawzi, what's linden and how it works? did you tell me that you also ate raw grassfed meat when you had cold? thanks.

    I fasted for the most part from meat when I had a cold.  Having a cold or anything of course only grass fed, but I stuck more to cultured cream and cultured butter (unsalted) and more away from meats.  Maybe raw chicken might be in order.  Does he eat that?  Maybe a little raw organs too, like pancreas.  Idk.  Linden is a flower.  It's harder to find these days now that other things are popular.  Astragalus might be an additional thing to add to support his immune system too. 

being a mom, it's very difficult for me to see my son's caughing nonstop.

    Your toddler's organs are needing fat.  His cough needs to be productive and not hurt.  It's good that he is coughing.  His immune system is strong and trying to throw off toxins.  It is alive and well.  Don't just leave it.  Applaud it and encourage it.

General Discussion / Re: raw eggs make my gas stink!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:49:13 am »
....they make me feel great but even if i mono-meal them they make my farts stink!!!

    Are you eating enough meat?  Raw meat fixes any air / ether / vata element dosha body constitution things for me.

General Discussion / Re: raw eggs make my gas stink!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:47:08 am »
What verifiable side effects were we supposed to look for with the avidin thing anyway?

    I think your tongue might split, stuff like that.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:42:49 am »
i put him in juice fasting. after that he looked like he recovered the next day until i went out side with him for 4/5 hrs without giving any liquid in his mouth. from that night he caughed ever more till he visited his doctor (where it went worse). after 3 days of simply juice fasting (little freshly made orange juice diluted with plenty of water, fresh pineapple juice with diluted water, celery juice and vit C , honey and raw ginger...etc only), i gave him little raw beef last night, and that didn't help. his doc gave him mullen blend 15 drops with respiratory blend 20 drops to put into hot 1/2 cup of water for 3 tms a day for 3 days. i gave him 2 times that already. beside that his doc also wrote for ivy calm which i needed to buy from health store, but i did not. his doc visit was great. he was playing a lot and he just got little red sighn in his throat that his

    When I got a cold three years ago, it didn't go away fast, but I feel I did "the right thing".  I drank a mixture of blended lemon, unheated honey and bragg's vinegar each morning, and i ate only moisturizing formular three meals per day (butter/cream, honey, eggs, lemon).  It was very soothing for throat and cough and tummy.  If I needed anything else any time of day I'd have a little (raw gras...) cultured cream.

    Mullein can be great at times.  Can you get linden?  I think it may work better for him.  What kind of Vitamin C are you giving him?

    I don't think he needs green juices right now or sweet pineapple.  I'm not there though, so I don't know.

    Remember to eat and enjoy what you want him to eat if you can.  It is encouraging.

    Beta carotene, ascorbic acid and  alpha tocopherol, you know, waste from other industries quite often.  Centrum.  I'm not sure what they used in the study.  I would never =\ use a drugstore brand.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:39:26 am »
    Thank you.  Yogurt stores pretty easily.  Milk has to be used faster if you want it unfrozen.  Yogurt just gets more sour, which is good.  Cheese freezes well too, and and is more stable than milk even unrefrigerated.  Cream, I guess they're feeding the skim milk to the chickens and pigs.  You know how it is, separated food parts and marketable value or whatever goes up.  I can get more milk than a gallon, but I might have to order it a month ahead.

General Discussion / Re: raw eggs make my gas stink!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:34:41 am »
I've  been eating raw eggs for some time now....Any help with this is greatly appreciated.......

    What month did you start?  I see you are in the US.  It's been a cold Winter.  Maybe they aren't in season yet.  What are the chickens eating?  Do they get direct sunlight?

    I'm putting this in "hot topics"; because some members take antioxidants and likely will continue to.  I do not take any, I don't know if I'm right.  I have tested allergic to antioxidants, feel healthier without them (I do mean excellent quality ones), and I know other people including various types of natural health professionals who do not sell anything consumable, yet also have problems with antioxidants, even to their surprise at the discovery.  So often people tell me "you gotta take antioxidants".  Lay people and not do this.  Then I see the below:

JAMA. 2007;297:842-857.

Context  Antioxidant supplements are used for prevention of several diseases.

Objective  To assess the effect of antioxidant supplements on mortality in randomized primary and secondary prevention trials.

Data Sources and Trial Selection  We searched electronic databases and bibliographies published by October 2005. All randomized trials involving adults comparing beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E, and selenium either singly or combined vs placebo or vs no intervention were included in our analysis. Randomization, blinding, and follow-up were considered markers of bias in the included trials. The effect of antioxidant supplements on all-cause mortality was analyzed with random-effects meta-analyses and reported as relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Meta-regression was used to assess the effect of covariates across the trials.

Data Extraction  We included 68 randomized trials with 232 606 participants (385 publications).

Data Synthesis  When all low- and high-bias risk trials of antioxidant supplements were pooled together there was no significant effect on mortality (RR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.98-1.06). Multivariate meta-regression analyses showed that low-bias risk trials (RR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.05-1.29) and selenium (RR, 0.998; 95% CI, 0.997-0.9995) were significantly associated with mortality. In 47 low-bias trials with 180 938 participants, the antioxidant supplements significantly increased mortality (RR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02-1.08). In low-bias risk trials, after exclusion of selenium trials, beta carotene (RR, 1.07; 95% CI, 1.02-1.11), vitamin A (RR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.10-1.24), and vitamin E (RR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.01-1.07), singly or combined, significantly increased mortality.

    Personally, I do not think vitamin supplements are paleo.  I understand people taking them, when they need it for their health.  I consider myself a raw foodist (not excluding the four food groups theough (meat, milk, veg, fruit).  I haven't decided to definitely eat (raw) paleo diet.

    I know it doesn't matter.  JAMA isn't paleo either, so it doesn't need to be any kind of ideal of ours to listen to them.  How do you do with antioxidants?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:33:04 pm »
Friday Jan 22 2010
Justice of the Peace Paul Kowarsky did not actually deal with Schmidt's contention that mandatory pasteurization laws violate his constitutional rights. Rather, Kowarsky simply found that Schmidt's cow-share model – where people buy a portion of the cow, rather than pay directly for the milk – does not violate our health and milk regulations. (In Ontario, it is illegal to sell unpasteurized milk but legal to drink it, and farmers often do.)

This decision is not going to be the last word on raw milk, however. Schmidt has already said he wants to "move into a dialogue where even more people can enjoy raw milk." That's exactly the sort of slippery slope that health officials want to avoid.

Schmidt and his supporters have worked hard to frame this issue as one of rights – that is, the right to choose what to consume. But raw milk is also a health issue, and the experts say that drinking untreated milk puts consumers at increased risk of exposure to harmful pathogens, including listeria

    That's what I found looking for the thesis.  

    We'll see what happens with the aforementioned contention of pasteurization violating constitutional rights of what we drink, eat etc can have salmonella or anything else if we specifically choose those microorganisms.  

    I sign a contract every year that I expect that in the food I get from one place.  I don't truthfully want any organism in particular, but the contract states things like that.  It helps me get what I need/choose, when otherwise it would be imposiible to get.

Off Topic / Vincent: Byrne interview Ireland Baxter vaccines
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:05:25 am »

    Listen when you have time.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Victory
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:01:33 am »
    I would love to see the thesis!

Off Topic / Who's Paying This Doctor?
« on: February 25, 2010, 03:14:13 am »

What do you think?  Kevin Trudeau?  In any case, he's extremely educated, and correct about almost everything.

General Discussion / Re: How do I do a really powerful detox?
« on: February 24, 2010, 09:33:59 pm »
I know honey for instance slows down your liver from removing toxins because the liver has to aid in the digestion of the honeys ...

    Could you show us how long unheated honey added to other food increases digestion time?  Or do you mean instinco, one item (ex. honey) at a "meal"?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Euphoria
« on: February 24, 2010, 07:17:40 am »
Maybe because of Vitamin A and selenium which speed up thyroid.

    Interesting.  I was diagnosed too hypothyroid, but when I included food with real Vitamin A in it, not carotene, my thyroid diagnostics made improvement.  My thyroid was not slow years ago when I ate wheatgerm, sunflower seed sprouts and other mineralful foods like that.

Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential to good health but required only in small amounts. It helps synthesize antibodies; helps synthesize co-enzyme Q10and helps transport ions across cell membranes. The best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, wheat germ, molasses, sunflower seeds

    I was hyPERthyroid at that time though, it seems, and euphoric maybe too.  I like the feeling and energy without those two foods though, and with RAF.

Health / Re: Gout. Experiences. Cures.
« on: February 24, 2010, 07:10:31 am »
No Carnivore, any carbs =/

    When I got my gout attack I had been eating refined carbs (white rice) for a while with no gout.  When I tried cooked meat I got the attack.  Maybe it was a combination of having eatenwhite rice perhaps the day before.

use of tea made with avocado leaves or possibly other plant parts. In principle this is usually prepared at boiling water temperatures or so. Isn't there any concern with possibly heat generated  toxic compounds?

    I drank herbal teas occasionally with no problem that I noticed.  I was told avocado leaf tea is strengthening.  Yes, cooked meat cause the problem I described below.

High purine food can cause gout symptoms for people with high blood uric acid level. :
"Nevertheless, a low purine gout diet is important. It may reduce blood levels of uric acid by 1-2mg/DL. In some cases this would be enough to be a natural cure for gout. "

I have a pretty high blood uric acid (60mg/dl whatever my diet). Herring for example makes my urine burn if I eat a lot. Each time I eat a lot of liver, gout symptoms return.

    Liver, herring, eggs, sounds like Vitamin D foods...I did not eat the (cooked) meat again, and the gout went away not to return.

It could be too much protein. But have you eaten berries, pears, etc. to prevent gout symptoms? Some fruits are excellent to prevent gout. More vitamin C also helps (blackcurrant and Rosa Canina are very good).

    When I had the gout attack, I was eating less fruit than optimal at the time and less than I was accustomed to.

Frozen liver does this to my fingers, but not fresh liver.

    The meat that cause my attack was (thoroughly cooked and frozen first.  Raw liver has never caused me a problem, but a preserved liver injection caused me agglutinations.

You mean refined carbs ?

    Refined carbs at the time of my gout? attack did not seem to be a main cause at all, but I think it inflammed my stomach.

I thought gout was just another term for 'Chronic Inflammation'? Which would include acne. Lots of people find they stop their chronic inflammation by not eating carbs. Liver and Egg happen to both contain carbs(above trace...), though in much smaller amounts than fruit.

    When I got an attack of gout, I had no acne for years (the occasional blackhead only).  I had no liver nor egg for many years.  I did eat fruit regularly without a problem, but perhaps I did not eat enough.

Hugh purine food do not directly cause gout. It could be correlation, so some other factors are important.
Maybe to little carbs (all sorts of berries and pears are great), not enough water, sedentary lifestyle?

    I had a very active, maybe too active lifestyle.  I was mostly vegan, as I hadn't eaten anything from an animal in years.  I was in a desperate situation and needed food.  Someone offered me cooked meat.  I accepted.  I got what was described as a gout attack.  I had never had gout before.  My diet had been poor for months, the rice I ate regularly was regular white cooked with rocksalt and olive oil.

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:39:57 am »
Even though this is a raw forum I think that transitioning from cooked paleo foods is easier and more healthy for most people than raw neolithic ones. That is to say that I think eating some cooked meats and veggies is better for many people than raw dairy.

    I switched from cooked neolithic.  It works/worked better for me than cooked paleo.  Raw neolithic has worked better for me than cooked.  RAF is easier to maintain, as raw vegan is too perfectionistic.  Perfectionism can lead to problems.  I've never been 100% raw paleo though for more than a few weeks at a time or months.  I think I need dairy at least every couple weeks at this time.  Hopefully sometime I won't again.

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