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Messages - RawZi

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Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:32:33 am »
Did you develop kidney stones while being raw vegan lex? If not then that might say something to outsiders.

    Yeah.  If that was the case, we might know he doesn't have lupus now.  I've never had kidney stones that I know of, but I have normal range specific gravity now.  Vegan and raw vegan I always had lower than normal range specific gravity.  When I had lupus (I was vegan no RAF no AF), I had low specific gravity.  Lex says high specific gravity causes kidney stones.  I know the stones are painful, but I would prefer my kidneys function.  My kidneys are supposed to filter toxins to the outside of my body.  My toxins were staying in me when I was vegan.  Now toxins come out if they are there, and excess non-usable material comes out too, so I don't need an overload of antibodies, which RAFs got rid of for me.  So yes, I bet veganism might prevent kidney stones, but who knows the whole overview?  Things I'm sure are likely more complicated.

    Are you participating on raw vegan forums too?  I am.  Never stopped.  Just stopped the "one".  Never said I'm vegan.  I just speak what pertains.

    Maybe you'll help us all understand that Lex should not be eating raw meat.  

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 23, 2010, 04:47:55 am »
Keratosis pilaris, commonly known as "chicken skin".

    This happened from the 11 (all in one) vaccine?

    I don't remember the details.  It's in one of his books.  I don't have any books with me, and a lot of obligations.  Just down organic moldy raspberries.  You said you want a crazy detox, so don't worry.  Or are you into worrying, does it feel good to worry to you?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 23, 2010, 04:28:10 am »
.... I Have gotten the "multi-shot" though, u know, that one when you're young with like 11 needles at once? I'm pretty sure thats about the time my hair and eyes changes color, i began to put on wieght, develop KP and get sick ..., what was this detox again??

    What's KP?

    Get organically grown raspberries, let them get good n moldy, and use them for it.  It should take at least months.

    Never heard of the multishot.  They were only combining four viruses to the "best" of their knowledge last I checked.  That was many years ago.  Doesn't surprise me they tell 11 now.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:39:43 am »
well i couldn't find where in here i found it but here's the link

What he said is in the first one and starts at 24:51 with the callers question. He explains honey as...not carbs? He says when it's cooked or heated, rather it's carbs but when it's raw it just enzymatic? that cant be rite(or maybe it can , who knows), but anyway yeah just listen to the audios, it's actually rather interesting :)

    That was ACV, not honey on the teeth.  And don't use it more than once per week.  Yes, that is my experience too.  As long as you don't go overboard on the honey, it grows stuff rather than acting as sugar.

    If you want a crippling detox, let me ask you, are you trying to clean vaccines from your system?  Most of aajonus' diet is made to buffer detox, that is my experience on me.  It may be different for most other people.  I haven't done his detox for vaccines.  I hear it's difficult going through, if I'm correct on which it is.  Anyway, I know one of his remedies that comes with a warning from him, 99%.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:29:59 am »
    raw, how are you doing?

    For anyone who's interested, here's a link that has pictures of making akutaq:

I can't read Thai, so I don't know if they're using Crisco shortening instead of animal fat.  

    Ok, this is the title translated into English:
... With a delicious ice cream, fat seal together.
Contains fat from the church list polar (seal) of Discovery Bay and salt and bring to spawn frozen
 Must be seal oil, it's the traditional way.  I doubt they add salt.  Probably mean the seal is from saltwater.

    Here's more depth on subsistence akutaq I just found:
Otherwise, the roe was partially dried, stored in wooden barrels to age slightly and then eaten in winter, or used in mak'aaq, a type of akutaq. Served primarily as a dessert, akutaq means "a mixture," usually of berries and fat substances, such as vegetable shortening, reindeer tallow, burbot liver, aged roe, or cooked fish flesh, thinning agents, such as seal oil, vegetable oil, water and milk, and in most cases, sugar

    I guess it might turn out to be a modern invention, unless it is reindeer or walrus milk and they using vegetable oil too now for convenience, and I'm sure they didn't used to have sugar.  Sorry.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Brazil
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:02:54 am »
normal in the sense of being common among us. Of course there are those people who have never had a single pimple and others who had plenty. It depends on how your body will deal with all the processed crap. Genetics may have a role

    I had acne every time I didn't eat right.  I'm the kind of person that it will show on my skin, my "transgressions".  When I eat right, you can tell by my skin.  Some members of my family never had acne.  Others had it bad like me or still have it.  Call it a blessing.  It's a way to warn you to change your ways to healthier.  You just have to learn to read that and to be strong to go on the path that is healthiest for you, whatever that may turn out to be.  Acne can indicate problems with the nervous system, the thyroid, the liver, the kidneys or the colon.  Better to take heed than let ill health settle in, IMO.         

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 23, 2010, 02:08:28 am »
...  I would remain primarily a carnivore with maybe 5% of calories coming from plant sources.

    aajonus says something about 5% carbohydrates too.  I hope you eating 5% plant matter in the manner you described (in season foods only) will give you more improved health.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:42:28 am »
yeah idk. It was in an audio i downloaded from here where he was advising sum guy who developed a hole in his tooth and was using the 1tbls coconut cream+1tsp clay+1tsp honey mixture as toothpaste. ... doesn't digest at ALL, lol, thats jus kinda silly.

    Could you share the audio with me or more about the honey?  I never heard about using it for toothpaste.  Are you sure?  What kind of dental problems is it for?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:40:54 am »
Those cheeses are all salted though, I do not who makes raw unsalted varieties.

    Likely you will have to find a cheese-maker farmer who will make you a ten lb block and sell it to you.  Then good luck with refrigerator space or friends to share it with (and the taste).  Not every batch comes out tasting or behaving the same, especially because your producer probably does not make it often.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Brazil
« on: February 22, 2010, 09:57:27 pm »
Acne IS a health problem. It's not just cosmetic. Dr. Cordain's writings on it explain how it is. I'll bet you also have other health problems that you don't even know you have or know that they could clear up on raw Paleo.

    It could be that every single 22 y/o in Brazil has acne, in which case it would be looked at as normal.  Could be that not one other person there is raw paleo, in which case Arthas_ is going to look like a celebrity (because of his newfound diet).  People likely will not notice the details like acne there though, being it's possible "normalcy".  Still there can be noticed something different and healthy. 

    Oops, this IS the bodybuilding section here.  But yeah, it would be good to hear what they have to say.  I have a friend, very muscular, very active, deals with lots of pools, says the saltwater pools don't attract bees like the chlorine ones do.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Cheese
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:21:36 pm »
    I would use small amounts of cilantro or parsley in my juice, like five percent.

So why don't swimmers have major health problems?

    Maybe between all the swimming and exercise etc it might not bother them as much as some people.  Elderly people with Parkinson's disease suddenly find themselves unable to tolerate chlorinated pools any longer.  It bothers some more than others. 

Chloroform? The stuff people use to knock out other people lol?

    Non-organic chlorine, the stuff to confuse thyroid, ruin the faculty of memory and create chronic "brain-fog", the stuff used to bleach thick black fungus off of jungle roofs and bleack your sidewalk or toilet.  It's a little strong for most people to breath any.  Imagine how strong we'd all be without it.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:31:19 pm »
Originally I was going to wait for berry season to try some fruit, but I got a head start when I ran very low on fat. My first experiment with fruit re-introduction went sour though (pardon the pun), when I developed a nasty canker sore. I suspect that it was caused by the small amount of pineapple-which is very acidic--that I included in my small bowl of berries and grapes. I guessed that the pineapple wasn't a good idea, but I have a hard time resisting it because I love the taste of raw, fresh pineapple, and I thought that 4 or 5 chunks would be safe--wrong!

    I couldn't eat oranges or pineapple, my son couldn't eat pineapple or kiwi.  We find those foods edible with raw butter.  Maybe you can take tart berries and make an akutaq - ???? - a-goo-duk (Eskimo frozen dessert).  It's made with whipped seal fat.  I've made a makeshift akutaq with fat, berries and fish.  It was good, but nothing like its Western counterpart.

By starting your raw food journey on a omnivore diet high in fruits and vegetables instead of a carnivore diet your more likely to find the foods that suit you and in the right amount.If you find that you gradually move towards being carnivore, then hey that good for you, but at least you learned.

    It depends on how much time you have to learn.  I was too sick and I had too much dependent on me in the near future to be dawdling around back and forth between all kinds of diets when I went raw last time.  I had already done all the health diets over several decades except regular SAD and any kind of RAF.  I read tons night and day for six months and came to the conclusion I needed fats first but that I would be on the path of low carb high fat majority animal foods all raw.  Then I dove in.  For some people it's just right to think it out for themselves, and then take a big plunge into what is right for them.  I am still learning, but I still feel raw omnivore suits me best.

    Have you read Lex's testimonial on Raw Paleo Diet . com?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Brazil
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:54:59 am »
    I don't think there's too much detail.  Welcome!  :)

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:53:37 am »
Yes i eat eggs, although i dont know if i should be discarding the egg white or not.

    Are you eating the whites now?

Your mind can get in the way of true health very easily. Judge the health of food not by the mind but with the effects it produces on you.

    I agree.  I continued being vegan and believing it was the best for everything for incredibly long.  Lex is older, I tend to think in his case he has more of a grasp of what's good for him than most people.  He keeps up with his bloodwork and check-ups too, and it seems generally he gets healthier.  I'm assuming you're younger than I am and still younger that when I started RAF.  Of course age doesn't mean everything or much in all cases.  I just think after a couple decades more experience you may try zero-carb too.  You haven't tried that.  Have you?  And I do know you are trying to help him, that's very nice.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:47:42 am »
I think I saw lex somewhere write that he chooses not to eat any eggs because he believes paleo man did not eat them often only seasonally. This is what i mean when ones mind can get in the way of true health.
    Yeah, and Lex doesn't eat dinosaurs.  I eat buffalo, fish, eggs, lots of foods.  If he likes beef and its organs, that's his choice.  I think it's a money thing too.  This diet can wind up being the most expensive thing in your life, not that eggs are overly expensive.  In farmers markets they can be $8.00/doz when I checked a year ago.  Are you eating any eggs?  We went out the other night with a friend and he said he's eaten turtle eggs, and that they taste phenomenal.

Before I just started eating lots of red meat at every meal even though i was not in the mood, because i believed in was allright and it will make one healthy.I didnt listen to my body, things were getting a little worse and yet my mind stayed and went the other way.

    I started on all butter; because that what my body and mind told me after all the reading and internet searches in combination with learning by living I had from the past.  Within a few weeks, I not only could eat orange, but even sub-par quality orange did not give me trouble.

    I'm sorry about the previous post.  You're probably having an off day.  My moods did not stabilize as well either when I didn't eat RAF.  I sincerely hope you get better soon and start eating well.

    What kind of teeth do you have, pc?  You haven't said.  Did you quit paleo in August and not start paleo again?  Or quit paleo in August at which point start a version of RVAF?  I liked your posts up until today.  Why did they change?

we should all take pictures of our teeth or describe them, at least, to see if this holds true.........?
i have fangs and bottom

I never said it would not lead to mineral defeciencies, I said fruitarianism might clear up inflamtion in GI tract, even goodsamaratin says this.

    Didn't gs say frutarianism wore him out and cooked pork fixed his GI?  I don't recommend cooked pork, but he did not say it was the same as fruit.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:37:49 am »
honey are a source of carbs right? Doesnt lex accuse his kidney stone formation due to zero-carb?

    Lex has expressed before that he wants to stay zero-carb and that it's the best diet out of all the very many health and restrictive diets for him, after all his experience.

    He has also expressed before that he doesn't want people battling on his journal about non-zero carb, as he has no want of that.  He's also said he considers honey the same as a snicker's bar.

    PS You didn't even say raw honey, let alone unheated.  

whatever, I still think it's better to put a healthy cooked food eater firstly on fruits and vegeatbles and slowly progress to more and more meats rather than directly putting one on a carnivorous diet. It just makes more sense.

    When I started RAF, I had been eating healthy cooked food.  All my food was organically grown.  I was eating no wheat, no soy, no factory farmed foods.  I was vegan.  I was half dead.  I could not digest half an orange.  I started raw this last time about four years ago 100& full on, only cultured grass grazed raw butter and nothing else to eat or drink for a week.  It made me feel better than I have ever felt in my life.  I hope you're not advising people like me, and if you are, it's ok, as I didn't take advice, I forged my path with my knowledge.  People can always steer another person wrong.

Yes, due to trying to fix some kidney related problems.

    I had kidney problems too, that raw vegan didn't help.  Raw meat does it for me, and raw cultured grass grazed butter.  Have you tried other approaches for your kidneys in addition to diet?  Kidney problems can be sad, scary, really bad.  I hope yours get better soon so you can eat better again soon.  When did your kidney problems start?  Who advises you on diet changes?

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