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Messages - RawZi

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There are alot of people who do well in the start of raw veganism, I gave the advice because it seems more safe for me.

    Are you raw vegan now?  If so, how long do you plan to stay so?

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:44:46 am »
If I'm not long ZC, could ketonuria be why I have pain from dryness/cracking in my bottom lip?

    My bottom lip used to crack too.  This was eons ago.  It used to bleed, just Winter dryness.  Is ketonuria what does this?  I was not a big eater.  I think I just needed fats in my case.  It pretty much stopped happening when I got more in control of exactly what I ate.

Off Topic / Re: forced to eat grains- help?
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:32:43 am »
    My throat swelled at dinner every night, so it took me a long time to eat what they decided to serve and in the quantities they decided to serve.  I was stuck for hours every night them watching me that I didn't leave the table while I eventually got the food somehow to pass down my throat.  It didn't ever seem to.  I couldn't swallow.  It kind of just absorbed into my mouth.

    I did get it all down each night, cleaned my plate (no sneaking and all in my mouth), steak practically every night (cooked), but I stayed way thinner than anyone would want to be.  When I stopped eating the food the decided to inflict on me for my own good, I gain weight I needed to gain. 

    If this kid's parents are staring him down forcing him to eat something that is not nourishing him, they should wake up.  Not everyone can eat what the next guy can.  Maybe it's not the case with him.  Rice may be good for him.  I assume he's a teen anyway. 

    My parents didn't care whether I ate by that age.  I was lucky, if you want to see it that way.  They were wonderful people, they just didn't under my apparent allergies, and it wasn't their fault.  I was just unusual and polite.

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:43:16 am »
People on this forum should have enough common sense to not make the same ridiculous claims i see every day on raw vegan forums.

    They're just like children.  That's all.  They haven't matured.  I grew all ten of MY fingers back.  I'm kidding!  But really, lots of things are possible with raw foods, but not as much as many claim.

    I don't have fangs my teeth are more even length, and raw meat suits me very well, although cooked meat does not.

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:34:20 am »
Human beings likewise. ;)


    I found an unsalted grass grazed raw cheese my hamsters wont taste even if hungry.  I have two that I let age till almost a little blue.  They wont touch them. 

    I had tried giving cheese to mice as a child.  I didn't know about pasteurization, salt, factory farms etc but I did see that they wouldn't touch the cheese, unlike cartoons. 

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:59:48 pm »
    Yes dogs and all the others I know of fast fine.

Health / Re: womens health, fertility?
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:58:29 pm »
...last month i decided i should take a wider range of glandulars so i started taking symplex f by standard process that contains thyroid, adrenal, ovary and pituitary glands.  last week i had my first period in three years.  ....

sorry if this is gross, i feel like i am going through puberty again but this might be helpful to some  -[ -[ -[ -[ :)

    That's so great :) I'm so happy to read that.  Are you zc?

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:54:02 pm »
No, I haven't. Maybe you're right, I'm just thinking loudly :)

    I harmed one of my cats following the advice of a Friskies' bag.  I gave my cat only that food, just as it instructed.  The food was bad for this cat.  The cat avoided it as long as possible then gave in with very sad consequences.  LATER I read about fasting cats being so harmful to them, and have observed more now.

    It was terrible for my cat, but if my experience helps others, that is some consolation.

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:31:05 pm »
Cats in the wild do not eat any food for 5-7 days without any problems. Are the domestic cats so different from tigers, leopards or lions?

    Their bones are lighter etc.  Have you fasted domestic cats?

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:29:21 pm »
    Local naturally lived RAFs would preclude disease, but other things can kill or get the spark of life to leave the body.  I don't know that we will live all that much longer lifespans than all other people.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Euphoria
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:25:54 pm »
    What did the stuff in the stomach look like?  Half digested insects?   I'm glad :) you're feeling great.  What kind of bullets or arrows did you use?  I want to learn to hunt.

Wai Dieters / Re: Wai and Spirituality
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:19:34 pm »
    He eats fruit and the inside of egg-yolks as his main food.  He also drinks olive oil.  He eats a little raw fish and even less raw terrestrial meat (because he says it's hard to find clean), but yes, I think the bulk is fruit and considers himself a type of fruitarian.  Maybe copper suits him as more of his body's proteins are based on copper.  Or maybe his own pigments are why he does poorly with vegetables.  Or maybe he's protein deficient and that why his hair isn't darker.

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:09:44 pm »
One-week fast and your cat will devour the raw meat.  :)

    It's said to damage a cat's liver to the great detriment of the animal to fast a cat for more than 24 hours.  My cats will try food if they see me eating and enjoying it.  I think this is a natural mechanism, where when one member of the feline pride maybe "tests" the new food first.  Also if one of my cats eats something new, the other cat often tries to steal that cat's portion.  It's hard to change a cat's diet.  They become very addicted to processed food.  Mine still are.  If the get catfood, they gobble it all down way too fast and vomit.  Raw meat they normally eat more slowly.

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:03:07 pm »
My wife and I have allergies to pet dander so have "alternative pets".

We've got a North American Wood Turtle who's about 6 inches long now. We've had him for about 9 months at this point.
He eats a mixed diet with about 85-90% animal matter. I regularly chop him up a mince of whatever I'm eating at the time; beef, lamb, deer muscle meat & organs. He's also eaten more exotic fare from my diet including smelt & scallops. He also frequently gets crickets, "superworms", meal worms, garden worms, slugs & snails.
As for plant matter he loves berries and will greedily devour raspberries to his heart's content. He doesn't like much other plant matter though, maybe bananas.

    Sounds like he avoids sodium.  I never heard of superworms.  My husband was allergic to cats, but it seems with changing away from some of the SAD and from all the CAFOs foods he was eating, he lost his allergy.  I know you don't do CAFOs.  Are you less allergic since becoming raw?  I think turtles are cool anyway :)

Hot Topics / Re: Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:57:34 pm »
Very cool that you do that for them. Just one thought is that most rodents are very sensitive to dairy. I know this cause I did a little research on mice and how it really makes no sence for them to like cheese as much as they supposedly do. Also I dont know if you have heard of the raw meat diet for dogs but its really the same concept. I find it funny that many people do this raw meat diet for their dogs and dont realize that their dogs diet is so much healthier than their own.

    Yes, I know of the BARF diet.  My chiropractor feeds his dog that way to control arthritis.  He thinks it's fantastic that I eat this way, but I'm not sure if he does.  He hasn't mentioned eating any of these foods.  I think his wife is a vegetarian or something, and he has an ongoing argument with her about food.

    The pet-store where I got the hamsters, I told the salesman I've been feeding the hamsters raw grass grazed cultured unsalted A2 local butter and raw grass grazed cultured unsalted A2 cheese.  He responded to be careful about cheese because he gets constipated by cheese and it will do the same to the hamsters.  The hamsters have not gotten constipated yet, but they do get very calm and just different (in good ways) after the dairy.  When one of my hamsters eats it, it's more slowly than the other foods, but concentrating on and savoring it and indistractable (single minded).

Hot Topics / Pets who eat RAF
« on: February 21, 2010, 05:02:10 pm »
    Do you have pets?  What do they eat? 

    My hamsters eat unsalted raw grass grazed cheese, butter and cream, pastured egg yolks, raw 100% grassfed beef, lamb heart, lamb liver, calves liver, lamb kidney, pork, live crickets and live meal worms.  They don't like fruit, but they like a few vegetables. 

    I haven't tried nuts and grains on these yet, but I know other hamsters will eat that. 

    The foods they like seem to be good for them.  They are doing well.  I give them whatever I have around, and if it's animal origin they grab it and devour half right away.

    The crickets seem to do well with variety.

    You must all know what my cats eat, so I won't go there here.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:49:10 pm »
    If a person with advanced cancer wishes to recover, and raw meat is hard for them to swallow, and raw meat smoothies is too shocking an idea for them, would you preclude homemade grass-fed raw kefir shakes?  They certainly shouldn't go to a doctor, as doctors insist upon bottled or canned formula made from milk for the patients every day.  Are your "Hazards of Dairy" a study on A2 or A1 milk?  Is it about raw?

But all dairy has some drawbacks (from the paleodiet update) :

 Hazards of Dairy

I recently spoke at a conference at Harvard organized by Walter Willet, focused on dairy. As the science unfolds, we continue to uncover more information that the National Dairy Council is not going to like. It turns out that there may be much greater concerns than its high insulinemic response, recombinant bovine growth hormone, casein protein, or lactose intolerance. ....

Milk, indeed, may not be good for everybody, particularly cancer patients or those with a family history of cancer.

General Discussion / Re: Possible to ferment fat?
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:39:16 pm »
    It's not fermentation totally, nor too paleo, but you can sprout nuts and seeds, blend into rejuvelac and let them culture.  This makes its fats free up into fatty acids instead.  It might be nice for you to do this for some variety.  It's a careful process.

General Discussion / Re: Is there any point to eating cow heart?
« on: February 21, 2010, 01:59:42 pm »
    Yes heart does, as do kidneys, eyes etc.

Off Topic / Re: forced to eat grains- help?
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:05:14 pm »
... parents sitting at the table, even though they were done eating, until they saw me stuff rice into my mouth. I managed to spit some or maybe most of the rice out later but I probably swallowed some and I feel utterly frustrated right now. I don't know if I can manage the spitting trick without getting caught, especially since they are on alert. Any help ...

    It looks like it has nothing to do with your health but with their power trip for some reason pushing grain on you.  This is bad for not only your physical health but probably other areas of your being.  Could you explain to them that your nutrition needs to be just that, and not a power trip?  That you feel better eating without grain.  If that doesn't work, do something like what PP suggests.

Hot Topics / Re: Grassfed Beef Heart
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:57:22 am »
I might try brains today.

    Did you try brains?  I've had lamb brains (raw).

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:44:33 am »
How would i go about air drying ground meat? I don't see how ground meat can be hanged.

    I've never used it for meat though.

He looks at the fang teeth, the more dracula like is more carnivorous.

    I'm not sure about this.  Dracula drank blood.  That's not meat.  I do think people with ridiculously strong teeth can tolerate fruitarianism or grain longer.

Hot Topics / Re: We are somethingawfuls link of the day
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:43:35 am »
    It's funny.  I guess it would be if my teeth smelled.  I'm glad we're there.

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