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Messages - RawZi

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Off Topic / Re: Being a tyrant on my birthday =D
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:28:13 am »
    Happy birthday, Dwight!  Sounds great  ;D  I hope you get your birthday wish.  Did you blow out candles?  I hope we can all celebrate together in the future :)

General Discussion / Re: So why do we need shoes?
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:41:58 am »
    I don't know all his details, so I can't tell you.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:38:39 am »
That's what I'm talking about. You're well nourished and have got the good balance, so these kinds of bacteria do not affect you.
But the majority of people could get seriously ill.

    The meat smelled strongly of ammonia.  It kind of felt oxygenating to eat it.  That's the only effect, like smelling salts.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:33:51 am »
Well, there's a claim in this thread that he has been a 100% raw vegan for 18+ years and there's a court report that says he claimed to eat fish. They can't both be right.
Wow! So all the others are that bad or worse?

    Maybe he started with fish.  I haven't had anything to do with him in a couple of years, besides posting at GI2MR that he is ok, and because I eat raw meat, vegans/vegetarians there decided to tear him apart.

    Yes, there are worse fasting supervisors.  

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:21:10 am »
Put the meat into the glass jar, seal it thoroughly, do not air it for a month or so and you'll probably get that Clostridium botulinum

    I've done that.  I didn't get sick from eating it (not at all).

Chlorine vapors are chloroform.

I used to get ear infections once a month when I was a swimmer, naively thinking it was because the pool wasn't properly treated. Actually it was because it was overtreated. Nowdays I'd rather drink municipal tap water than swim in a pool.

    I could never stand public pools that use lots of chlorine and chlorinated showers.  My breathing passages and eyes always bothered me in those situations.  I don't like drinking tap-water either.  Not sure, I guess I'd agree, drinking is not as bad as breathing it.

Health / Re: Some diseases are detoxs?
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:24:47 pm »
Yeh wild animals are on there natural diets so they shouldnt be weak. The virus shouldn't kill them. Why does it?

    Which ones does it kill?  Very old and very young ones?  I'm asking; because I don't have enough direct experience with them.  Will my hamsters get rabies?  They've been eating a lot of grass-fed red meat.  I guess it doesn't matter, as they stopped biting when I started giving them meat.

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:18:45 pm »
But what happens if you dont get the polio vaccine and you get polio???

    If you're healthy and on a real diet, it's usually like a mild cold you don't even notice, and then it's gone and you're the same as before.  That's what I read many places.

Polio is a detox of the spine, usually due to heavy metal poisoning from vaccines, canned food or food cocked in metal utensils.

    Or wet food that sat on metal for hours.

Health / Re: Rabies?
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:12:53 pm »
Rosa Canina (Dog Rose) is known for thousands of years to cure rabies.

    Cool :)
The ancient Romans used Rosa canina for the bites of rabid dogs, and in the first century CE., Pliny, recorded 32 different disorders that responded well to Rose preparations and the first treatment of rabies: "A Roman woman dreamed she was to send the roots of the rose to her son serving in the Roman army in Spain. Just before the package arrived, the soldier was bitten by a mad dog and contacted rabies, and a tea of the roots cured the disease."
Linnaeus (1707–1778), named this plant Rosa canina in 1753.

    Maybe to do it raw you can grate it and soak in spring water.  I might try it with honey, sometime after I come across dogrose.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:16:30 pm »
It's interesting too that the court report says that Loren allowed fish in his diet. So he hasn't gone 18+ years as a 100% raw vegan. I've never seen him posting about the benefits of fish. Wild fish is one of the more common elements among many of the healthiest nations and peoples in the world.

    I never heard, read or knew anything about fish with him.  Is the court report correct?  Could he have said he ate fish so that the court would think he's "normal".  I don't think he's a liar.  I don't know why it said he eats fish.  Did they hold him and he was hungry and maybe fish was what he chose between that and hotdogs?  That happened one time to me about a year into veganism.  My Dad took me hundreds of miles away from everything but hot dogs and a lake.  After a week of only water, I ate a fish.  Then he took me back and I went back vegan.    

RawZi, did you know Loren fled the US and relocated to Panama after one of his patient died under his care?

    Yes, I know he relocated to Panama.  I know a woman died in hospital at the end of fasting at his center.  This is cause for alarm, in addition to his protein-less unhealthy diet and words.  I don't believe this makes him any worse than any other fasting supervisor.  I've encountered worse ones.  The difference with him I think is that he has a bigger heart than them.  He allows sicker people in, so there is more life and death chance involved, but she may have died anyway.  

    Does it say there that she was sneaking insulin injections in at the end of her life?  No disrespect meant toward her.  She was a human life.  No one should die young.  I really don't know what happened.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:04:07 pm »
    What are you eating?  How is it prepared?  What's the food's sources?

General Discussion / Re: Is AV wrong?
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:01:44 pm »
    What cooked foods did someone say he eats?  When did they say it?  Did they say what time he ate it?  He started out as a cooked food eater, a very sick one.  He has not been raw all his life. 

    He definitely drinks milk.  Almost every time I've been anywhere near him he had a container of milk he was drinking in his hand.  I think it's not straight, but has an egg mixed in. 

    Funny, I've escorted cancer patients to oncology appointments.  These doctors tell the patients that during treatment they should drink lots of milkshakes (with egg).  They give them recipe books, but everything is heated!  Maybe a leftover from a hundred years ago treating cancer with RAF?  These doctors say there is proof that high antioxidant food preVENTS cancer, but no proof that it helps cure it, so put on weight with these milkshakes!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bronze Silver Gold
« on: February 18, 2010, 01:33:27 pm »
    The organic label can pretty much tend to be bs in my opinion.  I get eggs from two places recently.  One is a farm I visit regularly where the chickens do whatever they want and are beautiful.  The other is a CoOp of biodynamic farmers.  Neither of my two recent sources carry the organic certification, to the best of my knowledge that is.  They are far superior in taste and touch quality to the occasional other eggs I get which ARE labeled organic but are from healthfood stores generally but even the occasional supermarket.  Get the best you can get.  Words are meant to be lies.  Use your senses more and more as you get through this.  Senses are made to tell us more about the realities around us.  I could be wrong.  In my experience this is what I've learned holds true.

Hot Topics / Re: Tallow concerns
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:09:32 am »
half an onion, a lil bit of cauliflower, cucumber and cherry tomatoes - I did notice that it seems like the food stays longer in my stomach that way. I might just eat fruit in the morning and only meat later.

    I don't like tomatoes with meat.  I haven't tried cauliflower with (raw) meat.  Maybe I'll try that sometime.  PM me a recipe if you have one, or put it on a non-rawzc thread.  Thanks!

Hot Topics / Re: Tallow concerns
« on: February 16, 2010, 11:19:48 pm »
Is your meat fatty or lean ?
Honey has no fiber, so it can be mixed with meat without digestive troubles.

    Most of my meat is fatty.  (Raw) liver is the one meat that seems better for me so far always alone, nothing added in the meal.  I can add a little (raw) cream or cinnamon once in a while, but liver usually feels better plain.

    I've eaten honey comb.  It used to be the only way I liked honey at all.  Combined with (raw) meat, I've never added regular comb.  I have eaten it (raw meat) with cappings.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: ZC to ZC Raw questions
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:06:28 pm »
   Home made freshly cultured grassfed kefir may work better than dried warmed strained meat product.

    William, can you make this kefir?

    See my latest entry on my posts.  I see (now) this is in totally meat topic.  Sorry.  I'm not into pemmican, but if you like it, I don't like telling people to eat what they dislike.

Hot Topics / Re: Tallow concerns
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:04:17 pm »
   When I add a little unheated honey to raw meat, I usually digest it better.

    Oh, this thread is in zc hundred percent carnivorous.  I'm on whatever side gets you well.  I happen to be cutting (to eat and share) a biggish (for me) chunk of (raw) pork as I'm here.  It's kind of fatty, so I didn't (and won't) plan to add any fat (nor honey), as this one seems good how it is.

Hot Topics / Re: Tallow concerns
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:37:01 pm »
What carbs (fruits, honey ?) do you eat with meat ?
I don't think it's a good idea to mix carbs and meat.

    When I add a little unheated honey to raw meat, I usually digest it better.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: ZC to ZC Raw questions
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:35:37 pm »
William is ready to defend pemmican as it was is life, because it seems that is is the only food he has found that enables him to survive.
I am sure if he was more open minded, he would find that real rawpaleo food, including from the vegetal kingdom, could really heal him.

    Home made freshly cultured grassfed kefir may work better than dried warmed strained meat product.

    William, can you make this kefir?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:32:24 pm »
If you freeze the dates,  you stop the worms from growing.  They are more like meal worms.

    Oo my hamsters love catching live meal worms.  Maybe they'll like dates too.  Are dates ok to freeze because of already low water content?  I never knew anyone ever froze a date.  I wish the name wasn't confusing written and we use pictographs.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:31:32 pm »
HI,   not sure that this number is still good,  but years ago when I ate dates,  I only bought from  The Date People  at 760 359 3211.   Jaimie had a date called Thoorey that was comparatively low in sugar, and was used by eastern peoples, you know, camel peoples, on treks.  It stores really well, and the worms are tasty.    They are in southern Ca.

    Are you guaranteed worms?  I've heard the date people are good.  I heard this from vegans though.  I buy dates in person, when I buy them.  I wonder which un-steamed dates aajonus eats.  I think it's his only fruit.

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:27:19 pm »

I really don't appreciate being argued with on the basic points of this diet. It is my assumption that anyone who comes here should already be in agreement that raw foods and animal products are important.  If not, they had better be extra, extra, EXTRA respectful and gentle, and back up everything they say. If not, I lose patience.

    I know people follow patterns.  I looked up si and found him presently harassing a raw fruitarianer's forum with his beer belly, take-away fried foods etc.  I sent it to Miles.  Miles apologized.  That's over.  I didn't want to bore this forum with the endless non-sense posting of si, so I did it quiet.

    I appreciate your no-nonsense way.  I have a forum of my own.  I've only banned one person.  I hate banning people.  There are about a dozen more I might benefit my forum very well to ban.  I have thought of inviting you there to be a moderator, beCAUSE you don't hesitate much to ban.

Health / Re: Hair loss!
« on: February 16, 2010, 08:55:05 am »
  Is she on a rawpalaeodiet? One of the more unusual things that often happens to RPDers is that they lose some hair here and there, and then it grows back. It's an unfortunate consequence of detox. Should pass once the person is fully healed.

    I don't think she's on the diet yet.  Anu came partially to advertise his logo.  He's a truck accident attorney or something?

    Anu, do you know what a raw paleo diet is?  We have a welcoming committee.  You can introduce yourself there. 

Health / Re: RPD inspired advice for dry skin
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:10:02 am »
soft bone marrow, or back fat works well, just rub it in your hands till soft and then rub it in where you want.  Sometimes, I will add lemon juice on top for scent, depending on whom I am with.

    How do you clean it off later or does it all absorb in?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:01:37 am »
    Raw vegan foods should be under 118 degrees Farenheit.

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