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Messages - RawZi

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    Nice, starting on the red meat, appears paleo enough considering.  I'm watching the red wiggler worm part now.  

    My hamsters eat (dig for) live worms too, and live crickets (catch) too and raw butter, raw cheese and raw egg yolk.  Their personalities seem to flourish when they eat these foods.  I'm thinking of trying meat on them today.  They climbed in a coconut hole last night (after I drank the water) running after a cricket, and they had a ball!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: February 16, 2010, 02:36:59 am »
    Medjool?  Do they have other varieties?  Have you asked them?

Health / Re: Why Raw organic meat vs cooked meat
« on: February 16, 2010, 02:33:28 am »
Cooked food of any kind reduces aerobic stamina.  Raw food increases aerobic stamina.

It amazes me that more athletes don't know this and make use of it.

    You would think they all would, but I bet more do than let on.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:57:00 am »
... promotes long water fast, is against animal food, thinks you should have 3 bowel movements a day or you'll accumulate toxins which could lead to colon cancer.

    3 movements, but never an enema.  Is against any and all food that has protein.  Is against LFLs(tm) bcause it has a good balance of amino acids.  Eats mostly fruit, juicy fruit only, a little lettuce or other delicate leaf.

Hot Topics / Re: Dietary Fiber & Volume of Digestive Tract.
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:45:31 am »
Raw kefir slows things down. Does it slow detoxifying? or elimination ?

    For me, I sleep more, but it's not bad.  I sleep well.  I have treated people who had incredible bad diarrhea.  The kefir helped them get well and stop that where nothing else worked well.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Carnivores and sleep?
« on: February 15, 2010, 04:14:27 pm »
why dont humans require an extensive amount of sleep (20 hours) like other carnivores?

    maybe carnivores sleep extra cause they can, maybe it's not a requirement, but a choice.  maybe humans just have brains that are too cluttered with primate thoughts to choose to sleep so much.  how about primates that eat much meat and not, how much do each sleep?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: NEW-B
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:26:16 pm »
Again Im just starting havent even bought meat to eat yet or anything. Advice would be greatly appreciated thanks! :)

    Where are you coming from?  Are you or have you been a vegetarian for a while?

General Discussion / Re: I cant get myself to eat raw meat
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:21:57 pm »
I finally ate a 1/3 of a raw steak and on the last piece i gagged from the taste. Anyone have some more tips or recipes to make it tastier while raw??? Do all of you even chew???

    We went to a restaurant for Valentines (about 11 hrs ago).  I told the manager I am on primal diet.  He said he read about it online and thinks it looks intriguing.  They had mostly fresh meats on the menu, not frozen.  I told them I eat every kind of meat raw.  They have good quality brand meats.  I asked if they would serve me raw.  They said yes, and did, fatty pork chop, excellent :).  I didn't chew it much.  They served two seasonings on the side, a spice rub, and a reduction sauce with lots of little fresh chunks of apple, pineapple, nut and onion floating in it.  It went pretty well together.  I finished half the (small) sauce and only took two tastes of spice.  The spice had salt, cayenne I guess, idk, too spicy as it easily covers the fresh meat taste.  Maybe you would like these two accompaniments for pork?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: I keep reading possibly crazy zc stories???
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:49:56 am »
I would support Williams'  position about one's mental states when not eating carbs.  The ups and downs just aren't there.  Doesn't mean that 'we' don't process through our minds and emotions and the associated unpleasantness from that, it's just that the mental energy swings, blood sugar swings aren't there.  ...  But then, you are relatively young, and your blood sugar may still be quite stable.

    I haven't been zc, unless you count fasting for weeks on water.  I have lived for weeks on cultured grass butter and pastured egg yolks.  I have never checked my blood sugar everyday, but I have had 6 hr gtt's a few times through the decades.  It seemed no matter how much of their glucose syrup I ingested, my blood sugar was stable, never went up for a moment.  As the years passed, my blood sugar became well below normal numbers (70 and lower US).  Eventually I wound up very depressed and lacking any energy.  Eating such a high fat diet helped my mood immensely.  I seem to maintain a blood sugar level that is within "normal" range while eating almost all fat.  I'm a little scared of ZERO carb though.  I may need to try it though.

General Discussion / Re: Top 10 foods by digestion speed
« on: February 15, 2010, 02:04:25 am »
    Carbs do not digest fast for me.  Using your style I'll try to make a list of mine:

Green juice
High meats
Raw Eggs
Unheated honey
Raw butter
Raw meat
Raw dairies (with exception of specified)
Energy soup
Nut "cheese"
Raw cheese
Blended salad
Green smoothies
Cooked carbs

    The top of the list digests fastest.  The bottom of the list slowest.  Not sure really, I think green smoothies don't digest, but cooked carbs do a little, in me.

Health / Re: Broken bone
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:25:36 am »
Can the banana/white meat be changed with another type of fruit/meat with the same effects?

    I think any type of white meat works.  I'm not sure if there's another type of fruit that works.  There might be, or there might not be.

Thanks for the tip on white meat, that´s suppose to be good for building new tissue, AV says. I get lovely seafood here. I guess I can suffer through half an unripe banana too!

    You're welcome.  Get completely well soon!

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:20:24 am »
    It's ok.

Health / Re: Broken bone
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:26:48 pm »
    One hour half a green banana, one hour a ball of raw white meat...and so on.

Health / Re: I dont understand raw meat???
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:24:01 pm »
but do they eat any other raw animal besides seafood

    From Wikipedia, their sashimi article:

raw red meats, such as beef, known as gyuunotataki, and horse, known as basashi. Chicken "sashimi", known as toriwasa, is considered by some to be a delicacy.

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:06:58 pm »
    I have numerous sources.  I tell them what I eat if it will help me, and if I feel comfortable to tell them.  Generally I like better talking with people in reference food in person in stores.

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:03:37 pm »
yes, let's just let anyone troll the boards, that's a great way to keep people focused and a great way to keep the contributors from whom we can actually learn something from withdrawing valuable participation.

    si was superhyperactive due to eating tons of sugar and processed foods and a chemical brain imbalance apparently that drove him/her to make a ridiculous number of antiRAF posts constantly all day long here. 

    Miles, would you like his/her email address so that you can ask him/her whatever you are searching for?  Are you already friends?  I know that at least one member here has si's email address, or has spoken with him/her other than in forum here.  Would you like me to try to get si's email address for you? 

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:55:25 pm »
who is asking for an audience?  i came here to learn from the experience of others under the focus of this forum. both joining and 'listening' were my choice.   should i want 'different thought' i will join the 'different thought' forum.

    I am a member of other forums, and I go there when I have things to post pertaining to those forums.  When si had stuff to post about tinned tuna and oatmeal cookies he/she was at the same time as posting here eating and believing in or whatever, I'm sure there are forums where that stuff could be welcomed.  One problem is that si was not welcome in any kind of forum, due to his/her behavioral posting problems.

... superinfinity versions 1. 2, 3 and 4 was making entertainment for himself at the expense of good people.

    I saw that.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:19:15 am »
There appears to be no evidence that tapeworms exist in those who eat completely digestible food, such as raw pemmican. ... they are certainly not a problem for us.

    Are you saying that they have to eat some completely digestible or pemmican or 100% of their diet has to be this?  Or that pemmican cures tapeworm infestation?  Did you have tapeworms before?  Could it be that people who eat a 100% pemmican diet were people that were not susceptible to tapeworms anyway (different body constitution-wise)?

Hot Topics / Re: Dietary Fiber & Volume of Digestive Tract.
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:48:50 am »
    After the first seventeen years vegan I had to start squeezing.  The squeazing didn't work though, and lots was still stuck.  With raw animal foods, so far, it seems peristaltic action always takes care of it.  Yes, after the first month clean out, there is less volume.  The first month there was still so many toxins stored in old cellulite etc that during that time went down the toilet.  Also (raw) cheese and (raw) kefir can slow things down, and (raw) eggs and high-meats can quicken things, none are necessary though for most people.

hmm the only image I can think of with this is some twisted ... under the covers. which in paleo land becomes approaching from behind and sneaking bull testes out of a mason jar.


    I hope I didn't offend anyone.  Made me laugh.

    I didn't even picture it, was just trying to talk from a scientific or intuitive perspective, nothing concrete, just theory.

    I wonder who here would do the mason jar as described.  No, I don't need to know, I don't think.  

    I don't have a paleo partner, so I would be too concerned about offending him to try this in bed.  Plus, I don't care that much what gender I conceive when.  I think what's supposed to happen will happen if everyone all lets it.

    You men, you're so visual oriented (not that I'm not at times too).

Hot Topics / Re: Grassfed Beef Heart
« on: February 13, 2010, 01:35:49 pm »
    I don't know, I've never eaten cooked beef/bison/buffalo/goat/lamb/pig heart.  When I was a cooked meat eater (seems like a millenia ago) I ate cooked chicken heart with no problem.  I guess I ate up to half dozen at a time up to 4x/mo.  They didn't seem to close my throat or give me headaches or arthritic attacks.

Gender is determined during development by presence or absence of certain hormones. I'm assuming medical science could pretty easily control that presence or absence. Maybe eating a lot of some organs might influence it, especially testes or ovaries.

    I think you'd have to eat the ovaries or testes during and/or before conception.  Afterwards it would affect what gender they look like, but not what gender they genetically are.  That's my opinion, but I'm no scientist.

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:41:03 pm »
Personally, I don't eat them unless I know the source and have shelled them myself.

    Like my son.  I thought he was like a squirrel, climbing the highest trees with no assistance in any form and never eating de-shelled nuts, but prefering to open them himself one by one as he ate each one.  Most often it was the pits of plums, used to be his favorite fruit!

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: more raw paleo in the news
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:22:47 pm »
I often have eaten raw meat and fish and liver openly in public in Costa Rica.  Not so much, though, in the US.  I don't want stupid questions from stupid people.   ;)

    I did it recently.  I was in a pet shop.  I had a pint mason jar of diced buffalo flank in my cart.  Their dog knew, and they didn't, and apologized for her.  I told them I have raw meat, that maybe their dog wants some.  They said "yes, if you don't mind".  So I took the jar out of my bag, opened it, and she delicately took it from my hand with her mouth, placed it on the floor, and "asked" me for the rest of the serving.  The couple said she does want it, and is just playing.  So I asked them "should I take a piece and eat to get her to eat?".  They said yes (straight faced like nothing unusual).  I took a piece out and ate the piece.  The dog ducked down and ate her piece.  All were happy.  They seemed grateful.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:15:18 pm »
Jersey cows and older females produce more yellow fat

    Could that be due to rancidity or dysfunction of the liver?  Or is it like brown fat?

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