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Messages - RawZi

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Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:55:59 pm »
Now you know why the royalty fed the peasants rice and peas and potatoes and reserved hunting and fishing for themselves.

    To weaken the poor people's bones and kill them.  Why the h*ll would they do that?!  They're supposed to love their loyal subjects.  Do they rather subject them than give strength supportive love?  *sigh*

    You're right, even now, the presidents hunt, the kings hunt.

    With the Inuit, I believe everyone pretty much hunts.  No one gets rice.  

    Rice bothers my teeth, if and when I eat.  I mean the last 5 yrs of vegan.

As for falling into it while squatting, this is impossible.

    Us raw paleos have no problem, as our bones get healthy density and our muscles get more muscular.  I have been super skinny and no hips.  I was a little scared I'd fall in.  I was sitting though.  Yes, squatting is more secure, like a bird on a perch, they don't fall.

General Discussion / Re: Bleu cheese and mold on cheese.
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:35:47 am »
    Blue cheeses have so much salt added, in my experience.  That being said, I have let my cheeses (raw unsalted) go moldy, and the molded edges themselves tasted good eaten first before or instead of the cheese as snack.  No one told me to do this, I just tried it on my own, and felt no ill effects, to the contrary felt good.  It it true one can make blue cheese out of (raw) butter?  Would there be special steps to take to do that I wonder.

Off Topic / Re: Unusual media article
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:31:02 am »
All light skinned people are of caucus descent, feel free to ban me for a day for that one too ...  l)

    Are there not some light skinned people from Japan and maybe around ancient Persia or India?

... lifting your arms above ones head helps greatly as well.

    I have done that on and off for many years using the bathroom.  It is a help, or it feels like it does.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:20:49 am »
So William, are you saying that: If you eat raw meat, you'll get parasites. Then, if you ever go back to cooked food you will die...?


Does that have to mean it's a good thing that the sheep have those parasites in their brains, just because they do..?

The meningeal worm is an internal parasite (Paralaphostrongylus tenius) of the white-tailed deer that usually completes its life cycle in the deer without causing significant problems. However, when unnatural hosts, such as sheep and goats, become infested with meningeal worm, the parasite moves into the brain and/or spinal cord and causes neurological problems that can be fatal. Llamas and alpacas are even more susceptible to meningeal worm infection than sheep or goats. Cattle are not known to be affected.

    That was my concern starting RAF, that once I start, if I started, could I ever go back without risking dangerous parasitic infection?  I didn't think so.  Now I think maybe it is possible, but possibly not, depends.

    Were the sheep and goats in the test groups eating the same as the deer in the test groups?

    I didn't like venison, I may try it again.  I bet, maybe, it can be really good for the nervous system in most people (raw of course).

    I read liver flukes from white tail deer in NC are a delicacy to toast on a stick and eat.


Off Topic / Re: Modern spear hunting!
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:55:05 pm »

... not illegal in all states and countries, so I might practice up for a few years and make some travel arrangements...

    Looks like it's pretty close to a beach too.  Could be a nice trip.

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:49:16 pm » Here is a list. I think you can't find anything so high in Vitamin D3 other than fish.

    The foods I see listed on the whole long first page are fish, soymilk, soy formula and Kellogg's brand cereal.  I suppose the latter three are D2 in supplement form.  Funny they put it into grain mostly it would seem.  Must be to offset the osteoporosis that grain causes.  I remember eating almost all of my protein in the form of rice or peas at age 19 or 20, and definitely feeling (and seeing one) my bones weakening too much at that age too.  The rice and peas were natural (no Vit D added). 

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:34:49 pm »
   I don't recall the color.  It was light I guess.  ...  I still think I may eat adrenal again, as I'm sure there must be some key way to do it right for me.  ...

    I forget which organ it was, I think pancreas maybe, I do have it written somewhere online, anyway: had little gland looking things in it.  Maybe I'll post it here if I look it up.

General Discussion / Re: Wild Rabbit
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:20:20 pm »
... hare had more meat on it and the meat was as a result easier to get off the bones. Wild rabbit is too lean for me as a meat, IMO. However, that's just my personal preference/bias. I'm sure you'll find raw wild rabbit a fine choice. Don't worry re trichinosis etc. Bear in mind that the farmers/butchers usually prepare the animals - mine usually cut out the intestines but leave the other organs inside. Basically, if the wild rabbit's head is cut off, you can be sure it's been prepared ...

    Do you ever eat the bones?  Do the hares have suet or back-fat?  Does their marrow have fat?  I've heard squirrel brains are good.  Have you tried hare or rabbit brains?  I haven't tried these animals.  It might be cool to know what to expect, if I wind up trying any of them in the future.

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:32:22 pm »
If you look around you, and believe the evidence of your own eyes, you shall see that our ancestors evolved to eat Big Macs (TM), poutine and beer.

    My all time best three favorite foods, to avoid.  Anyone of those would probably always had made me barf.  I wouldn't know as I can't stand the smells.  I must be un-evolved or devolved.  Lowly me.

How ? Liquid high-meat enema :D OK that could be some crazy stuff but I have heard people making kefir enemas.....

Is it possible to mix it with milk and make a high meat smoothie ?
Hmm, what happens when milk kefir is made with high-meat ?

    The enemas would probably work, or better idea maybe an implant (lesser quantity fluid in enema and held a little longer), although I've never tried these two.

    I don't think high meat and milk would make a good combo.  I don't know from experience, but I think the bacteria are just too different. 

General Discussion / Re: Nenet.
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:37:07 am »
    Maybe it's cause it's Siberia and they are tough people whose houses are somewhat frozen?  To not have frozen meat they might have to eat it live or warm or salt it.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:34:01 am »
so i guess we've been getting free adrenal glands. i'll take it.

can anyone who has ordered adrenals confirm that they're yellowish with grey on the inside?

    I've only eaten adrenals less than a handful of times.  The last time I think was four months ago.  More often than not after eating it I fall into violently vomiting.  I don't recall the color.  It was light I guess.  Suet doesn't make me toss.  I still think I may eat adrenal again, as I'm sure there must be some key way to do it right for me.  Suet on the other hand, it's I think too waxy for me.  I heard it's better digested and utilized mixed 50/50 with marrow?

    I forget which organ it was, I think pancreas maybe, I do have it written somewhere online, anyway: had little gland looking things in it.  Maybe I'll post it here if I look it up.  It tasted good, whatever it was, and no adverse reactions.

Hot Topics / Re: who's "the bear"
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:23:59 am »
He ate zero carb for 47 years at the time of writing; nobody else presently has done that, and he's in good physical condition. Note that his meat is cooked less than medium.

I did not find his stuff dogmatic, rather he seemed both wise and learned. He is entitled to opinions, more so than the less experienced.

    I found that link quite interesting, and so did every raw foodist I showed it to (who commented back).  I didn't show it to cooked foodists.  I was just talking with one last night who was doing terrible on 811raw vegan but is much more enlightened now and thinks the universe of me, due to me posting links to stuff like bear writes etc.

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:20:43 am »
I'm not sure I can get fresh herring.

    I tried at the WF fish counter by me yesterday.  They didn't have it.  Maybe I'll try the fish area a farmer's market.  I don't think there are any fish mongers around here (you can tell I don't live on the water).  I know a place to get salted herrings (certainly not an Inuit type food) around here, but I did try one and it had kind of a rotten taste that I suppose people who eat mostly cooked fish can't taste.  Herring must come from Europe and in the US you'd probably have to be in NY to get it somewhat fresh.

Hot Topics / Re: who's "the bear"
« on: February 11, 2010, 09:39:59 am »
I feel like I can eat an enormous amout of raw meat compared to cooked as I never really feel that full after eating, though I've never really tested it. I will probably test this out one day, maybe after I've fasted and done some long distance hiking or what not.

    Within a bite or two my throat always started closing and the next few bites my mouth started hurting, afterwards my joints would get kind of stiff or I'd get a (bad) headache or a cold.  Raw meat though I've been able to eat a cup full no problem at all.  I've never tried eating more in a meal.

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:58:41 am »
(First I posted about this, shocked that you could think someone's hair falling out is a positive thing, then deleted it),Hmm.. With the hair falling out... We can grow it back, other animals can grow their limbs back. Do animals, which have this ability, discard their limbs in a similar way?

    I never thought of that.  Maybe if a limb of an animal got poisoned, it could fall off with the poison in it, and regrow from clean tissue.  I have no idea, as I've never seen something like that either.

    My cat lost all her fur by taking a "properly" vet prescribed veterinary medication.  I took her off the medicine with the same vet group's reluctant consent, and her hair grew back, first surprisingly red/orange/rust then turned back to it's original shiny color instead.  That vet twelve and a half years ago along with the others were insisting she be put to sleep too, for her own good, as she was sicker than they've probably ever seen and educated guess couldn't survive.  Let me tell you, she has been strong and healthy and beautiful ever since her hair grew back.  She did get arthritis later on, but raw meat nipped that away, and she is boisterous and can do just about anything with all her parts (besides uterus) intact.  That too had problems before then.  Kitten-hood wasn't the best time for her.  She's been very happy acting ever since she recovered her hair(fur).

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:18:32 am »

Sure I have plenty of scrutiny and knowledge and folks saying if you do this or that then x drugs are unnecessary that it is VERY hard to take stuff that doesn't even make one feel good - in fact its quite the opposite. its certainly all over the raw-vegan camps which I don't believe, and at this point I can't afford to go on my -or others -ideals over my experiences. Even if I have confidence that any approach could in fact do the long term healing and repair, it seems I need an approach that functions in the short and long terms and isn't going to land me in a prison or hospital away from any healthful food.

    I just want to tell you I'm glad you're here, even if you're not ready to eat raw paleo yourself, due to whatever reasons.  You've been through a lot, and I know you need support, just like everyone in this world does.  It's too bad that in some other raw forums they care more about a chicken's life even more than their own children, parents or their lifelong neighbor in some cases (or even more than the environment).  I love animals too, but sooner or later things have to be weighed out.  

    You should get fully well in this lifetime, as you can, hopefully soon, and live a long good life.  You didn't tell me KD is you, but I can tell.  I know you're a wonderful addition to this planet and so many people.  You also have guts to speak and not just read, even if you're finding you can't presently practice the same exact diets as us without landing yourself in trouble galore.    

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:42:25 am »
Aajonus isn't against carbs, he loves them. He loves recommending raw veggie-juice in large quantities as well as plenty of raw honey and raw nuts.

    He recommends nut formula (a recipe whose ingredients are nuts fresh made organic checked coconut cream or organic raw dairy cream butter dunno & raw egg) for some conditions/people at certain times.  I think for some type of adrenal, and also for some type of a brain detox.  

    I know a lady who was diagnosed with a terrible brain cancer years ago and she is slowly getting healthier (definitely) and is eating 100% primal diet that includes nuts.  She had been in terrible shape and also unable to walk, talk etc.  

    AV does say to not eat nuts every day (and I do mean nut formula).  I think he says nuts make people stay awake when they would be better sleeping.  I think some raw people get nightmares from eating nuts too.  I know some people on raw vegan diets who lose their hair by eating nuts.  Changing to cooked meat from raw vegan seemed to help better to some extent (in ones I saw).  Maybe it's the brain detox through the scalp.  

    One (raw vegan) friend was going to lose all hair (very likely permanently) from brain detox (with or without nuts), but added (raw both) butter and meat to his own diet and started using (raw) butter as a scalp treatment (and egg for after treatment shampoo) and instead the hair got thicker, shinier and darker.  We'll see as the years pass what happens following av's advice there.

    The veggie juice he recommended me is zucchini and celery, fewer carbs there than kale/cucumber.  He said my pancreas is too weak.  I don't even know that he recommends kale to anyone.  I think it may be the minerals in the juice  he goes for.

I think the emphasis on chicken and fish could have been A factor that accelerated things and unbalanced my brain, perhaps if I was more focused on beef/organs and tried the charcoal and unsalted cheese and such things could have progressed more slowly and smoothly. Or perhaps eating cooked foods like I think he prescribes for some.

    I think brown rice, baked chicken, sourdough bread, depending on the health needs the person is going thru or age.

I have a cousin who hates my guts for being a "know it all" and told me about it this morning.  But this was balanced when someone wrote me thanking me that my Dengue Cure blog and website information allowed her to help and save her friend's life within 24 hours.  We can't please everybody.

I'm getting sentimental... I want to give everyone here a group hug.

   heh :) hugs to you too.

    I treated a naturopathic doctor with dengue.  They relied so heavily on cooked eggs and rancid castor oil too.  I don't understand how we (I mean humans) get so far from nature.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:32:43 pm »
If you read hulda clark's work on parasites it is when parasites develop in their more advanced stages and migrate to body parts they are not supposed to be and this only happens if you are constipated or polluted.

    I think that happened to me one time.  I read that green smoothies (a raw vegan staple) was so good so many times.  I finally tried one; because I thought they were right.  The natural fiber of the green leaves or something else from them in that state constipated me, even though I did not finish a small cup.  From the constipation it seemed parasites may have migrated to a wrong area.  I got rid of whatever it was, but no more green smoothie for me.  Fiber seems to stick to my colon like a dam.  Less than 1 was enough.

    I did try with kefir & egg another time.  Another disaster.

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:21:17 pm »
The fruits available in stores are said on good authority to be unlike anything paleoman could have found, being extensively selected for size and sweetness for many generations. Sugar bombs.

Looks like liver & eggs is it.

    Just had some calf's liver.  Tasted sour.

    No fish really has carbs, right?  except maybe organs or roe.  It's hard for me to imagine to avoid an edible organ, even if it does have carbs.  I guess I would think different if I was doing zc and it was working, but I'm not doing either yet.

    Isn't lutein a protein or A vitamin?  Is it really a carb?  Or is it because of something special some chickens are fed.  My chickens eat live bugs, grass and skim milk.  Maybe the milk they ate made it sweet.

General Discussion / Re: Silicon in RAF
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:43:46 pm »
Yeh i mean bone probably wasnt on their menu.

    They probably chewed them instead of smoking between meals.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:39:58 pm »
I thought that pigs got worms because they dig up the ground with their snout, roll around in mud and it goes in their mouths etc...

    Mud is clean.  They get infested cause they're stressed, from things like eating wrong food.

    I had worms before.  It looks like I got them from the junk snacks they gave us in school.  Luckily the infection was very short-lived.

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