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Messages - RawZi

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Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:36:51 pm »
Well even if it's from eating a carnivore, what do you think a carnivore eats to get them in the first place...? And you are a carnivore..

    I think feeding pigs grain gives them worms, just like it does to dogs and cats.

    I didn't mean parasites anyway.  I meant like overdoses of fat soluble vitamins from the liver and other toxins therein.  I mean, I read at the same time I heard he was eating raw lobsters out of the sewer.  Gad knows what else he was eating.  Who knows what the humans around discarded that those animals ate to be filtered by livers.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:34:37 pm »
 I don't believe in the Zephyr story, to be honest. You see, Instinctos went through a period where they frowned on raw animal foods. Burger was one such example. So this may just be propaganda.

    I didn't think it was the trichina that were the real problem.  I thought it was that it was carnivore liver.  Anyone else here eat carnivore livers?  I eat chicken livers, but they only eat bugs and tiny lizards.  Mongooses eat domestic kittens and venomous snakes.

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:29:28 pm »
lutein? lol

    Ok.  I hadn't thought of that as a sugar before.  I know the yolks were sweet tasting today.  I'm trying to avoid honey with meat etc.  Maybe I'll see what happens if I go without it for a few weeks.

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:26:01 pm »
Havent heard of that one, how do you culture liver to make kefir?

He doesnt have to no, its upto him at the end of the day, if he's terminally ill, or plain sick, he might have to

    I've left liver in the fridge in a hard and closed container.  It got bubbly, liquidy and nice tasting :P

    I don't think KD's terminally ill at this point.  I think he's just looking for better health, and in total remission from the cancer.  It's not fun being on medications.  I can understand wanting off, or just progressively better health.  Whatever one can manage.

    I said liver; because you said kefir is better than dairy.  Did you mean milk?  Doesn't matter.  I was just trying to think of a paleo kefir.  I don't think other meats have enough carbs to make it.

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:20:49 pm »
Liver, seafood, eggs, ... in the animal kingdom.

    Which sugars do eggs have?

General Discussion / Re: Silicon in RAF
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:19:32 pm »
Um just a thought. Our ancestors probably didn't eat raw bone.

    They probably ate whatever they could.  I bet they didn't eat cooked bonemeal supplements in capsules.

General Discussion / Re: Silicon in RAF
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:13:35 pm »
Silicon is also found in high amounts in beer.'

Is it possible that people who don't eat the bones or much skin could be missing out on this?

    That's what I meant to try to buy today.  Does anyone know if you can get a butcher to grind bone with meat for you?

    I know vegans, some who grill unripe avocado, others who dice it up and sell it in hot soup.  You gotta emphasize the word "raw".  People are crazy out there.  

    They read your posts, eat a cooked avocado, then say because of their results with that, that your diet doesn't work.

    One cooked person today told me they're on paleo diet which includes fruit juice and dried fruits.  

raw avocados – high fat

We did not need to drink any water with this breakfast because the water melons provided all the fluid we needed.

Funny how I stress the word raw.

Just ribbing at people who think I’m strange I eat “raw” (fruit). Nobody cooks these fruits.

I'm directing my rib at the cooked meat paleo dieters who make such a big deal out of raw paleo dieters.  As if the word "raw" has to make people head for the hills.  I bet the cooked paleo dieters do not cook their raw fruit, right?

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:59:10 am »
I tend to it all in one meal, so could not eat tiny bits like that, but if it were all mixed together, it looks reasonable to me. Might taste good too.
Maybe taste even better if you add 5golden rings and a partridge in a pear tree. ;)

    I can tend to be a grazer, especially when I eat small bits or low Vitamin D food.  The butter, fish eggs and cheese taste good together.  Anyway, I'm sure in nature I wouldn't have found all those foods at the same time.  BTW, my hamster ate a good portion of the butter today.  The yolks tasted carby.  Do they have sugar?

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:53:10 am »
Then what is bent milk good for?


    I'm not sure we're all the smart asses.  I think other groups have smart asses too.  We may have the smartest asses of all, or just are the smartest and have the best asses.  We do have a surety.  Others seem so insecure when they talk.

    They'll come when they're ready.  Maybe when they realize the health benefit and how much more natural and healthy it is for the earth. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:44:22 am »
You need animal fats to transition to a ketogenic diet, raw cream contains a good mixture of high fats & carbs, i dont recommend milk for reasons in my main post above

Kefir is even better & highly recommended over raw dairy

    Coconut kefir?  The bubbly stuff that comes from culturing liver just right?

    I agree, straight milk is good for mammal babies.

    Does KD have to go ketogenic?  I'm not sure of that.

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 10, 2010, 08:28:08 am »
How many meals a day does Wai advocate anyway? I've seen some wild claims of up to 9 meals a day. I believe it likely that diets that advocate eating many small meals a day do so because they advocate excessive amounts of carby foods like fruit juices, sugary fruits, starches, etc. Some people tend to get hungry pretty quickly after eating carby foods. I think that anything over 3 meals and 1 snack a day is excessive, and less is probably better for people trying to lose or maintain weight.

I agree with Tyler that one can make at least a partial judgment about a diet if one follows it mostly (unless the one or two differences are major). It seems kind of nit-picky to claim that not eating the prescribed # of times means one can't make any judgment.

    I really only know from my own experiences.  Whatever I read, well, I don't fully know it till I try it.  

    When I was vegan I had to eat many times per day, or feel like I couldn't be.  Switching to pd, I fully cultured cream and butter (with a drop of unheated honey mixed in), drank celery juice and all in all only ate one fruit per day.  Of course I ate raw meat and lots of raw eggs.  I ate three moderate size meals per day altogether, and never felt like I needed more, but felt satisfied.  Actually, I'll go back to the vegan here for a second, after too long on that I still never felt satisfied but I couldn't eat more than like a bite in a day either.  

    I write this all past tense; because my diet is mixed now.  All I ate since this morning is (all raw) 1 two oz fisheggs, 2 three oz bisonshoulder, 3oz unsalted grassfed hardish cheese, 4 four local eggs, 5 one oz cultured unsalted butter, 6 no water, that's it.  I'm not really sticking with one diet.  I am hoping to see if I can stay away from carbs healthfully.  So far so good I guess, but I might change my mind tomorrow as to what to eat.  I can't tell you.  I've been varying a lot.  

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 10, 2010, 08:03:12 am »
How long is there between those two shows? In the former he looks really healthy, in the latter he looks very bad. Lost lots of hair and aging skin and appearance. Really looks like he is 15 years older.

    I've seen him before kind of like this.  Seems like every few years something happens to him, a poisoning or a major accident.  Then he looks like crap for a couple of months, and looks much better later on.  I think the way he looked on the doctors was from still healing from one of those accidents.  I really think it's amazing that when I've seen him after these events, a month, with another event two or three months after, that he didn't look worse than he did.

    Saying this all reminds me of one time with Ann Wigmore.  She lifted the bed and pulled her back.  She was 80something years old at the time.  So, from pulling her back out, she rested upstairs for the rest of the morning instead of coming down and teaching class.  I expected her to have problems for weeks, just because of age in years.  I was in sorry shape myself, pinching my back from next to nothing and taking over a decade to heal.  Anyway, by afternoon class she was fine, as if nothing had happened.

    IMO it just shows various raw food diets without garbage in it, with lots of bacteria and amino acids do heal people faster than they heal eating a cooked or semi-cooked diet.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw-vegan and raw-paleo and other Questions
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:48:02 am »
The acid/alkaline theory is barely pseudo, its completely wrong, all the organs & different parts of the body have different types of acidity & alkalinity, there is no uniform acidity or alkanity in the body as a whole ...

    Maybe urine SHOULD be more acidic.  I had to get mine tested regularly, diagnosing for lupus.  I was vegan all that time, sometimes raw vegan etc.  I took no medications to treat lupus, not even the baby aspirin/day they insisted on.  If I'm recalling correctly my urine usually tested around 7.9, and boy did I feel like crap (please excuse my French) day in and day out.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:55:38 am »
... I did about 3 or 4 3-5 day fasts in one month, one time, and it took me about 3 or 4 days to fully recover from the last of those fasts. 

    I take longer to recover, but my fasts were longer too. 

    I take a ridiculously long time to recover, but I'm still glad I have the experience of it.  The fasting was helpful too in my health and life.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:51:22 am »
... I think doing 5-6 days twice would've been healthier. A lost a looooot of weight. I went from 75kgs to 60 and lost almost all of my muscle I had worked very hard for for about 4 years :)

Thankfully after reintroducing meat to my diet they're coming back quickly.

    Do you recommend going straight from wateronly 5 days fast to raw meat?

Hot Topics / Re: Paleo - just a nother eating disorder?
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:47:27 am »
... Cordain: Wheat, rye, barley, and perhaps oats are problematical for individuals with celiac disease. Wheat seems to be associated with many auto-immune diseases.

Ironically, whole grain cereals (which are thought to be more healthful than refined cereals because of their greater nutrient and fiber content) have a greater potential to disrupt mineral metabolism because of their higher phytate and anti-nutrient content.

Although high grain cereals intrinsically contain higher nutrient levels than do refined cereal grains, the biological availability of nutrients in whole grain cereals remains paradoxically low because of their high anti-nutrient content.

... The majority of the grain products consumed in this country are refined, and consequently many of the anti-nutrients are milled out.

Robert Crayhon: Such as the bran?

Loren Cordain: Yes, exactly. ...

    Even my son who will not touch meat nor egg nor fish says that the only good whole grain fiber does is absorb fats, which is a good thing if the fats the people eat are of poor quality.  He eats high quality fat, so he pretty much avoids most fiber, especially grain fiber.  He's been on both sides of the coin, and the fat side heals.

Welcoming Committee / Re: m and my experiences
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:28:43 am »
    Hi KD.  Good to see you posting. 

    I haven't tried charcoal or clay, but if it was me I might give it a shot.  I don't know if you've tried them.  It's not me anyway. 

    I've never been treated for cancer nor been treated with steroids or any of your meds, so I don't know from my own experience what may work for that.  I did take a medication at a fairly high dose that is typically used for depression, anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, PMDD and/or anxiety disorder.  I was also taking (at first natural and then) synthetic thyroid hormone at the same time of the antidepressant.  The natural I did not take very high of a dose, but the synthetic was slightly high, but still was according to what they found worked for me.  I was able to get off all medication fairly quickly.  I did have other medical conditions, but I refused treatment for them before the doctor even got the words out of the mouth to prescribe. 

    I have to hand it to you.  I would have felt too bad psychically to accept any more than I did from them.  It can take bravery to accept these helps that are so drastic.  I didn't have the guts.  I also had behind me knowledge of raw and health etc, so I felt a surety in avoiding medication.  I guess I was always trained against chemo and steroids to some extents from a very young age, or I trained myself from what was shared with me. 

    In my situation, one thing that has helped me from reabsorbing my toxins, is totally raw and grassfed unsalted (kind of hard textured) cheese before each thing I eat or drink every time.  I don't know if you have tried this, but if you have not, it may be worth a try.  If you need an additional source, I can try to help you.

Hot Topics / Re: Sick topic
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:41:31 pm »
    I think it may be real.  I've seen that book advertised before.  I think there are recipes for other fluids too.  Excuse me while I throw up.

    I was talking with an African Muslim man yesterday.  Of course I brought up the topic of food.  He says the diet where he's from is very healthy, very low cholesterol.  He said camel milk is very dry and cannot be made into cheese and is very healthy, that they give it to sick people and none of the milk there is pasteurized.  He said people rarely get sick and are all very active, which is important as medicine is next to nil there.  

    He said they eat all their meat cooked, but the camel hump fat they always eat completely raw.  He said it doesn't have a lot of flavor, and is very dry and nice, white colored and they serve it sliced.  It's a treasured important delicacy to them, a health food.  

    He also said they have lots of greens to eat and herbs to use as tonic that simply don't exist other places, and are wonderful (but he said not as essential as camel fat).

Hot Topics / Re: Paleo - just a nother eating disorder?
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:24:44 pm »
One can socialise with others without compromising one's dietary needs. For example, there are sashimi restaurantas out there, one can get steak tartare in many Euroepan-oriented restaurants etc.

    Gored gored in Ethiopian restaurants, habra nayeh in Lebanese-Palestinian.  There's a Thai restaurant by me with beef carpaccio and an Italian with tuna carpaccio.  Koreans have tartar, raw liver and live octopus dishes too.  I'm finding more people are eating raw meat than we may think, they just don't talk about it online.  

    We may need poor people to demand good quality raw meat.  So many people eat lots of bologna Wonder bread sandwiches and Tuna Helper.  The government doesn't let them know of any virtues of raw meat.  It's easier for the gov't to bring about all meat being hormone/antibiotic injected, pasteurized and irradiated if they have a large group of the population not knowing how unhealthy their meat is.  We have rulers in every country.  If everyone demands quality only, the rulers will have to start having a heart for the people's health.    

And one doesn't have to drink alcohol , just drink water instead.

    One doesn't even have to be 100% raw for that.  Even in my cooked days, when going out dancing etc I normally drank Perrier rather than alcohol.  

Hot Topics / Re: Raw vegan family
« on: February 05, 2010, 02:18:59 am »
Durian and jackfruit are very high in sugar.
What do they say about the benefit to eat these fruits ?

    Breadfruit reminds me of durian and jackfruit.  I got a fairly ripe one recently at the farmers market.  The riper part tasted close to guava this time actually, not like I remember it previously.  Of course the texture's different (and not as wet or guavapink).

    Majormark, we used wheatgrass on my son to do that, before me and him knew anything about primal diet or raw animal foods.  It took at least a year to get the feeling back.

    Roony, what do you mean a couple of weeks?  Where did you get that?  From who?  I don't know how many times it's been done, but from my sources it takes months, close to a year.

    You can use lots of stuff to make kefir.  Why don't you use your own bacteria, maybe your fresh saliva.  Meat and dairy's microorganisms are different from each other.  Have you ever heard of mesophilic, thermophilc, aerobic, anaerbic, hydrophilic etc?  Each organism has something different it tends to grow on.   

General Discussion / Re: Testicles
« on: February 03, 2010, 10:10:02 pm »
I'm wondering whether this is really true or not. Healthy women's organisms produce a small (but important for instance for sex drive and libido) quantity of testosterone, anyway. The quantity of testosterone brought about by the testicles as food is also small and probably only part of it survives the digestive process. Testosterone derives from cholesterol.

    I think people should eat what they like to eat, as long as it is a "living food" (something that grows good bacteria in you).  I tried buffalo testicle, but I really didn't like the textures (for a regular food) nor flavor.  I don't plan to get them again, as I didn't like eating any, and my cats didn't do so well on it either. 

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