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Messages - RawZi

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:54:42 pm »
... Is it just me or did he age quite a bit, look paler, no glow, hallow cheeks?

    In the videos you presented, he looks "whiter colored" now. 

General Discussion / Re: Non food reactions since going raw paleo.
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:50:12 pm »

You really think you can sense these things or were you kidding?

    It looks far fetched, but yes.  I don't go around sniffing men, but of the ones I have smelled and noticed, I have sensed like these things are off, and I have turned out to be correct about it.

    I've almost always had a very keen sense of smell.  It has gotten me to wonder about other people's senses of smell.

General Discussion / Re: Is it okay to eat re frozen meat
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:38:39 pm »
I've eaten supermarket ground beef that contained 'previously frozen parts' and it never caused me any problems.

    You mean cooked, right?  Yeah, I've bought defrosted fish.  I didn't mean to buy defrosted, but they (the store employees) mean it to be that way.  No harm in cooking defrosted meat, if you cook meat anyway.  It usually has a sticker on the package though that states: "do not refreeze". 

    I'm sensitive anyway.  I notice the way food is prepared, quickly, and what the ingredients are, and what the animal ate (if I'm eating meat). 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Water in a raw ZC diet
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:33:22 pm »
... Go work out hard or fast and watch how brown/orange it can actually get.  If you eat a lot of protein and your urine is clear that means you're retaining more amino acids, which is a good thing.  You shouldn't have amino acids in your urine, something is wrong with your kidneys if there are.  

    When I said it was like water, I mean that, in every way (taste, smell, colorlessness, cloudlessness).  Eating RAF it is still cloudless, but it smells a little like the familiar urine from before I went vegan (not bad but healthy), and like I said: the tests normalized and it has a color, sometimes even orangy when I get dehydrated (which is rare only like you say when expected)

    Anyone ever have an oily film on top of it?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:10:47 pm »
    If you are hypothyroid, mint may be bad for you.  I was diagnosed hypothyroid and have never had a problem with mint, except I don't like mint gum, mint toothpaste nor mint mouthwash, but I have a friend who helped herself heal from being hypothyroid who eliminated mint from all her food and personal care products and it helped her with this.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:06:13 pm »

    Raw vegan supporters of his who know him personally have told me in the last few months that he was not raw vegan for 30 some odd years, but little more than fifteen years.  I know Nison is claimed to be raw vegan 15 years and I believe it.  I do mean Doug.  I was recently told he's been  100% raw vegan about 15 years.  Of course, I do not know Graham, so I don't know this with my own eyes.

General Discussion / Re: Is it okay to eat re frozen meat
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:19:54 pm »
Topic: Is it okay to eat re frozen meat

    From all I've read it's ok to eat frozen meat if it's only been frozen once and you eat it still frozen, allowing it to thaw in your mouth.

    I know people who say they do well on frozen raw meat.

    I wouldn't eat de-thawed meat, unless I had nothing else.  I don't believe it's healthy for people.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone here ever get any parasites from raw meat?
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:15:23 pm »
    I got parasites as a child, before I ever tasted raw meat.  We got rid of them with herbal based medication bought in an American pharmacy.  I don't remember if it was prescription, I think it was.  

    To the best of my knowledge I have never gotten any parasite from raw meat.  If I did, I don't think I would worry, with the experience I have.  I feel eating raw meat is keeping me strong protecting me from parasites I might encounter.

    Lots of parasites dislike onions.  I might eat onions if I ever get a parasite problem.   

General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:20:20 am »
I asked my doctor about this and he says that it is not necessarily true - especially for males with a long urethra. 

    That's what I was thinking.  Even for women, I think they can get urinary tract infections without e-coli cause or spread.

A friend of mine would disagree with this statement as he lost a kidney after trying these cures.  ....  Unfortunately it is too late now.  Another friend destroyed both his kidneys from using an herbal tea... advertised as a kidney cleanse. He was dependent on dialysis 3 times per week for 10 years before he died at the age of 34. This is one of the risks with alternate cures.  Most don't work at all and some can be fatal.

    I would agree.  Herbs cannot heal kidneys.  They may force cleanse them and actually stress them.  Even the herbs for balancing autoimmunity in the kidneys may cause too much acidity and damage.

Modern medicine is not perfect, but my experience with alternative and holistic cures has been even worse.  At least with the modern medications I'm told what the side effects are likely to be.

    Well, modern medicine has not worked for me.  They're good for removing limbs or setting bones, but the rest, the body heals itself better in my experience.  Modern antibiotics, RXed and used as directed, various with different family members, have triggered dangerous kidney reactions in my family.  We all have our own direction we're coming from.

    Yes, I say take an antibiotic in an emergency, but if it is not an emergency, quite often it is better if you can to eat raw meat, cultured and aged raw meat even better.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:05:24 am »
... you have control over that.  Condition of hair, skin, eyes, and teeth, you have control over that.  I can look at people walking down the street and point out their deficiencies.  Nobody should have bad breath or have yellow teeth.  ...  Nobody should have acne either.  ...  I have so much energy I just want to run out and do something all the time.  Diet can change your body very quickly.  It doesn't take years to get your body to become healthy again, but it does take years to see a sub-optimal diet to degrade the body.  If you don't look ... better after a diet change, then your diet is not working. 

    I read all the different forums.  Seems it arises quite often that people practicing 80/10/10 have to detox their teeth out of their heads first.  I'm kidding.  But really, many, their teeth start falling out after starting the diet even though they did not have bad teeth before.  Many, their acne gets worse.  I know plenty say after three to five days of the diet everything in their health straightened out and they have never had a health problem ever again and everyone else must be cheating on the diet or something like that otherwise they would have their exact same results.  I think that attitude is ridiculous, in that I have lived long enough to know two people can eat the same food side by side and get possibly "surprisingly" different results.  There are many more factors in life than present diet.  Some may manage with 80/10/10 fine, and maybe even repair a couple of complaints by it, at least for the time being.

    Yeah, and I know what you mean.  I never thought hair color or whatever matters for attractiveness.  The three top points I was always interested in had nothing to do with genetics.  Point one I expect people to have clarity in their eyes.  Point two I expect they carry themselves well, excellent posture.  Point three good teeth/breath (no minty or other cover either).  If there was a point four it would be no fat showing on the body, but the first three are more important.  Healthy skin of course is always attractive too.  No one is moved to reach out and touch abused skin.

    Diet is a lifetime course.  Many people point at the Okinawans.  They are longer lived people than many of us.  Many try to copy their diet in one way or another.  It's not just their diet why they live longer.  It's many factors.  They look a lot younger for their ages too, even in their faces from pics I've seen.  SAD doesn't do that, and neither does 80/10/10.  Many get a lot of lines on their faces, brown spots, overly tightness to the point of their discomfort etc.  I know it's not fair because I've never seen a pic of a 110 year old 80/10/10er, but at thirty-seven they start to look old, when they did not before.  From what I've seen you need RAF and make sure to include non-grain outdoor raised in the grass raw animal fats too, to look healthy past that age, in most cases. 

    My Mom looked in her twenties way way past that age (I dont mean 110 mean past 30s) and she ate a cooked meat paleo diet (I include in that raw vegetables and raw fruit), and never did anything for her (skin) health (or bodyfat ratio) besides her WOE and lots of physical activity.  I'm not endorsing her diet for everyone here, or even anyone, but it works better than 80/10/10 in many cases I've seen.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Oysters
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:19:38 am »
Seen from the Yucatan in 1983, the Caribbean is the usual beautiful clear blue of tropic sea, while on the other side of the peninsula, the Gulf water was milky.

    Thank you.  I have heard that one part is particularly bad.  I'm just going to avoid it for now.  I don't like to get sick.

Wai Dieters / Wai and Spirituality
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:17:22 am »
    This young man says Wai diet has helped him with his spirituality:

    In this video, he talks about the diet also.  One thing is, he tells why Wai usually recommends against land meat.  I haven't watched it all yet, but I hope you enjoy :)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Water in a raw ZC diet
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:52:49 am »
    Foam in the urine is protein.  Maybe there could be other causes, but both me and my son have had foam (this was all with no animal foods) and the doctors say it's protein.

    My urine was like water for years.  I was told this is good, by lay people.  My medical tests were not perfect and worrisome to the doctors.  They had looks in their faces like I was going to die or suffer but they didn't know how to tell me.  They were grateful I reassured them.  I never felt hydrated no matter how much I drank and I didn't feel good drinking water.

    Since I started eating some (high fat) RAFs, my urine is a little yellow, my bladder feels better, my kidneys feel better, I don't feel dehydrated and my kidney function tests have become normal.


General Discussion / Re: Raw Oysters
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:36:53 am »
    I should have told you, if I'd known you were about to eat it, that gulf seafood can be dangerous.  It's the only seafood that I ever got sick after (to my recollection) and I have a friend who gulf seafood is the only flesh that's ever made sick (it was very sick by the way).  The gulf DOES have bad pollution. 

    As an aside, I have thrown up from (raw) bivalves before, but I wouldn't call it sick what happened before.  I just threw up water (hadn't drank any) and felt fine after (and before).

    The only thing that made me projectile vomit was adrenals.  Actually it happened twice with adrenals.  I still think I need them, but have to get straight how to take them first.  I had eaten them plain.  Maybe I need to mix them with something?


General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:29:49 am »
... It smelt(or is it 'smelled'?) absolutely delicious, but when I ate it, it tasted more bland than the meat, in the same packet, ...

    What is the packet made from?

    I think it's smelled.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: raw marrow
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:27:08 am »
    Like CK says leave em out to soften nicely, but I'll add not to keep them too many days without taking the marrow out.  It may keep better once out of the bone than in.  That may sound strange, but seems to work. 

    Knuckle has a lot of gelatin and dogs like to chew on them.

Primal Diet / Re: Question about the Aajanous's meat
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:22:47 am »
I would have guessed the opposite, that the marrow being much more vital to the long-term health of the animal would remain in better shape and closely resemble that of grass-fed marrow. I would also guess much of the toxins would be stored in the body fat of the animal as opposed to the marrow.

    Cow marrow IS fat.  He says the toxins get filtered through and store in a number of areas in addition to what's been said, and to definitely avoid the non-grassfed.

    That being said, I've eaten Bell and Evans chicken livers (raw) from WF, and it was tasty.  I'm not sure how Bell and Evans feeds the chickens, but since they don't water chill and are sold at WF and taste ok, I assume they feed them pretty well.

Health / Re: I think I might need a Root Canal
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:08:48 pm »
Clove oil essence for toothaches right? What about my gums? They're swollen.

    Put the clove oil on your teeth and gums.  Drinking clove oil numbs your throat.  You probably don't need that.  Clove oil can be very cooling.  Don't get it in your eye.

Try the Indian grocery.

    Or a health food store or tattoo shop.

    Get well soon.

    Lots of raw butter and raw cream helped me with that kind of pain.

General Discussion / Re: Lamb
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:46:20 pm »
It's rather unbelievable to me, as I regard lamb as a good piece of stuff, without any spices :)

     :P Me too, the smell of lamb never bothered me at all, I'm one of the few that I've met like that.  I think I was born on the wrong continent.

    It was strange at first though, coming back to meat (but raw) and eating lamb and goat (raw) and then spending time with the live ones and sharing treats with them (avocado and apple).  Smelling the live ones smelled just like my food.  It was cool, but just a new experience to me.  

    Lamb was one of the few meats I could eat as a kid without my throat swelling up.  I tried schawarma (just cucumber and tahini no bread nor tabouli) for the first time ever, recently.  That made me very inflamed all over.  I can really only eat lamb when it's all wet, juicy, greasy and moist.  I want to try mutton, but can't find it.  I like the taste of the suet from lamb kidneys too, and the hearts and brains.    

edited adding in last paragraph lost track of time

General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:42:13 pm »
 As an example, Cipro doesn't play nice with dairy, So, just make sure that you understand what the limitations are and then follow the recommendations for the antibiotic you are taking.

    Cipro doesn't play nice with vegan food either.  I've had friends with terrible reactions to that one.

    Kurite, I assumed you had already gone through amaroli:
Ive tried every holistic cure in the book but cant egt rid of it without antibiotics. 1 year i decided to try to simply let it do its thing and see if it went away and it got so bad it looked like i lost half the skin on my face. This is also part of the reason i switched to raw paleo. Even though theres a chance it wont help anyway

    This is a word about it:
Urine therapy refers to any method for maintaining or improving health characterized by the external or internal application of an individual's urine to that individual. Forms of urine therapy include applying urine to the skin (e.g., by massage or clay packs), ingesting it, injecting it (e.g., urine enemas), and snuffing it. Some proponents describe human urine as a divine nectar, a nectar of immortality, or a God-given panacea.

    Aajonus' mom taught him to put it on skin for acne.  Aajonus has used it a number of times on skin as a detox from vaccines.  I know people who bathe in aged urine every day.  Take out a couple of books on it.  Occasionally aajonus writes about it to.  My grandfather taught the kids to use it on their skin to get rid of infections and prevent them.  You can run a search on AV's articles and newsletters on the WeWant2Live site.  Most books available on it are for fruitarians and vegetarians.  There are different ways for meat eaters to use it.  I'm sure paleo man didn't throw it out if the could cure an infection with it safely.  We did manage to survive the paleo era, so I assume they learned to use it pretty fast, with no doctors or pharmaceuticals.

General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: January 31, 2010, 12:57:44 pm »
Every year during the winter i get dermatitis on my face.

    Has the dermatitis started yet this Winter?  How has your diet changed since last year?  Is this your first time doing raw paleo?  Even if you tried putting urine on it last year, if you're eating different now, your urine is different.  

    I did have a terrible infection almost a year and a half ago.  I have been prescribed antibiotics a couple of times, supposed life-or-death, not cosmetic, since I started RVAF omnivore.  I have not swallowed nor accepted one hyperdermic of antibiotic.  I took other measures.  

    I am not suffering your dermatitus, but I've had awful skin, so I know it can be physically painful AND emotionally painful, not to mention people can get scared that they think you have smallpox, leprosy or will pass it to them.  They may not let you come into the office; because they don't want your ill face to represent them.

    Is there a chance you can go without the antib?

    If you have to take it, then take it, and let us know how it goes.

General Discussion / Re: Antiobiotics during raw paleo?
« on: January 31, 2010, 11:05:14 am »
    Why do you have to do 1 mo antib now?  I don't mean the name of the infection, or the part of the body.  I mean why now?  Like maybe, did you just now get the infection?  Is your insurance mandating now or never?  Is it something that will get worse in some way if you wait another month to do the antib and try to cure it with raw meat instead for this month?  What do you think?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:59:24 am »
    Yuri, I don't know why I didn't think about this before, or whether you have, or whether for sure it would work, but I'll try.  A mint plant has very few carbs, little enough I think for your diet.  Much of the food you eat is lamb.  The herb most often eaten with lamb is mint.  There may be a reason.  I imagine mint can be good for the gall bladder.  You have cholecystitis, an inflammatory condition.  That's heat.  Mint is a very cooling herb. 

    Many people serve cooked lamb with mint sauce.  In Lebanon, Syria and Palestine they make habra nayeh, a raw lamb dish with loads of raw mint leaves.  In many Arab and Eastern countries lamb is the most frequent meat, and mint tea is sipped between each mouthful of food.  There may be health reasons. 

    I have a tiny mint plant in my home.  You can grow a bunch of mint plants.  It shouldn't hurt anything, plus they grow so you don't even have to run out.  Eat mint several times per day.  Build up to it, use a little the first day and so on.  Maybe the fiber will bother you, as you are not accostomed to it.  In that case try it different ways.  Maybe knead it with the meat, or crush it with morter and pestel, you have a great imagination, I'm sure there are other ways to try, to see which may be the perfect prescription for you. 

    I feel this may be what you need to make ZC work optimally for you.  Diet in my opinion is not only about calories, macronutrients or current medical literature.  It's about art, chemistry and other things too, many ways to balance art that work.     

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. In many cases, cholecystitis is caused by gallstones that block the tube leading out of the gallbladder. This results in a buildup of bile that can cause inflammation. Other causes of cholecystitis include infection, injury and tumors. The doc didn’t say that I have gallstones so I presume it is caused by infection. I have been diagnosed with cholecystitis for the first time when I did abdominal ultrasound in April. Nothing has changed since then.

In presence of cholecystitis, a blood test may reveal that white blood cell count is higher than normal, which may indicate an infection. Blood tests may also show high levels of bilirubin (an orange-yellow pigment that's released into bile and stored in gallbladder), alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme found in high concentrations in liver and bile ducts) and serum aninotransferase (liver enzymes). It is interesting because I have normal readings of the above tests. Moreover I have none of the signs or symptoms of cholecystitis. The doc who was examining me couldn’t believe that I don’t have any pain in bladder area.






Wai Dieters / Re: Count me in on this Wai Diet thing...
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:42:42 am »
    I found a picture of her and an interview.  Thought you might like it.  I don't speak German, and not going to bother with giving a proper translation to English.

Wai the Woman was more involved with The Acne Book, which was I believe was the first incarnation of The Wai Diet. But her then boyfriend RRM decided to take The Sampl Diet, which includes no 'MUNCH Foods' and make it the mainstay of The Diet. This after Wai kind of disappeared off the forums and the scene as it were. It's rummored, or was, that they are no longer together.
'Höre auf deinen Körper'

Wai Genriiu Was kann man tun, um sich gesund und umweltfreundlich zu ernähren?

Wai Genriiu: Nahrungsmittel, die nicht umweltfreundlich sind, sind auch nicht gut für unseren Körper. Wir brauchen die Leute eigentlich nur über die Auswirkungen zu informieren, die die momentane Ernährungsweise auf sie selbst und ihre Gesundheit hat – der Mensch ist Egoist genug, dass daraus eigentlich eine Veränderung resultieren sollte.

Es gibt eine Vielzahl verschiedener Lehren über gesunde Ernährung. Die meisten von ihnen widersprechen sich in der ein oder anderen Form. Welche Hinweise würden Sie einem Anfänger geben, der versucht seine Ernährung umzustellen?

Wai Genriiu: Wenn du wissen willst, was gut für dich ist, dann probiere jede Ernährungslehre aus. Höre aufmerksam zu, was dein Körper dir sagt. Notiere jede Auswirkung dieser speziellen Diät: Wie fühlst du dich? Welche Beschaffenheit hat dein Stuhl? Wie ist deine Haut? Welche Auswirkung hat das Essen auf deine Energie? Wie fühlt sich dein Magen an? Wie schläfst du? Wie ist deine Stimmung?

Was sind für Sie die Basiselemente einer gesunden Ernährung?

Wai Genriiu: Eine ausreichende Menge aller essentiellen Nährstoffe. Möglichst wenig Karzinogene, Enzymhemmer und andere schädliche Substanzen. Leicht verdauliches Essen. Nahrung, die ein Wohlgefühl hinterlässt.

Was ist Ihr beruflicher Hintergrund und woher kam Ihre Motivation, über Ernährung zu forschen?

Wai Genriiu: Ich war viele Jahre als Profi-Model tätig. Als ich mit dem Modeln aufhörte, zog ich in ein anderes Land, veränderte meine Ernährungsweise – und bekam plötzlich Akne. Ich traf meinen jetzigen Freund, der ebenfalls an Akne litt, und zusammen begannen wir, uns mit Biochemie zu beschäftigen, um die Verbindung zwischen Ernährung und Akne zu erforschen. Im Zuge unserer Forschungen entdeckten wir eine Menge Material, das von so großer Wichtigkeit war, das wir es quasi online publizieren mussten.

Welches Feedback haben Sie von den Lesern Ihrer Website erhalten?

Wai Genriiu: Viele Menschen bedanken sich bei uns für die Information, die wir zur Verfügung stellen, und stellen recht detaillierte Fragen, die wir gerne beantworten. Die dankbarsten Rückmeldungen bekommen wir von Menschen, die unter sehr starker Akne gelitten haben und jetzt - dank der von uns vorgeschlagenen Ernährung - wieder ein normales Leben ohne Akne führen können.

Sie schlagen tiefgreifende, wenn auch durchaus "leckere" Veränderungen in der Ernährungsweise vor. Wie kann man sich die Phase des Übergangs erleichtern?

Wai Genriiu: Abgesehen von den Nahrungsmitteln, die Teil der empfohlenen Diät sind, kann man auch Essen zu sich nehmen, dass eigentlich eher als "schlecht" einzustufen ist. Man sollte da jedoch solches wählen, das möglichst wenig schädliche Substanzen enthält und gleichzeitig am meisten zufriedenstellt. Ich nenne das "Munch Food". Diese Nahrungsmittel befriedigen das Verlangen, den emotionalen Aspekt des Essens, und helfen dabei, die ansonsten strikte Diät aufrechtzuerhalten.
Edited to add the enveda link __:35:46 PM

General Discussion / Re: Honey
« on: January 31, 2010, 07:18:17 am »
    I can't find a place on the Really Raw site to order it,
    but here's a place that sells RRH's cappings and the link to order it from with a pic:

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