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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Lamb
« on: January 31, 2010, 06:55:30 am »
    I've had habra nayeh numerous times at a restaurant without a problem.  I order a couple at a time, as it's intended by them to be a small appetizer.  To make it at home you just dice the lamb and add a bunch of fresh minced mint leaves.  Maybe it's the mint leaves that prevent a problem.  They normally have a bunch more ingredients: onion, scallion and salt.  I just ask them to leave that out and bring me a little olive oil.  I hope this helps.

    I think cooked people eat mint jelly as their condiment to lamb quite often.  Maybe for similar reason.  I know a lot of people hate the smell of lamb plain without seasoning.

General Discussion / Re: Honey
« on: January 31, 2010, 06:48:35 am »
Ask Mimi
Everything you ever wanted to know about Really Raw Honey!
Q: What are cappings? What do they taste like?

A: The crunchy bits of pollen, propolis, and capping wax that crown each jar of our honey are called "cappings". Cappings have the highest concentrations of pollen and propolis, which are known for their healthful properties. Due to popular request, Really Raw Honey Cappings are now available by the jar and can be chewed, just like chewing gum, for a sweetly delicious way to enjoy and ingest the goodness the bees put in.
above from

    I have jars of cappings, but it's stuff my son scraped off the top of his jars.  I use it little by little for myself.  I can't credit myself in finding the above quote.  My husband decided to order honey for my son directly from the site, and told me about them selling cappings.  I just thought some of you may want it, since I've seen you talk about honey alone missing all the other stuff that comes with it in nature.  What a dear, he doesn't eat honey himself.   

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Avocados for zero carb?
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:46:28 am »
Q - Why eat anything that contains allergens?

A - Get them carbs!

    We have avocado, (ripe) banana, kiwi, cashew and mango probs in our family here at home.  I guess we may have latex allergies after all!  I think latex allergies are often discovered in the operating room.  Thankfully we have managed without operations.

General Discussion / Re: How do you wash dishes?
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:39:53 am »
I will probably not use vinegar because it smells like crazy. So my first try will be lemon juice and than mixed with sodium bicarbonate.

How long will the lemon juice last? I want to make a big bottle if it works.

    I don't know.  I used to squeeze one of those lemons that are bigger than a grapefruit (I had the lemon tree) into my laundry every time.  I know for drinking, lemon gets acidic within a few hours after it is squeezed.  Freezing the juice before that happens extends the less "acidiness" (keeps it at that stage in ways).  I don't know if any of that affects dish-washing one way or the other.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:36:38 am »
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

IMO, Bear wins the beauty contest.   ;)

    I showed bear's picture from here to my vegan dieted husband.  He says bear looks good.

    Thanks for posting bear's pic.  :)

General Discussion / Re: How do you wash dishes?
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:32:02 am »
What substances do you use for washing dishes?

I've been thinking of more natural alternatives to the kitchen solution used to wash greasy dishes, like lemon juice, sodium bicarbonate and vinegar.

    For the dishes I just use for myself, I first wipe them (only if necessary), then I rinse them well with cold water, then again well with warm water.  Sometimes I wipe them off then, others I let them air dry.  I don't use soap on them.  My kitchen is sunny too.  

    For the bottles I get milk in, after the thorough rinsing, I stick them in the dishwasher on high heat wash and high heat dry.  The milk is mostly not for my consumption, and I don't want anything unplanned for growing in it.

    I just got my first real fresh kefir grains fermenting some milk now.  I always made kefir from scratch before, and once I tried that powder from Canada.

    At Ann Wigmore's we soaked the dishes in water, then I washed them with eucalyptus Dr Bronner's liquid diluted.  Then ran them through the dishwasher with no cleaning products on high heat.  We didn't consider the dishwasher necessary for health, but we did it for the health department in case they would ever come and inspect.  

    Eucalyptus and baking soda should take the grease off your dishes.  

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:20:05 am »
Sorry, no. My source was an article ketogenic diet, but the best placed to ask that question would be ZIOH.

    That's ok :)  How many people there do raw, more or less?  I would think many epileptics should be checking out that forum anyway.  From reading in the past, starch affects seizures more adversely than it affects many other things.  That may be why water only fasting has been seen to dissolve lesions that cause epilepsy.  I wouldn't be surprised to be told gluten can cause epileptic lesions.

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:16:39 am »
I don't know about me needing the medication, I'm guilty of still taking it. I have no one to support me here in Singapore. Doctor said it wasn't good, because it might give me diarrhea....? Heh.

    Maybe my doctor was more supportive because I am older (than you and the doctor), more experience in health etc.  After practicing a RVAF omnivore diet for several months with his current knowledge of my diet step by step, the doctor's assistant found out how I was eating. 

    The assistant assumed the doctor didn't know what I ate (which is bs as I brought it in and showed him at appointments).  So I told the assistant that the doctor knows and approves.  At this, the assistant asked me: "didn't you get any diarrhea with it, even (if only) at the start"? 

    You know, I don't consider it diarrhea, but thinking back, yes, the first month I ran to the toilet about 180 times.  It wasn't watery though.  And then thinking more, about all I was eating was butter and literally barely anything else, nothing else the first week.  It felt good that my body was cleaning and building and healing and building hope I never knew could exist.  I was not only overweight, but very unhealthy, depressed, constipated more than anyone I ever read of etc.  The cellulite, deep depression, joint stiffness, lack of muscle, some lack of height, multiple skin problems, brain fog and more were gone within the first four weeks.

    The doctor's open-mindedness in my situation and intelligence (he knew some of the other doctors there were terrible humans) helped the doctor too I'm sure, as then learned another tool (RAF) in healing.

    If you talk with your doctor again about this diet, maybe you can tell him that some of the RAFers you know do this food with their doctors knowledge and support.

    Did he say what in it would give you diarrhea?  Was it parasites?  There are studies showing that even certain worms etc have helped human health even when medicine failed on same persons for years.  You probably already know that having read these forums and whatever brought you to RPD.  It doesn't seem anyone starts this diet for nothing.  It's usually well researched by each individual.   

Hot Topics / Re: Bioavailability of protein from raw meat?
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:55:06 am »
    I've heard that cooked meat only has a quarter of the bio-availability of protein that raw does.  I know I get no good use out of cooked meat protein.  It left me skinny a hell and in pain.  I know raw grows my muscles.  Thanks for asking this question.  I would like to see the studies too.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Avocados for zero carb?
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:50:21 am »

Others develop banana allergy because of the similarity between the allergens in banana and natural rubber latex (e.g. gloves, condoms, balloons) a condition known as the latex-fruit syndrome. Symptoms developed by these individuals comprise generalised urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. These individuals often develop adverse reactions to chestnut, avocado, mango and kiwi.

I read that the reason some 811ers give up avocado is not the fat, another of the reasons is latex allergies.  They try to promote that it's just that fat is bad, but that's not always true.  I don't know if any ZC's ever have latex allergies, but if they do or develop them, there you go.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Liver?
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:48:41 pm »
The liver had the odd hole in it like Swiss cheese.  Does anyone know if that means something about the animal's health?  It came from Germany, and it said the animals were "specially selected" whatever that means.  

    I think Swiss cheese holes in liver is fine.  I don't know how it forms the holes though.

Off Topic / Re: Color and Appetite
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:45:53 pm »
Plus, the raw blood from the raw wild hare is the only blood I like the taste of, since I can't get blood from other raw wild game(even raw blood from organic,raw grassfed meats tastes kinda bland)

    My cats loved sucking on our rabbit's neck.  I don't think they ever got a drop of blood out though.  Maybe they were just kissing her neck, or concerned we'd get angry.  It looked like they were vampiring on her though.  I'm sure wild hare would be much different.  Our rabbit only ate fresh vegetables.  We got the leftover salad leaves etc from a restaurant each day as her feed.

    I've tried buffalo blood saved for me from slaughter.  I don't know if I like it enough to get again.  I think I do.  They throw it out otherwise.  My plates are too big for my appetite (well for blood). 

    A small set of dishes for dolls or a doll house would be big enough.  I can use tiny Barbie doll spoons.  Don't know where I'd buy them.  I think druggies use coke spoons.  I wonder where I could get one or how to go about making nice ones.  Maybe make a tea party for weird neighbors.  I think they prefer Wild Turkey. 

    Why do I live in America.  Blood soup is nearly unheard of here, and when it is on a restaurant menu it's cooked chunks of blood.           

Off Topic / Re: Color and Appetite
« on: January 30, 2010, 06:20:14 pm »
Well, actually I prefer red dishes re appetite for things like sushi/sashimi, which is often red re plates.

    I actually have sushi plates that are bi-color (brown/green).  I have no problem with them, I don't think so anyway.  I don't think I'd prefer to eat sashimi from blue plates, plus the blue ones don't have sushi in the set.  I'd have to make or shop around for blue ones.  

    I'm thinking for red meat like buffalo.  I love the smell of buffalo, and like its color, I just think it would look a lot better on these blue plates.  Maybe it's the contrast.  Blue is a soothing color.  I like the cold.  I think I just want to think "cool" when I eat, as far as temperatures go, that may be it.

    A lot of raw foodists have Pitta (fire) constitution, and do well with calming (or non-pittagenic) things, like foods that are anti-inflammatory, etc.  I had a number of inflammatory diseases (here is a general info list  I always liked blue anyway.  Blue depresses some people, but blue kind of works like raw fats for me.  

I've noticed that a number of Caucasian-Americans claim Cherokee ancestry, for entirely spurious reasons.

    I know blond hair and red hair blue eyed very white skinned people who claim to be Cherokee.  I have noticed this as I meet new people over the past thirty years.  Maybe they intermarried a lot.

    Me, I don't think I look Native American.  I do have some physical traits that suggest I have native blood though.  I do not claim to even possibly be Cherokee.

    I think there are some African Americans who also claim to be of Cherokee.  

    I think the bloodlines must have become diluted.  

Off Topic / Color and Appetite
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:55:28 pm »
    How do colors affect your appetite?

    The reason I am asking this question, is because according to ayurveda and psychology, serving your food on red plates is supposed to increase appetite.  So I've had red dishes for about ten years, and I never found them appetizing.  I was shopping recently and saw dishes in pretty shades of blue.  I saw a lot of dishes, but these blue ones made me feel good.  Are other diets good on red dishes, but for some people, whatever they eat, blue better?  I wonder if I should get the blue ones.  I think I will.

    I know color affects other things in relation to health and psychology, and didfferent people have different color needs.  The same color affects two people differently.  That is proven.

    What color dishes do you eat off of?  (if you use dishes)

    Anyone here have lots of successful color consulting experience and seen differences that relate to color and diet?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Estonia
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:36:30 pm »
It takes hell of a time to eat them raw. I tried to eat them raw as much as possible. I probably ate them for an hour and I am boiling the rest right now. If you want to eat oxtails raw better make sure you have some very sharp scissors or knife.

    goodsamaritan has scissors he uses on and recommends for meat.

General Discussion / Re: What about water temperature?
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:33:38 pm »
... I would still feel cold so I would get the hot water from restaurants but not add the herbal tea, and drink that. Hot water isn't changed much so is not like cooked food.

    I agree, water is not food.  Did paleo people drink tea-temperature water?  I suppose on an empty stomach, it shouldn't do any harm.  I like holding a hot cup if I'm cold.

Health / Re: Dry skin, cold shower therapy...
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:30:25 pm »
I would be very careful re ascribing silly traits to irish-descended peoples. I have a very heavy amount of Irish ancestry and have visited Irish people in Ireland often. Most had no or very little access to plant-foods most of the time, raw or cooked, and looked very unhealthy during my visits.

    What kind of carb foods did they eat?  Potatoes?  In the realm of root vegetables, I find that to be a particularly unhealthy one. 

Health / Re: I think I might need a Root Canal
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:25:44 pm »
    Listen to gs.  Take it out.  It may be difficult, Idk.  I know the gums are tougher with epilepsy medications.  Make sure the dentist is familiar with what medicine you are on.  Depending on your ancestry to, your tooth roots may be deeper, longer and more twisting.

    Put wheatgrass pulp on the area.  It helps with infections, with anyone raw that I have seen, RAFers or vegans.

Health / Re: I think I might need a Root Canal
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:22:50 pm »
If the tooth is doomed, extract it.

This is my stand on root canal:

"All root canals must be extracted. Root canalled teeth are dead teeth and have no business being stuck in your jaw causing illness. If you want to get well, this must be done now."

    That's what I did.  I had a similar problem as Dwight (but had not been root canaled), and I looked for a dentist who would listen to me and help me do what I want with my body.  I had the dentist take my tooth out instead of filling it or canaling its root.  Once the tooth was out, sure, it may have hurt for a day, but it was such a relief to my health and healed up faster than the dentist had imagined it would.  It was wild!

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:18:49 pm »
Was not the ketogenic diet prescribed for epilepsy? If so, you came to the right place, because the raw zero carbohydrate diet does the same only far better.

    Hi William.  Do you know where to find people who have treated their epilepsy with raw ZC?  Have you been diagnosed?

    Dwight, are you still needing the same amount of medicine?  Does your doctor know what you are eating?  When I changed diets, I was under the care of an MD.  He knew how bright I am, especially with diets.  He supported me in it.  That felt good and helpful to me.  There are good doctors.  Also, epilepsy medication may cause gum problems (as well as gall bladder acne etc), which I think you know already.  Some of it may be hard to find written about.  Maybe you have a good epilepsy support group.

Health / Re: I think I might need a Root Canal
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:05:32 pm »
    Your mother may think she is protecting your health.  She is protecting herself from you telling the dentist you are eating raw meat.  He is an authority certified by the establishment that wants you to eat cooked food.  What she is actually doing is playing with your physical life today.  Eating raw animal foods may bring on much more pus than any cooked or other diet.  This can be very dangerous.  Be thankful it is not a top of the mouth tooth, that would be more dangerous.  Tell her you need a dentist now, and that this is not the time for her to play.  If she doesn't listen, you may have to turn her in for denying you needed emergency medical care.  You may have to stop raw then too, but she will be in trouble.  Warn her before you both have problems.  I don't think she wants your health to suffer.

    Or just pay yourself for the dentist.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Liver?
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:58:54 pm »
Been eating it for a month.  This is by far the worst tasting food to me.  I cut up frozen liver into small pieces, let it slightly defrost, put the small pieces in my mouth and down it with water.  I never chew the stuff it would kill me.  It digests fine I still get the benefits.  Feels like natures energy drink.  Raw Liver!

    I haven't tried it frozen yet.  I've seen it at WF where it looks like it had frozen and was defrosted.  Whatever it was, I did not like the way the texture looked, so I didn't buy it those times.  I did have desiccated liver tablets before, but I didn't take them, I gave them to my dog, who loved them.  I'm thinking of trying dehydrating liver.  I heard it tastes like chocolate.  Somehow I doubt it does though.  People tell me dried mushrooms taste like chocolate and that carob does, but neither do.  

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Estonia
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:53:50 pm »
It does feel like mineral deficiencies or addictive/psychological. But if it was mineral deficiencies, you would crave on different other foods also unless the bones contain some unique stuff that simple foods don´t have. Clacium ?

    Milk (pasteurized) made me throw up, I couldn't stand ice cream many-a-time (pasteurized). I loved all green leafy vegetables prepared in any manner or not prepared, I disliked most grain, I loved to eat plain almonds and cooked or sprouted lentils and figs and my teeth were tiny (and late) and my bones were very thin.  I had other various signs of possible blood calcium deficiency.  I also had those marks in my nails.  I did not like salt much either, and not soy.  Yes, I think calcium could have been one of my mineral deficiencies. 

Pasteurized Milk
Nutritional Values
After pasteurization the total of soluble calcium is very much diminished. The loss of soluble calcium in regards to infants and growing children must be a very important factor in growth and development, not only in the formation of bone and teeth, but also in the calcium content of the blood, the importance of which is now being raised.

    Hah I wrote a little dramatically, like I was a dog, liking to chew bones.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Liver?
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:24:55 pm »
    I didn't like striated muscle meat as a kid, but I managed to eat what they served me, until I turned veg.  I remember the (cooked) liver sitting there on my plate till it turned green many-a-time; because I couldn't stand to eat that either, it was worse than muscle.  I remember one time I managed to eat some liver, and I got one of my worst monster migraines, very apparently part of my body's response to liver.  I was so sorry I ate it, not that I enjoyed eating it at all.  Years later a doctor gave me a vitamin shot that turned out was derived from liver.  In response just after the shot I got painful agglutinations in said muscles that lasted for years.  Finally a doctor tested me for anti-liver antibodies (to my own liver), and I tested high positive.  I did have liver problems, lacking in enzymes there etc. 

    Anyway, about six months into me eating RAF I tried liver.  My husband surprised me.  I was arriving back from caring for relatives, and he had some liver and fish he bought with intention of serving me, and drove both around for hours in the trunk of the car on a very hot sunny day.  I hadn't tried highmeats yet either.  He's a vegetarian and has always hated fish and very likely has never tried liver in his entire life.  I didn't know what to do.  I was very busy even upon returning and I had to eat, and did not want to insult him.  I ate both (and shared with my cats).  It stank, had turned colors and was slimy.  Surprisingly neither made me sick at all.

    I've eaten liver (and high meats) many times since.  It's really quite different raw.  It never makes me sick.  It actually tastes good.  I like it with seasonings on it too, especially cinnamon which may help reduce its carbs.   

Talking about Liver, I hadn't tasted liver since I was 7? Until yesterday and it was  -v

I mean I was cutting it to cook it (I’m not raw yet) and I almost cried  :'(

Should I add I spent my whole adolescence in a super low calorie almost vegetarian diet? So I guess you get the picture.

My question: Any of you guys used to hate it and then after several tries you got used to it? I'm really really, really trying but I need some "success experience" on eating liver and other organs lol  Anyone?  -[

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