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Messages - RawZi

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My lamb is from the US, but it says 'all natural' so I am assuming it is pasture fed. I should probably do more research on that though. I am buying mostly wild Atlantic salmon and raw shucked oysters from Texas. I also eat pickled herring and lox, but I'm not sure if that counts for the raw paleo diet.

    Me too, I'm hesitant to do bone marrow from the health food store.  I know it's "natural", but I don't know either where it's from.  Lambs may be milk fed.  The shucked oysters, they are likely pasteurized.  Which side of Texas is it from?  If they are helping you, great!  If not, wait to do them till you can get live.  Pickled and smoked fish are not ideal, but they are better than heat cooked.  I'm not sure how paleo either.  Paleos did have fire, so smoking the fish, just by keeping it safe nearby them by a campfire probably happened.

I had a tuna steak tonight because it looked so good, but I'm not sure where it was from. I'm also eating a lot of raw eggs. They are brown and some are fertile, but I buy them from a regular grocery store.

    I think Tuna would be deep ocean.  Was it previously frozen?

My medical insurance is horrible -- although I'm pretty sure they cover wisdom teeth removal due to pain/flaring up etc. I am having to wait another couple weeks for an appointment, where I will hopefully get a referral to get an appt to get in to see a dentist. It's the VA hospital(I'm a veteran), so that's just the way it works. I should have gotten them taken out 10 years ago before it got this bad.

    Funny, people told me that going into the military wisdom teeth are automatically taken out just after boot camp.  The VA dentist is probably very good as far as dentists go.  I wish you lots of luck!

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:23:34 pm »
No never tried it. I don't know if I could find the motivation to do these things.

No, I was just buying organic sauerkraut. Never tried an E.M. First batch of high meat is on its way right now, never tried it before. Colostrum in powder form, both raw and pasteurized.

     :) Glad you are making highmeat.  Glad you are healing.  I know I feel amazing eating a high meat.  I wish you the very best!

I don't have access to organs or suet coming from grassfed animals. I did inform myself though and its possible that I get heart and tongue from grassfed animals. How should I go about eating such a diet? Can you tell me what your high fat diet looks like for example?

    I eat raw A2 grassfed dairy from a small old fashioned family farm nearby.  I eat cream and fertile egg smoothies.  I culture the cream.  I eat cultured grassfed unsalted butter.  I eat buffalo suet.  I eat buffalo hide fat.  I eat grass fed marrow.  I eat whatever (proper raw) fat I can get.  I feel good to eat fat first, until satiated, and then eat the meat.

    Heart isn't very fatty, but it does have nice suet fat.  Tongue, so far I only really like from buffalo.  It's great meat, I love it's fattiness.  No need to add fat to the tongue.

I'm just glad i never went back to the doctor i was told about a colostomy bag, if i still had colitis after 5 years bleh lol

    Bleh is right!  Nobody wants that very much.  Good thing you changed your path!

I am purchasing most of the meat I get from the grocery store and I can tell there is a lot less than 1/4 fat, especially on the beef(though I am buying mostly lamb or seafood). I have raw, grassfed butter though, so I wonder if I can make up for the lack of fat in the meat with that?

    For me, I wouldn't mess with non-grass grazed fat.  I think it's toxic.  If you are able to get the best raw grassfed butter, I would go with that for now.  As for organ meats, I would go with heart or other lean meats, unless it is grass fed.  Where is your seafood from?  Lamb for that matter, is it New Zealand?

    I hope you're all healed after the infection.  Did you take it out?

Interesting. I didn't know that humans could get yellow eyes like a wolf other than from jaundice. Any chance the relative might have that?

    Good question, as I didn't say much, for you to tell for sure.  Nope, the sclera are not yellow, nor the skin nor the rest.  The yellow part is the irises.  I believe there was a thyroid problem at one point and other endocrine.  They were never zero carb nor paleo nor raw.  I'm thinking it could be a gluten intolerance.

Off Topic / Re: Reading & Typing Faster when i semi-fast ...
« on: January 29, 2010, 08:12:16 am »
He sells himself, so in public a salesman doesn't listen. Different in private consultation.

    He was an annoying salesman for the most part.  He and I did write back and forth privately.  He was no better.  Has he given you personalized good advice or kind words that were of help?  If so, that's great!  I'll be happy to say there is someone I know of that he has helped. I really would like to hear that he did that well, with you. Up until now no one has told me that they got a good private consult from him.  

    I don't dispute that him saying to lay down in the middle of a heart attack and close one's eyes might not be the best advice.  There was nothing else besides that, that I read from his public health posts that I needed to learn.  His holiday messages are interesting.

    What does he charge again?  $10.00/minute?

    Maybe it's just that everyone else was conversive and caring.  I came away with friends I still email with today, even though we were all vegan then.

    I've already long term water only fasted a handful of times anyway.  I prefer word of mouth by someone's clients, or them telling me in person eye-to-eye.  I bet he wouldn't have the nerve.  I think I would have to punch him anyway.

    He acts like life is some kind of magic where you point and press, and mountains zoom across the universe.  If they don't, you're not human or something.  

    There are a number of kinds of salesman.

Off Topic / Re: Reading & Typing Faster when i semi-fast ...
« on: January 29, 2010, 06:59:07 am »
Dr. Bernarr says the God Within kicks in and starts healing if we fast with our eyes closed.

    I saw him too much on the vegan boards.  He was never really of any help.  He would talk and talk to himself.  He didn't seem to "hear" anything.  I would like to know if he is raw paleo or any kind of paleo.  I'm glad if he can help some people.  His talk was worse than useless to me.

Didnt know, fasting was off topic, np

    Maybe it's typing that's off topic, or speed typing.

Primal Diet / Re: Does Aajonus mention eating back fat?
« on: January 29, 2010, 06:31:34 am »
How lucky. Maybe if you rolled the dice again and he didn't remember you from before he'd say something else? That would be a good experiment to see if he's accurate and precise in his prognoses.

    LOL he probably never remembers me.  I think he's too busy analyzing the hands for hormones, the irises, the general body structure etc.

    Did he recommend too much honey and butter to you?  

    I don't think his diet is perfect.  I do know it's best for me for now.  I like raw paleo.  That's why I'm here.  In the future I may cut out the dairy from my diet completely, no matter if it becomes more available or not.  I don't know.

    Who am I to say, that just cause eating coconut doesn't do enough for me, or maybe even is bad for me, that coconut cream is not helping the next guy to heal?  I'm just me.  I'm not them.  

    I've been to so many different types of healers and seers.  I've spent so many thousands of dollars to them, and some were free.  Anyway, for me, what he said about me made sense.  

    If I get another consult, if it's interesting, I'll write about it.

Thing is, he recommends that same stuff to everyone regardless of whether they are terminally ill, comatose, or apparently healthy. He said I look jaundiced  :'(

    He recommended very frequent tiny portions (or should I say doses for the size like a pill) of (unsalted raw grassfed) hard cheese to me.  He didn't emphasize honey to me.  Actually, he told me to raise my meat intake.  I was only eating (raw) meat once per day.  He told me to eat two full meat meals per day.  Mind you, this is for me.  And he told me that.  He told me many people need less meat than my body does.

RawZi has it right. Even here there is a lot more discussion of meat than of fat.

I don't know what he says in private, but does he really recommend raw ice cream to everyone?
See the post on his website from the ice cream addict:

If I could get raw organic grassfed type 2 cream I would make raw ice cream. I remember his recipe.

    In private, he recommended a very specific diet according to my health needs.  He did not recommend me any ice cream, nor any coconut cream, nor avocado, nor high meat actually.  Simple grass grazed foods mostly, but frequently and in very specific order (and certain combos).

I guess I am looking for advice on the best way to tweak the diet for my current needs. I am a 28 year old female -- currently overweight due to a difficult pregnancy last year(hypoglycemia then bedrest...ending in surgery) and unable to lose much since. My baby is almost 11 months now and is still breastfeeding for about 70% of his total nutrition, I'd estimate(so, a lot).

    Hi Carnivora,

    Nice to meet you.

    I think it's from the breastfeeding.  I never ate so much like I did when I bf'ed, I was truly hungry every moment even though I ate.  

    I'm thinking since you so recently switched over to raw meats and are likely eating less grain, roots and sugar, that your milk is richer yet less abundant.  Carbs make more abundant body fluids (including breastmilk increase), yet less nutrient dense body fluids.

I was so hungry a little while after the oysters today that I broke down and made some cooked chicken tacos with avocado. Now I feel like crap again and my head and tooth hurt.

    Yes, you are hungry uncontrollably more than us and more than you were because of this switch during this time.  Sounds wonderful to me, the opportunity passing this healthful way onto your child.  I would recommend if you could, eat more raw fat until satisfied and always have abundant raw fat around.  Also, you may find cutting down on things like soy sauce and on mustard helps.  Grains are very addictive, and I know you're hungry.  Just eat the fat and your baby may pick up the habit earlier than us on eating this densely nourishing food that's important to all infants as well.  

    I can tell you the utmost truth, raw grass grazed cultured fat did immediately take bad fat off my body and strengthen my muscles and bones (things important for a nursing mother like you).

    If I can help you in any way or whatever happens, if you drop me a line, I care to help.

    Best to you on this.  I wish I found raw paleo a few years earlier.  It's a treasure.

Hot Topics / Re: Eating raw meat with appendix missing?
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:01:12 am »
This was covered in the post subject: The Appendix: Useful and in Fact Promising on the 25th of August 2009
by Raw Rob

    I think you probably need raw meat more if you no longer have an appendix.  I have had appendix inflammation before, but never with raw meat.  Raw meat is not inflaming.  Raw meat gives exactly the food your body needs to become whole.

General Discussion / Re: Collection of BAD meats thread
« on: January 29, 2010, 01:45:49 am »
There are no good meats in my markets.

    I feel like that sometimes too.  It's hard to find really good meat.  Much has come from animals that had such unnatural short lives, and then the meat is treated with chemicals or frozen or wrapped in plastic or paper. 

the warmer the climate the more SFA (e.g. camels) ;

    I wonder what camel suet is like.  I can't imagine how saturated.  I guess it makes sense.  The hump is exaggerated hide/back fat, like what the bison get in the Winter, or is it?  Might have to be super saturated so it doesn't hang from its back in the heat.  What do camels look like when they've used their hump moisture?

    I love looking at fat contents of milk too:
While slightly saltier than cow's milk, camel milk is highly nutritious. Designed after all for animals that live in some of the roughest environments, it is three times as rich in Vitamin C as cow's milk.

In Russia, Kazakhstan and India doctors often prescribe it to convalescing patients. Aside from Vitamin C, it is known to be rich in iron, unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins.

Production humps

Tapping the market for camel milk, however, involves resolving a series of humps in production, manufacturing and marketing. One problem lies in the milk itself, which has so far not proved to be compatible with the UHT (Ultra High Temperature) treatment needed to make it long lasting.

But the main challenge stems from the fact that the producers involved are, overwhelmingly, nomads.

Another problem, according to the FAO, is the nature of the animal itself. Camels can reputedly be pretty stubborn. And unlike cows, which store all their milk in their udders, camels keep theirs further up their bodies.

The bottom line is that camel milk production is generally a low-tech business, which in turn explains why a meagre five litres a day is considered a decent yield.

"No one is suggesting intensive camel dairy farming," said Bennett. "But just with improved feed, husbandry and veterinary care daily yields could rise to 20 litres."

Fresh camel milk fetches roughly a dollar a litre on African markets. A world market worth $10 billion, says the FAO, is entirely within the realm of possibility.


Camel constraints can be overcome. FAO says that a British-born engineering graduate, Nancy Abeiderahmanne, has been operating a successful camel dairy in Mauritania for more than 15 years.

Abeiderahmanne, whose company also processes cow and goat milk, currently has some 800 camel herders supplying her on daily basis. She collects the fresh milk from up to 80 kilometres from her base, and hauls it back to her dairy for pasteurisation in a refrigerated truck.

The herders, while still nomads, have learned it makes business sense to leave their nursing camels behind when they move up north. This ensures a measure of continuity in supplies.


Another major challenge is that although camel milk keeps longer than cow's, it still has a limited shelf life. One solution is to turn surplus milk into longer-lived cheese. In 1992, the FAO, which had developed the technology to make camel cheese, arranged for a French expert to go to Mauritania to show Abeiderahmanne how to use a special enzyme to give her products the right consistency.

The result was a soft cheese quickly dubbed Camelbert. In 1993, Abeiderrahmane received the Rolex business enterprise award for her breakthrough.

Camel chocolate

An easier sell would appear to be the low-fat, camel milk

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:57:18 am »
Yes, i was a raw vegan for about 3 years, my colon is still recovering, leaky gut from all the fiber & veg, kombuchua helped alot,

even if i didnt poop for a day or two, i never became constipated

    Being 100% raw Living Food LifestyleTM ala AW herself's same way didn't constipate me, but for me to follow that lifestyle, I can't have too close contact with certain types of energies.  That's just something I haven't been able to do consistently for more than several months in years.  Raw fruitarian constipated me terribly.  To my recollection at the moment, at one time or another the rest of the vegan and raw vegan lifestyles constipated me as well, some so badly you can't afford it.  I guess I could live on green juice till it poisons me.

    You make your own kombucha?  Glad you're healing.

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:49:04 am »
I pretty much eat by instinct already, and my instincts don't tell me to consume 80% calories from fat... in fact I rarely ever feel like eating a fattening food. I was never really appealed by fat. I will never crave an avocado or a fatty organ. On the other hand, I crave juiy fruits all the time. Most likely because I am very dehydrated. I started a round of accutane a few weeks ago, combined with high percentage raw meat, low fat diet and my current water source being Distilled water... makes sense that I would crave those.

    You do know that dietary raw paleo fats and other really natural raw animal fats are not synonymous with fattening food.  You may have or have not tried eating a 100% raw diet comprised 80% of raw grass grazed animal fats and gained weight, you haven't said.  When I went ultra high (raw) fat, it took cellulite off me and put muscle on, it reshaped me.  I wasn't on accutane though.  I did have awful deep acne for years.  I avoided pharmaceuticals when it came to optional things like face skin pain and messed up looking skin.  Accutane is a dangerous drug.  It raises the triglycerides, which is a bigger danger toward heart disease than cholesterol ever really was.  Accuntane is really bad for people's livers too.  I do feel for you, as my acne made me suffer a lot too.  I just wish you well.  Raw animal fats fixed up my skin.  Raw animal fats fixed up my son's skin.  He had terrible acne for years too.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about David Wolfie?
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:24:49 pm »
i worked at the "tree of life" where gabriel cousins does raw vegan low glycemic juice cancer diabetes "miracles", basically just really expensive "fasts" which work for temporary but...everyone who lives/works there long term survives on cocao and spirulina, which are delicious and nutritious in their own right, dont get me wrong, but certainly not sustainable or even optimal!  if their diets were so excellent why do they feel the need to fast/detox for months at a time, take $100s of dollars worth of supplements, enema and colonic constantly?

    Some miracle maker!  No matter how vegan you are, if you can't do stimulants and are more sick, like not just cancer or diabetes or hyperactivity, you're not even allowed there.  AFAIC they can't cure s--* there.  I'm sorry, bad taste for uncaring charlatans.  It's just a party going on there.  Nothing wrong with having fun, not at all, but they should just state what they are and not pretend they have the best cures.  

    Maybe I caught them at off times and they're miraculously better other times.

Off Topic / Re: Sesame Street & Why we have the G8 - Glen Kealey
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:15:08 pm »
... Sesame Street ... Those people were representing Ali Baba and his 40 Thieves who come to the Louvre Museum requesting admission to Freemasonry's 40th degree. For them "Life begins at 40"."

    Funny song.

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:59:47 pm »
I used to drink kombucha in the past, didn't feel any particular benefits from it and I had it daily.

    Me too.  Only felt decent with it when I was non-paleo and making the kombucha myself or a trusted neighbor was.

My nose enjoys raw meat and fruits basically almost all the time. I loved the smell of fish too but don't eat it anymore because I found out I had very high levels of mercury from a hair mineral analysis. Fwiw: I am very very rarely constipated when I have a decent amount of fiber in my diet. The times where I have flair ups is when I don't eat much fiber at all in one day, ie: eating eggs, fruits and meats. And then I put too much strain when I go. Doing this has aggravated my hemorrhoids, most likely because I don't have enough fat to help. Also sedentary lifestyle (doing more exercise now).

    Have you tried not previously frozen non-sashimi grade ocean fish raw?  Could you start climbing and doing tai chi or some kind of dancing where you twist your body?

I was never truly vegan as I ate honey, but I had no other animal products for about 2 or 3 months before I decided to re-implement some cheese that wasn't raw. I was vegetarian for about 6 months. I was taking probiotic supplements or colostrum near the end, and lots of sauerkraut after that.

    Did you sour your own cabbage?  Did you use salt?  Did you try an E.M. that they recommend here?  High meats?  What kind of colostrum were you using?  Doesn't matter, not so paleo anyhow.

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:53:12 pm »
goodsamaritan lives in Thailand AFAIK.

    Philippines, no?

I live in Canada, there is no such thing as a commercially available grass-grazed raw butter. There are also no farmers to my knowledge anywhere near in my town who could offer me raw animal products, and from grassfed cows would be even harder to find. I have stopped eating cheese, so this is good to know, but when I ate it I always ate it with salmon before.

    Hidefat or backfat from goats or sheep?  Whereabout in Canada are you in?  You can tell me that privately, if you don't want to tell the whole forum.

I pretty much eat by instinct already, and my instincts don't tell me to consume 80% calories from fat... in fact I rarely ever feel like eating a fattening food. I was never really appealed by fat. I will never crave an avocado or a fatty organ. On the other hand, I crave juiy fruits all the time. Most likely because I am very dehydrated. I started a round of accutane a few weeks ago, combined with high percentage raw meat, low fat diet and my current water source being Distilled water... makes sense that I would crave those.

    Which fatty organs?  Brain, the suet on kidneys or the suet on heart?  I was always dehydrating no matter how much juicy fruit I ate.  Raw grass grazed cultured animal fat made me feel truly hydrated for the first time I can ever remember.  Accutane is another story.  The fat may absorb that and make more problems.  Maybe going for a hydrophilic diet as opposed to a hydrophobic diet may work better with accutane.

What I'm thinking about doing is mixing up some Liver in my ground beef in order to make it easier to get some liver down since I don't find it appealing at all. I don't dislike it but just don't particularly feel like eating it by itself. I'm also going to go fill up some bottles at a spring I just found out about. That water should be much more hydrating.

    I like plain liver, but I hate ground meat.  I tolerate ground meat better with liver blended into it.  It is more appealing, IMO.

Also, the colon cleansing kit that I have specifically mentions fasting on liquids only for best results. Any solid food would reduce its cleansing abilities greatly. If I take up the habit of fasting, then yes I think it makes more sense to use eggs and greens.

    Colon cleansing kits are normally high fiber.  Fiber is hydrophilic.  It goes with water.  It does not go with fat at alllllll in my humble experience.

ghee ..., the only thing going for it is the high temperature, its filled with chemicals & the fat soaks up the plastic & tin its stored in like crazy, its also heated to kingdom come

It does make a mean curry tho ...

    What are you talking about?  I never bought ghee, but I've seen it in stores many times and other places.  I have only seen it there in glass jars.  I've made it too.  I didn't store it in tin nor plastic either.  

    Many people use ghee much in the way lard used to be used before the petro revolution, in ointments and balms to deliver herbal mixtures.

    Ghee in my experience works better than vegetable oils, but raw grass grazed and other raw animal fats work in a superior manner, IMO.  It depends on what you're looking for.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Paleo and fructose
« on: January 28, 2010, 04:33:00 pm »
No this is not recommended by Aajonus, it does not look like anything Aajonus would recommend.
Aajonus absolutely warns to eat only one serving of fruit a day.
Aajonus also tried fruitarian and knows the folly of too much fruit.

    I second that.  Scrambled eggs, chicken breast stir-fry with broccoli, orange juice, tuna with radish and roasted parsnips among others are absolutely not primal diet dishes.  I see so many people fail the diet without ever having read any of his books or anything.  It's not easy.  There's a lot of reading you have to do to get the concept, and even then ...

The way I understand Aajonus is his point of view is of a healer attending to the terminally ill who is weak.  Those people will need those honey + fat combos Aajonus is suggesting.  I've had exposure to those terminally ill and a healer who does attend to them hands on 24 hours a day.  The terminally ill need something like this.

Most of us here are not terminally ill.

    One problem I find with terminally ill, is just because they may have had a reaction to, say, olive oil, and combine that with all the anti-dietary fat propaganda they've heard all their lives, they may be completely to their detriment and death unwilling to even taste a raw animal fat.  It's sad, because they will try most of the rest (carpaccio etc), but no matter if it kills them, they won't go against the system with fat.  Apparently being in a terminal coma works better to have a real chance to then instead heal with primal diet than the fat phobic to the death awake people who may refuse to even taste any or all dietary fat in all situations.  

    Sorry, but some of the fat phobia I've seen is ridiculous.

  They have lovely golden eyes. One of my relatives had gold-coloured eyes(well, goldish-brown). Sadly, I didn't inherit that trait.

    I have a relative with pale yellow colored beautiful striking eyes.  They would never imagine going without meat either on a healthy diet.

    Eye colors like yellow and violet are pretty rare in my experience.  On rare occasion I've seen very unusual shades of green.

The perfect community is tribalism, where no relatives or wives & husbands & brothers & sisters exist, everyone is a mother & a father, a wife & husband, simply because of the relativity of empathic concern, freely given, without economical or barter, within a sustainable community, based on the economy of empathy & compassion, while avoiding that brought of isolation which leads to greed & avarice, in compensation of that which isolate

    Poly AMORY.  That's what you're saying.  That in a perfect community, everyone may love everyone, all the time, and knows to love everyone.

    Big government by far does try to separate people more than most other institutions do.  We don't have to communicate.  They'll speak for all of the people in a country etc, as if they all want the same thing as whatever politician/leader that pops up wants.

edit: misspelled a simple word typo

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