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Messages - RawZi

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Brushing Teeth
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:30:21 pm »
LOL!!!  One pepper... I like to see you eat one on an empty stomach. 

    Habañeros go with diets high in rice, beans, yams, sour cream, fresh white cheese etc.  I used to eat plain grains or starchy roots and legumes every day.  When I was younger too with hot peppers I was eating cooked meat, sour cream and basically just different food from now.  I doubt paleo people were eating habañeros before they controlled fire.  Do you grow them yourself? 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Brushing Teeth
« on: January 27, 2010, 03:18:44 pm »
Exploding salt in your body?  Anyways, if you read up on the sodium/potassium pump in cells, ...From heart rate, insomnia, to high blood pressure, to psychosis, it is all dictated by electrolytes. 

BTW, the best medicine ... leak out every orifice and I MEAN EVERY ORIFICE.  You will cry, you will sweat, you will drool, you will piss, and you will poop.  You will feel the pressure being sucked right out of your fingers.  Go ahead and throw away those worthless nitroglycerin pills.  Go eat some peppers. 

    One pepper does that to you?  All people are sissies.  I used to win pepper eating contests against a room full of guys, hands down.  The hot peppers did make my throat water though.  I think it was a high.  I don't like peppers anymore.  Maybe they were dehydrating my thyroid.  I think they're bad for the teeth too.

I wonder who were in the north longer, eskimos or the blue eyed germanics.  

    Yeah, I think blue eyed Germans come from a warmer climate.    

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Paleo and fructose
« on: January 27, 2010, 03:08:51 pm »
There's no such thing as true zero carb.  Even if you eat meat you're getting carbs.  Either glycogen or the carbs in their guts.  On top of that, your body turns protein and fat into carbs.  Mothers make carbs in their breasts.  No glucose, no animals.  

    How do fats get turned into carbs?

    What about long term water only fasting, I'm making carbs then too?

    And Richard Blackman, the breathatarian, are you saying he's making air into sugar or that he's eating on the side?

    I think we only need about 5% carbs from our diets, which we can get from protein.

    Do RawZC mothers give lactose reduced milk?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High meat video
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:29:18 pm »
i ate a small cube of rotten meat and felt less pain in my leg.

    Hooray!  So glad the pain in your leg is easing up =)  So happy you are eating the highmeats FOR THIS.  It makes sense it would be perfect for this.

6)she almost lost her sleep
7)she gets more muscle psalms
8)she is taking now smaller doses of syn thyroid med

    She doesn't need to sleep as much, she was oversleeping?  I slept a lot too when I needed to take thyroid pills.

    If she is getting MORE muscle spasms, it's probably the adjustment period, to all these changes.  Maybe she should drink one or two cups of 95%celery5% cilantro juice morning and late day if that helps during the adjustment period.  Her thyroid may have mercury in it, and the potassium and sodium in the celery may help her thyroid related spasms until she's done with them.  Later she may be better switching back to whole vegetables or away from vegetables, her preference. 

    I'm sure the rice is not good for her thyroid, but maybe her adrenals are craving carbs?  She probably won't want the rice anymore in a couple of months.  It's hard for most people to change and they need time. 

    Sounds like she's doing great.  So happy for you!

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:18:47 pm »
You can use something like kefir or kombuchua to repopulate your intestinal tract rapidly, as a raw meat diet, for some reason needs something to kick start the colonies of bacteria in your colon

    I tried kombucha again after starting raw meat.  The kombucha made me feel all foggy.  I think it gave me an internal yeast infestation too.  Kickstart the bacteria with highmeats, or take an E.M. supplement.

    I think klowcarb may be right.  When you start this diet, you have to go very low carb, otherwise it won't work the same in the colon.  I know one small bit of carb with red meat sets my system off kilter for a little bit.  I've read this happening to other people too.  

    Maybe you should start instincto, not even thinking, just smell things till you find something your nose enjoys, then eat that alone until you are satisfied.  Then maybe your digestion won't be so confused.

    What are you eating now?  I ate a lot of fiber regularly before I started RAF.  I switched directly to 100% RAF (high fat grass grazed).  PRIOR to trying RAF I was constipated for years.  Following a strict RAF diet I have never experienced bowel problems again.    

    Raw grass grazed kefir is good when you need to heal your veg damaged gut.  Were you vegan for long?

    I remember a Rasta girl, strict veg, raw vegan, hadn't pooped in four months, and practically all she ate was super sweet fruit.  She finally had colonics.  It was difficult getting out all those "rocks" from her colon.  They cut her.  Eventually she turned to fish, and it worked much better for her health.

General Discussion / Re: Can you ingest food through your skin?
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:04:43 pm »
    If you left highmeats soaking on your skin, besides the obvious smell, I guess the bacteria in the meat might give you a sort of face-lift, it might eat off all dead skin cells whilst giving your skin vitamins.  Have you tried it?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Paleo and fructose
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:58:11 pm »
Why, in The Bible, was the tree-fruit forbidden?

    Because it wasn't an apple, it was a fig.  
Fruit with seed, the flesh thereof shall be for man's food.
We weren't allowed to eat seeds.  Eating seeds gave us some protein, and then we had to procreate.  I mean, if human life started in a hot all year round climate, it couldn't have been an apple tree.


    There is more meaning to every word in that part of the Bible than anyone knows.


    The Bible is not factual, but written by a ZC'er.  (which if it were written by God the father makes sense as he did not eat food)


    The Bible can mean anything you want it to.





General Discussion / Re: Eggs
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:48:32 pm »
    I don't take eggs all the time, but I did crack four free range eggs into a cup tonight, add a small dash of raw A2 milk and drink it.

I think you mean domestic dogs almost always have brown eyes. If there's something to this stuff, then we should expect wild dogs to be less likely to have brown eyes and more likely to have one or more of blue, green, yellow or orange than domestic dogs. It's interesting that the breed of dog that's reportedly least changed from its wolf ancestors has blue eyes, an apparently more carnivorous color. I also wouldn't be surprised if huskies eat more meat, on avg, than more southerly breeds. It would make sense, given that Arctic people do.

    I think a great many wolves have yellow eyes, and some have gray eyes. 

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Raw Squid with Eggs and Fat inside
« on: January 27, 2010, 09:11:36 am »
unpasteurised soya sauce, a japanese cook friend of mine, made a simple octopi dish, no spices or anything, just the octopus, added a drop of soya sauce, goes so well with octopus

Interesting, sea veggies with dolomite clay ....

yea theres tons of recipes in rflwd, gr8 stuff

    I've eaten quite a bit of unheated still whole grainy unsalted "naturally" sweet miso.  It does have tons of B vitamins and K.  Soy has rubbed me the wrong way from the start pretty much.  It doesn't taste good.  It doesn't work like paleo herbs do.  

    You're pretty lucky getting it fresh at least.  I wouldn't touch it though, not with any forethought.  Like you say, he's a cook.  It goes with a cooked diet, absolutely.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Raw Squid with Eggs and Fat inside
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:15:55 am »
omg squid with soya is amazing lol

    Soy oil?  

    There was a soy sauce from Dr BronnersTM that had dolomite, orange peel, dulse seaweed and a bunch of other tongue teasers that I thought tasted way better than most soy sauces.  I think they were trying to make it raw, healthy and "perfectly" vegan, but failed on some accounts to one degree or another, so they stopped making it.

    When I put something non-fatty on a raw sea food besides a drop of unheated honey, it's usually squeezing lemon.

    Are you fermenting soy sauce?  I bet soy sauce is tempting for a lot of people that need to lower their salt.

    Oysters are nice and salty.  I bet they'd make a nice sauce.  Haven't tried making one yet.  I think there's some in RFLWD.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: delicious fish experiment
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:11:32 am »
meat if its fermented with kimchi, high meat light, so its not as strong as, or as overpowering as regular high meat

    The kind of "overpowering" highmeats give me is the kind of overpowering I need for health.  It feels like it cleans my brain and my pain and leaves me light, strong, energetic, aware, calm and clear.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:07:50 am »
    There's lots of mail order grassfed meat in PA.  Maybe start by looking on or click "where".  I would think you could get pancreas there.  Call around or email who you find if you can't get out to the country.  Explain a little of your situation, I'm sure you can find something.

    Do you feel you need highmeats?  Maybe you don't.  I don't believe everyone is the same as the next person.  Highmeats make me feel good though.  I would recommend to only eat it a little fermented the first time, and little by little try more aged, if you want.

    I started you off with a recipe by private message.  It's my friend's and they sell recipe books, so I don't know if I should write out the recipe here.

I would do mail order, but I don't know who to order from. I'm very limited on traveling outside of the city (Philadelphia) to obtain food.

... I'm pretty open to tasting just about everything until it comes to high meat, then I get a little freaked out. I still haven't overcome my fear of throwing everything up after or while I eat it. I have a ton of cinnamon in the house and a bunch of organic pears... hummmm maybe desert tonight?

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: delicious fish experiment
« on: January 27, 2010, 07:05:46 am »
Well if it can start newbies on eating high meat, its better then not eating high meat at all, which is what all newbies are doing now

    I think everyone who eats raw meat then waits at least a month before they dare taste high meats.  I don't think it's natural for humans to go for biting into high meats first thing.  We're not flies nor dogs.  My cats don't like high meat.  A neighbor cat does, but he's lucky he gets any food at all.  They don't feed him.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 27, 2010, 06:57:16 am »
I, personally, started eating raw meats a little more then a year ago but up until this past month haven't tried cutting all cooked out of my diet.

    Do you find spices to be hindrence and/or help?  I heard cinnamon lowers blood glucose to better levels, and I read and also personally experienced cayenne harming my thryroid/thyroid hormones etc.

    I would think, that with diabetes, you might find raw pancreas and raw kidney to be good foods.  Have you tried them?  To me, pancreas tastes similar to raw liver but different texture.  To me, old kidneys taste like urine, they have to be fresh.

Also i'm pretty sure, unless you have a large amount of wax & propolis & royal jelly, to dilute the sugar content of honey to a manageable level, it will not work as aajonus recommends

aajonus uses im guessing undrained honey, honey in its purest form, or from a wild hive
I think it's more likely that people get ill effects from honey because they eat a lot of it. It tastes like candy, and most of us were brought up to be addicted to sweets.
Only from extracted honey, real raw honey is completely different

    Aajonus does not recommend to eat honey as if you were some wild kid in a candy store.  He recommend 1 tsp per 8 tsp raw organic butter.  He recommends the honey to be labeled both unheated, unfiltered and unprocessed.  Most primal dieters I know who don't have their own hives buy from a company that cold hand packs.

    From my experience, adding a small amount of unheated honey to most foods makes people friendly bacteria grow, and as that bacteria grows and multiplies, there is more protein, in the form of healthy bacteria.

    I'm sure he gets some wild honey in his travels, but I doubt he is recommending junk honey to anyone.  He recommends it eaten in specific manners for health reasons.  Even perfectly raw honey eaten in gluttonous manner will produce ill effect, unless maybe you have only one hive in your tree that you don't spray and wait all year before you eat its honey.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 27, 2010, 06:37:53 am »
If you're tastebuds are still attuned to the narrow nutrition of cooked foods, spiced livers & kidneys taste amazing

    Are you talking to nicole or Hannibal or about yourself.  You keep saying "you" roony.  I'm sorry, but it's easier if things aren't implied, but we make our sentences clearly worded.  Nicole has been eating raw meat for a year and Hannibal eats many kinds of aged meats with nothing added.  When did you start eating raw meat?  Me, I've never gotten nutrition out of cooked meat.  I did chew a lot and get some down my throat, but no help came of that.  My neighbor served me raw beef kidneys the other day cut into big hunks with no spice nor sauce.  It was hard to get down my throat during pleasant conversation as the chunks were so big, but otherwise it was delicious and felt great.

    Although I usually eat raw liver plain (so sweet and smooth :P), I have afterward tried it a little spiced.  That was very tasty too.  I could eat it plain day after day.  With spice, that doesn't feel good to my body.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: delicious fish experiment
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:32:06 am »
I think you just made high meat, acceptable to a much larger number of raw paleo's, perhaps everyone even the newbies, nice, hmm ....

    May be a good way to start the newbies, but it doesn't have the same bacteria as highmeats we've been talking about.  I'm glad Jessica's experiment tasted good and went down well.

    Jessica, did you get high from it?

    Roony, I suspect it's like Living Food LifestyleTM.  LFL foods as taught directly by Ann Wigmore are prepared in certain ways with intention of healing things unhealable to modern knowledge other wise.  It's not easy to prepare them.  Today a bunch of raw vegans run around eating any fruit or vegetable raw, add any spice etc and say Ann Wigmore taught them, just because they read something that someone wrote saying she said eat anything vegan.  In my experience vegan can't even maintain minimum health unless very carefully done.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:21:34 am »
All I have is some confirmed data re high levels of AGEs found in raw, commercially-fed(ie 100% grainfed) chicken.The figures I did see, however, were extremely high(something like 1000+ units) so comparable, IMO, to boiled grassfed chicken,.

    I don't know enough about AGEs.  Boiled grassfed chicken does smell different to me than raw commercial chicken, but both smell grossly inedible to me, while raw pastured chicken smells, tastes and feels nutritious to me.  

    Cooked commercial chicken my body hasn't been able to tolerate in over thirty years.  I was told over twenty years ago by naturopaths to eat chicken, that my stretchmarks, tendon problems etc indicated I needed chicken collagen.  Cooked chicken only would make me sick though.  I knew grassfed was better, but not good enough for my body, may be the AGEs.  I am so glad to have found raw meat is edible.  

Health / Re: Diabetes Cured? Controlled? No more medication?
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:39:31 am »
Hi Aajonus,
Early last year I was very ill losing weight very rapidly not able to digest, diagnosed with ibs together with hietial hernia.
Also [I was] dehydrating at a very fast pace diagnose with a rare illness called Diabetes Insipidus.
In a nutshell I’ve tasted thirst and it is not good!

My friend heard that I was very ill and call me, she could not even recognize my voice.

When I said to her “What can I eat”! She began to read your books for me on the phone.

She realized I could not even read with enough concentration, your diet began to make an impact on my body the moment I dragged myself out of bed and made the first smoothie of eggs and papaya. Ever since then my search for the raw food has been exciting to say the least.

For one, I was never able to drink pasteurized milk and now I drink gallons of raw milk.

I have been able to visit your conferences twice and had consultations at which time you have been able to Help me tremendously.

I’m writing you this note to “Thank you” for not only myself but my husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and we both are doing very well,

Also to let you know we had a graduation party on the 22nd of June 08 for our younger son, among our guest was Conrad Mac Intire, a tennis coach for the City of Springfield MA and he had this comment to make in front of our guests:

“ Ydalmen, you look as you did 20 years ago, I told my wife you have to call her and ask what diet you’re on. You look terrific”.

Also in the spring my ophthalmologist measured my vision for new glasses, his comment was

“I’ve not seen any one improve their vision in a year like your vision”.
Ydalmen Sandburg, Massachusetts
1. Introduction

Diabetes insipidus is much less common than diabetes mellitus. It is a disorder where there is either a deficiency of vasopressin (ADH) or an insensitivity of the kidney tubules to the presence of this hormone.

The hypothalamic nuclei of the pituitary gland secretes the antidiuretic hormone. This hormone acts mainly in the distal-collecting tubules of the kidney and stimulates the reabsorption of water according to bodily need. Onset of this "disease" is said to be insidious or abrupt and may occur at any age. However, we know that no disease occurs abruptly but it develops only after a period of time due to unhealthful practices.

2. Symptoms

Enormous quantities of fluid may be ingested and excreted (3 to 30 liters per day). Urination is especially excessive during the night. Dehydration develops rapidly if urinary losses are not continually replaced.

3. Medical Treatment

The usual treatment is hormonal therapy. ADH is administered either via a nasal spray or intramuscular injection. Nonhormonal therapy involves the use of certain diuretic drugs. This palliative treatment cannot result in health. It only treats the symptoms of this disease without considering causes. Other systemic disorders are present in this disease, such as chronic renal disorders and other systemic or metabolic impairment.

To treat one symptom is foolish. As in diabetes mellitus, the underlying cause of ill health must be corrected and only then will general health result.

... I ... have night vision that is second to none. I've also been a night owl ... just throwing it out there

    When you are out at night, do you have distance vision?

Health / Re: Diabetes Cured? Controlled? No more medication?
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:31:38 pm »
Can you explain this?

    Diabetes is Greek, as are many words in medical books.  It means siphoning water, I think, it means something like that.  It has nothing to do with sugar.  As it turned out later, many diabetics also had problems with their pancreases.  There was "born" "diabetes mellitus".  So they had to call diabetes with no problem with sugar something else, which they termed "diabetes insipidus".

    I am curious who here may have that, and who has cured it.  

    Rather than using things like insulin to treat it, doctors use vasopresson for diabetes insipidus patients.

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:35:36 pm »
    Who lives in Thailand? 

    Many ground beefs are lean.  Suet isn't the only raw animal fat.  There's grass grazed cultured butter, grass grazed beef marrow, hide or backfat, brain and a few more.  What is highland liver?  I think 80% of your calories should be fat. 

    Cheese is not a fat, unless it is made 100% of butter.  On the primal diet it is recommended to never eat cheese alone.  That you have to eat an equal size portion of fat with it.  Cheese is not considered a food in primal diet.  It is considered a supplement.  It is considered too dry and lacking in moisture to be a food.  Do not eat cheese without fat.

    I know I couldn't handle three cups of apple juice a day, not even one.  If you want to fast from food and heal that way, maybe you could try a green juice and raw egg fast.  I know either one of those foods makes me go to the bathroom and doesn't inflame nor rip anything.  Aajonus also recommends if you want to fast to use those two rather than fruit, water or fruit juices.  In my Living Food LifestyleTM training too, we were taught never to waterfast nor juice fast.  We also never went all fruit for more than a day per week.

I can't eat as much as you probably can in Thailand. Also don't have access to young coconuts. Raw fats is another problem. I do eat a decent amount of ground beef (500g a day on average), but don't have access to suet for example. The only organ from a grassfed animal that I have access to is bison or highland liver, but don't quite like the taste of it. How much raw fat should I consume a day? I eat some raw cheese but not on a daily basis... I don't think I have much raw fat in my diet at all, so it could definitely be something to experiment with.

As for colon cleansing, I've had a high quality colon cleansing kit on hand for a while now. I've been scared to fast on apple juice for 3 days though. I've never fasted, and generally feel quite weak when I don't eat for a while. I tend to eat 3 to 4 meals a day. I was also worried that all the good bacteria in my colon would just get flushed out. I decided I'd give it a try though because I've ate quite unhealthy when I was traveling and feel the need to cleanse it thoroughly right now.

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