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General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 18, 2009, 06:27:03 pm »
It is erroneous to assume that rotting meat is more difficult for one's digestive system to handle. In fact, the opposite is generally true, as most people find "high-meat" digests much more easily than standard, fresh raw meats as the "high-meat" is already predigested by the multitude of  bacteria in it. The only exception is "high-meat" from a highly unhealthy source(eg:- grainfed meat) as that encourages unhealthy bacteria to thrive.

That's a good point, and though i've never eating truly high meat, the taste of meat that has turned brown all over i.e. starting to rot is fine.

Hot Topics / Re: Weston-Price conspiracy poll
« on: September 18, 2009, 05:56:15 pm »
Well, there is increasing evidence to indicate that the major benefit of fasting isn't so much re caloric restriction but mainly the fact that NOT eating cooked foods greatly lowers the levels of heat-created toxins in the human body(as it allows the body extra time to get rid of previous loads of such toxins).

I really have no idea where your claims come from. Despite reading all the information I have come across I have not found a study comparing calorie restricted cooked and raw diets with non calorie restricted raw and cooked diets? The research at the moment is all about calories and nothing but calories really

I do though somewhat agree with the claim. The body works in a strange way, and I feel that calories from raw foods don't stimulate the production of aging hormones and chemicals like insulin and leptin as much as cooked foods - but I don't have anything to solidly prove this.

fasting doesn't by itself really label all foods as unhealthy, merely an excess of foods.

Now we must define 'excess'. If we can live without it is it excess?  

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 17, 2009, 10:12:08 am »
If you've been eating RPD long enough, you probably have a pretty strong stomach that could handle rotting meat at this point, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about it unless it tastes much worse to you than usual and you want your money back.

well this meat is fresh....but I could handle rotten meat.

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 16, 2009, 10:01:27 am »
I should have complained when I got the meat I was referring to, but I'm not that kind of person. If it kept happening I would just stop ordering it. But as best as I can remember there were some packages that smelled and tasted off, in a way that isn't readily comparable except for the gameyness reference.

Is all the meat you got that way, or just some?

Hmm...only been eating it for 3 days so not sure

Hot Topics / Re: Weston-Price conspiracy poll
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:53:09 am »
I understand what you're saying Tyler, but then we have to consider the definition of healthy. Is any food healthy? since fasting brings health could one say that all food is unhealthy if eaten beyond the minuscule amount needed to simply survive.

General Discussion / Re: What do you do when Organic is unavailable ?
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:10:03 am »
perhaps try fruits like bananas, watermelon etc that have a covering so minimize exposure to chemicals. I don't do well eating the skins of fruit anyway even the edible ones like berries or apples.

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:06:39 am »
almost like the gamey taste of lamb but it was beef, and stronger than the lamb taste/smell. I didn't eat most of it.

yes, it has that flavour now that you mention it. Kind of like a warm flavour in your mouth though it's straight out of the fridge

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:02:39 am »
the thing is I don't like the taste, yet it doesn't taste like 'bad' meat as if it's grain fed or something. It just tastes different. It may just be a taste I'm not used to. I'll eat it for a week or so and see if I get used to and maybe even enjoy the taste.

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:00:59 pm »
I suspect that one possibility is way the meat is aged or hung at the slaughterhouse has caused the taste since there is no taste of any blood or juices.

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:28:59 am »
Yup, but I try to get local venison and bison, because I like them better than beef. Sometimes the bison doesn't taste all that great to me too, but the venison always tastes very good.

yeah that's the thing...this is grass fed beef. I always eat grass fed beef and always like it, but this beef is tasting strange.

General Discussion / Re: meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:26:00 am »
I'm now well adjusted to raw so I choose the meats that taste good.  If it tastes bad I don't eat it.

yeah but I got heaps of it. Waste of money if I don't. The bad taste doesn't mean that nutritionally it's inferior is what I guess I'm interested in.

General Discussion / meat that doesn't taste good
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:59:42 am »
ok the meat i'm eating at the moment doesn't taste good...yet it is entirely grass fed. What gives? and do you just eat it anyway?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:25:33 am »
tastes pretty bad and gave me a horrible mucus reaction for days plus the fact that the chicken is put in boiling water to remove feathers so it's not actually even raw.

Hot Topics / Re: Low carb diet slows down the aging process
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:16:08 pm »
This is highly speculative and rather ignores an obvious fact, that accumulation of AGEs and other heat-created toxins (mostly resulting from cooked animal foods)does far more damage to the DNA thus greatly accelerating aging.And I'm highly amused that so far no scientific study has ever once actually shown cooked low-carbers as living longer - quite the opposite, of course, as study after study

(eg:-  )

 shows vegetarians living the longest(as regards all other cooked-dieters), and that's not counting the innumerable studies showing a higher mortality-rate for those who incorporate more cooked animal foods into their diet.

No people in ketosis were in the study.

Hot Topics / Re: Low carb diet slows down the aging process
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:15:28 pm »
more good evidence carnivore, though I have read this article before.

Carb restriction mimics calorie restriction hence longer lifespan and greater health. It's simple when put that way.

Lifespan is not a good enough criteria of good health for human. Lifespan is influenced by several factors, not only by diet. Vegetarian tend more to avoid unhealthy lifestyle (cigarettes, alcohol, pollution, etc.) and take more care of themselves.

Caloric restriction is a good way to increase lifespan. Maybe vegetarian eat less calories than others, with all that fibers and veggies in their low fat diet.

Anyway, do you have any links on these studies ?

there aren't any studies directly relevant to this topic. All comparative studies are done comparing vegetarians with SAD. Everything I have read from Tyler on this topic is always about loosely controlled observational studies on people eating typical western diets.

No studies are done about the lifespan of low carbers because people haven't been doing it long enough mainstream wise. All we do know is that low carb even when cooked lowers insulin, metabolism, blood sugar and thyroid which are all signs of longer lifespan.

seen an article maybe this one a year or so ago, but lost it thx for it. Additional evidence to the mountain already existing against carbs.

General Discussion / Re: how do you cope at university/college?
« on: September 10, 2009, 03:59:31 pm »
and then there's grades you gotta worry about

« on: September 08, 2009, 12:31:36 pm »
stefanson did not follow zero carb for most of his life + I think he looked good for his age anyway. He had a bit of extra weight and had grey hair but hey he still had hair at his old age.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: September 06, 2009, 06:10:06 pm »
IF and calorie restriction are catabolic diets so it makes sense that catabolic hormones such as cortisol would rise while anabolic hormones such as insulin fall. Over the long term once weight stabilizes it would make sense if cortisol would then fall below baseline though.

Hot Topics / Re: butter attack
« on: September 05, 2009, 09:44:37 am »
Butter has a different fat profile to that of animal flesh fat - it contains many short and medium chain fatty acids whereas tissue fat contains only long chain fatty acids. The metabolic pathway is virtually identical when eating fat from meat as energy or using your own body fat for energy (fasting/calorie deficit) but is changed when eating dairy fats or carbohydrates. My hypothesis is that eating only fat from meat keeps a more stable energy supply (as the body only ever uses one type of energy source) and keeps the body overall in regards to hormones, metabolic rate, thyroid etc stable and not fluctuate between times of eating and fasting.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Calcium
« on: September 05, 2009, 09:30:18 am »
perhaps due to compromised digestion from previous diets, despite meat containing all the needed nutrients some people can only assimilate a percentage of the nutrients in their food so might lack in the nutrients meat has in adequate - yet small amounts.

Cooking is bad for meat period.

raw grass fed > raw grain fed > cooked grass fed > cooked grain fed

Raw is better than cooking in a crockpot. Moist cooking damages the meat less than frying but will inevitably lose nutrients and denature protein.

On digestion there isn't any set time I can recall. Just note that raw meat will feel lighter. You probably will satisfy hunger on less food.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: September 04, 2009, 12:39:40 pm »
If that person's blog bothered me then I would sought out my life's priorities. There is no need to feel an allegiance to a raw diet. I don't consider myself the 'raw crowd'. My diet doesn't define me. In my opinion, diet should just be instinctive - the less you think about diet the better. It's beneficial to visit forums like this to read about people's experience on the diet (such as this excellent thread by lex) and learn new information, food sources etc but to engage in completely pointless arguments over really irrelevant comments is not productive. I've got a job with work, friends to talk to, women to chase, music to listen to, and my health to maintain...who cares what this man writes. I read his blog, I disagreed, gave a quick comment and moved on.

Hot Topics / Re: Study on harmful effects of cooked low carb diets
« on: September 04, 2009, 12:18:39 pm »
There are now many 1,000s of studies which show conclusively that foods high in cooked saturated fats lead to a higher mortality-risk

Zero studies show that

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