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Messages - RawZi

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Health / Re: Diabetes Cured? Controlled? No more medication?
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »
    What about diabetes insipidus?  It hits one in 25,000 according to literature.  That not that rare a number considering 1 in 100,000 people are diagnosed with any kind of lupus, and I've met plenty of people with that.  Who has had luck with raw diet controlling, curing or has cured diabetes insipidus?

    Many people in this era think of diabetes as a sugar problem, when it started out as a water problem.

General Discussion / Re: To Chew or not to Chew
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:29:23 pm »
... beef, sort of like sushi. Went down easy.

If it had been marrow instead of tallow, and there were a dipping sauce acceptable to paleo rules this would make a good hors d'oeuvre for even those who loath raw meat. It hardly tastes raw.
The French are masters at this art ... to create a sauce.

    Blood?  Saltwater?  Pascalite clay?  Do you speak French?  Maybe you can translate a French chef raw'ish meat video, they're making all meat makirolls no rice nor veges.

General Discussion / Re: Fat
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:59:37 am »
Why is Emu Oil a liquid at room tempature?

    Idk, but chicken and fish fat is softer than beef.  Maybe it's cold flying up high and birds need fat that doesn't get so hard for lift off, gliding etc.  Same for fish, it gets cold under water and their fat hardening wouldn't be good for them?  Can an emu fly?  I don't really know anything about emu oil.

General Discussion / Re: To Chew or not to Chew
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:54:14 am »
I am also a girl that LOVES hard fat on steaks and loves gristle!  ;D

    Gristle I used to like, even though I didn't like the rest of the steak.  Even now, I get shoulders or roasts, but not the steaks.  Do raw steaks have gristle too?  What's it like raw?  If it's that stringy hard to chew up white stuff, I don't like it at this time.  Chewing on raw tendon has left me nĂ¡useas afterward.

General Discussion / Re: Best way to start eating raw meat
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:55:20 am »
Early on I found raw grassfed ground beef to be too gamey/musty-tasting and preferred venison and bison. Now I think I prefer the taste of the beef.

    I didn't like the smell beef when I started.  I loved buffalo at first smell, gaminess and all.  I only tried venison once.  For me, it tasted too strong, like very iron-rich blood?

Health / Re: Fiber or no fiber? Hemorrhoid problems.
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:45:50 am »
    Distilled water tastes disturbingly flat.  A vegan naturopath friend of mine swore by it.

    Raw cheese firms stools if anything for most people.  Supposedly raw cheese is not really constipating, even though it firms the stool.  It's supposed to be a cure for constipation from what I heard, by sopping up toxins off of the colon walls.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:06:45 am »
kwl, how do you culture the butter & cream?

Add 1/3 cup of cultured buttermilk, yogurt, creme fraiche, cream fresa, etc., to a quart of the richest cream you can get. (Note, it's the bacteria in the cultured starter that's important, not its fat content. The non-cream will get a second life as buttermilk.)

Let the cream sit for between 8 and 12 hours at a temperature between 75F and 85F. The cream is cultured when it has noticeably thickened and tastes (yes!) like creme fraiche -- which, btw, it is.

Cool the cultured cream to between 50F and 60F degrees. Beat it in a stand mixer with the paddle until the butter solidifies. Separate the buttermilk and reserve for other purposes (which can include keeping refrigerated as a butter starter).

Knead the butter in ice water. Pour off the water, and continue adding ice water and kneading until the water stays clear. Form, wrap and store.

General Discussion / Re: Lunch boxes?
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:36:34 am »
    I like my food to get air too.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:32:24 am »
its actually better to swallow most types of foods, apart form carbs & starches to make them biologically available

    Raw foods, as I'm sure you like I don't call food food if it isn't raw.  Cooked meat needs to be chewed, I think.  I don't really know though.  I chewed cooked meat as a kid, but I never digested it, it seems.  I was pathetically thin.

use cream or butter & cut the meat into small swallowable chunks, till your throat adjusts

    Culture the butter and cream.  Butter and cream uncultured has too many carbs oftentimes for many of us here on forum, including for me.

    I was diagnosed as permanently hypothyroid.  The head doctor of the department actually said out loud to me with witnesses that my (RawZi's) thyroid is DEAD and that I have no hope of ever reducing the synthetic thyroid dose they were giving me at the time.  The said many years in the future I would get heart disease if they reduced my dose at all during the time they were talking to me.  Years earlier I had lost fine hairs around my hairline.  I didn't get many grays, but I did get a few.  I knew I was too sick from their high dose of synthetic thyroid hormone, that I wouldn't have years in the future if I continued their high dose.  I quit their synthetic killer pills.  I tried natural thyroid pills, and it did help and with no side effects.  What got rid of those grays, has kept me away from all medicines for these past several years and re-grew those fine hairs is grass grazed high fat RAF.  I haven't even bitten into a thyroid gland.

Understanding hair loss

There are three common types of hear loss. General shedding occurs throughout the head. You notice more hair in drains, hair brushes, and on the bathroom floor. This is the most common form of hair loss typically found in people with hypothyroidism and also those with hyperthyroidism.

    Is it true that hypothyroidism causes a hair-loss that's just above the ears?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:14:13 am »
    The writer means diabetes mellitus.  RawZC should help diabetes insipidus as well.  Diabetes is more of a renal problem than pancreatic at all.  I had renal problems and by adding low to no sugar RAF's into my diet rather than "health food", my kidneys were able to heal.

Quickest, cheapest way to super-charge your health that you can do NOWThe quickest and cheapest way to change your diet and put your diet on hyperdrive without having to buy any extra food, while still lowering the amount of toxins in your body. This will totally eradicate mood swings, depression, and anxiety. People who eat red meat are tough, have high libidos and vitality. Sugar lowers vitality and sex drive. This is why it's called diabetic impotence.

Zero carbs may is actually required by different types of people depending on their metabolism type,such as hypoglcymic and diabetics. There are forums on this subject and people who do this feel like super humans. You have been consuming refined sugar drugs your entire life. This means your body is taxed of resources so it would be best if you eliminate all sugars. You don't have too. Your body creates insulin which puts your body in hibernation mode called a crash. It's a fat storage hormone. It makes you tired and sleepy. White bread is almost as bad as sugar. These are the two main sugars you consume. On this diet you will not have gas and won't overeat. It's impossible to get fat on this diet since fat cannot be stored, only burned.

Try it and tell me if your energy doesn't skyrocket. Your blood sugar will  be rock stable so you won't have mood swings. Oh and this is the answer to diabetes. Diabetes is just a condition, NOT a disease. Your pancreas will get time to heal.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Brushing Teeth
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:06:28 am »
How would you differentiate between salt in animal blood and say, himalayan crystal salt.

    I've done poorly trying hc salt.  It wasn't any better for me than any other salt.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:27:29 am »
It's not easy to buy them. Once I got about 30 small lamb eyeballs and I was really happy. :)
Besides I always eat them when I eat fish.

    Thank you.  I know when they are slaughtering grass grazed animals around here in a few months.  I will have to get the eyeballs.  They probably haven't promised them to anyone. 

    What other eyeballs are good beside lamb and fish?  I assume they're all good.  Do you know a place to find more dietary info on them?

Off Topic / Re: Length of Lifespan of Animal, Depending on Diet
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:22:06 am »
I've eaten meat with maggots many times. ... What I can say is that they were really strong, pungent.

    Pungent raw food sounds good to me.  I actually have eaten a few (full fat milk) maggots.  They were crunchy and small.  I felt good after eating them, but I am not attracted to eating them much.  What are the larger meat maggots like in texture? 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 26, 2010, 04:49:47 am »
I eat lots of organ-meats - lamb hearts, tongues, liver, kidneys, spleen, eyeballs, testicles, veal brain.

    How do you recommend getting eyeballs?

Off Topic / Re: Length of Lifespan of Animal, Depending on Diet
« on: January 26, 2010, 04:46:14 am »
But I did it warm temperature - 20-30 degrees C.  

    That's 68F-86F.  I tried that with tongue.  Worms grew.  Any tips that are different with fatty highmeats as opposed to lean meats as far as the process you go through making it?  Seeing worms scares me.

General Discussion / Re: Fat
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:51:33 am »
I can understand not wishing to eat it or disliking it for a reason, but not demonizing it. It's that that bothers me, particularly when I'm right there with my food.

    Ask them in a very clear, steady and firm voice to talk about topics other than food?  They obviously have serious psychological food problems.  Food is not a good topic of conversation for them.  I would pity them for that, if it would help.  If you try talking about other things, do they cut you off?  I know it can be hard too, you are eating and you don't want to be busy guiding conversation.  

    I never enjoyed eating time with my family when I was growing up.  It was like they considered it was my responsibility to eat when they said, the amount they said and what they said.  Eventually when they continued to try this I told them they have eating disorders, and they stopped commenting on my food.  That is all but one.  One would still like to guilt me for meat, even though they eat it and serve it grilled and even factory raised at times too with chemical preservatives.  

My place has varieties of spiders (not in winter) which eat stuff too small for me to see.
It is a critter-friendly environment.  :)
Got bats in the attic too; they eat the nearby biting insects.

    Sounds like my old place.  I got a flu when I first moved in there, but from years of living there I got healthier after that, really positive changes.  I lived with frogs and other animals in my small yard too.  I used to meditate with them, they'd join me.  I the two most needy cats from them who joined me in meditation.  It was important for me not to point out the long time resident bats or the huge spiders to my human house guests.  Some humans can be so mean to the indigenous wildlife.  They'll hit them and hope to spread synthetic chemicals to hurt them, or just run and scream.  I don't like glass windows or wood or metal doors.  No matter where, I haven't found biting insects to be any problem to me for a good decade and a half or more.  

Off Topic / Re: Length of Lifespan of Animal, Depending on Diet
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:32:00 am »
IIRC vultures eat the softer and presumably fatty parts first, ...So has anyone experimented with high fatty meat?

    The person who told me the vultures live so long, also told me the vultures are big (size of goat) and strong.  That the vultures rip into dead cows through the cows' tough skin/hide.  I don't have experience with vultures myself.

    Tyler makes tongue and other fatty high meats, if I'm not mistaken.  I'm happier with lean meat when it comes to high meats so far.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new to the forum
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:42:54 am »
2 years ago I was about 70 lbs over weight, vegan, had tons of adult acne, and assumed that I had been practicing the healthiest lifestyle possible. I should also mention that I was diagnosed at a very early age with childhood diabetes and ...instructor introduced me to paleo nutrition ... Within 2 months I dropped nearly 20 lbs and I stopped taking all diabetes medication. ... great idea to join a board like this because I actually don't know anyone besides people who are vegan/vegetarians who eat raw foods. I've had a hard time convincing my family that what I'm doing is healthy for me ... husband has always stuck by me and first hand seen the transformation that I went through

    I'm so glad you're here.  It's great to have lots of support that a group can give.

Health / Re: really red lips
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:34:24 am »
One of the things mentioned by older women who've been more successful at retaining their looks was that they stopped doing 2 things in order to stay younger-looking:- they stopped using makeup and they stopped exfoliating/moisturising their skin.

    When I was vegan my skin felt too tight and like it was burning.  I needed to moisturize it every day.  Also my skin looked blotchy, so I actually looked more "natural" the few times I applied "foundation".  Eating high fat RAF my skin looks and feels surprisingly better.  My acne scars and most of my other other scars (of up to thirty and more years) went away too by changing diet.  Also the roughness of my skin becomes smooth instead if my carbs are kept down to very low.  Just yesterday I was told my skin looks tight (for my age I'm sure they meant) (and in a good way).  Maybe the older women learned the secret of diet, so their skin is better.

No idea, never studied the composition of eyeballs, i guess they could, people've eaten testes of hundreds of different animals hoping to improve ed, & it inardvently does

    I ate part of a teste of only one (grass grazed) animal (raw).  I didn't like the taste of it.  My cats didn't.  None of us had ed though.  I think it could help though, in those that need it.

Off Topic / Re: Length of Lifespan of Animal, Depending on Diet
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:25:18 am »
Some carrion crows live up to 70 years. They're very intelligent, like vultures.

    Better than corn and melon crows.

Crows, both male and female, have entirely black plumage, bills, legs, feet and claws. ... In the wild, crows live 6 to 7 years. In captivity they reach 20 years with the oldest recorded at 30 years.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Brushing Teeth
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:21:10 am »
Will salt & clay be better? I usually follow Robert O. Nara's advice to brush just with salt water and use an irrigator.

    Clay I like.  How long have you been following Nara?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Brushing Teeth
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:12:35 am »
Look at diehard vegans, they're the ugliest people alive.  Bad hair, skin, and teeth, not to mention muscles.  I can't stand how yellow their teeth are... disgusting. 

    Their diet causes gall bladder problems and liver problems.  That's why their teeth are yellow.  They need raw meat, raw animal ferments and raw animal fats from non-grain fed animals to clean it up and nourish their livers and bones.

    When I had an active lifestyle (years) and was vegan (years) my muscles were miniscule to none.  I'm not active now but unlike before my lower back muscles and midback muscled are rock hard and decent size (or so I'm told by several people).  I used to be told I had a weak back etc all kinds of stuff about how weak my back was.  My back hurt everyday for years.  I had to do hatha yoga just so I could bend my back and get out of bed in the mornings, but not since I eat RAF's. 

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