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Messages - RawZi

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Primal Diet / Re: Does Aajonus mention eating back fat?
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:03:56 am »
... he recommends so much raw dairy/raw honey/raw nuts/raw coconut cream which ...

    I hit the "jackpot".  He only recommended animal foods to me, two-three fruit and three pure green vegetable juices to me, no coconut nor nuts (nor bread).  He actually said I need more meat than people who have more of certain hormones.  He told me to eat two full meat meals per day every day.

Off Topic / Length of Lifespan of Animal, Depending on Diet
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:58:49 am »
    Someone who eats raw meat told me that vultures not in captivity live five hundred years each.  I tried googling now, nut all I found was this at

Egyptian Vulture (average life-span of about 118 years)

If animals, birds and fish can outlive humans without getting sick and going to a doctor for pills, we must have our intelligence all mixed up in a conceited maze of refined intellectual thinking. Could it be we really do not need to die a premature death from disease? Do we have no option other than to declare, there is no other choice than intermittent illness throughout our lifetime, leading to an early grave?

    Do meat eating varieties of animals live longer than their vegetarian counterparts?  Do vultures live longer because they eat animals that were already dead and rotting? (high meats) 

I've noticed that many carnivorous predators have light-coloured eyes(I think it helps them to see in the dark easier). So why don't most humans have light-coloured eyes(blue/green/gold etc.)

    According to Ayurveda, green, yellow or orange eyed people most often are what they call the constitution or dosha of Pitta (element=fire).  They do best with soothing foods like raw meat and to stay away from spices and oils.  I think they tend to be good hunters.  They have good musculature and can tend to not have extra fat on their bodies.  I could go on.  Anyway, I think they'd be good hunters.

    Cats are obligate carnivores and so often I see cats with green eyes, sometimes yellow, sometimes orange. 

    Dogs are facultative carnivores.  They almost always have brown eyes, except Siberian Huskies when have a blue eye.

    I have thought of this before.  Also the shape of the pupil in relation to diet. 

    Goats and deer have horizontal pupils.  Cats have vertical.  Humans and dogs have round.  Cat eyes are made to detect motion in some ways more so than other animals' are.

Did he recommend eyeballs? lol

    Don't you think eyeballs would be good?  I think he could tell I would know to eat them when I can find them.  He didn't tell me to though.

General Discussion / Re: Detoxing Of Cosmetics From The Body
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:48:42 pm »
OT: My right eye shows massive concentration of drugs (orange color in intestines). When that mass starts to dissolve, there`s no reliability if I`m going throught that detox alive. Deadly amounts of poisons.

If you would like to learn iridology yourself, I suggest you buy the following book: Iridology: The Science and Practice in the Healing Arts, Vol. 2. Written by Bernard Jensen, the father of iridology.

    I hope you have enough raw fats to help you when you detox the orange part.

    Thank you on the book suggestion.  

    I blended blackberries recently and drank them.  They kind of reminded me of cough medicine taste.  Maybe they were detoxing it.  That brings back memories of good times, not.

    My man uses commercial SAD hairgel, cologne etc.  I should read his eyes.  He seems to have a good constitution though.  Maybe I should just tell him it could show in iridology.  I'd prefer him not to use those cosmetic products and clean them out of his body.  I have used organic hair lotions and organic essential oils.  The commercial of those never held an appeal to me.

General Discussion / Detoxing Of Cosmetics From The Body
« on: January 25, 2010, 03:57:51 pm »
    I used to use permanent wave solutions in my hair.  Could this be one reason I may have toxins in my brain lining?

    What about having used toothpaste like CrestTM as a child.  Does that soak in, and eventually detox out with raw meat diet?

    If you come up with any experiences with detoxing cosmetics from your body, please let's talk about this.

    What made me think of it, is that apparently I taste like mint or some herb like mint when I have not used any cosmetic recently nor eaten any mint recently nor do I work with mint or similar herbs or herbal solutions.  I also have not been drinking green juices these last couple weeks, not that I did mint.  In the last few weeks I've only washed anything with water and my body with egg.  There is a mint plant in my house, but I never ate any of it, nor do touch the plant.  Is my body possibly detoxing mint from years ago?  Mint used to be my favorite flavor.  I didn't eat much, but I liked Andes mints, Peppermint Patties, Thin mints and Junior mints.

Health / Re: really red lips
« on: January 25, 2010, 02:56:07 pm »
I wonder what other man-made cosmetic supplies women can eliminate
by attaining good health  ;)

    One of the reasons lipstick ever started is because city people were trying to copy the look of healthy lifestyled people.

    Unfortunately modern man is using cosmetics little by little more and more.

    When I went today to meet new people, I showed my "best" by showering ("shampooing") with cold (unfortunately city tap) water and raw fertilized free ranged eggs before I went.  Do you consider cracking eggs to be cosmetic use?  Anyway, they said I smelled good.  I get this reaction every time.  One lady also commented today that smelling perfumes makes her sick and that she liked that when I hugged her, she couldn't smell any even though her sinuses were more clear than in a long time.

modified at _:41:01 AM

General Discussion / Re: Is chilli or cayenne bad for you?
« on: January 25, 2010, 01:58:08 am »
I gave away cayenne tinctures in small bottles to friends and relatives.  I know it saved a friend who cancelled her sinus operation because the cayenne cleared her sinuses.

    Same here, just today, but my friend ate a marble size balls of high meats rather than cayenne.  Well, it was just an appointment for this wk, not an operation, but she was very sick for several weeks and nothing worked until she tried her first himeat ever, just this morning.

    She said it feels so right, she will never go to a doctor again.

General Discussion / Re: Is chilli or cayenne bad for you?
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:40:37 pm »
I think spices are bad for you. Sweating, runny nose and flushing is pretty standard. Sign of an allergic reaction.

    I'd rather wait to see and hope I get a cold if I need a runny nose.  Cayenne is a nightshade.  It goes best with pasteurized cow or dairy, need I say more?  I completely avoid spices most of the time.

    My husband argues a friend of his taught him cayenne is good for health.  Mind you, this friend died many years ago, of a health problem, circulatory system, young age.  No one including him or the doctor even knew he had a circulatory problem until it was too late.  He was possibly accidentally masking the fact he had a health issue, by using cayenne. 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:04:28 pm »
    I'm not afraid of salmonella:
nor of tapeworms.  I was afraid of tapeworms and other parasites before I tasted RAF, maybe even a couple months in as well.  I lost all fear of those beings by that time.   

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Giant Bananas!
« on: January 24, 2010, 02:55:46 pm »
Have you seen giant avocados? ... They're like 3-4 times bigger than regular avocados. They taste pretty bad!

    Those may be natural.  Do they taste "watery"?  Haas I believe were bred to taste nutlike.

  I need to down a lot of copper.  ...  All my imbalances and difficulty obtaining organs are forcing me into the plant world. 

    Cacao has magnesium too, or so I hear.  At Whole Foods you should be able to get calves liver at least once per week.  That has copper.  Dark green leafy veggies have magnesium, but I'm not sure how they go with raw meat.  I hope you get it all straightened out soon.

    Haha :).  

    I assisted a woman give birth in a wildly rural area.  She did lie down, but it was no soft bed, it was more like a concrete block.  This (sigh) was her choice.  She had a hard time.  I didn't like that they were using herbs to speed up the labor either, but I just gave support, as I had less experience.  I believe if she would have let labor come as it may, it would have been easier.  She thought she couldn't nurse either.  I had to show her how.  She was amazed it was possible.  She thought she wasn't built right for her baby.  I don't know why so many women go in to these things with modernish pharmaceutical type ideas.  Oh, she was on a neolithic diet, lots of grain that weren't even indigenous to her area.    

You increase your rate of complications by about 50% if you give birth in bed, on your back



"I remember the first time I did a vaginal exam on a woman in labor during a “house call” in the mountains of western Bolivia.  When I turned my back to wash my hands, she ran out the door, waddled up the hill, and birthed her baby in a dense cornfi...this was her seventh baby

Health / Re: really red lips
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:54:58 pm »
    Not so much now, but much of my life my lips were that way.  It may be normal, and just different than you were before.

Hot Topics / Re: The Brilliant Richard Schulze On Lobelia & Smoking
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:54:17 am »
I'm surprised no ones hear dof Dr Richard Schulze one of the top, if not the best herbalist in U.S, here he talks about the amazing lobelia, & how easily it can make people stop smoking, nearly all of his interviews with sam biser are ridiculously informative, well worth googling

    Lobelia is an emetic.  Tobacco makes me throw up too.  You know one can get lung cancer without smoking, and smokers can live long lives.  It seems like Russian roulette, life that is.  You don't necessarily know for sure what will happen, just depending on whether you smoke or not.  If you do get lung cancer and take herbs then, even if they have helped some people, it may not help you.  It depends on a number of variables. 

Pelvis & childbirth's have very little to do with complications, i can go into specifics if you like, healthy women rarely have complications, tribal women laugh at childbirth ...

    I think you're right.  My pelvis was tiny before pregnancy and after.  I gave birth ok, even though I was on my back.  I did not like being on my back at all, but it was doctor's orders and I listened.  I used no medication and there were no forceps involved.  I have plenty of friends with much bigger pelvises than me who had to get c/s's because their pelvises would not respond properly to their hormones when it was time.  I know other small pelvised women who gave birth to large babies easily and quickly.  I think birth has more to do with hormones and mother's health than size.  I am not a midwife nor doula though.  Which tribal women do you know who laugh at it? 

General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone getting raw organ meats?
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:34:00 am »
Okay when you guys say you are eating all of these organs whole do you mean raw to?

    I eat them only raw.  Meat is toxic cooked.  Everything is toxic cooked.  Organs are even more toxic cooked.  Don't freeze them either.  Best is raw.

General Discussion / Re: Is chilli or cayenne bad for you?
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:30:14 am »
Unfortunately, the people who were well-schooled in how to use plants as medicinals have largely been wiped out. So it's crucial that we protect the few who remain, try to keep their knowledge alive and spread it to the modern world.

    I loved hanging out with the old ladies in the rainforest.

- fresh cayenne for soup (my wife and kids are not raw paleo) when they have mucus (because they are not raw paleo)

don't abuse it. keep it handy.

    I used to do that one.  I wasn't raw paleo either.  When I gave it the cayenne pinch in soup, my hypothyroid started to become more balanced.  It's good for some things.  It's not the right medicine for everything.

Yea, insulin plays a big part in macular degeneration

    I doubt I have macular degenation.  I think I just need to build my lens muscles with more exercise, make them more flexible again.  When aajonus did my consult, he said I have heavy metal poisoning in my eyes.  The pics he took are so huge and clear, I didn't expect that.  I love them.  I wish it was easier to get eyeballs to eat besides fish eyes in America.  I love fish eyes, but I bet sheep eyes would be good.  I'm glad I can get raw pancreas.  It tastes good too. 

When I was in the hospital last weekend, my eyesight was getting blurry.  It's back to normal now since I've been toning down my diet.  Insulin is a big factor...  It doesn't take that long to fix things back to the way they were before, depending on how bad you damaged it.  Right, now I'm dealing with this temporary hyperthyroidism.  Downing cocoa and liver like crazy.  It's working. 

    Thank you.  I'm glad your sight got better again and fast.  Do you mean raw organic cacao nibs?  Have you ever tried the fresh fruit form of cacao?  I bet that might work amazingly.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:49:56 am »
    It didn't put me off.

    I think you're handling things great.  I had to tell my husband today to stop taking me to restaurants; because it's like taking a diabetic to some kind of sit down candy store to hang out with you while you eat, expecting them to eat also.  I think he didn't like what I said for a second, but then he said "thank you" nicely.  He daily seems so interested in however the newest restaurant around is serving its pasta.  It's hard setting boundaries when the people around have no conception of them.  It can be "regular" work you have to do maybe even every day.  Hopefully it's not waring.

    My grandmother had a tough life.  She worked hard throughout, but most of the work in a house.  She didn't have to face lions, tigers or bears.  Her husband (my grandfather) worked hard too and could be violent and inflict injury with his bare hands (not to her).  They didn't have computers etc.  They made me lots of blood aunts and uncles, no bums, with all their appendages, eyes etc.  My grandmother gave birth to them at home breach births and all, no still births nor miscarriages, no scalpels, needles nor thread.  She led a normal lifespan, and so did he, no short ones.  I think the deciding factor is that there were no animals to bite them and there was a roof and walls, and of course working well with society's rules at the time.  Also there was no bc pills disrupting sexual hormones and the gov told ppl to completely wrap up bf'ing ea. baby by twenty wks (we ovulate if we stop nursing).  

edited at 8:45 AM Eastern to correct grammar of first sentence and add a short sentence near the middle.

General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone getting raw organ meats?
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:34:06 pm »
here in Quebec we have kidney, brains, tongue, heart. I've never seen pancreas, i wonder why.

    You have brain?  You are so lucky.

    I've gotten lamb and goat heart, kidneys and livers from WF.  I've gotten chicken and calves livers there too, but the chicken livers' source may be dubious, as the calves.  The others are more local and definitely pasture fed.  There are beef livers there too, but they don't say grassfed and I haven't tried them.  I've tried beef tongue from there, but the meat was too tough.  

General Discussion / Re: Warming the honey
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:28:03 pm »
    One place I get honey from walked through the honey packs it by scooping up handfulls cold walking through it. 

99,5% of beekeepers use heatable machines to get the wax off.

Therefore, all honeys are more or less harmful, whether organic or not, unless you know an amateur beekeeper, who does everything by hand.

    For local people with environmental allergies, people with multiple sclerosis, people with rheumatoid arthritis and people with various other similar to those stated autoimmune illnesses, lowering their antibodies is a complete blessing.  I know, I had severe autoimmune disease and honey does help me, but only if it is unheated.  Fruit I have had difficulty with if it is ripe and sweet.

Isnt sugar an immunosuppressant in any form?

    I've used desert honey from camelthorn plant and i forget the other flower.  The moisture content is so low in desert honey that you have to kind of chisel pieces off with a couple of tools.  It's more difficult to get the serving size you want with desert honey.  I know the desert it is from too, and it's crazy hot, at least for me.  I've been to the less hot areas very briefly and could barely think from the heat.

    I would say artificially (other than sun) ever barely warmed honey is harmful.  I do best when I trust my senses.  Warmed honey no matter the low degree smells awful to me.

There might be possibility that it`s lightly warmed (it comes from Andorra, and warming is necessary only when the weather is colder [no warming over 37]).

(Many beekeepers use "solvering iron" to skim wax off - and they`re hot. It`s safier to use a fork).

What would you say, is it harmful to eat lightly warmed honey?

This problem really irritates me. I can choose between toxic and warmed  :'(

Yes, before the development of commercial vitamin supplements, traditional vegetarians and vegans apparently used to advocate amaroli and/or coprophagia to get some of the nutrients that are lacking in plant-heavy diets. Years ago I saw a vegetarian Indian leader (I forget if he was a spiritual leader or a politician) who advocated amaroli on the 60 Minutes tv program.

    LOL yes, in a famous vegan restaurant, I picked a book up off their shelf of what to read with your meal.  The book had therapies of both substances written about in detail.  I've never used poop to treat myself with, yet.  Maybe if I would have, I could have continued to be vegan.  I just can't bring myself to eat poop.  Not intentionally anyway.  I just can't imagine it.

    60 Minutes should do one on coprophagia.  I know the treatment is still used in vegetarians who refuse commercial supplements.  I refuse commercial supplements too, so I understand their stance.

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone know the tribe that only ate meat?
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:34:28 am »
    The one in Siberia that the magazine article told about?  I think some of their meat they actually prefer eating frozen, like doing that instead of cooking.  I don't think they ever cook anything at all.

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