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Messages - RawZi

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Thanks for the vid. .. Yum! Much better than the usual kibble crap those damn humans give me!"

   LOL y/w.  Thank you for viewing it.  Poor things usually have to live on dried fluff instead of food with us. 

    I showed this to vegheads, they like the vid too.

lol what are your symptoms for the saliva allergy ... being allergic to your saliva is a bit like saying your allergic to your own blood or pee lol

    When I eat wrong food I get allergic to my own blood too.  I was very sick.

    My mouth, throat and lips were swollen from the saliva allergy, and if I put my finger in my mouth: my finger would break out in a rash and itch.  

    I don't think I've ever been allergic to my pee, but I have practiced amaroli to help cure myself.  I was vegan then.  Works really well for raw fruitarians.  Helps them with getting enough/recycling protein.

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 23, 2010, 06:51:41 am »
You've noticed the same thing I read in a psychology study - that males have better peripheral vision and motion detection, while females do relatively poorly at that, but significantly better at colour variations.

For the believers in evolution, this means that females have evolved to be electronic technicians, since accurate perception of colour codes on electronic components is of critical importance.  :D

    I tried a tiny bit of cable splicing, and turned out I'm a "natural" at it.  Was always good at taking devices apart as child and putting them back together with no one complaining.  They never had a hint the stuff had been touched.  Other than those two, I've never touched electronic components.  

    I want my reproductive parts to continue to be functional as any wild adult animal's could ever be anywhere for my next fifty years if possible.  That's one reason I haven't tried zero carb yet.  I never met a pregnant woman who eats ZC.  It may be fine for men ZC, but I'm not convinced of women yet.  I don't ever want an oopherectomy or any of that junk.

General Discussion / Re: Help with diet.
« on: January 23, 2010, 01:17:13 am »
Fructose from fruits seems to be a problem for some, while glucose is not. This is my case.
The trouble is to find rawpaleo source of glucose without fructose. But there is no to my knowledge.
Liver contains very few glycogen.

    Does anyone know where a chart is of fructose:glucose ratios in various foods, fruits or honeys?

    There was a discussion on one of the other forums I'm a member of.

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:46:55 am »
    My husband eats fruit and cannot decipher color well.  He likes colors, but can't tell orange from pink, brown, red etc.  He's always been highly aware when I move the slightest bit.  Maybe he shouldn't eat fruit?  He really doesn't even like sweet taste.  He likes salt.  Hmm..  He has hunted regularly (before I knew him) and knows a lot about hunting.  I know he has predator inside him.  

    Denying the predator inside us.  That might be interesting.  It's only theories, I know that.  This is my 911th post I just realized.

   I offer my husband some of the raw meat I'm eating every three or four weeks.  I mean, maybe he would be shy to tell me he wants it, so I ask.  He always responds "no".  ... when I'm making a smoothie, I ask my husband if he wants me to make same/it for him too.  His diet he calls vegan, with the rare exception of a little of the raw cheese ... hubby does this every so often.  Since I told him I want to smell raw muscle in bed, not vegetable in bed (and he has come to realize my sense of smell is very discerning and he knows I talk truth with aim to help not hurt), he has said yes to the raw milk smoothies each day, and drinks a full mug.  Who knows?  Maybe this is his first step toward raw paleo?  Maybe I'll be smelling real raw muscle there soon enough.  
(I know of at least one more scientific reason that indicates we eat plants and fruits.  Fruits are 'asking' to be picked (to use animals to spread seeds) so they attract with bright colours.  Pure carnivores have vision sensitised to movement and don't have great colour acuity as they don't need to notice brightly coloured fruits.  But we do notice them, and pick and eat intuitively.)

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:38:58 am »
(I sort of knew from RV not to mix the meat with fruit and veg, but I didn't buy enough meat and felt hungry at the end, and the berries were there, so I decided to be foolish.  That's why I was queasy I think.  Next time I'll get a big leg of something so I don't run out.)

    I think acutaq is raw berries, raw blubber and raw caribou served as a dessert ice cream of sorts.  Some primal dieters mix some fruit with their white meat.  Some people make pemmican with berries, but some argue dried meat and melted fat, let alone dried berries are not raw.  I'm not saying you should mix, just that there may be other ways that work for some rawist people.

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:03:10 am »
(I know of at least one more scientific reason that indicates we eat plants and fruits.  Fruits are 'asking' to be picked (to use animals to spread seeds) so they attract with bright colours.  Pure carnivores have vision sensitised to movement and don't have great colour acuity as they don't need to notice brightly coloured fruits.  But we do notice them, and pick and eat intuitively.)

    All the guys who are colorblind, are they possibly a mutation to be obligate carnivore?  Or maybe we all were colorblind, but developed colorsight at a time it made sense to eat fruit?  Newborns don't usually see well yet, no fruit for them!

    Anyway, thank you for posting that.  I have very good colorsight.  This wmight mean I should eat (some) fruit.

    I hope you're enjoying it here, Stip of the Dump.

"Capybara, rabbits, hamsters and other related species do not have a complex ruminant digestive system. Instead they extract more nutrition from grass by giving their food a second pass through the gut. Soft fecal pellets of partially digested food are excreted and generally consumed immediately. They also produce normal droppings, which are not eaten.

    Did you know many domestic animals will happily and healthily eat meat?
    Hamsters are calmer and more aware if permitted to regularly hunt.  They are not from an environment rich in alfalfa or lettuce.  They are naturally nocturnal underground desert hunters.  They may be able to live well on grass, but they get stronger and live even longer on raw or live insects.

Hot Topics / Re: MMS
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:20:03 pm »
    I had incredibly impossible bowel movement.  Water would not pass in to me with any colonic either, my bowel was totally blocked.  This is while I was NH vegan.  I tried so many remedies, it made it worse.  One blended salad alone got me going, thank goodness.  I don't mean green smoothie.  No mango, no kale, no spinach, no water, no funny business.  I mean typical green salad as in tomato, cucumber, celery, basil, lemon and lettuce, blended.  Green smoothies constipate me dangerously.

I am drinking ROW / distiled water (I started about 3 months ago) and some times I add a little rocksalt (some say it's good others say it's bad and I don't know what the hell to believe - all I know is I tryed Lex's colon flush with this salt and I didn't have the bowel movements / cleans that he believes he had; I did get swollen ankles and heavy legs for a few days !!!).?

    My friend was given a regular saline IV drip in hospital, no other medicine, and swelled up and died.  My friend was not ZC, but was raw.

    Another time, I was NH vegan and drank plain bottled water, just a few sips.  My ankles swelled!  I read the entire label then.  Turned out that that company adds a tiny drop of salt that no one can taste.  Maybe you tolerate salt better.
So if salt is toxic...why do we have salt in our body's and why do we get a salt drip when we are in hospital?

    I've heard of carnivore animals dying after licking that road salt.  I think we all agree that caribou and meat eating animals are not the same.

By the way, I watched a film on TV yesterday - all those "healthy" animals (from caribou to the smallest animal) eat the chemical salt of the roads in Alaska (you know, that salt that get's thrown out because of the snow on the road)!!!!

I've heard of saliva cures on skin symptoms with normal SAD people.

    I'm allergic to my saliva, for a day after I take a bite of something SAD, like bread.  Otherwise my saliva doesn't give me a problem. 

    Where might you have heard of the saliva cures?  Which skin symptoms did the saliva alleviate?  Itchiness?  Or more than that?

    I had problems with cooked proteins.  When I became allergic (on vegan diet) to just about all denatured proteins, I had to learn a bunch of more views on my road to health.  I learned a little energy trick that can make a person who is allergic to their own saliva, to not react to it. 

It's already been researched, plenty of studies on it out there, its the bacteria in the saliva, combined with enzymes & amylase or something lol

But it does prove transporting & using biological agents in their natural ecological states, heal better then any isolated or synthesised medicine. also applies to broadspectrum agents, such as garlic etc., intact natural colonies are needed to heal, living cells
The saliva of zero carbers must be like wolf saliva, as our teeth stay white, need no brushing, get stronger and like that.
Anyone with university contacts might consider suggesting this to a biologist, as there could be some of that lovely grant money in it.

    I've always heard that when dogs lick people, it helps them heal.  That dogs have lots of quick recirculating saliva.

    Anyone have experience that they want to share having used their ZC saliva to help others to heal from injuries?  If so, do you think your saliva did help?  And did they heal?

General Discussion / Hey Guys. All of Pages 1 & 2 are Great. Thank You.
« on: January 22, 2010, 04:54:15 am »
    Page 3 you made all about planet fuel or whatever.  Please, if you don't mind. start your own thread.  Thank you.  It's a nice debate you made, but it's complete and totally off topic as you know.

    Who of you who practice RAW ZC has seen significant positive results in either diabetes type I or II or in their eyesight? 

    If it helped you, but you quit RAW ZC, I'd like to ask why (no problem to me if it is personal). 

    If you will, add in what in RAW ZC do you view helped you with this.

    I'll start, although I've never practiced ZC, unless you count water only fasting.  I did feel renewed in many ways from it.  I started eating again; because I want continued health.  I have never been diagnosed as diabetic in any form.  My vision is not perfect.  It has not improved a lot by avoiding cooked food.  I have been told for decades mostly by various types of alternatative health care practitioners far and wide that a good number of my organs (including liver pancreas and kidneys) have extremely low function or are way off balance in their energy one side to the other.  On the outside, I look ok.  In my opinion I also look much more awake/aware in a good way from changing off of cooked foods. 

Health / Re: Dry skin, cold shower therapy...
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:51:30 pm »
External fat is most efficiently applied in wind-exposed areas like the forehead and water-exposed areas like the hands.

    That's where I get dry in the Winter mostly, my hands and my lips.  It it gets bitter windy cold, I'll apply fat.

Primal Diet / Re: Brushing Teeth Primal Style
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:48:29 pm »
Any suggestions? 

    Fine clay would probably help.

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:44:19 pm »
pregnancy (although supposedly, humans are the only animal that experiences pain during it--which makes sense to our physiology). A friend of mine had two babies--one by having epidurals, which took hours (epidurals actually lengthen pregnancy

    Or animals that have contact with humans.  One female cat friend who lived outdoors came to me when it was time to give birth.  She apparently was asking for help from me because she trusted me.  I had to go to work in the middle and my son had gotten home from school and she had him help with the rest.  Another cat we had, that we fed cat food, she jumped on my son's bed when it was time to give birth, and she "screamed" loud like hell.  I think it hurt.  One of those six kittens she whelped there was real big too.  I could go on about other pets.  Some were fine, and some "asked" for help, and appreciated the help. 

    The problem is, we should be like animals, as far giving birth.  We should be left alone, but helped (only) when we actually are feeling like we need help.  I know I really wanted to be left alone when I gave birth.  Your body knows what to do.  The doctors generally only know complications, and get in the way otherwise.

    I know if my animals had been absolutely 100% raw paleo, none of them would have ever had a problem giving birth, except for the males around trying to eat the neonates.  It was a bad neighborhood for a few of them. 

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 21, 2010, 01:19:04 pm »
plant carbs reduce the time between pregnancies for females (and the practice in some cultures of fattening females with starchy tubers suggests that they may become more fertile with either of meat or very large quantities of certain starches). Some meat eaten by females seems to be very helpful to get females pregnant and create successful pregnancies ... With a plant-carb-based diet with minimal but sufficient meat, it may take more tries to get the female pregnant, but she can get pregnant again sooner, especially if not ... exercising much--... which are made possible by a sedentary lifestyle. There may be more pregnancy complications and birth defects

    Makes sense.  My Mom was not a neolithic starches eater.  She was physically active.  All her kids were full term, no pregnancy complications, and appeared/appears to be/have been no birth defects.   Etc, almost everything you say, I could show example right in my immediate family even.

Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 12:27:02 pm »
If anyone knows a good way of getting charcoal out of hair, wld be great lol

Buffalo's great, get the tougher cheaper cuts & try & get hold of some buffalo fat, not sure what its called, or ask for the fattiest cuts, also get organ meat as soon as possible, eating lean meats without organs isnt very healthy, it has unpleasant side effects

    When I try charcoal, I'll tell you here how I wind up getting it out, and if I notice feeling more oxygenated or not.  Which ways have you tried cleaning it out of yours so far?

    I eat raw bison marrow, backfat, suet, glands and organs.  In the Spring I've arranged to try raw buffalo milk and buffalo whole fat raw yogurt.  

    I never in my life believed in lean meats/muscle meats alone.  If I ever had to eat it, it gave me a terrible headache.  Also, if your meat isn't grass grazed, don't eat its fat, organs, skin nor glands.

Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 12:00:20 pm »
I'm not sure why so many beginners are using raw ground beef, ...

    I was told ground beef is the best way to start, by the person who introduced me to RAFs (they were never a guru btw).  So I tried excellent quality fresh raw high fat ground beef.  I was disapponted by it, but not so much as not to ever eat raw beef again.  I rarely get beef anyway, I don't like the smell very much.  I love the smell of buffalo.

    You talk about putting butter on the skin here and there all over.  I know someone detoxing their scalp using butter on it.  Do you think I should try it with my thick hair?  I don't want it to be stuck in making my scalp smell cheesy.  The butter applied to and cleansed from the scalp properly might help me oxygenate my brain better, right?

Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 11:55:25 am »
I'm almost tempted to tell you to detox your scalp with some clay or charcoal in that case ...

I wasnt referring to anyone i was simply expounding, i dont attack ppl on forums lol

    I was on RAFs over two years before someone told me to wash my hair with egg instead of water alone or shampoo.  It took me quite a while after that before I tried the eggs.  My hair has gotten so thick since I started RAFs, that I was concerned the egg may be hard to rinse out.  I finally started using egg, and it does clean very well, and rinse out pretty well from my hair.  I will think about using clay and charcoal to wash.  I had actually thought clay a while ago, but am waiting.

    Ok, good :) It took me time to learn to make sure I'm never misunderstood.  It was not too many years before I started my RAFs.  Actually, I find more people who are long time raw paleo people who explain themselves in such a manner that they cannot be misunderstood, than any other people expressing themselves.

    I apologize if it seemed I was attacking back.

You cant develop chronic cancer on any type of raw meat diet

No stress only excasberates existing conditions

    Thank you.  Sounds great :)

    What are your qualifications? (professionally or title)

BTW, I love how we all learn by the minute
lol you cant prevent or cure cancer its impossible & pointless


Re: Is it safe to say Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle is a Cancer Preventing Diet?

Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 11:08:18 am »

    Overcomplicating, that is being done here.  I have gotten a full consult by aajonus.  The only oxygenation problem I have in my body is that there are toxins in the lining of my brain, sometimes preventing enough oxygen to my brain.  Otherwise, as far as oxygen, I am fine.  

    As for the skin, my skin looks close to a prepubescent person who has never had acne.  I don't think I have that long list of ploblems you enumerated just above using the word "you"  and refering to "me" RawZi it likely seems.  I have not gotten operations nor face peel treatment. I have not used moisturizer in more than a decade.  I am most likely older than most of the people on this entire forum.  And I wash my skin with chlorine tap water.

Health / Re: Dry skin, cold shower therapy...
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:11:28 am »
All plant oils when applied topically cause the skin to flake & dry ...

Use raw butter or raw cream, you guys shld know better lol  l)

    Cocoa butter is pretty good.

    I know people who put it on their skin and nails, and ... flushes.

    I thought I put hair, not skin, my bad.

All chronic cases of cancer are caused by poor diet ... hundreds of studies out there proving it, unless your looking at environmental factors & genetics

Chronic Cancers caused by Environmental & genetics are nothing compared to the number caused by poor diet ...

    Would you call emotional state an environmental factor?

lol you cant prevent or cure cancer its impossible & pointless

I've seen cancer patients, all cancer patients die of malnutrition not the cancer

    Have you ever seen a cancer patient who first developed cancer whilst RawZC?

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:00:34 am »
veg = low sperm motility

    Thank you. 

    Of course if you could site a study, more the better :]

The I think the worst taste has always been Chik-fil-a, because the oil they use cannot go away through brushing or bathing.

    I hate the smell of cooked chicken the most.  What do you mean?  Your perspiration gets sticky?  Yeah, when I met my guy, he was eating a lot of fried chicken; because he was avoiding the saturated cholesterol of beef.

    Funny, I've never tried Chik-f-let.  Passed by one this morning, thought "which foods would I feel like I miss that I never tried?".  Thought, "That place is not one".  I don't even know anything about the place, but which basic cooked foods I dislike the smell of.

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