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Messages - RawZi

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Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:45:44 am »
the concept of oxygenating is a bit flawed tho, as oxygen is an oxidizer

Aereating is far more accurate, as it forces your whole body to breath, & process oxygen correctly

To oxygenate correctly you'd also need huge amounts of antioxidants

    Oxygenating, oxidative stress, oxidizing, rusting, they are not all the same.  Raw food helps oxygenation.  Hydrogen peroxide "eats up" oxygen (it essentially rusts things/us if we partake).  Irritation from some food constituents, certain stress and at least some endocrine problems which can be affected by food may reduce proper oxygenation in the body (meaning the foods will oxidize you).  Some exercises help you oxygenate better than other exercises do.  You gotta see at least both sides on each issue to more fully understand everything.

So a trypsin inhibitor will irritate your pancreas, stressing it to produce hormones when it can’t, leading to decreased oxygenation from the irritation. Soy prevents the protein you eat from being fully utilized and digested. Your immune system can’t get fueled with proper antibodies and lymphocytes — a double whammy. Therefore, soy is cancer-causing to your pancreas and cancer
of the pancreas is typically a death sentence.

Health / Re: Dry skin, cold shower therapy...
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:35:01 am »
I have a dry skin also. At the moment i take more olive oil (4 spoons a day). My dry skin is better.

    Do you drink it?  Or apply it to your skin?  Or both?  I know people who put it on their skin and nails, and of course people who drink it in (gad awful sounding to me) flushes.

Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:28:06 am »
My favourite antioxidants are soils & sediments like clay or charcoal & animal fats

Also can you provide any links or quotes for cayenne bone thinning?


    Thank you!  I was going to ask you about the first.

    Don't know where right now, but I'll show you a start.  I do believe that ingesting any kind of nightshade pepper takes calcium from bones and teeth and puts it places like kidneys, joints, those horrible knots under the skin some people sometimes get, heel spurs, etc.  Applying peppers on the skin draws excess calcium up to the skin out through the pores.  That's one reason why a lot of people on raw paleo diet avoid eating all nightshades, aside from the fact they didn't get peppers till they got to the Americas.

Get hot on hot pepper cream. Research shows you can ease the pain by rubbing the joint with an over-the-counter ointment called Zostrix, made from capsaicin--the stuff that puts the hot in hot peppers. "You need to apply it three or four times a day on the affected area for at least two weeks before you'll see any improvement. An initial burning sensation at the site is not unusual for the first few days, but this goes away with continued application," says Esther Lipstein-Kresch, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York City who has done research at Queens Hospital Center in Jamaica, New York, and who has studied the effectiveness of capsaicin cream. "I also advise washing your hands immediately after you apply it--or even wearing gloves when you apply it--because it can sting and you don't want to get it in your eyes." (Sorry, but eating hot peppers won't help relieve arthritis.)

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:16:32 am »
vegetarians, vegans, 7th Day Adventists, etc. used to cite it as a reason to NOT eat much meat (and some still do), because sex and hedonism were regarded as sinful.

    Guys like Kellogg were pretty nuts.

Increased ... fertility from flesh eating is one of the few things that some vegetarians/vegans agree with meat eaters on (or at least, used to).

    Doc said my Dad was ridiculously fertile.  He loved to eat lots of meat.  His dad ate and sold meat regularly even through the Depression, and was very fertile too.  

    My Mom loved her vegetables.  She wasn't the most fertile either.  Interesting.  Thank you.  Something to think about.

    In China, haven't people been extremely fertile on mostly veg?  And India, many with no flesh?


Health / Re: Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:03:52 am »
the  best way to oxygenate your body is by aerating your body, ie exercise or cayenne

    Thank you roony for the great response!  I agree, aside from which diet, exercise is just about the greatest way to oxygenate.    

    Cayenne on the other hand, I know it's a quick circulation remedy, but it might thin the bones if used every single day.  I'm not sure the cayenne would give the most advantage with oxygen, if not done regularly.  

    I kind of want to know whether raw vegan, raw vegetarian, raw breatharian, raw lactarian, raw omni or raw zc can have scientific advantages oxygen-wise for the animal or human body over all the other diets.  

    What thoughts do you have of zc as a diet? and effect on oxygen?  Any?  It's ok if with me if you say it's bad.  I tend to adore my carbs.  I know I feel good with raw meats too.  I am pretty flexible though.

General Discussion / Re: Sex
« on: January 21, 2010, 06:56:45 am »
    I offer my husband some of the raw meat I'm eating every three or four weeks.  I mean, maybe he would be shy to tell me he wants it, so I ask.  He always responds "no".  I make my son raw milk smoothies almost any day he asks.  This too, when I'm making a smoothie, I ask my husband if he wants me to make same/it for him too.  His diet he calls vegan, with the rare exception of a little of the raw cheese my son has been getting in recent months, hubby does this every so often.  Since I told him I want to smell raw muscle in bed, not vegetable in bed (and he has come to realize my sense of smell is very discerning and he knows I talk truth with aim to help not hurt), he has said yes to the raw milk smoothies each day, and drinks a full mug.  Who knows?  Maybe this is his first step toward raw paleo?  Maybe I'll be smelling real raw muscle there soon enough.  Maybe I'll tell you the differences then, if you dont tell me 1st.    

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 21, 2010, 06:40:22 am »
I bought local level 4 pork butt (shoulder) today from WF.  ...  ...  I wish it was level 5, but they don't have that yet.

    They call them step 4 and step 5, not level 4&5, oops.

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 21, 2010, 05:34:51 am »
healthier types of meat are supposed to be the tough meats

I dont know why all raw paleo'rs go for filets & steaks, they should be eating tough cuts

    That's one reason I like shoulder, although it is less tough than shank.

Health / Which RawDiet is Most Oxygenating & Where's the Proof?
« on: January 21, 2010, 05:01:26 am »
    My brain seems to feel oxygenated on a deeper level with RAF's.  Is RawZC one of the most oxygenating raw diets?  If so, how?  Please if you can and you don't mind, explain.  If it's not and you know, tell me why too.  I am still not sure about some things in RawZC, but this may be another positive.  Who knows?  Where are there writings on this?

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:56:08 am »
im now looking for recipes for


    What are those two?  Yeah, I wonder if so much alcohol makes their organs toxic and taste bad.

    Mentioning inexpensive meats, I bought local level 4 pork butt (shoulder) today from WF.  It's only $3.99/lb and tastes good.  It wasn't very tendonous for me to cut either.  I wish it was level 5, but they don't have that yet.

General Discussion / Re: first time eating high meat...
« on: January 21, 2010, 03:58:30 am »
The last time I tried high meat here,  I developed an ear problem with wetness.  I used to have them years ago.  So who knows,  I also had been swimming alot in an indoor pool.   I had also suggested burying the meat.  Maybe in a stainless screen material.   Any ideas?

    That's strange.  I might have thought local pathogens are better for us.  Maybe it just helped you continue the old detox?  They say with raw healing food that you go back through your old illnesses in reverse order (once once) until you are well.

    If the stainless suggestion or anything else works, I am interested.  I want to learn about bacteria even more.  Meat bacteria is so different, not that I know everything I want to know about the other bacterias yet.

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 21, 2010, 03:51:10 am »
There was a post elsewhere about Kobe beef on this forum. It sounded fairly negative.

    It is raw, it is land meat, it is eaten as sashimi most frequently if I'm not mistaken, but yeah, I haven't tried it and probably never will nor do I care if a place that serves it is close to me.  I heard they only give those cows alcohol to drink and bathe them every day in alcohol.  The cows may even be happily drunk every day of their lives, but I don't believe that can be healthy.

Health / Re: is rotten meat or high meat good for sinus headache ?
« on: January 21, 2010, 03:45:37 am »
    yes!!! for mine

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 20, 2010, 09:29:26 pm »
    You can use a Saladacco or a Spirooli to slice crunchy fruit or vegetables and lay them out on the platter before you arrange the sashimis on top.

    Anyone here ever try Kobe beef or schmaltz (fat) herring?

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Sashimi or Sushi Recipes for newbies
« on: January 20, 2010, 09:09:41 pm »
    You might try experimenting by wrapping the "sushi" in a thin layer of dry lean meat rather than in seaweed.  I like slices of avocado with my sashimi.  You can make a sauce maybe from marrow, cayenne and fruit.  Play around with tastes.  What comes out really nice and interesting, make again and serve or teach.

Primal Diet / Re: Does Aajonus mention eating back fat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 08:58:32 pm »
    He talks about beef, white meats, ocean fish, fertile eggs, raw butter, raw milk, never been frozen marrow, making green juices, unripe fruit, clay, cold pressed refrigerated flax oil, stone pressed olive oil, unsalted cheese, that's all that comes to mind.

    I don't think he is against back fat, he just recommends things people enjoy for the most part, and of course that are healing.

General Discussion / Re: first time eating high meat...
« on: January 20, 2010, 08:52:23 pm »
    For my first four months, I never ate meat that was more than three days old.  I always kept it refrigerated too.  After four months, one time, my husband bought fish and liver in honor of me (as his diet included no meat etc).  The weather was hot and sunny, and he is a processed food eater, so he wasn't aware of things I am in meat.  After he bought the meat he drove around with the meat in the car with no ice nor cooler for a couple of hours.  When he brought it home and I got there, the meats were slimy, yellowed and smelled bad.  He didn't notice; because he didn't look at them.  He was just so happy to serve me.  So I thought for a minute ... well, I'll keep him happy and I'll eat it.  My health was going really good after four months practicing everything perfectly.  I thought I can bare whatever goes.  I gave some to my cats and I ate half of both types of meat.  Nothing happened, it didn't make me vomit or anything else.  Highmeats smell pretty gross to me, but they don't taste too bad.  Sometimes they taste really good.  I started making highmeats after the liver/fish incident, and highmeats make me feel good each time, even when I put the first bite in my mouth.    

I made a fairly large batch of it at once and I would eat a piece every day or two as I cultured it. It tempers the taste buds over time so that it only tastes a little "off" each subsequent time. By the time the meat was truly high I could clearly smell

    That's what I did when I made it not using refrigeration.

better, IMO, for people to simply gradually leave some raw meats in the fridge for longer(at not too cold a setting). By the time you can easily handle raw meat

    I think so too, little by little get used to bacteria.

« on: January 20, 2010, 01:23:08 pm »
"Fresh raw green leafy vegetables contain high doses of chlorophyll, easily digestible proteins, enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These particular vegetables act as mini-transfusions for the blood, a health tonic for the brain and immune system and a cleanser of the kidneys. Try any of the following: rocket, spinach, dandelion greens, kale, watercress, parsley, lettuce, endive, chicory, broccoli sprouts and mustard sprouts."


... said Kustu. "A protein's biochemical function does not change from organism to organism."

Dr Richard Schulze, the great herbalist and natural healer, for example, has included the following superfoods in his Superfood Plus blend. He describes them as “nature’s blood transfusion”.

# Beetroot – excellent blood builder # Spinach Leaf – excellent blood builder
# Blue-Green Algae # Chlorella (Broken-Cell) Algae – said to have almost 40 times the amount of protein found in soybeans, and contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, essential fatty acids, carotenoids and other nutrients
# Spirulina – high in protein, and one of the best sources of beta-carotene known
# Alfafa Grass – very rich in vitamins and minerals
# Barley Grass – very rich in vitamins and minerals, and said to contain all the nutrients needed by Man
# Wheat Grass – very rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll

    My body has such a hard time processing any of those things, it just can't.  I need food rather than a super food + blend. 

Who does that? Where?

    They told me that a while back at my WF too, that if I'm there before ten in the morning, I can catch them before they throw away the fat, that they'll give it to me free.

« on: January 20, 2010, 07:11:37 am »
Chlorophyll is actually very close to human blood, you could use it as a transfusion its that pure ... maintain your blood supply, replacing it if it ever gets low ...

    Which chlorophyll?  From a laboratory?  Parsley juice?  Wheat-grass juice?

    I have cut my finger before, and tasted my blood.  I have tasted a chicken's blood.  I have tasted many kinds of green juices.  My taste-buds tell me chlorophyll has lots more magnesium and copper, and much less blood flavor, if you could ever call it blood flavor. 

    Chloropyll/Cloro/chlorine from a plant.  I think it's just for killing bacteria.  If I'm not eating cooked animal foods, I can barely use any chlorophyll.

Hot Topics / Re: Can you overdose or Poison Using Charcoal??
« on: January 20, 2010, 07:00:17 am »
It is the result of heating plant material such as wood but at temperatures up to 1000°C that are way higher than usual cooking temperatures up to 200°C. At these temperatures all of the toxic molecules formed at the much lower cooking temperatures are destroyed by pyrolysis. And by the way no calories would be left in any food that would be "cooked" as charcoal.

    Hey, maybe that's why such dry cooked chicken to the point you could crumple it apart into nothing but dry flakes didn't seem to bother me like other cooked chicken and cooked meat.  Thank you!  In the chicken case, I still don't think I'd be interested in testing that out personally by eating it in future.

    I still don't know why someone would take charcoal, unless they were already toxic, and need it to mop up.

Hot Topics / Re: Batman diet
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:31:16 am »
    I gained seven pounds of what appeared in every way to be muscle and strength in seven days when I started rejuvelac with Dr Ann, and I never slept more than 8 hrs per 24 hr cycle, and that week I worked only half the week (which actually wasn't less nor more than I had been working at that point).  Completely change your environment, and lots of things might change.  I didn't gain any after that, but I kept what I gained for near to a year after I quit the program.  It could have been just the live active bacteria in rejuvelac that got me to gain that good weight.  I had been wanting to gain for a long time, but raw nut butters or any other vegetarian protein that I had tried would at it's most benign take a pound off me.  It wasn't worth as much as I thought then, as I feel, see and smell now the great differences with eating more species appropriate RVAF diet.  Has Christian Bale experience with raw foods at all? 

a vegetarian. He is also very obsessive in his training.


Steroids are not required for the kind of body he produced. I watched a friend - following a long illness & hospitalization - put on about a pound of lean muscle per day for over a month, going from 130 pounds back up to 185 in 6-8 weeks. All he did was eat, lift weights, and sleep.

By contrast, Bale went from 130 to 210 in about 4 months, then had to trim down to 190-ish. Amazing, yes. But very do-able if you're motivated and have the time, gear, & know-how.

HEAVY resistance work, proper diet, and rest. Bulking is easier for some than others, but anyone can do it.

Hot Topics / Re: Can you overdose or Poison Using Charcoal??
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:19:09 am »
    Charcoal is cooked.  I'd prefer to only use it at times I need it, which has been zilch since starting RAF.

    Charcoal absorbs things and makes them not affect you.  This includes poisons and vitamins.

Primal Diet / Re: Women Attracted to the Scent of Butter ...
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:16:40 am »
    For me, eating raw cultured grass grazed butter combined in a meal of raw free range chicken attracts even more people.  I'm guess maybe my body chemistry goes especially well with that.  They have no idea.  They know they're smelling something, but they think it's a very expensive perfume. 

    I should shut up, since I've seen the movie Perfume.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Dairy Withrawals
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:02:30 am »
Your symptoms are the same as withdrawal from sugars rather than specifically to milk

Not all dairy products have the same composition, ie the difference between butter and milk

    If I drink a cup of cold raw biodynamic milk quickly, I get a stomach ache.  If I drink it too often, even not cold or I drink it slow, I'll get some flakiness in the skin.  I have to culture it well a couple of days to get pure good effect. 

    One of my cats too eats dairy.  I'll put our a little cream or milk from the same what I eat/drink. She ignores it, gives it a sniff and passes it by, until it is cultured/curdled and sour after a few days, even though she is eating plenty of good raw meat during those same days.  She has a big appetite for good food.

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