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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Raw Dairy Withrawals
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:04:31 pm »
  At first I would avoid all raw animal foods other than raw dairy and eat some raw plant foods, but, eventually, my addiction to raw dairy became so great that I hardly ate anything else

    When my son was very little, his baby sitter wouldn't give him the healthy food I left for him.  Instead she gave him sugar treats and chocolate milk.  Result?  He wouldn't eat anything but milk and got a dairy allergy, which he hadn't had before.  I had never given him chocolate milk before either.  I definitely had never left pasteurized animal milk for him.  From his reactions, I had to remove every trace of dairy from his diet; because what she did triggered (such severe) intestinal reactions, which he never had before at all.

    Strange, now.  Of late he has been trying to do the milk cure.  He's doing a lot of raw butter though and lots of raw fruit and some raw vegetables.
One of the most prolific of these doctors, Charles Sanford Porter MD, published a book called, Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease in 1905. In the book he relates how at least 18,000 patients had been on the raw milk diet under his care in the last 37 years. This was not some fad diet, or quick-flash trend. This was a solid, scientifically proven method for healing mild to severe disorders. In 1929, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation (forerunner to the Mayo Clinic), J.E. Crew MD reported that he had been successfully using the raw milk treatment for the last 15 years. He said, "The results obtained in various types of disease have been so uniformly excellent that one's conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed. When sick people are limited to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth and maintenance, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine."

    He does withdraw when we can't get healthy (raw biodynamic) butter or (raw biodynamic) milk.  The symptoms he says are blurry vision falling flopping around type of dreams and dizziness and eyes get blurry, like he can't get any footing.  He says it feels Really bad, he'll even lose consciousness, wake up somewhere else (in the dream), his teeth start hurting a lot and feels like there is no oxygen in the air to breath into himself no matter how many or what kind of breaths he takes.  He says it feels like his dreaming mechanism is breaking.  He started this milk cure though, cause he had gotten into a position (to no fault of his own) he was so sick his health was at an end. 

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:07:34 pm »
 He even got one of those chairs which don't have a back-rest but put you slightly-forward facing.

    A good sturdy ergonomic "chair" can be helpful with that.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Dairy Withrawals
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:05:44 pm »
When I was still consuming raw dairy pre-rawpalaeo, I had developed an intense addiction to raw dairy, along with a total disgust for any other raw animal foods(I'd actually liked the taste of some raw meats prior to my taking up raw dairy).

    I try to keep my raw dairy separate to some extent from the raw meat.  I don't think raw milk digests very well inside at the same time as raw meat or raw fish.  Did you eat fruit or vegetables with the milk?  Many people do the raw milk cure diet, of raw milk alone for forty days or more.  I find I can drink room temp full fat fully raw grass grazed kefir with raw fertile egg and unheated honey, all room temperature, not gulped, absolutely no problem.  Milk IS made for babies, a time when we make growth or healing hormone and sleep more than later on, a time we don't eat many other foods.       

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:17:28 pm »
doctors here can get pretty aggressive if you don't follow the protocol. even when i told him that i wanted to 'wait' on getting the tetanus vaccine, he questioned me about it pretty persistently and i felt very uncomfortable.

    They think of us like their dolls, and many want us to stay as their dolls, to play with when we pay them, by using whatever their latest game (they call treatment) is.  If I were you I might think twice before telling them that your healing wasn't spontaneous but by clay instead.  That's me.  I might not even follow my advice.  I'm not in your shoes, you should know best what to do, as you are there in your body and situation.  Your instincts sound IMO from what I've read you write.  

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:00:08 pm »
I can find marrow bones locally, they should be everywhere. Marrow is better than suet.

    I get marrow more often; mostly because it can be smoother and I prefer the taste.  I wonder whether by the nature of suet getting so much blood flow past it, and it used to absorb or filter so much, whether it is really "clean".  Suet's less expensive too, so that's a plus on its side.  Suet is much more saturated, which many people find healthier, with good reasons.  Marrow has a less saturated fat, and lots of people say that's important healthwise.  I think it's a personal decision as to which one is better.

    I have not seen suet on the market shelf locally.  Is it in local markets?  Is it normally sold to industry rather than to food shoppers?

General Discussion / Sex
« on: January 19, 2010, 01:11:18 pm »
    I'm not looking for someone, but I really think I want to smell raw muscle for sex.  I don't want to smell rotten vegetables.  Is that normal?  I have a stronger sense of smell of almost anyone I've ever known, and always have had that.  I could always somehow "see" what each person eats.  Now the smell too, is undeniable, and I think I know what I want to smell.  It's like I can smell through their skin and identify their diet too precisely.  The sense is stronger and better now eating RAF's, but it was always there.  Have any of you experience like this?  Is it different being with a processed food eater, vegetarian, etc over a raw meat eater?  What are your experiences?  Why might this be? 

Off Topic / Re: The Work Crowd
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:44:20 pm »
I usually just put some stuff on a plate and am there for the social aspect, but I don't ever eat anything for real, just that if I don't have a plate in front of me with food on it every male in the room has to loudly vocalize his observation that I'm not eating.

    I've learned to do that too.  I put food on the plate in front of me, and I don't make a big deal.  No one notices then that I'm not eating, especially if there are some pushy gluttons near me.  I dislike the smell of cooked meat or cooked milk/cooked omnivores oftentimes, so more often I socialize with vegans.  They've been really unconscious and eat just about anything right off my plate sometimes, and I guess they assume I ate with them.

    Maybe you can be more positive and realize the women are jealous that you have a great shape.  Smile.  Maybe they'll copy you.  What do you think the problem is with the guys?  They just want the group to control you under their directioning?  I think I'd just smile and not worry, although I think happiness in itself is called a diagnosable disease on the ICD-9/ICD-10.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Dairy Withrawals
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:33:32 pm »
    I stop using raw dairy frequently.  Withdrawing I don't notice much.  Going without raw meat too long I get gas pains in my chest and back.

    Clue us in if you don't mind on some more details, like: 
How long have you been using raw dairy? 
Is it grainfed? 
What more precisely are your health concerns?
Or anything else you care to share.

    I see you have not made any posts but this one yet.

    Hi raw.  I just read or reread your answer now.  That's a soybean coagulant.  What does she eat it for, if you don't mind me asking?  Does it taste good?  Could this be why she's sick?  Or is she using it as some successful medicine?  I hope she continues to eat the good foods, and most of all continues to get well and get done with the symptoms.  I wouldn't mind learning more details of how to make the raw fermented fish that you have in your country.

something that i was wrong to tell you that my mom uses salt. she never uses salt but calcium sulfate (the white things that can burn your tongue). in my country, they are available , people eat them with betel leaf.
In the production of hydrogen fluoride, calcium fluoride is treated with sulfuric acid, precipitating calcium sulfate.
In the refining of zinc, solutions of zinc sulfate are treated with lime to co-precipitate heavy metals such as barium.
Calcium sulfate can also be recovered and re-used from scrap drywall at construction sites.
These precipitation processes tend to concentrate radioactive elements in the calcium sulfate product. This is particularly the case with the phosphate by-product, since phosphate rocks naturally contain actinides. Over 200 million tonnes per annum of calcium sulfate waste is produced by the phosphate industry

General Discussion / Re: I simply dont understand salmonella and e coli
« on: January 19, 2010, 11:43:00 am »
its probably your first exposure to the evil salmaneloas, and the first time you build your immunity up. I imagine you will not be bothered by chicken again.

    I used to kiss lizards on their foreheads.  I was told I would get salmonella by doing that.  It never got me sick.  Maybe I built up a tolerance by doing that.  Maybe that's why I never got a detox reaction when I finally started eating raw chicken.  My aunt took frozen factory chicken out her freezer and served it to me, once I had already eaten raw chicken for a while.  To make her happy, I ate it (just plain).  It didn't seem to harm me at all.  I won't do it again though.  Maybe salmonella is something I'm just naturally immune to.  When I was a kid I did throw raw eggs (factory farmed) in the shakes I drank, no problem to my health there either.  I did it cause it felt good and nutritious.  I did not know factory farming existed then. 

    To eat cooked chicken no matter how naturally it lived or how properly cooked makes me detox.  The smell alone even makes me nauseous.  I don't understand.  I never disliked chicken in any way shape or form before I stopped eating it thirty-some-odd years ago (for ethical reasons as I thought you can't trust humans on commercial chicken sales).   

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 19, 2010, 11:28:11 am »
I can't wait to spend time in the sun and, for holiday, the salt water too, I crave it!!!

    I crave salt air.  Salt water is great too.  Mountain air is fantastic as well.  It's like breath itself.  Moon shine and the sun at dawn and morning dew give clean health.  The basic elements, what do we do without them?  Maybe it's the Vitamin D, it sloughing away possible depression.

Off Topic / Re: AVATAR
« on: January 19, 2010, 08:54:26 am »
    It was good.  Saw the 3D this Saturday night.

    Here, youtubed it: (it's just the song)

How is Whole Foods with prices?

    WF is expensive, but so are the little health food stores that carry meat, if not more.

Never ever tell butchers/farmers what diet you are eating. Some won't blink an eye over the issue, while others will just feel really weirded out and pretend they don't have anything available the next time you order, out of concern for your health/fear ... I found it's best to be discreet.

    When it comes to meat, so far, I have better luck in person.  I have mail ordered meat, but when asking for special cuts, as you say, they have gotten weirded out.  Also, they may think nothing of freezing the meat first without letting you know.  It's harder when you don't see the meat.  It could all be because I'm a woman, not a man.  I realize appearances can get people treated differently in any situation.

    He did try to talk me into raw veganism (I had not asked for that), upon which I offered (without his asking) that when he needs to eat meat, I can help him understand it raw and that it often greatly reduces how much someone has to eat.  He seemed happy enough with that.  He can tell I know meat.  His co-butchers are impressed with my meat talk too.

    Does your butcher where you shop seem to give you special attention?  I bet many of you have stories or anecdotes why your butcher may like you better that he likes the others.

    Here's mine:
My butcher says he's only eaten vegan foods, worn, vegan clothes, and bought vegan products for over a decade.  He seemed (and seems) to really appreciate dealing with me, more than with other customers, and now I think that's why.  I didn't have any idea why before.  I have always asked a lot of questions about how the animals were raised etc.  He says he's a butcher cause it pays a lot better than produce, otherwise that's what he would prefer.  He says he's only been butcher a few years.  Wow, I had no idea a veg would work at a butcher place cutting meat, anyway.  I was offered free butcher training as a teen myself, but I said no cause I couldn't stomach the idea nor wrap my head around it at the time (I was veg).  So, my butcher likes me better cause I ask how the animals were during their lives before I think about buying, and choose their most humanely husbanded meats.

    My old butcher place I shopped at, the butcher liked that I ate raw (and told other butchers etc), but this one I shop at now has a bigger meat counter and more (non-frozen) marrow bones.  You have to choose where the goods are.

    Why does your butcher like you in addition just that you are a shopper? 

Off Topic / Re: 2 Uk food Articles re banning butter and trans-fats
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:19:06 am »
The word for the noun: patient in the plural for in your country is patience?  

Porridge is a much better alternative, much better than sausage and eggs which are also high in fat.
"I am also seeing lots of patience who are incredibly young. You associate heart problems with people in their 50s and 60s but I am seeing people as young as 30.
"For some people it's genetic but for most it's just their lifestyle choices. The three main factors are diet, smoking and exercise.
"By adjusting your diet by replacing butter with a healthy spread or margarine is a very simple thing to do and makes a whole world

    We all need to put our lives in the hands of this perfect doctor, not.  He may care about people, he may not.  I know he'd get my antiphospholipids to go back up, if he could force me to follow him back to "hell".

    I drank plain eggs from happy chickens for breakfast today.  I'm drinking cream from happy jerseys for lunch as I'm typing this.

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:05:02 am »
I've decided to eliminate all ground meats and go for roasts and shanks instead. I'll give those a try this week and let you know how
it comes out  ;)

    If you haven't already, read Geoff Purcell's or RPG All-Expert's entries online about how he makes highmeats.  You could also buy Recipe For Living Without Disease to learn.  Cut the meat into bite size chunks and give a good amount of surfaces air to "breath".  Enough bacteria grow that at least I can feel it fast when it's only been in my mouth a second or two.

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:56:45 am »
possibility i'll get the version of the tetanus shot without diphtheria and pertussis  vaccines added...

any input appreciated

    I thought the DPT was only pushed for infants of new parents.  They really would suggest you take whooping cough and diphtheria for this?  Wow, "kick em while they're down"!  They can act gall-filled.  From the time people are being born, they're objective is to make us more robot-like and be the parents of all beings on Earth.  They know better than anyone's parents could.  

    The whole idea of vaccines is to stop your immune system from doing anything, so that the injectors an control you better for your own good and the greater good of society at large.  They can create us all equal then, and we can worship them like the gods they want to think they are over us.

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:41:14 am »
Did you feel anything when you ate the ground highmeats?
I feel something right away when I eat a little highmeat.

Who taught you to make it from ground up meat?  I would think the integrally important aerobic bacteria couldn't work on it correctly that way.  It must grow a different variety of bacterial colonies when you grind it first.
Your description sounds like advanced high meat but the timeframe doesn't jive with the advanced stage.
I aged grass-fed ground beef. Dunno if the type of meat matters, all I can say is the taste just was not right.  ??? 

I have a question though. If I were to eat nothing but fish, would I get rabbit starvation? I'm curious because vilhjalmur stefansson just ate fish for long periods of time.


    There are classes of fish with oily livers and non-oily flesh (e.g. cod), and there are others that have oily flesh and non-oily livers (e,g. salmon).  I think it might depend on that.  Have you tried it to any extent, eating raw fish as the greater majority or your whole diet?

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 19, 2010, 01:35:07 am »
The below quote is referencing milk, but it's true with meat eating and really all ways of eating too.  We need microbes to be healthy.  Without them, guess what?  We as humans die.  End of story.
She has a B.S. and M.S. in Food Science, a Culinary Arts degree, and almost 15 years of food-industry experiece.

   We Are All Bacterio-Sapians 11/04/2009 16:41

Way back in 1991, my college friends and I drove to Washington D.C. (a typical college road trip). I was not quite a food scientist yet, but I knew that Washington was where the FDA lived and it was an important organization that I would probably need to know more about in my future. I walked for miles trying to find the building, found it, walked in the lobby, and—realizing that it was mostly just offices—left. It was one of those Zen food science moments, and the only thing I remember about that trip.

For years I never had a reason to question the FDA or doubt anything they said about food. They told me how to label products, they told me what claims I could and could not use on my labels and they confused the heck out of me with their vague instructions on filling out Form 2541A, the FDA food process file for all methods except low-acid aseptic!

And now I find myself conflicted after attending a “Share the Secret” presentation on raw milk dairy products, presented by Mark McAfee, founder of Organic Pasture Dairy Co. Mark made quite a few convincing claims about raw milk and the FDA and the food industry in general that contradict what my textbooks, university professors and food science friends say, but actually resonated quite well with my organic, free-range, happy, cow-loving non-food-science friends that I hang out with at the farmers’ market with every weekend.

Here are a few “facts” that Mark McAffee presented to a seemingly organic audience (little did he know that the non-rule-breaking food microbiologist and Intrepid Culinologist was hiding in the audience!):

We are bacterio-sapiens. We have more bacteria in our body than genetically human cells. We have to feed and nourish these protective colonies of good bacteria. Modern medicine has depleted our beneficial bacteria colonies resulting in immune depression.
The FDA is sterilization-happy. They have turned us into germaphobes, and their efforts have resulted in all of us having weak, depressed immune systems.
... Everything has its place in the world... to eradicate a microbe that is a part of you, is essentially killing yourself.

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 19, 2010, 01:25:27 am »
Lying is better than sitting, but haven't yet figured out how to lie at the computer.

    Get the right pillows.  Did paleo-time people use a sort of pillow of any kind for sleeping (or for anything else)?

Roast pork is said to heal the gut.

    I'm not that totally familiar with all ways of cooking meat.  How do you roast your pork?  

    How is it said that it heals the gut?  Is it the proline and glycine from boiling the bone a long time?

General Discussion / Re: Water
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:07:35 am »
Or who can say that raw meat has given them perfect digestion and perfect stools and cooked meat didn't?

    I can say I've switched lots of people off cooked meat, and they told me their stools got better than they had been in years.

    I can say my stool is much better since I've been eating (raw) meat, while previously (vegan) it was impossible/impassible.  

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