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Messages - RawZi

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That much internal bleeding?  Maybe there are herbs or meds that stop internal bleeding. 

    Arnica.  If you're not allergic to aloe, that too.  Maybe goldenseal for a little while.

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 18, 2010, 11:48:36 pm »
    Squatting just seems so much more natural and prohealth.  Sitting seems like it's for weaker people, non-paleos:

Journals / Re: In Search of Health
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:17:31 pm »
How are you doing now nurse?

These types of things (with the exception of prune juice) are irritants and I would never take them. They do more harm than good.  You want to stop training your bowels to be dependent on these artifical stimulents to work and instead work normally on their own.   Prune Juice would take up your fruit/salad ration for the day so I personally wouldn't want to do that too often either (I'd much prefer eating a cup of cherries, a peach, an apple or even a couple of small fresh prunes rather than be stuck drinking prune juice as a laxitive).  

What I did was take a shallow (lower colon only- 2 or 3 cups of water) warm water-only enema just to loosen the packed stuff so that it would evacuate.  I think I needed to do this a total of 3 or 4 times over about as many weeks when I first started and then I never had to do it again.  I only did it when I felt discomfort from constipation, not just because I hadn't had a BM for 3 days.  My BMs then varied and I often went up to 4 days but never felt constipated.  When I did go, it was very easy with little or no pushing necessary to completely evacuate.  It just took 3 to 4 days for my colon to fill up to the point where it would trigger a BM.  Afte 4 years, I now often have a very small BM every day or two.

Not all paleos frown on eggs.  

    Prunes have messed me up, using them for bowels.  At least they triggered problems.

    A blended green non-sweet salad has worked to help me evacuate impossible stuff.  Raw eggs have worked for me, to get bowels going.  Green juices have done so too.  I think what works best for my bowels, believe it or not, is using my mind for planning and problem solving.  There are so many raw natural grain-free ways to help the problem

All fruit, vegetables and nuts make up the other 70%. I believe that humans are omnivores by nature so thats what i follow

    Would you mind me asking if the other 30% of your calories are from cooked meat for now?

    I believe we are omnivores too.  I know I'm one, that's for sure.  Eating fruit, veg and RAFs works for my body better than excluding what has proven to be in my life important building blocks and best fuel sources.

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 18, 2010, 04:42:01 pm »
... I was thinking of maybe making makeshift shoes lacking a sole. For quite some time, my feet had great calluses. I've stepped on some needles and broken glass, with no injury. I find them very useful. :D

    You mean these?:

    I've checked all the rules in front of a market, saw that they do not permit bare chests etc, but no mention of shoes.  Went in barefoot, security guard tried to throw me out, till I showed him their rules.  There are plenty of barefoot clubs online to check rules state to state.

    I guess any eggs from an animal that eats insects, or from a fish.  I think turtle eggs are safe.

    I've never in my life liked scrambled eggs nor hard boiled egg yolks.  When I was a cooked omni, I liked soft-boiled eggs better than any other style.  I also put raw in shakes.

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:37:30 pm »
    I don't like sitting.  Being sedentary is bad for me.  I've always liked to climb and be ready to run.  Even on a bike I can tend to be in a standing position most of the time.  I always remember my Mom on her feet, at mealtime too.  She always had the choice, but preferred it.  I could have gotten some of it from her.  

    Upon entering adulthood I thought up and considered a pact with myself to never sit on a chair (sofa nor bench either).

    At several times through life I preferred to never sit for a second and basically accomplished that for up to a year at a time and more straight.

    It is legal to be barefoot in many stores, by the way.

    Pushing boulders is good when I have "some meat on my bones", and running is fun, but I love trees.  Maybe just like we are omnivores when it comes to food (RVAF not even RFAF), could we be designed to do many differing kinds of work?

    Maybe one of the reasons I do good eating raw eggs and raw chicken is because I was designed for trees and they were too.

    What are you eating now kurite?  What will the other seventy percent be?

General Discussion / Re: I simply dont understand salmonella and e coli
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:17:27 pm »
Friday I bought my beef that was packed 15th. It has been in closed box. Is it safe to eat it on Mondays morning ?

    Is this a box shipped to you with ice packs in it?  Is there anything keeping the meat cool in any way?

    I would recommend to open it and look at it and smell it before you taste then eat it.  Using senses helps most, when the senses are developed or allowed to develop.

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:09:47 pm »
    I don't see how eating calcium helps anyone.  I drink some raw grass grazed milk sometimes, but that's another thing.

yes watermelon...for hydrating and to "make" you go (I mean that's what you blog about)

Dr. Harris's 12 steps to get started:


    You're not eating any carbs now Nicola, are you?  Still all meat only?

i think it is pretty ridiculous to not also adapt some of the most healthy aspects of a paleo lifestyle such as spending A LOT of time outdoors, and i guess if you are unfortunate to live somewhere where it is completely overcast, you will most likely be able to absorb enough light and produce plenty of vitamin d yourself.  it also helps to acclimate to less then optimum temperatures so as to expose as much skin as possible

    At times, some years, starting early in the Springtime I would go outside on my terrace in a bikini and lay out by six in the morning, and stay out till eight in the morning every day.  In this way I could tolerate the sun and build resistance (and Vitamin D I'm sure), and be ready to actually be able to be on a white sand beach in Summer a little without burning my skin off. 

    In the tropics I got up by five almost every day, and spent a good bit of time out doors every day, but mostly just exposed my hands, forearms, whole face (all from overhead 99%) and feet, and those were the only parts that the sun seemed to affect me there. 

General Discussion / Re: How long do raw eaters sleep?
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:51:56 pm »
I vaguely recall reading somewhere  that, for dairy-intolerant people, certain molecules in the dairy can cross the blood-brain barrier, and thus affect the brain with hormonal effects. That would explain the dreaming-stimulation.

    In the casein molecule I believe of 229 amino acids that the sixty-seventh in the newer breed cows is histidine while in the older breeds of bovines and in goats and sheep it's proline. 

    I don't remember which, but of proline and histine, one binds with something called something like BM7, it's some kind of opiate-like substance.

    Is that what you mean? 

    Anyway, whether it causes dreaming or not, I'm not sure it's a bad amino acid for everyone, or if it's good for some people.

    Personally I have a bias in favor of A2 breeds being better, but I think each individual who gets a cow should learn the difference first before getting one, and then choose for themselves which milk giving animal provides better for their own drinking or eating needs.

    Maybe both A2 and A1 milk giving animals give dreams.  It could have something to do with why people "count sheep" before falling asleep.

    Many people who are dairy intolerant do better with A2. 

    I like dreams.  I like the short dreamless sleep I get when I eat raw meat and no carbs or dairy.  They're both good in my opinion.  Of course there are times you want to sleep less, and in those times I'd say go paleo, no milk of course.

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 18, 2010, 09:14:25 am »
    Something like this happened to my son last year, but not on the hand.  He did not go to any doctor in person.  We did talk to a doctor online who eats raw foods.

    We used unheated honey in it.  The first thing we used was terramin clay.  We used some homemade kefir to rinse it.  We used wheatgrass pulp too.  It all helped, but wheatgrass has impressed us a lot.  I know people who say putting white sugar on cuts heal them, but I wouldn't dare attempting that. 

    It saved my son's nerve in his finger, and saved his finger too about ten twelve years back.  Don't use pharmaceutical antibiotics!  That's what I suggest.  Especially cephalexin.  At least in my family we do not react healthfully at all to that.

    As far as tetanus shot, it it was my body involved, with my awareness, I would turn down tetanus vaccine.  I'm not saying not to take it though.  It's up to you.  I'm just not telling you to take it. 

    Goldenseal herb powdered may help to, to apply.

    I personally would not use hydrogen peroxide in it on me, but that's me.  I would not use pharmaceutical grade iodine on it on me either.  I'm not saying I'm right, but I wouldn't.

    As for foods, I'd think protein.  Protein should help you heal, but do what you feel is right.  Take care.  Tell us what happens.  Get well soon!

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:54:08 am »
I ate a clean diet of eggs cooked meat chicken tuna.. I had eliminated pastuerized milk
about 3 years ago after I read an article on mercolas. I was eating wheat sandwiches at the time but not on a daily basis.

    The meat wasn't raw I assume.  The eggs as well I assume.  The tuna was canned I assume, even if albacore dolphin safe and packed in olive oil and/or spring water.  I assume the milk may have been organic grain fed.  

    In my case my problem may have been from the wheat.  When I had my ulcers, judging by that B vitamins and organic cereals gave me the most immediate pains.  I'm actually figuring out more, thinking back to even after the ulcers were gone after that and wheat, thanks!  Were you drinking water, and if so, what kind?  Did you eat at regular hours?

At this point, I think my best option is to continue raw beef lamb and fat... minimize veggie juices
and take mastic gum... Ive made it this far, what have I got to lose

    You may have a lot to lose, I wouldn't know your position well enough to give an answer to you.  Shouldn't hurt to try the gum, and hopefully it will help.  There are fibers and sugars in certain fresh mushrooms that help some people in some situations a lot.  There are lots of people out there that swear by various fibers.    

if people can cure themselves of cancer and other "incurable" diseases who's to say I cant!

    :) Sounds good and true.  I won't say you can't.  You likely can.

thank you for your help RawZi. the names Luke

    You're welcome :), Luke.


General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:42:50 am »
    I think when we make Vitamin D in our skin, or eat really raw endogenously Vitamin D containing whole animal foods, that it's near to impossible to overdose on the vitamin.  Isn't Vitamin D a hormone?  Natural hormones, as opposed to synthetic hormones, can be converted in the body to what we need, when there is excess of one.  Even Vitamins, when animal sourced all raw, people can convert it to what they need in their bodies. 

    Are you saying you have a Vitamin D deficiency or excess?  Me, I'm very sensitive to the sun, or I was always before.  Not just that my skin would disastrously burn as fast as heck before it could do good, but my eyes too. I had to squint outdoors as a kid, if sun got in I got headaches and many unpleasant symptoms in my body.  I've never been into sun worship as far as tanning on a beach or tanning parlor business, but I think I've been dealing a lot easier with the sun since I've been eating (R mostly)AF.  So I assume I'm good with Vitamin D now, I feel it too, as well as other hormones and vitamins.  I did get my vitamin D tested a couple of months ago, but I have not seen the results on paper nor heard them (yet).  When I get the results, I'll tell you guys on forum.

"How Much is Too Much?
Vitamin D overdose typically happens over a period of time rather than from a single large dose. This is because, unlike most other essential nutrients we consume, the body does not excrete excess vitamin D. Instead, it is stored in the body's fat cells where it can accumulate to toxic levels over time.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for the vitamin D are as follows:

Birth to 12 months of age: 25 micrograms (1,000 IU)..."



General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:46:09 am »
1. What does 'everyone' think about the Vitamin D issue..? Is it worth getting a vitamin D supplement if one is unable to get enough sunlight?

2. What the 'eff' is a 'cup' of cabbage/pumpkin?

    I assume they mean shredded vegetables, yeah.

    Other raw animal foods have Vitamin D, like egg yolks, liver, etc.  I think clams have most of whole fairly easy to get unprocessed foods, as it is an entire animal.

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:06:46 am »
Right, however it is raw fat meat & water.
The fat is said to critical, as it kills candida, according to AV.

    Did he say it in person?  In the DVD's?  Or if in the books or interviews (or newsletters), do you know which one or can point us in the direction?  I'd like to show that to people.  Thanks!

    Oh, to add: My tongue had been looking like it had candida for at least a year when I started high fat vlc RVAF.  Within a month my tongue became slim again (like it was years before) and evenly pink (again like years before) without any candida looking coating anymore.  I lost weight too and in numerous ways looked, felt and performed worlds better from that.

General Discussion / Re: I simply dont understand salmonella and e coli
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:59:16 am »
Yes, genuinely pasture raised.  I've visited the farm and have seen the chickens out to pasture, they're not even allowed to share pasture with other animals (the farm also raises a few pigs and some cows).  The farmer doesn't buy any grains at all as feed.

    What all were you eating before the salmonella chicken?  Could be the salmonella detoxed you from previous residues.  Or could be the chicken, well your body's infinite wisdom thought sometimg like: "oh good!  I'm going to get real food from now on!", when it got the chicken, so started throwing out all the old tissue.

    The first month I did RAF, I was on the toilet very frequently.  I'm not complaining at all.  My body was absolutely replacing my unhealthy tissues with healthy strong like never before.

    How did you eat the chicken?  Did you marinate it with any kind of vinegar or lemon or other sour things?  Was it packed in plastic or chlorine bleached paper?  Had it ever been salted? Did you drink anything during the meal?   Did you add any spices or herbs?  Spices can offset a balance of microorganisms in raw.   Maybe if you explain processes you put it through that we might not be aware of, that would give more clues to possible solutions.  Example: I get violently ill from a few spoons of a simple green smoothie and have gotten sick from a simple salad during RVAF.  My digestive bacteria was prepared for other things, not raw veg foods/fiber.  

    I have tried factory farm lean meat raw, I didn't even get sick from that, but I added raw never been frozen grass grazed fat, unheated honey, and the meat had never been frozen, never left out drying etc at all ...

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:47:38 am »
    For me, my body can be a delicate chemistry.  Not so much now, that I'm a little stronger, but still it is.  What diet program were you following when you developed these problems, the Weston Price Foundation's typical diet?  Have you tried zero carb for long periods at a time?  The germ theory and typical supplements work to some degree for people who are following SAD.  Antibiotics, supplements and any kind of plant fiber at all could be 101% wrong for many WOE's.  I'm not saying not to do the gum, but I'd like to see you get the best here.  Have you read the child boards here yet?  I think it will help more if you make an introduction and read through others' introductions.  Then we can give you suggestions that better go along with where you're at, and members who maybe followed the same diets will respond more.

If H. pylori doesn't cause trouble in the body aka "bacteria theory" per aajonus's writings...
then what may have caused my dramatic weight loss (30 lbs)

Possible ulcer? adrenal failure
It seems that all these allergies from foods over the years
has caused my body to shut down. I am steadily going bald,
have no sex drive whatsoever, and my breath smells like roadkill.
This has all taken place and I'm only 21!

Believe me I'd like to think that pylori doesnt pose a problem in people
but I may be an exception  >:

these are a couple studies which show the link between halitosis and pylori......

their are numerous testimonials from a forum (not raw foods) which states
mastic gum has helped TREmendously for people with gastrointestinal problems
here is the website:

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:55:16 pm »
    I don't know anything about mastic gum.  Gums are fibers, right?  Hmm.

    You got the pylori beFore you started eating raw, I assume?  Pylori I believe they say cause ulcers.  Do you have ulcers?  Is that how you found out?  

    I don't think I was tested for which bacteria, but close to twenty years ago I got stomach ulcers, and when they got out of control, I treated them with diet as I read in Balch's Prescription for Nutritional Healing.  It worked fast. I was strict veg.  Balch's remedy kind of had Bieler's soup as an integral part of it.

    A couple of years earlier than that, I was teaching Ann Wigmore's program, and a student, an older woman had duodenal ulcers.  With our help, on energy soup, her ulcers healed quickly.  She came to us from cooked (Island food).

    My son have had stomach trouble for about eight years (vegan that whole time).  Acupunture helped him.  Adding raw biodynamic butter and unheated honey to his diet and a few other dietary changes, and within a couple of months he finally got off stomach medication, and is still off, and happy about that.

    I have heard raw kefir replenishes intestinal flora and overcomes the more hurtful bacterias.  I have heard unheated honey can.  I believe highmeats might be very beneficial for this.  I do think raw meat will help you.  Maybe it will take longer than you like, but I believe it will get your intestines functioning best.

    Green juices clean the intestines in my experience, see how it goes.

    To put on weight, it may help you to mix a raw egg in your green juice.

    Have you tried raw eggs?  I'm not sure specifically how they are with pylori, but they can be very easy and quick to digest and healing to weak intestines.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:18:22 pm »
    I know it's not paleo, but I have mixed a little grass grazed raw fresh grated parmesan in with the grated suet, and it tasted better to me.  I like lamb kidney fat.  I don't like bison (mixed) suet so much, but it's easier to get.

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:15:19 pm »
    There are a number of diets that will rid you of your pylori problem, given the chance.  What are you doing for it so far?  How are you eating?

    Welcome :)

General Discussion / Re: Hunting
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:12:14 pm »
    I eat raw chicken.  Never got sick from it.  It feels soothing too.  I tried chicken ceviche and my body felt like the chicken was almost heat cooked, even though it wasn't.  I have had reactions to heat cooked chicken.  I had lots of health problems (acne, backaches, sore throats the list never ended) before I gave up cooked chicken.  Once I was cooked vegetarian, if cooked chicken juice was put in my food, I got sick (swollen and sore).  I tried eating cooked chicken one meal since I've started eating meat.  I got sick (a cold massive).  I tried cooking chicken one time.  The smell in my opinion was horrible.  The fats go rancid from cooking etc.  Cooked chicken is not for me.  I think I would prefer hunted meat over raw chicken, but that's not in the cards, so I'll stick with raw chicken.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:36:14 am »
    It's on the heart too.  I'm still up in the air about suet.  What works best for me so far with it, is to finely grate the suet, and mix it with chunks of meat. 

General Discussion / Re: Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:01:56 am »
    Is this the 1st suet you've tried?

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