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Messages - RawZi

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Suggestion Box / Re: Forum policy
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:12:09 am »
Try going to a Filipino community store.

    I only know of one Filipino restaurant, and it's almost a thousand miles away.  I'll look for Filipinos nearby.  Thank you.  How would their animals be raised here, so many questions.  I assume if they're using the blood, that they have to be at least treating the animals better than most in the US.    

    It's illegal to sell brain here too.  That's crazy.  How's a person supposed to stay true to ancient paleo ways?  It didn't used to be illegal when I was a kid.  Brain is good food.  Thankfully I have found ethnic stores that sell it to me (or to anyone who shops there) anyway.  Again, not nearby, so not often.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:00:42 am »
5 times from the same person before I gave in to say that I am gluten-intolerant... then it was okay not to be eating cake while carrying on with the socialization.  And then EVERYONE wants to know if not cake, what do I eat.  My answer is obviously not acceptable as this question comes up again and again and again by the same people over and over and over... but what do you eat??  It gets old!, and I feel uncomfortable with that kind of attention though I hope it does not show.

Another date tonight... he is perfectly nice... all I could smell was a bunch of chemicals!  :P  Laundry fabric softeners, soaps, colognes... too much!  

    I've been through a work scene or two very much like that.  As a child too I had no interest in cake, and some people think that's sick.

    My husband uses totally SAD off the shelf hair products every day, SAD colognes, burns perfumy incense every day and buys scented cat litter.  I never had an indoor cat (nor a sick cat) before I met him.  I feel this is a major part of the reason I got sick.  I got him to agree now not to buy the cat litter again; because this time it affected both me and my son and we just can't take this package anymore.  I've never had an outdoor cat since I met him.  He would prefer them closed in one room, even our bedroom which is another story.  I don't see why a capable animal like a cat needs to be in a room, unless of course the room had mice.  He wants to help, but he's perfectly fine with commercialism in his own home and I can't be and be perfectly well at the same time so far.  I was very well ninety-seven percent of the time before I met him, but since it's a verbal fight for each step of what's healthy for me.  It's a challenge when people almost seem from different worlds, for lack of a better way to describe it.  I've never been a long term natural or artificial stimulant beverage drinker nor ever had chronic post nasal drip (once had dripping for nine days after eating a piece of bread).  Does one have to have stimulants or a different nasal set up to tolerate fabric softener, artificial scent and detergent?

Suggestion Box / Re: Forum policy
« on: January 16, 2010, 11:31:12 pm »
And animal blood and guts are sold freely every single day in every market.

    I wanted to try blood.  I'm in the US.  No slaughterer/butcher I talked to seemed to ever hear of getting blood.  I did get some and try it, but they had to label it, and didn't even know how, or what to call the item on billing.  Maybe there's no demand?  Maybe it's just cause most blood here is bad as is the health-state of the animals?      

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Man the Hunter Revived
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:01:35 pm »
Im half faroese and they lived also of meat,(sheep) fish, whales, seals, and barely no fruit and vegetables. The meat was dried and eaten raw fish too. I have seen some pics of my grand grand father and hes brothers and all of them looked lean and strong like real vikings.

    I never even online met a Faroese before.  I've only seen pictures of the hunt.  An honor to 'meet' you.

Gaining 10lbs of muscle in less than a week is impossible, and you most certainly will gain fat on zero carb if you gorge and don't exercise.

    I've gained what appeared to be seven pounds of muscle in a week, and I wasn't even eating meat.  Maybe rf did gain ten.  Maybe he's lying.  I have no way to know which.  I'll watch it unfold.  

Raw Weston Price / Re: Beautiful People
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:39:36 am »
3. That it is the most sutainable way for the enviroment to eat RAW; as much we can. Even on paleo; if you cook it and make use of energy (your stove etc) you affect the planets whole well being.

Any volcanic eruption benefits the planet.  There's more heat/pollution in one eruption than I would think thousands of years of cooking.  That said, no one is advocating pollution but seriously cooking?  There's just no basis in fact to believe that has anymore of a negative impact than a forest fire, earthquake, hurricane, or any other natural disaster.

Up until last century all cooking was done on fires, so I suppose you could make the case for consumption of fuels such as gas, electricity, etc versus wood.  But still you'd have to make the case and compare the levels of pollutants, environmental effects, sustainability of fuel sources for large populations, etc.   Then of course, you'd have to migrate large populations to the tropics, or are you suggesting that we can't   have heat either?  Which of course, we spend far more than on cooking food.

Maybe there are ways for zero point energy consumption that are currently being researched that have little environmental impact, but it's silly to presume that somehow that not cooking helps at all.  I think in order to achieve what you ultimately want that would mean all modern conveniences would be eliminated.

    What's wrong with raw?  Besides the fact that I agree with Ayla, you can't argue your fuel bills go down when you stop cooking.

General Discussion / Re: How long do raw eaters sleep?
« on: January 15, 2010, 01:38:09 pm »
    Raw vegans can't sleep; because they're too busy eating. 

    Raw meat eaters can sleep when they like; because we don't need to spend all our time digesting and grazing to try to get enough nutrients.

    Have you anything you experienced reference this?

General Discussion / Re: Grounding organ meats
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:46:16 am »
    Hi Kurite.  

    I occasionally make a recipe.  I grind raw liver, raw buffalo, a little raw fat, a little mineral water and some herbs together.  It tastes good.  I tried making it three days in a row eating it.  By the third day it just felt wrong.  I still do it sometimes, but only one day or in a row two days.  

    I say try grinding the liver and other organs.  See how you feel.  If it helps you continue on the diet, well good!  

    Hey, now that I think of it, I have ground raw heart with other meats.  I didn't add seasoning.  It was totally good, but I just haven't done it again.  I have to say the heart was stringy/fibrous (some tubes/vessels).  Gotta be careful with my blender.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy food in space?
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:16:52 am »
 That's odd. I'd heard quite different stories, that the US army was constantly searching for ways to process foods as much as possible without reducing nutritional content too much. I remember vaguely some research done into making precooked burgers last as long as 3 years before consumption.

    Makes me think of when they served meals on planes.  The food at times was atrocious. Case in point: The apples had no flavor inside them and the peels tasted more bitter than ever imagined on an apple.  I don't know what they did to them, but I don't see how it could be natural.  At least people likely would not get apples like those on a mission in space.  A lot of SAD'ers only go for pretty looking food anyway, as their taste buds only work for MSG and other enhancers.  Maybe the apples were somehow an experiment to make them last for space missions in the future.  

General Discussion / Re: potassium lactate and sodium diacetate
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:08:12 am »
    Maybe you could acquire a meat grinder and get meat cut for roasts and grind the meat into mince form rather than roasting? 

    Forgive me, I like the cut of a roast, but I wish it wasn't named after what some like to do with it.

Raw Weston Price / Re: fuggley green
« on: January 15, 2010, 06:44:01 am »
read the one star reviews.

    Hi Rob,

There's only one 1* review.  It's from today.  Was that written by you?  This section of our forum is pro-Weston Price.  Would you tell us what you do like about the diet?

    Are you a rawpaleo dieter?  We have a section in the forum for new members who are at the beginning of this.

    Sorry you were having trouble reading the book.  Are you a beer brewer?  

Off Topic / Re: Ethiopian raw meat video
« on: January 15, 2010, 06:38:51 am »
Anyone tasted camel meat?  What's it like?

    I haven't even had the opportunity to.  I bet it's better than more modern-looking animals.

Personals / Re: Where to purchase animal organs in Singapore?
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:39:27 pm »
Any farmed fishes are very likely to be raised on an artificial diet, most likely corn & grains, so do so at your own risk. Some feel it doesn't matter and some are adamantly against it. I personally don't advise it.

    Raw corn fed meat tastes bad, in my experience.  I wouldn't advise it either.  Poor fish being raised with corn food.  Yes some fish like vegetables, but corn?  That's sick.  Corn never grows in the water.

I will never be able to eat eggs =( I heard an unfertilized egg contain something and that cooking deactivates something, ahhhh, I'm so tired.

    The egg thing is pretty much a myth.  I feel better when I don't avoid eating (raw) eggs.  Eating raw eggs gives me energy and wakes me up, any time.  Fertile is better, but maybe just better for the chickens.  I've eaten unfertile eggs and it's still good for my health, even if not as much.

General Discussion / Re: Pork
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:36:05 pm »
I'm new to all of this and was wondering how do you prevent contracting tapeworms from pork or any bacterial diseases in meats?

    I prevent getting sick by eating them raw, never been frozen nor dried nor warmed.  I did try jerky once, and it made me sick.  I tried pemmican once, it did not make me sick, but I really didn't swallow any.  I've eaten raw pork, raw chicken, raw lobster, raw highmeats, you name it, I'll probably try it more than once.  The parasites like wastes from cooked, also starches and sugars, even fiber.  I feel eating raw pork help me be strong against parasites.

Welcoming Committee / Re: RVAF -- Newbie
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:28:14 pm »
Hahaha, that'd be marvelous. It tends to be relatively dry and warm in my room (I have no control over the heat, it's almost always around 75-80F--partially due to location and that we don't have control over the thermostat).

I wish you good luck on dehydrating your sausages as well, and I hope that they're delicious!

    You would never freeze ever, that's for sure.  The dehydrating will raise the temperature in your room slightly, and maybe lend the meat moisture to your air.  Maybe it would be a little like having a humidifier, but less sterile and more healthy.

    You could carry your sausages to the cafeteria, on picnics, dates and hikes.  Nice to have a convenience food that doesn't look bloody or like raw chicken wings.

    Thank you.  Now I guess I have to dig out the dehydrator.  I stopped using it years ago.  It should still be in perfect shape.  I checked it out about a month or so ago.  Has anyone used an Excalibur brand dehydrator on meat (or on any other RAF)?  I've never even seen honey used in one, as I recall ...

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:14:34 pm »
Hmm, various posts on the  Primal Diet yahoo group were extremely critical of Really Raw Honey suggesting it wasn't really raw at all.

    I wish you could try it.  It's my son's favorite.  We try other raw honeys, but they just taste like sugar at best.  He depends on honey as it's a good deal of his diet.  He is making improvements to his health.  He was not before this honey.

fyi: bears eat the fat-rich bee grubs along with the honey and comb (as do hunter-gatherers). A nature show I watched said that the grubs are actually their favorite part to eat. Could that be why Aajonus recommends butter with honey? Too bad grub comb isn't sold commercially in the USA. It might be fun to try once.

    I would love to try eating grubs.  I don't often run across hives and have not since I started eating (raw) animal products.  I did hear bugs are full of the best fats.  I imagine young beings like grubs would have even better fats.

I asked this question several times, but nobody knew the answer -
Is it any proof that insulin-like substance converts 90% of the carbs in nectar into enzymes?
If this statement is true that will make a lot of difference re counting carbs.

    Must be true.  It grows good stuff on my fruit and milk (separately).

Welcoming Committee / Re: RVAF -- Newbie
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:04:33 pm »
Rawzi, try dehydrating them some (not a ton so they're brittle but maybe a day or two at 104*F so they get a bit more leathery) as this may help your issue with the texture. I've done this with some things, like organs, as I acclimatized to the flavors. :)

    Thank you.  Good idea.  I'll think about trying that.  

    LOL.  Maybe I figured something out now.  This one room in my house smells every day all day, to me and only to me, like hot dogs cooking.  It doesn't smell bad or good, but the smell is very definite.  There are no hot dogs nor anything of the like around.  

    Now, I read your post and I think where in my home can I dehydrate meat without my veg family getting upset?  The garage smells like exhaust.  Almost anywhere in the house could potentially upset them.  If I would keep it outdoors the stray cats would probably get in to it.  That room!  This may be it, the reason I smelled that "ghost" scent.  We're not really using the room.  I can use it as my dehydrating room and keep the door closed :)  

    Extraliz, maybe you can dehydrate in your dorm room too if necessary.  Instead of fragrance spray your room might smell like delicious raw sausages.

Welcoming Committee / Re: RVAF -- Newbie
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:32:07 am »
Welcome to the forum extraliz,

... cheese. And yes, I did mean sausage cooked--although I would think that, as I grew into the diet, that I'd find raw sausage ok. I'll have to look up the chocolate subsitutes ...

    These are my experiences with those items, I hope it helps:

    I still eat a little cheese when I can get a good (unsalted grass grazed) one.

    Chocolate/cacao I still like the smell of, but find no need for.  If I cheat with vegan food or anything not suited to me, I get a headache, then eating the chocolate/cacao appears to help briefly.  I find chocolate too actually causes headaches. 

    Sausages I was interested in trying raw.  I waited to find a good fresh raw grass grazed sausage that had no chemicals, added sugar, added salts, onions or garlic added.  I finally found a nice looking lamb/rosemary sausage.  I didn't like the texture raw, so ended up lightly simmering half the package.  Since I really want to be raw, I don't think I'll be trying sausages again. 

    I hope you find that you like raw sausages.  If you find a way it tastes good raw, post it.  Maybe I'll change my mind. 

    I think sausage patties that one forms with your hands to the shape of a burger should be nice.  Maybe raw intestines would be better eaten separately.  Tripe tastes good raw. 

Primal Diet / Re: How important is coconut cream?
« on: January 13, 2010, 03:42:27 pm »
When I first moved to the tropics, I was introduced to fresh coconut water.  I liked it.  I was told that lots of people can't drink it.  That it causes bad diarrhea and many other problems.  I drank one, two, three, four, five, six, seven in a row, no effect except a feeling of wellness.  More than seven just didn't sound right to me, as each coconut had about 24 oz fluid.  I drank seven coconuts every day for about a year, but little other food.  I felt very well. 

I had not found coconut cream yet.  I like that too, but it kind of reminds me of those coconut soap bars.  I don't like eating things that remind me of soap. 

I was having a chat with the coconut vendor / grater / cream maker.

It is common knowledge (among filipinos) you cannot eat too much raw coconut cream or your stomach will ache / crap out / get upset.
I told him some foreigners have taken up drinking lots of raw coconut cream.
He thinks they're nuts.

I think some people have iron stomachs and can handle lots of raw coconut cream.  Lucky you. 

Nuts for coconuts!  Yup, some of us raw high fat food eaters are nutty for a time, but it's a sane kind of nuttiness.  Here's a coconut group I made:, one of the higher member number groups of GI2MR.   

(If u're confused after/by this link I changed that ID the first time just that day [but got ban not hrs later] for a boy in deadly coma who I'd just known twelve years earlier as a straight A respected student)

Goodsamaritan, when I've coconut cream it comes out a little too thick to drink?  What's the filipino trick to making it thin enough to just drink really at all?  When I buy raw coconut cream, it's even thicker than mine, to the extent even difficult to scoop.

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 12, 2010, 01:14:31 pm »
F***. Is there some chemical they add to beef mince that disappears or becomes harmless when it's cooked or something? There is some chemical(Natural/Unnatural, Added or not I can't tell) in the beef mince that repulses me, tells me not to eat it. It gives me a kind of headache as I eat it and for a long time afterwards(many hours), and I had it last time I tried raw mince. It's horrible.

    About a year and a half back I was stuck somewhere and the only market I could get to, the best meat was free range chicken.  Their fish wasn't very good in my opinion and their beef was factory raised.  I could not eat the chicken as it had a chemical taste to me.  I wondered if they regularly add chemicals to it, but cooking would melt off the foreign matter.  Me being a raw eater, I thought I must have been tasting something cooked eaters miss because of either cooking the chemicals out or spicing it up resultantly covering up that taste.  My cats would not eat this raw chicken either.  I put it out for some homeless dogs after.  If I recall correct I then tried to eat a plain home boiled potato no salt or anything added to replace some of my calorie needs, and that only hurt my body. 

    Does anyone know if these same or other chemicals that are added to mince are also added to chicken?  A raw paleo dieter I know in EEU just told me that the red meat in the supermarkets nearby there that those butchers inject anything into the meat while at the store to make it bigger, juicier, heavier.   

Raw Weston Price / Re: Only 2 of 12 Tribes Consumed ANY Dairy
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:57:12 pm »
USA is a very dairy driven country, which it gets from England. ...

Attached to position 67, and part of the large chain of 229, is a side chain of seven amino acids called BCM 7, which is a powerful opiate.

“The side chain that comes off amino acid 67 is called BCM 7. .. a small protein [which] is a very powerful opiate and which has some undesirable effects on animals and humans.”

The amino acid at position 67 is different depending on if the cow is A1 or A2. The old-fashioned A2 cows carry the original amino acid, proline, which bonds strongly to BCM 7.

“… proline has a strong bond to BCM 7 which helps keep it from getting into the milk, so that essentially no BCM 7 is found in the urine, blood or GI tract of old-fashioned A2 cows.”

If an A1 cow, the histidine (the mutated protein) doesn’t hold so tightly to BCM 7.

“… histidine, the mutated protein, only weakly holds on to BCM 7, so it is liberated in the GI tract of animals and humans who drink A1 cow milk.”

Keith Woodford links the liberated BCM 7 to many serious health issues. Again, quoting Dr. Cowan:

“… the opiate BCM 7 can cause neurological impairment in animals and people exposed to it, especially autistic and schizophrenic changes. BCM 7 interferes with the immune response, and injecting BCM 7 into animal models has been shown to provoke Type 1 diabetes. Dr. Woodford presents research showing a direct correlation between a population’s exposure to A1 cow’s milk and the incidence of auto-immune disease, heart disease (BCM 7 has a pro-inflammatory effect on the blood vessels), type-1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia.”

In America, most of our dairy cows are A1 cows – the modern Holstein. Keith Woodford found that:

“When you take A1 cow milk away, and stimulate our own endorphin production instead of via the toxic opiate BCM 7, some amazing health benefits ensue.”

    Maybe that's integrally related to why England took the part they did in the Chinese Opium Wars.

The Queen of England Pushes Dope

Although the Chinese had used opium as a medicine, there was no widespread addiction before the British arrived. The Portuguese had smuggled some opium to China. The first major shipment of opium, was arranged in 1781, by the Company's Governor-General, Warren Hastings, who described opium as a ``pernicious'' commodity, ``which the wisdom of the Government should carefully restrain from internal consumption.'' It was a financial disaster. The opium was brought to Canton, the only city where the Chinese allowed foreigners to trade. The Chinese showed little interest, so the ship left without selling its opium. The Company lost a quarter-of-a-million dollars.

Off Topic / Re: Dreams about health matters
« on: January 11, 2010, 02:39:52 pm »
2. Teeth crumbling. (teeth are a sign or health, and loosing teeth means health lose. I had these dreams when i was a vegetarian and when i was fasting shortly before i turned to raw meats)

All these dreams were shortly prior to when i transitioned to the primal diet.

After going on the  primal diet i had a good sign dream....i dreamed multiple times of me flying in the air.

    While vegetarian I had uncomfortable dreams about my teeth shifting.  On primal on rare occasions my flying comes back.  I like those.  I've been having a lot of prophetic dreams lately.  I do dream less when I avoid dairy and other carbs.  The higher quantity of the most recent dreams lately might be a fluke, or maybe it has something to do with I have a more local dairy source and it tastes fresher.

2173 ... and a meetup!

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 11, 2010, 02:26:03 pm »
Do you take a drink with each bite, to help it get down?

    Never.  I don't eat and drink at the same time.  I wait approx an hour before and after liquids.  I did eat and drink (as much) liquids (as possible) together but with cooked meat instead of raw as a kid, but chewed and chewed and chewed ... it didn't work out well, and I was trying to eat as little as I was permitted.  I hated food most of the time.  This is me though.  Eat how it works out well for you.



... Do you have any evidence directly supporting contraception as the primary reason for HG breastfeeding beyond a certain age and at what age does it kick in? I know there is evidence supporting the partial contraceptive ability of breastfeeding, but is there evidence supporting it as substantially more important than all other reasons; that is, showing HGs engaged in breastfeeding past one or two years with the primary aim of contraception, rather than as a secondary benefit? Are there no other benefits to be obtained by breastfeeding beyond 2 years than contraception (which may be of benefit even to moderners, BTW)? My memory's not clear on this, but I think 2 years is the minimum age for the child to be able to walk and keep up with a nomadic tribe, so a mother is free to have another child, right? Are you saying the primary reason after that is contraception?

I'm not aware of any reported harm to the child from breastmilk up to the age of 7 (the high range I've seen, though Rawzi mentioned 9 years as the high range for trad. Inuits), other than the potential for social stigma and maybe psychological maternal dependence (and I don't know when if ever these kick in for HG children whose mothers are eating healthy diets). Have you seen any reports on this?
All the La Leche League sources I've seen (to which the website and someone here directed me--so all my initial sources were Paleo-related) so far mentioned 2 to 7 years, which is also what the observational studies of HGs by scientists indicate. So far I've only seen RawZi mention 9 years, but maybe she got that from LLL? I don't know much about LLL and didn't know they were considered extremists by some, though the WAPF apparently disagrees with them.
Do you view any recent posts in this forum as "anti-Establishment purely for its own sake," or is that just a fear you have that might theoretically develop? I certainly don't write or do anything just to be anti-establishment. I go wherever the facts lead me and I don't care if the facts are not popular with the establishment and I also don't care if they ARE popular with the establishment. I'm not going to lie just to please the "establishment" and I'm not going to ignore the facts if they do line up with what the establishment wants. If you have evidence, present it. Evidence is much more likely to persuade me than your opinions and fears.

    I didn't get that part from LLL.  A Rawist on another raw forum put up information like that, and I (back then a couple years ago) had then found confirmation on Google.  The woman who had posted back then nurse each of her kids about five years.  She has since taken up cooked grains to eat and share with her family.  She said several of the years she was nursing she ate mostly (raw) meat from reindeer and such and everything else what she called primal (berries I guess).  

    As far as contraception, I'm sure it must work pretty well, but in the world these days I'm not going to suggest to depend on it.

    I have attended LLL meetings and got assistance from them, but don't remember anyone nursing toddlers in front of me.  I was also involved in playgroups and other organizations where I have seen women nurse four year olds in front of me.  I thought it was strange, but if it works for them, so be it.

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