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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Any way of knowing if my high meats gone bad?
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:30:29 am »
...  But,   then there's durian, and it's smell, and the smell of parmesan cheese.  Both foods that wouldn't get most sick, well except for TD,lol, with the cheese.  I think it could have as much to do with acculteration.  For whiskey kills you more and more each time you drink it, and yet one has to get used to the taste and smell to indulge.

    Not only can whiskey kill, or listeria or whatever, but durians kill too.


“What’s that smell?” may be your first question after cracking open the spiky shell of a durian. “Decayed onion,” “Limburger cheese,” “old socks,” and “turpentine” have all been used to describe the odorous flesh of durian. And the controversy doesn’t end there. Health officials in Thailand recently issued a warning against excessive consumption of the fruit because of its high calorie count and after a citizen died shortly after eating four durians. But don’t let the sulfuric odor and calorie count turn you off completely—the custard-like flesh of a durian is high in fiber and folate.

    I think they said he died because of the naturally high potassium content of durians.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: January 09, 2010, 05:34:15 pm »
... high meat today and this time I left it in my mouth for a while--to test how well I can handle the taste (it's not awful, but not good either)--instead of bolting it down immediately and found I got a small bit of tingling and itchiness on my palate and tongue, ... Anyone ... have any idea what it is? Is there any acid in high meat ... I'm ... just curious. ... I plan on continuing to eat high meat.

    I was thinking maybe there's niacin in high meat for a second, but then I remembered meat has nicotinic acid, not niacinimide for its Vitamin B3.  I had thought niacin flushing.  Have you ever flushed from niacin?  If not, I guess I could explain it.  I think it can't be from nutrients from the animal kingdom though. 

    I'm not sure how acidic nicotinic acid from meat or high meat is.  I assume not very acidic.  I don't know if fermenting meat raises the nicotinic acid content.  I guess it would, as I think the B vitamin producing bacteria would proliferate during the meat's fermenting process. 

    I think it would be nothing to worry about, but I'm not the person responsible for your health care.  You are much more likely to know what is safe or not, good or not for you.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:46:00 am »
I've eaten both ways.
I chew my food as I get to enjoy the flavor of the raw meat more this way, even if it does take a bit longer. :)

    I used to chew the (raw) meat, and get the flavor; because I thought it was healthier that way.  I just swallow it now.  I could care less about the flavor, and just feel good eating the raw meat.  If I go too long (several days) without (raw) meat, I feel it.  I feel much better eating it.

Hot Topics / Re: Evolutionary benefits of cooking?
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:35:55 am »
...  One does not need to be the epitome of health to reproduce.  One need only survive and have lots of sex.

    One short sex act is enough to do that in some cases.  Of course lots of sex may keep the parents happier and so then maybe the progeny (maybe twins etc) healthier or who knows.  I'm sure it must be only fiction, but I watched an episode of House recently where it turned out a woman accidentally spontaneously conceived not even having had sex once, by her account, and proven upon genetic analysis of the fetal related material.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Affording a ZC diet
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:59:21 am »
... The free ranged meats though are very expensive. I only have a budget of about $60-100 a month on food. How do you people afford a zero carb raw meat diet?

    I know some people here who go to the butcher every morning and ask for the scraps of fat that they would otherwise throw away every morning after the day's butchering.  Some of them get it for free.  The store would have thrown it literally in the garbage at about ten A.M.  It is high in caloric value/energy and filling/satiating.  There's not much more protein many people need from there.  

    For meat, I personally usually get tough cuts like shoulder.  It's less expensive than other cuts, yet still from the same grass grazed animals.  I don't do zero carb though.

    For water, get a filter and reuse a bottle.  It's cheaper than storebought bottled water, and healthier than plain tap.

    Organs like heart are often inexpensive too.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:46:57 am »
I have good meat sources that don't add preservatives or anything else to the grassfed raw ground flesh they sell.

    I still don't like finding scraps of bone or getting weird feelings from the meat.  I may just be over sensitive, but that's how I am, and I accept that I am this way.  I'd rather run the cut through my own grinder if I want it that way, and not having it sit at all after grinding.  I think I digest best when it's not ground though.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:43:17 am »
Paleoman always had a stone knife, which is much sharper than any modern metal knife, so cutting small bite-size pieces would have been no problem.

... tendons and ligaments and who knows what. I think that that stuff is what gives me a stop, while it makes RawZi nauseous.

    I'm not sure raw tendons in and of themselves have made me nauseous.  I'm thinking maybe the chewing got enzymes forming/flowing in me that just didn't go with raw meat for me.  It could be I still have work to do on my gall bladder or something.  I have eaten raw tendons that I cut up, but just bolted them down, and it seems I digested them fully that way those times without a problem.  I do have a blister on my finger right not from cutting tendons off the bone without a cutting board and with a knife that could have been sharper if I would have sharpened it, and the knife pressing on my finger while doing that cutting.

    True, in pre-chopped meat bought from a store, I too would not trust that I know exactly what they might have added or whether it was handled best.

General Discussion / Re: Daylight Diet? Have you tried it?
« on: January 08, 2010, 05:49:37 am »
I give up - how did you sleep in snow without shelter?

    I wore jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket with a hood and sneakers, no long johns or any warming apparel.  I didn't sit in the snow.  I sat on a dry spot.  If the snow was coming down, I sat in a spot with a thin roof above.  Otherwise, the raw fat I ate seemed to work.  I might pull my arms in my jacket or whatever I needed to just stayed warm.  It wasn't very windy though.  I bent a little, didn't lay flat as if it were warm, laid against whatever (not heated), to block a little wind.  I can't guarantee with lowered wind chill factor that it would have worked.  It probably would have been a lot warmer if I wasn't alone, Idk.  I don't know why it worked, but it did.  I did this a bunch of times last Winter. 

Health / Re: Your thoughts on longevity?
« on: January 08, 2010, 02:10:26 am »
    On my palm I take a look at my lifeline once in a while.  According to those lifelines apparently raw food extends my lifespan and cooked food shortens it.

General Discussion / Re: Daylight Diet? Have you tried it?
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:58:46 am »
i think this is a nice inbuilt survival mechanism.  i know that when i have lived places with no heat during the winter i would have a huge urge to binge on fat for dinner and then i burn it up in my sleep keeping me nice and toasty(even in the coldest sleeping situations, and often a little too hot)...same with bike commuting/hiking in below freezing weather, always want to eat a lot of fat and then always feel my body heat up to digest it.  its nice to think how serendipitous this is with the availability/storeability of food, especially animal source, that we should have fat stored to eat in the winter because that is what is easiest to render and keep and the natural inclination to eat lighter far in warmer seasons ...

    I've done that.  When outdoors all night in the snow (and no sleeping bag tent blanket or pillow), before I fall asleep I eat like a pound of raw animal fat.  I sleep fine with no stiff joints in the morning.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:47:23 pm »
Ah yes, I've heard that claim re the increase in modern height being linked to unhealthy diets. However, I would strongly disagree with that theory. For one thing, it was noted that the British upper-classes in the Middle-Ages were remarkably taller than their peasant-counterparts(nobles ate better, getting organ-meats, higher meat-intake etc.) Indeed Richard The Lionheart was caught in Austria because he couldn't blend in his 6ft figure among a populace normally 5ft tall. And shortened height at the time was directly related to various health-problems, no doubt caused by high grain-intake etc.

In my own case, I'm descended from tall ancestors, yet I am 3 inches shorter than my brother(males in my family usually are around 6ft 3). I strongly suspect that all those yars of dairy-cosnumption wrecked my glandular system in such a way that growth-hormone production was disabled to some extent. There may be some correlation between brain-size/body ratio and increased intelligence(though there are, apparently, exceptions to the rul, see wikipedia entry) but the difference between chimpanzees and humans is so vast in cultural terms that other explanations are more likely(eg:- increased concentrations of neurons in specific areas rather than brain-size as such etc.)

    Interesting.  A sibling, taller than me, tested allergic to cow milk.  I tested nonallergic to it.  I didn't like dairy very much and avoided it most of the time.  I don't think any of the dairy was available raw growing up for us.  I remember my sibling eating lots of melted cheese as often as possible, while me barely ever.  I just didn't have the same interest.  The dairy I did like was heavy cream and fermented heavy cream or high fat raw blue cheese (not melted).  Maybe the unnatural form dairy minerals made excess growth, or just lacked molybdenum.  I think I remember reading that molybdenum as a nutrient prevents excessive unhealthy length of the bones.

alcohol and excess copper deplete molybdenum in the body

    Maybe a high carb diet turns to alcohol and depletes the molybdenum.

    Of course I could be shorter than I should be due to not digesting enough as a child.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:21:21 pm »
... But for tough cuts of meat, the low-and-slow method of cooking does make them much easier to eat. I think this is why cooking of meats got started--they probably started cooking the toughest portions of meat first (or the liver, if they used poisoned arrows, as traditional Bushmen do). I've eaten some tougher cuts of meat. ...

    The tough cuts of meat are fine for me, as long as I have a sharp knife.  I tried chewing instead of cutting on the very fibrous leg tendons, but it made me nauseous.  I have tried cooking them, to get the bone building amino acids.  It's just too hard boiling for three days, just to have someone knock over the pot after that several times.  I don't think it's really necessary anyway.  Dogs love chewing bones.  If we can find dogs to give these to, that would be best. 

    I won't imagine the cooked liver.  Raw liver is good, but in the past I have gotten too sick from cooked liver.

General Discussion / Re: Chitterlings
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:10:02 pm »
    The untreated tripe I had was not honeycomb unfortunately, as honeycomb is more familiar.  It was from two of the other stomachs.  I got more than twice what you got, but ate less than half.  It wasn't rinsed very well, was yours?  I wound up treating it myself by soaking it in very salted (celtic) water.  That made it a little better, but I ended up putting it outside for wild animals to eat, which was good for them I would think with the tons of snow around.  I did like the tripe, but the smell was very strong, basically from the stomach contents leftover on it.  I think I still have some of the smell in me (I detect that no one has hinted anything), but the smell (bacteria) is probably just helping me digest etc, so I'm not worried.  Next time I'll make sure it's honeycomb and rinsed better, if I do it again.

General Discussion / Re: Chitterlings
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:15:23 am »
... intestines of pigs.

Has anyone ever eaten these raw? Do they taste good? I'm thinking about picking some up next time I go to buy some meat along with some tripe ...

    I know someone who ate raw pig intestines as a treatment.  Hard to imagine, but it apparently was good for them.  I have eaten untreated raw tripe.  Which kind of animal are you referring to when you say tripe?  Have you had it before?  Was it bleached, rinsed or dyed?

General Discussion / Re: Daylight Diet? Have you tried it?
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:31:15 am »
    I didn't read his book, but there are plenty of times in my life I didn't snack and didn't eat outside of normal mealtimes.  If I wasn't snacking, it's most likely cause I felt fine without extra food.  So, I'd say it works, for vegetarians.  I don't think I've ever felt good eating cooked meat nor good at night during those times without snacking or night eating too.  I'm not sure I've ...well, yes, I have not eaten at night most of the time with RAF.  I have used raw dairy most of RAF time.  I have wondered if some hunters, if it would be more natural for them to eat at night and healthier?  I know I need to eat less often when I don't eat as many carbs.     

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 05, 2010, 10:31:57 pm »
...  What constitutes large quantities, and how often must these be eaten to be regular?  How many people have died from them?  I gorge myself on wild and domestic raspberries (and other wild and domestic berries) all summer long and as far into fall as possible, and these seem to have quite high concentrations of salicylates based on the above posts.  Yet I remain...

    Maybe it depends on 1 if you're allergic to salicylates, 2 if you need salicylates and 3 how strong your kidneys are at the time (and what you ate with them if anything).  Perhaps a majority of people who choose RPD came from growing up with salicylate allergies.  I personally don't think I have any problem with salicylates.  I love berries too.

    Eating cooked paleo I couldn't fall asleep, and often I slept short, and sometimes I didn't want to wake up the crack of dawn and wake up in pain.  I never napped.  Eating vegan I fell asleep easier, for a long time slept about five hours, also did not nap (unless you count falling asleep when I returned from work until work the next day), but eventually just couldn't wake up when I wasn't in pain all over my body 7/8 of the day.  Eating raw omni, I fall asleep easier and dream more (but I always dreamed) and wake up fine.  Eating raw omni minus dairy I sleep a little shorter, dream less and wake up more refreshed.  I like the last two for different reasons.  I don't want to tolerate the first two.  Those two make no logical sense for myself or how I can be for any around me or the world AFAICS.

...  What ecosystem allows a predator to outnumber the rest of the chain?  That's what happened to humans when agriculture came about.  Now we're six billion strong because of the green revolution.  Boy, people do not get it. Let's see what happens when all the petroleum is gone, and people don't eat it anymore.  ...

    Many people love flying and driving everywhere etc shipping their goods from across the oceans and on and heat their homes to 72F in the Winter and cool to 68F in Summer 24/7 to "help" their environmental allergy problems, they never stop.  If the majority wants to call that human, I'd rather not count myself in.  Many of those same are totally supporting taking down rainforests to plant cornfields to make alcohol to fuel their car.  What next?  Digging up cemetaries and burning relatives' bodies for gastank, heating and cooking fuel?  It's fuel addiction.  They'll see if they can burn the planet like a candle without blinking an eye.  

    Sorry for OT but fuel junkyism is not necessarily the most efficient, healthiest, best nourishing or sanist way to do what's best for humanity and the rest of the planet, but things will go how they will go.

    The old people talking about their health problems, they were just sucked into the system.  Too bad, and it affects the young too.  The world should be like an earlier time when all ages of people were together and young went to the very old to ask how to live, rather than to doctors who do not know and only want to take money from you the stranger and insurance their bedpartner.

« on: January 04, 2010, 07:02:32 pm »
I am not into raw paleo diet because I want to heal the world or feed the world.

I got into raw paleo diet because I was sick.  Call me selfish.  Raw paleo diet is a ME thing.  I'm well.  I'm healthy.  I finally got muscles.

Maybe my genes are the hold outs that DID NOT EVOLVE.  And it is MY GENES that my children carry.  Raw paleo diet is curative for me.  Raw paleo diet is curative for my children as well.

    Raw paleo saves on shipping exotic vegan super foods or SAD supermarket foods and prescriptions, raw paleo saves on cooking fuel, raw paleo saves on heating bills as our bodies can tolerate cold and heat like indigenous people on their original diets ...

    Me too, I got muscles in my back for the first time, my jaw got more spacious better than my average family members, my muscles show better where I had gotten cellulite from bad carb ratios, ... This diet is for me first just like a parent puts their oxygen mask on in a plane first, then we can think "well oxygenatedly" to help the world.  

    How can you help anyone when you can't see the world because your brain doesn't have sufficient oxygen and full spectrum of nutrients?  People say "you are what you eat".  People say "I'm flesh and blood" or "I'm flesh and bones".  I don't see anyone going around saying "you are vegetable fiber" or "I am vegetable fiber".  Words have meaning, even more meaning when not making excuses and able to hear what is said and accept the intelligence of the natural world.  

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: RAW Meat Eaters In China
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:36:50 pm »
    I love their clothes.  Their faces look good too.  I bet some of them are real old, but I don't see a wrinkle in the bunch.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:31:51 pm »
...  If anything the ice ages most likely created the last shift in homo. 

... A few species venture out toward colder areas, but most genetic mutations occur in warmer areas.

    I tend to agree with CK here, not Fulcrum.  Yes if we eat cooked meat to warm us up in Winter and that may change us, but kill off our lines too if we don't have houses and cars while we're raising our babies practicing that diet.  Do you have children who are RPDers too redfulcrum?

...  Why do you think we get along better with dogs and not gerbils. 

    You mean because dogs are more social or help us hunt and herd?  I don't know what gerbils eat in nature, but in nature hamsters hunt insects.  No wonder many people with hamsters on Hartz Hamster Food, the hamsters bite each other, bite people, and the hamsters eat their own babies.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: RAW Meat Eaters In China
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:21:43 pm »
    Thank you.  I met the pig that is destined to be my food in Spring.  I was wanting to experience what his death will be like a head of time, to prepare myself, now that I've met him.  I still want to attend a slaughter in person on top of seeing this video, before Spring.

    Isn't Yunnan where they eat "cross bridge soup", a warm dish with raw eggs and raw meats thrown in at the table?

BTW, noodles aren't indigenous to Mongolians just like the sauerkraut they took from the Chinese that eventually made it to Europe.  Would you say sauerkraut is truly German?  Maybe the word is German, but that's about it.  Just like Marco Polo, without that guy we wouldn't have the Italian cuisine that we know of today.  All ideas from a far away land.  So is spaghetti really Italian.  ...  I still wouldn't consider Mongolian Noodles real traditional mongolian food.  Their bread and butter were actually just meat and milk products.  A Highly carnivorous society.  Perfect logistics for a highly mobile military.  The food just walks around with you for thousands of miles.  That's one reason why they were so powerful.
Opening Pandora's boxes, one box at a time.

    When I think Mongol diet I think raw red meat and raw khumiss from mare's milk and eating on the run to the next victory, not farming.

    What are your norms?  You mean you were sleeping a "normal" eight hours before you started RPD and now with you practicing RPD your sleep is not at night or you mean it is less or more hours?

    RAF help to regulate my sleep 100%, especially raw meat.

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: January 04, 2010, 05:55:58 pm »
... Sometimes I just want to stop working on the good stuff because it's so demanding.  If you cook it, I can see how you can get more nutrients because it's easier to eat.  That would explain the shrinking of our jaws and teeth.

    When I eat raw meat, the energy feels so good in my mouth and between my teeth.  No wonder my jaw can grow.  Eating cooked meat I might as well have been chewing a stone.  It would have done me more good too possibly AFAIC. 

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