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Messages - RawZi

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Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 04, 2010, 01:01:48 pm »
... I don't want to lose the perspective of the thread though which was not about sharing a (cooked) steak dinner with a date, but about sharing an intimate lifestyle, possibly raising children, with a hypothetical and future Mr. Right who most likely will not be raw paleo.

Maybe it is just my culture coming out, we are Greek and Italian... eating together as a family and the kinds of food we prepare together as a family are (sounds weird?) a big part of 'family'.  So, I like to hear experiences of people here that are either already married, have significant others, or maybe dating as I am on how their lifestyles come together, not just to accept each other, but raising children too.

    I'm a householder here.  My husband and I love each other no matter what we eat.  We go out dancing sometimes with friends or to a party.  People think we're a great couple.  I would love to hang out with paleo people though or primal dieters.  I don't know that we'll ever get to a point that we'll eat with friends who eat like us.  Eating is a social thing.  I'd advise, if possible to marry someone who eats similarly, do so.

    Beds too, I had a weak back since before adolescence.  I had to either sleep on an excellent bed or preferably the floor to deal with it or go to sleep early and do yoga before getting out of bed in the morning.  Now I either have to coordinate with my husband or compromise etc.  

    You know it's even hard for me to think about preparing a meal when everyone eats different.  I always prepared healthy food, and people enjoyed what I prepared without everyone going their own way.  I ran health food kitchens, and some of them I served different to each person, but along one theme.  It is weird to me to do the present kind of diverse themes all at once.

    Hey, but I found a restaurant now that serves vegan, vegetarian, raw vegan (seed cheeses etc) and free range meat all at once.  We ate there a few times already.  Unfortunately I could only order offerings like the vegiekraut rolls.  They won't serve their free range raw.  I'll tell you if I can get them to change or if I apply for a job there or anything.  Already people see me with things like young coconut water in the shell and ask so I teach them something new to them.  Maybe I can get them to do sashimi.  They do have seafood and I haven't directly asked about that, just meat.

Health / Re: Chime in: Why RAW Paleo Diet vs Cooked Paleo Diet
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:43:05 am »
... I used to be deathly sick I could not socialize, have fun, nor operate in the "normal" world.  So from my perspective I just have to choose health ...

    I was like that for a year and more of Vegan.  There was no way I could socialize I was so sick.  Cooked paleo was so long ago.  I was way too skinny and pale.  I couldn't digest the food.  Being bone skinny and in pain many parts of the body ain't so great for socializing.  I feel much better in so many ways now.  Feeling well helps your whole perspective.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Carnism
« on: January 04, 2010, 01:27:14 am »
... I've seen Christina Applegate with a shiny greasy face in recent years. I'd assumed it was some form of make-up, but maybe it was due to her long-term vegetarian(or is it vegan?) commitment

    I assume she is vegetarian, not vegan, from this from the vegetarian star:
Vegan Religion: Let Us All Worship Seitan

Christina Applegate Lee Jeans’ National Denim Day Kansas City
Written by Veg Star Staff on October 4th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Health and Fitness.
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Christina Applegate visited Kansas City in the Power & Light district, in celebration of Lee Jeans’ National Denim Day, the company’s biggest all day fundraiser for breast cancer.

Applegate, a breast cancer survivor herself, helped unfurl a check with 10 other survivors she called her “sisters in boobs” for $4.5 million.

Kansas City is nicknamed “cowtown” and a reporter for asked the vegetarian Applegate if she could live in such a town that’s famous for barbecue and steaks.

    I had greasy skin for the last eight years I was vegan, maybe longer.  Getting proper hydration from RAF diet righted that in less than a month.  When I go off my diet my skin starts getting greasy and thinner again.

Primal Diet / Re: How important is coconut cream?
« on: January 04, 2010, 01:17:23 am »
Is it possible that it would remove blackheads?

    AV in his books recommend(ed)+(s) coconut cream to help remove scars.  I will assume that it can help do that to blackheads too.  I would experiment on mine to find out, but I have no blackheads left and the only noticeable scar I have remaining since I'm eating RAF is a pockmark.  I don't think there's a natural way the body rids itself of that.

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:18:24 pm »
Coconut cream is full of fat and carbs, a nasty combination easy to overeat and very heavy to digest.

    What about fermented coconut cream.  Is that edible?

Primal Diet / Re: How important is coconut cream?
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:15:21 pm »
No its not detoxing anything from your cells.

You were poisoned by salicylates.

CO is very high in these.

    Vegetable oils can leave inflammation in their wakes.  CO is a vegetarian oil.  Vegetable oils can be used for cleansing and really can't nourish much.  Put coconut oil or typical salicylic based acne medications on skin and it takes out dead skin flakes and puss and oil of your body may draw up and pour out these now newly unclogged pores.  I'm not sure CO is exactly a poison, but it is not a living food.  It's an abrasive solvent perhaps, depending on the material around.     

Hot Topics / Re: Homosexuality in the Weston Price healthy tribes?
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:50:57 am »
...  One of our own nannies lives in with our former "butch" lesbian massage expert and they have adopted a little boy.

Dr. Delia Patawaran is the doctor who invented Quantum Minerals Plus. . In her product launching last December, her opening skit was done by 3 hosts of the beautician type homosexuals and their script showed that they were endangered species as the good Dr. Patawaran has a good amount of experience in reversing homosexual effeminate behavior among her patients.  Dr. Patawaran points to diet, sugar in all its forms, that she has had wives bring along their husbands who used to be macho men in their 20s and now in their 40s were effeminate.  And Dr. Patawaran claims to have cured quite a lot of them with her diet advice, her detoxing with quantum minerals plus, etc.


Dr Patawaran and our current dr. Jaime dy Liacco (raw weston price promoter) is also up in arms against soy as it has female estrogens, same opinion as the american docs mercola, dr wong, etc.

I gave away a health book 2 years ago for christmas and 1 chapter was dedicated to pointing out that homosexuality was curable through diet.  I'll look for it.



I'm thinking seriously that raw paleo and raw weston price avoids all sugar all soy and other "bad" foods so humans are cured of whatever ails them, including homosexuality. 

My own first born son was exhibiting effeminate behavior when he was 1+ years old and we used to feed him a sugary sweetened soya snack called "taho" every morning.  My wife and I researched on this topic and discarded all soy in our diet.  Lo and behold my son is now ALL BOY at 7 years old.  So you could say I have some experience on this matter.

    They say hormones may play a role in homosexual preference.  My son is not, but when he ate soy if I remember correctly, his testosterone and thyroid hormone shot way down and when he dropped soy all his hormones got better.  I'm not sure of the exact timing, but I know his blood hormone levels are within normal range and not low at all, but had gotten terribly low while vegan, that's for sure.

Without getting too political on this board, nor revealing too much of my naturally conservative nature (at least for an atheist), I do disagree with adoption for same sex couples.  This is because it is not a situation that could exist in nature.  Reproduction requires heterosexual contact in the absence of modern technology.

    Would bringing an abandoned egg to a gay bird couple be considered modern technology?  Or did you just mean humans?

Keepers at Germany's Bremerhaven zoo couldn't get two penguin parents to take care of their egg, so they're trying an experiment — they gave the egg to a gay male penguin couple.

The biological parents "always rolled the egg out of their nest, they kicked it out again and again," zoo veterinarian Joachim Schoene said.

"Then we made the decision not to give it up and instead try to give it two fathers."

So far, the experiment has been a success. The two foster dads incubated the egg for 30 days until it hatched and have continued to care for the newborn chick.

The male penguins, named Z and Vielpunkt, are one of three same-sex pairs of Humboldt penguins at the zoo. That means almost a third of the zoo's 20 penguins who have attempted to mate exhibit homosexual behaviour. Same-sex penguin pairs have also been observed at zoos in Japan and New York.

The behaviour is not considered unusual because homosexuality has been well documented in the animal kingdom.

Scientific observation has shown that most sexual encounters between giraffes are homosexual. Male bottlenose dolphin calves often form homosexual bonds and exhibit bisexual behaviour when they're older. And female Japanese macaques, or snow monkeys, form monogamous relationships with each other that last from days to weeks.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:27:50 am »
...  I've got wives and kids.

...  My wife is on cooked paleo diet with just a wee bit of rice for now.

When they saw it was working splendidly my wife followed suit and the children as well.
My wife enforces diet and lifestyle on our kids same as me.

    Have any of your wives tried practicing raw paleo?  The cooked paleo wife, does she eat raw vegetables and raw fruit?  I was raised mostly with that diet, no franks nor sausages, but bone in meat and raw produce.

    It's a little tough, but when I hang out for endless hours wherever my husband wants to go, I just carry some cut up juicy raw meat in a bag rolled in grated raw suet and snack on it when I have to.  It hasn't gotten much more complicated than that recently.  It looks like breaded tofu of breaded meat and I haven't done it too near to people in case they can smell suet.

...Whelk -
I eat small squids and they are fine. I haven't eaten whelk or abalone.

    Thank you.

... According to the book, the people with blood type O should be eating very low carbs and be in a ketogenic state. How ever when it comes to people with B blood type they say they should be eating fruits and carbs, etc and avoiding excessive meat consumption.

I live in Iceland, and hardly anything grows here. It just makes perfect sense that I should be eating lots of fish and meat, because that's what we have abundance of. While someone who lives in thailand obviously has a massive access to fruits and veggies and there for is more suited to eat and digest that.

O blood type is the hunter blood type and B is a gatherers blood type.

Anyway this book made huge sense to me and I suggest you check it out.

    The book can be interesting, but perhaps not altogether correct.  Worth reading, to take the author's point of view and experience into consideration. 

    I know people with type O blood who swear by carbs being what helped them recover their health. 

    I know ninety-year old people of blood type B who swear by non fat skim milk, fish and poultry giving them their daily strength. 

    Of course without modern medical doctors and medical technology or houses or heating or airplanes or whatever else they may choose to take advantage of, or with impotence or miscarriages, these persons may not carry their line on.  Only time tells and that's just reality.

    I also know people who do not have type O blood who experience best health while practicing VLC (over medium carb).   

... The tribes that live in northern Siberia eat nothing but meat as far as i know, there was a BBC documentary about them and when they showed em eating a meal, i didn't see anything but meat (cooked). Does blood contain carbs?  ...

    Maybe they did not eat ZC every meal or not all year long or their snacks might have been berries.

..., shellfish contain some carbs.
Squids, for example, contain 3 g of carbs in 100 g, so if you eat 0,5 kg you will have 15 g.
100 g of whelks - 8 g of carbs
100 g of abalones - 6 g of carbs
100 g of mussels - 4 g of carbs
100 g of surimi fish - 7 g of carbs...

    I believe the carbs in surimi is from potatoes.
    What are whelks?  How many g(ram)s does an abalone weigh?  Can you eat them when they're small?

Hot Topics / Re: Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: December 31, 2009, 10:15:51 pm »
    Interesting, thanks for posting this.

    I was just thinking the other day (an aside) that humans should be living a lot longer than we do.  I think one of the reasons we don't is because we hadn't learned to eat the best when we were very young.

Off Topic / Re: Raw palaeo toughness
« on: December 31, 2009, 10:08:42 pm »
    I've had live ants, raw venison, raw every kind of meat I've found in Whole Foods Market or local fish market, raw high meats, raw organs, raw glands, live clams/oysters, I think that's all.  I have not tried road kill.  

    Besides flavor (I heard it tastes like chicken), what is frog like to eat?  What does snake taste like?  I'm sure eventually I'll be trying these if I run across them.  I'll be trying locusts too.  The bee grubs sound good.  

Personals / Re: Tomorrow Night
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:04:20 pm »
    Sounds wonderful! 

    Thank you Ionna!  We should toast to us all celebrating New Years together making a lovely raw paleo party!

    We're going to an Ethiopian restaurant/club.  They have raw meat for me, and vegan dishes for my guy.  They also make their own tej.  I had some of theirs.  It's kind of like extra sweet rejuvelac-champagne.

Health / Re: Packaking Of (children's) Foods
« on: December 29, 2009, 09:39:43 pm »
    Too bad people don't rely on raw sardines, raw thin shell (young) clams and raw oranges a lot for kids.  Don't bring your kids into a supermarket or have a TV where there are commercial or unrestricted viewing (funded by commerce stuff). Have picnics in the backyard, it's better, and draw pictures at home or other places with them instead of watching cartoons or anything on the boob tube.  What do you think of giving kids meat?  You don't mention meat as a food in your other posts yet.  It's more paleo than packaged food.

Health / Re: Heart Hurts When Sleeping On My Left Side
« on: December 29, 2009, 09:29:20 pm »
Has anyone experienced this??

    Never.  My heart was sensitive during normal waking hours for years before RAF.

    Share your diet history with us.  I'm sure we have ideas for you.  You do say you drink a lot of fruit juice.  Maybe it could be what you drink.  Have you read through our forums much?

Health / Re: Nail Care Tips
« on: December 29, 2009, 09:25:29 pm »
    We're not vegans, and none of us on raw paleo diets get protein deficiencies.  I don't know about you.  I'm not sure any of us would touch an onion.  We definitely are not big on grain, to say the least.  I know my nails got stronger and younger looking by eating RAFs.

diet should include a lot of fruits and raw vegetables so that they get the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat food that is rich in silicon like broccoli, fish and onions. Eat foods rich in biotins like whole grains. Drink plenty of water and other fruit juices. Food rich in zinc and vitamin B will strengthen your nails. Fresh carrot juice rich in calcium and phosphorous is perfect for strengthening nails. In addition remember the following things:

* Lack of vitamin A and calcium in your body causes dryness and brittleness.
* Lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C causes hangnails.
* White bands across the nails are a result of protein deficiency.

I just got a bed. Seems like I should have stuck with the floor.

    I'm in the market for a mattress or mattress pad.  What kind did you get?  What bothers you about it?  Is it just the wrong one for you?  Maybe there's another you would try?  Is it actually a good bed as far as beds go, but you have a preference for floor?

    I told my husband I want a buffalo hide to sleep on.  He is disagreeable to that.  We got a wool rug years ago.  he wants to sleep on that now.  We'll see.  Haven't tried it yet.  Feels nice to my feet.

    I have slept in the back yard when I got the opportunities, in Winter, with snow.  It was much better than walls and heating.  I did so without tent, sleeping bag, blanket and/or pillow.

    I sleep wherever (couch/bed), mostly inside the house.

Primal Diet / Re: aajonus doesn't believe in drinking water?
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:44:58 pm »
    Plain water used to give me gas sometimes, and other times it just flowed through me doing nothing for me but dehydrating me too much.  Doesn't matter what the quality water, water just gives my son gas and used to dehydrate him.  He mostly uses fruit for hydration.  AV says to eat cucumbers, avocados, tomatoes, (raw) milk and maybe some other fruit for hydration.  My body's hydration got so much better by eating primal and also it got better by eating a diet that is good that doesn't require extra water.

... but i'll give her raw meats (she thinks that she gains energy after eating raw meat) and organs. she'll be receiving her herbs in next week.

    I'm glad the (raw) meat and organs are helping.  I hope the herbs work really well too. 

    I don't know exactly how she tried switching diets.  I'll tell you how I did.

    First of all, I read about it for months first, researching as much as possible, and did that through my motivations for my family and the planet.

    Second, I dropped all my vegan foods, and started with just raw cultured grass grazed butter the first week and nothing else.

    I don't know what's good for anyone else, but that worked for me.  You convey that the fats didn't work for her.  I really think they will eventually, but it may be more important that she is part of what's guiding her.  I chose to start with fat myself, from what I read.  I chose only one food rather than several or mixing foods; to make sure what I was reacting to if I should react, or how it affects me.  I chose fat; because out of all the nutrients, I felt I was most deficient in healthy fats.

    Healthy fats are nourishment for the glands.  What fats did she try?  If she did not try one, maybe she would like to try that one next time.  Maybe she just needs protein more now than fat.  I get headaches with protein no fat.  I get headaches with carbs no fat.  I'm not her.  She may be needing to work on the tear more.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Eskimo's and osteoporosis
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:49:56 pm »
... You see, calcium-deficiency is very, very rare, and usually involves a very high level of dairy(a number of people who are casein-/lactose-intolerant absorb calcium in dairy very badly, apparently) and/or excess intake of processed calcium supplements. ...

    My son had very strong dense bones.  He even has an exray prior that shows.  He went on a strict totally ripe raw fruitarian diet as recommended to him by a NHS "professional", and lost a great deal of bone, as proven by wheelchair medical prescription after a bone break from standing (and not standing excessively).  I think this shows yet another way to lose calcium or other bone structure constituents.  Eskimos probably didn't eat many other fruit than berries, and even those not all year round.  His diet diet not focus on berries, but a variety of local organically grown fruit to our temperate climate.  Just thought I'd chime in, in case we think there aren't other ways to weaken some people's bones.

    My bones also started to feel weakened and change after eating only ripe fruit and nothing else but some lettuce for a period of time.  Also when I tried it without the lettuce.

Health / Re: My 8 year old son has been diagnosed with tuberculosis
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:38:57 am »
    My son has never wanted an orange juice fast, or any fast.  He's always craved more substantial foodstuffs, not necessarily ever large amounts, but "proteiny", fatty or starchy foods.

Off Topic / Re: Washing Clothes
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:30:36 am »
Clothes are hung and dried on clothes lines under the sun.

    I always used to dry mine in the sun, hung, inside out.  They lasted for years and years.  Thank you for your reply.  I wish I knew a lady nearby who made organic detergent.  When I lived in the tropics there were some plants they said they used to use as soap.

    For a while I washed my clothes by hand in the rushing river, during non rainy season.  It felt very good and paleo.

    I like washing machines.  I always have liked them, my one real lasting vice.

First of all, I do not wash my clothes personally.
We have maids who do that for us.

All done by the maids.

    I would love for someone to wash for me, right.  I may do that soon.

General Discussion / Re: Your opinion on handling raw ground beef?
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:26:06 am »
Do you grind the beef at home before you eat?

    I get much better effect that way.  If ground, grind it myself, and just before eating.

... The stuff is always vacuum-packed -

    Me too, I only buy ground meat on rare occasion.  If I do, I prefer it in a vacuum pack.  I don't believe ground meat is healthy like non ground.  Even my cat seemed sick after I had to make her eat ground meat not one but two days in a row.

Off Topic / Mattresses
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:04:28 am »
    If you were buying a mattress today, and could choose any (within reason), what would you buy?

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