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Messages - RawZi

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Genuine Aleppo soap, made to the original recipe, is recognized and used for its natural properties. ...
Specially recommended for cleansing and cleaning dry skin (and problem skin) and hair - even for washing clothes. 100% Biodegradable.

    How is the soap working Nicola?  Have you tried it on clothes too?  How does it compare to you to other clothes washing products?

What do you use to wash and clean?

and for your personal hygiene :-\???

    I bought the nuts, but haven't opened the box yet.

Off Topic / Washing Clothes
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:47:31 am »
    Do you wash your clothes?  Do you use detergent?  What do you use?  What do you think of the steam washing machines?  Do you use a washboard?  Give me your ideas, paleo and not so paleo.  Thanks!

    PS Only for clothes wearers.  I know no one here has said they don't wear, but I realize it might not be paleo.

    We're buying a new mattress.  My husband likes conventional things.  He's agreeable also when the majority of whatever the group feels any particular way.  Help me out guys.  Give me some mattress recommendations.  Thank you!

    Phatdave, what did you wind up getting?  Are you happy with it?

« on: December 25, 2009, 11:30:06 pm »
Merry xmas guys!  Eskimo joe has never been to Australia, but they say he was in the Phillipines dressed in Cia gear.

Primal Diet / Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: December 25, 2009, 11:23:56 pm »
Eskimo_jo is an Fos troll.

     l) I do feel raw meat diet is the most healing diet for your dear mother's health problems.  I don't know if you can get her to be comfortable with the idea of healing all the way.  It's more up to her.  I wish you all best of luck and health!  :) 

    He's a really great person in a lot of ways absolutely, but as an aside sometimes still he seems to think I'd be better off eating SAD starches fried in vegetable oil with table salt than eating proteins that I can digest and doesn't want to look at how my health went down from indigestible vegan food and got so better from eating animal food.  Stuck on the dogma that animal food causes cholesterol, so is unhealthy.  I have gotten my cholesterol tested recently.  It's still never been high.  It's not low anymore, and I'm happy about that.  He can get really disappointed when he makes it a point to get me to eat the greasy spoon food and instead I choose other food.  Yesterday he took me to a restaurant for breakfast.  He got toast, hash browns, sweet tea and homefries.  I got an egg (after I looked over the menu a thousand times trying to figure out what I might digest).  He was disappointed in my choosing and wanted me to get similar to what he got instead.  His food is just not food in my metabolism.  I stuck with my menu choice.  I did not get indigestion or lethargy. 

    Maybe I shouldn't have eaten.  I wasn't that hungry.  I'm glad I did though; I didn't get protein again for nineteen hours.  It did work too; because he did not stop me from getting all meats for myself this afternoon (to share with our cats too).  Just yesterday he seemed to like to think me and two cats can live on a pound of chopped buffalo between me and them for two days.  I do that and the cats don't even like chop meat much and I wind up eating vegan so they'll have food available.  One of the cat eats a big meal at a time, and the other has a very fast metabolism and needs to eat often. 

    I just have to point it out in front of someone like my son.  My son likes my health to be well, and is aware and faces that raw meat gets me well.  He's also aware that one cat cannot see when eating non-raw food, and the other's hips get all arthritic should they eat non-raw.  He realizes I am me and not some figment of an imagination that can eat someone else's diet. 

    I don't want to yell and hurt my throat to point out who I am, especially when I am really a quiet person.                   

Chesa is a wild crafted fruit. There is no industry or plantation for commercial cultivation.

    Would you cut it open and post a picture of the open fruit?  Thank you! :)

General Discussion / Re: Fish guts
« on: December 25, 2009, 02:59:39 pm » the guts & head. Which he found shocking but I assured him it was for my dog.

 I know it's typical for most customers to discard this. Is it because of hazard issues or just cause of the look & taste? My question is, can I eat the guts/organs or is there a certain type of organ that I should avoid?

    When I eat the whole fish, I don't eat the sharpest (teeth maybe fins) parts and the gall bladder.  The sharpest parts cut too much and the gall bladder tastes so bitter I know it could be harmful.

Health / Re: acceptable substitute?
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:36:31 pm »
    I presumed it meant this:

General Discussion / Re: recommend products to me
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:23:06 pm »
... naturall-occurring version is Calcium Fluoride.  The version that gets added to water supplies is Sodium Fluoride.  Which do you think would be better for your teeth, simply from the elements in the compound?  ...

    I know the sodium clay that was pushed for years (it's called bentonite) was horrible for my health, but the same clay yet calcium based instead (terramin) is much better.

I have a Black Berkey and am happy with it, replaced by maker with Doulton. If you get one and ever use city water with it, get the extra filter for fluorides. I know of no other filter that has the fluoride option.

    I may try those William.  Thank you.

Health / Re: Chime in: Why RAW Paleo Diet vs Cooked Paleo Diet
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:08:26 pm »
With raw paleo diet and lifestyle we are above the fray of medicinal concoctions.
Seems herbals, supplements, drugs, are far off exotic things that aren't needed much.

    Exactly!  When I was vegan, I had to carefully grow herbs or spend hundreds of dollars on the highest quality herbals and search for them etc.  They did help, but eating RAF now I am at a new level.  I am stronger and healthier than ever, and not just IMO.  People tell me I look the best ever. 

    When I ate the cooked paleo, forget it.  I looked so undernourished.  My body cannot find anything good to do with grilled meat etc.  I had to take antibiotics and other medications and my health only declined. 

    I did take good quality vitamins etc, but that helped very little.

Health / Re: Chime in: Why RAW Paleo Diet vs Cooked Paleo Diet
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:17:56 am »
    I was raised basically on a cooked paleo diet.  We had lamb chops, steak, broiled chicken, green salads, celery sticks, fresh fruit mostly all rinsed, cut and cooked at home.  I got sick.  I was also in great pain much of the time.  For me, raw and cooked don't compare.  Raw is absolutely healing, and cooked is not for everyone.  

    Just being raw isn't enough either.  I've been raw vegan and raw vegetarian.  It is no where nearly as good for a person's health.

Primal Diet / Re: Need some opinions on something not totally paleo
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:09:53 am »
If it's stemmed from an intolerance or allergy the body gets over the initial issues in a maximum of 4 days.

    The kidney sensitivity is getting better.  The four day thing, djr, seems to be proving right.

Why does he not want to "break his record"?
... However, people who believe that meat eating is wrong tend to be very difficult to convince, even when it affects their health negatively.

    People live their life one way, something they believe in, especially when it comes to "ethical" (at least toward cows etc) eating, it's hard to change a mind (or soul?) that is like that, and may not be worth it if it's really too much for them.  It's SAD that society puts raw meat as a perversion.  I know sparing a cow's life to the world's detriment is or can be considered a perversion.  I don't see that it will help for me to act disrespectful of his beliefs.  He won't change if I tell him his view is wrong or anything like that.  He has met people like me too, as far as they eat raw meat, mostly people just starting it.  He respects hunting the most, especially the endurance hunting.  

    He fully understands raw is the healthy way even from his own experience.  He has not eaten raw meat, but saw my health improve and he's bright and understands what we discuss about health.  He has accidentally tried (in all probably less than two teaspoons): cooked egg white, cooked beef and cooked shellfish and got terrible reactions from each.

I suppsoe you could start farming insects. There are things like ant-farms etc.

    I will look into that soon.  I am thinking about how to do it too.  

    I wonder what the neighbors would do if I had insects living somewhat happily in a residential area that we ate and the neighbors then found out.  Grasshoppers are pretty.  Maybe that would help their views, in case.

    I assume it dissolves, as I've been swallowing chunks of meat for three years, and no chunks ever came out in the toilet.  Also I am well when I eat raw meat, and not as well if at all without it.

    Right as I posted my response to you, my toothless cat came over and started eating chunks of raw liver I have here.  She must have known I was thinking of chunks of meat.  I did not call her over and the meat has been here two hours.  She makes normal poo too.  

    She became toothless on grain based commercial cat food.  Chewing on it broke her teeth.

I tried some raw lamb, but failed to even cut it to pieces with a knife. I just felt like  a lion trying to devour its prey and it put me off completely.  I ended up putting it all in the blender.

Do you grind it up first? Do you swallow whole pieces?

    I ground lamb at first.  You can do that.  It was still good for me that way.  I now swallow somewhat large pieces.  Baby steps.  You don't have to jump in full force.  Do what nourishes you. 

Hot Topics / Are Locusts a Paleo Food to Eat?
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:28:48 pm »
    Are insects a paleo food?  Are locusts?  How do you trap wild locusts?  How do you farm locusts?  What kind of locusts live near you?  What's your preferred way to slaughter or kill a locust?  How many do you eat for a meal?  Do you need to limit the quantity at first for any reason?  Is the following possibly referring to lucust high meats in your opinion?

Someone may be wondering: "How does one actually eat locusts?" Not only do locusts not require ritual slaughter. However, the Midrash in Shemot Rabba hints that the preferred way to eat locusts was to pickle them:

"Once the locusts came, the Egyptians rejoiced and said 'Let us gather them and fill our barrels with them.'

    Anyone here make high meats out of locusts?  What's the tastiest part of a locust to eat both fresh and fermented?  Tell me all the good you know of eating locusts.  Thank you.

Primal Diet / Re: Need some opinions on something not totally paleo
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:38:47 pm »
dear rawzi/ i know the point when my body wants to cheat. that gives me signals that my body doesn't get enough nutrients. i just wonder that why he doesn't eat any raw animal proteins? i hope, he's feeling all right now.

    My husband really wanted to eat out at a cooked restaurant with me.  I went, we brought back naan.  There were two, one garlic, one plain, both large.  It's a small family owned restaurant and they make them fresh.  He hadn't eaten cooked anything in a long time.  He ate most of the plain one, and did not touch the garlic.  A friend of ours at an ashram eats just like my son, and recommended homemade chapatis to add to his diet, as he had too to his own recently.  After my son's experience with this, the kidney sensitivity has not gone yet, he said he will wait much longer before trying another cooked food again.  We were at his doctor's today too.  We told the doctor about the bread incident and its result.  The doctor said since my son is so sensitive to new things and changes in routine that he just has to be careful.  

    He is resistant to eating raw animal proteins; because he has gone so long without them and does not want to break his record, waste the time he's done it so far as he puts it.  Also because he adores all animals (except not so much most insects), so he finds it almost impossible to wrap his mind around causing any harm to any individual animal.        

If I get kidney pain I will go on an orange juice fast or drink avocado leaves tea.

    He quit orange juice, as he found it too acidic.  I heard that before about avocado tea, that it is strengthening.  I will suggest these things to him.  How about orange leaf tea?

Since he's eating honey, would he be interested in eating more like John the Baptist (locusts and honey) and eat insects? What about mineral water, greens and berries (especially wild berries and other local, wild fruits)? He's restricted himself so much it will be difficult to avoid deficiencies in the long run and he is at risk for dental problems in the relatively short run (that tends to be one of the early symptoms that those on meat-deficient diets report, along with lethargy, malaise, mental fog, depression, poor sleep quality, morning aches and pains, etc.).

    Actually yes, he is interested in eating insects, but has made no moves in that direction.  He also had a severe Vitamin D deficiency in his blood while vegan, like none the head of endocrinology ever saw I fear.  D deficiency also runs in his father's side of the family.  The D deficient family members also limited their diets to maybe four foods or less.  The dairy seems to be helping him recover from that.  He does eat some organic berries and he was eating organic salad and stopped (but is considering starting again).  When I find wild edible plants I bring them to him and he eats them.  How do we get sufficient locusts?  Have you tried eating them?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Fasting and zero carb diet
« on: December 22, 2009, 10:33:13 am »
When I asked advice of the master faster, Dr. Bernarr (,,he asked what I normally eat - I said pemmican, and he said nothing, so I guess that pemmican is good for that purpose as well.

Probably anything raw that supplies all nutrients, which is raw fat meat. Not so sure of honey, as there is a danger of high blood sugar there.

    Is Dr Bernarr a fruitarian?

Primal Diet / Re: Need some opinions on something not totally paleo
« on: December 21, 2009, 05:40:09 am »
    He eats biodynamic raw cheese, yogurt and kefir, but more the milk and butter, especially butter.  He won't touch eggs, fish, poultry, meat or their derivatives as food (or soaps etc).  He doesn't eat beans or nuts at all.  He has had bad reactions to soy years ago too.  On rare occasion he'll eat a little seaweed or avocado, but kind of reacts to them as well.

Primal Diet / Need some opinions on something not totally paleo
« on: December 21, 2009, 04:40:23 am »
    My son was very sick, something neurological due to some toxin.  He finally decided to go raw.  He's doing his own way.  It is working better than semi cooked (vegan) was for him, and better than raw vegan and frutarian was for him.  What he's been doing is living on unheated honey, biodynamic raw butter, biodynamic raw milk and raw organic apples, not much else except a few organic seedless grapes etc.

    Anyway, he cheated yesterday.  He ate a bunch of Indian naan bread with raw biodynamic butter on top after the bread cooled.  Today first his left kidney then both kidneys started to be sore to the touch. 

    Any ideas of an herb to take or how long this new pain will last?     

    Hi Goodsamaritan.  

    Do you know how plasmapheresis rejuvenates blood?  I don't.  I just did a little search.  I kept coming across IVIG.  

    I had a bad immune system (probably due to cooked food) as a kid, so I used to get lots of IG therapy, but the cheaper kind (intramuscular not IV).  I'm not so sure it helped me at all.  

    When my son got sick, and it was down to no hope, I got him autohemotherapy with UVB/O3.  It was definitely helpful in his quality of life, but not a cure in his case.  I tried one autohemotherapy UVB/O3 treatment on myself.  It made my face feel overly oxygenated.  We actually stopped doing the treatment with my son eventually because the nurse made an extremely stupid mistake that could have killed him.  

    Are there dangers of plasmapheresis?  Like if done improperly, what are the general risks?  In our case, the nurse's extremely stupid mistake caused him clots.

    When I was at AW's, one guy who looked healthy and had lots of energy (very nice guy too), but had HIV diagnosis, he left before learning anything about raw food to get his blood taken out and treated with heat to kill the virus and returned the blood to his body.  I think we were watching the news and he saw the treatment and ran.  I'm not sure it helped him.  They may have treated his with peroxide too.  I would never consider heating my blood artificially for anything nor putting peroxide in me.  

    I'm not familiar with Turchinsky, so I looked him up.  I like having a little reference so I'm posting the latest news story and a pic of him.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: How to Open Live Oysters
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:25:39 pm »
... I've learned that mussels is one of my tastiest foods when steamed, but I hate them when raw. ...

    I'm with you on that all the way, so I avoid mussels.

    I have to find an oyster knife.  I've never used one.  I tried with a regular knife once on clam.  I'm so chicken.

General Discussion / Re: Ketogenic Diet
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:22:36 pm »
    I think you have to keep the protein low too.

Off Topic / Re: The Greatest Lie in the History of Medicine?
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:13:45 pm »

    This is one of the first things Ann Wigmore showed me.  It's how the WHO made AIDS etc.  She instructed us to take notes too.

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