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The reason why I tried diet was because of severe cystic acne, which began clearing straight away. I didn't notice any side effects because I wasn't looking or focusing on them, the mirror was my guide. IMO many people probably imagine side effects to some degree. What should I even have been looking out for? What does 'feeling bad' mean? When I ate a typical teenager diet I never felt 'bad' and was very rarely sick as in being confined to a bed but despite this obviously had some severe health issues.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Calcium
« on: September 02, 2009, 12:37:46 pm »
One year later...what's your mum's reaction to the diet now Sully?

General Discussion / Re: 'Cooked Meat Paleo' to 'Raw Meat Paleo'
« on: September 02, 2009, 12:23:15 pm »
just eat the damn stuff man

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Exercise Study
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:17:06 am »
correlation studies like this are not conclusive. Gary Taubes would reply saying that the people who exercise more are more health conscious overall, or exercise because they are healthy, not that they are healthy because they exercise. Take it as you want, but this study won't change many opinions.

IMO exercise can be positive but also negative depending on the type, frequency and intensity you do.

General Discussion / Re: Purchasing from farms
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:38:25 am »
my freezer is in the garage...there is a bit of a petrol smell in the garage but inside the freezer it should be ok correct?

General Discussion / Re: Purchasing from farms
« on: August 30, 2009, 08:47:32 pm »
how much calories in 100 grams of suet?

Edit: apparantly this

Water content (grams per 100g) 4
Calorie content of Food (kcals per 100g/3.5oz) 854

I guess if I was to eat nothing but suet 1kg would last about 4 -5 days. Id probably eat about 100 grams of suet a day and 600-700 grams of 90/10 ground beef. Once a week maybe having an organ meat instead of the ground beef.

6 weeks woth probably a good amount as well I think. I don't know how much freezer space it will need but i don't think that much 20 litres max?

General Discussion / Purchasing from farms
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:48:03 pm »
I have talked to someone form a farm and am looking to place an order. They can supply me with grass fed suet, marrow bones and organ meats which is what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure about the quantity I should order? How many kilograms of suet would you use per month, and how much do you order from the farmers each time?

Hot Topics / Re: Is it time to stop taking the Birth Control Pill?
« on: August 30, 2009, 10:42:00 am »
im not really advocating 'pulling out' only but this was a very interesting article

hahaha, the ancient art of belly painting!

lol good article. Something to remember.

Hot Topics / Re: Is it time to stop taking the Birth Control Pill?
« on: August 30, 2009, 10:37:38 am »
Birth control pills are harmful drugs.  There are other ways and means.

Like what? Condoms make sex worse. Wouldn't really want to use them unless you're worried about STDs.

Pulling out seems a bit risky as well.

Overnight. No side effects.

Hot Topics / Re: Is it time to stop taking the Birth Control Pill?
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:07:31 pm »
yeah not paleo, but what if we want sex but not kids

General Discussion / Re: Fruit and acidic mouth
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:15:39 am »
I grew vertical ridges on my fingernails after 1 year on raw paleo... after adding raw meat to my diet. (from vegan then  fruitarian)
I'm on mostly meat + fruit.

I've been googling and it seems it is horizontal ridges we should worry about.

yeah I goggled it as well. Horizontal ridges are apparently a bad sign, vertical ridges are something to 'not be too concerned about' though that's not very reassuring honestly.

General Discussion / Re: Fruit and acidic mouth
« on: August 28, 2009, 08:26:39 pm »
I ate melons today and had a bit of the burping - not bad but on zero carb I just have no gas, no acidic feel, feel like I haven't eaten feel very light etc.

I was trying to eat more fruit since I thought its possible I could be missing some vitamins. It's known that meat has all the nutrients needed. Some of the nutrients it has in only small amounts but that is all that is needed by the body. However junk food particularly refined carbohydrates deplete the body of nutrients so eating nothing but meat you obtain everything you need, but add nutrient deficient carbohydrates and suddenly you lose some of the nutrition from the meat and find yourself lacking nutrients.

Now of course I don't want to eat junk food and the such but I'm 21 years old with somewhat ( -\ ) of a social life so every now and then find myself with no choice really but to indulge in crap. When I first started the raw zero carb some months ago I was very strict and nothing to complain about (couldn't make my gums bleed if I tried) but after eating out a bit more even though eating a lot of raw meat have found my gums bleeding on occasion, vertical ridges on my fingernails. and hair shedding. Who knows if adding fruit will only make these problems worse.

Problems could be stress related as well. I put myself under a lot of metal stress.

General Discussion / Re: Fruit and acidic mouth
« on: August 28, 2009, 05:47:01 pm »
Odd, I never had a problem with fruit re those symptoms. I do get a reaction from cod liver oil.

I tried eating some fruit today before I ate any meat and didn't have the reaction. If meat is in my stomach when I eat the fruit it tends to happen often, but has happened before when eaten solo. Because im used to eating meat by bolting it down, even when I eat fruit I still bolt it, perhaps has some effect.

General Discussion / Fruit and acidic mouth
« on: August 28, 2009, 08:17:23 am »
I don't eat fruit that often but when I do sometimes I get that feeling where you burp and then the back of your throat is burning. How to stop this? which fruits to avoid? One option is to just not eat fruit since I have done zero carb before but am trying to add some more fruit to my diet as an experiment.

Hot Topics / Re: Study on harmful effects of cooked low carb diets
« on: August 26, 2009, 01:57:58 pm »
laughable that a study that doesn't even show any conclusive results gets published in a newspaper, where the endless studies conducted on actual humans showing improvements in all health parameters (including artery plaque) from carb restriction receive no acknowledgment.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: August 19, 2009, 07:46:35 am »
Most of the people I know who eat SAD-type diet eat fast-food which is very fatty indeed(eg:- fatty bacon in a typical english breakfast,fatty lamb meat in kebabs etc.). It's only the vegetarian-leaning types who prefer cutting off the fat and being hyper-keen on lean.

But dude when these people drop the carbs and make their entire diet cooked fat, eaitng heaps of cheese, butter, cooked grain beef, bacon and eggs etc their health improves (relatively). No study exists where people's health has got worse from going low carb on those foods.

The mainstream push that 'red meat' is bad - that's it (if this is considered a consensus then how can you eat raw food? The 'consensus' is that raw meat will kill you immediately). There are hundreds of articles released about the dangers of red meat, however these are NEVER backed by controlled studies only very arbitrary observations. All controlled studies fully support that cooked low carb is superior to any other type of cooked diet.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw paleo and Zero Carb : right for wrong reasons
« on: August 19, 2009, 07:37:42 am »
does anyone have something really good on protein digestion? I am sick of reading people saying cooking and denaturing protein makes it more bioavailable and easier to digest - it is obviously the opposite.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw paleo and Zero Carb : right for wrong reasons
« on: August 19, 2009, 07:22:38 am »
It's obvious to me raw meat grosses out this man and he tries to justify cooking inspite of all evidence because he wants to cook.

General Discussion / Re: Discolouration on fresh red meat
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:31:44 pm »
Huh???? I see freshly killed meat starting out as RED / pink

When I see the slaughter of live goat or live beef, the meat IS red.
When the meat is hung on the meat hook for sale, it IS red.

The meat goes red very quickly, within minutes and that meat is at room temperature. If you cut open a big chunk of meat that is still cold it is inside initially a bit purplish (I believe this is where the term 'blue' steak comes from)

SAV try turning the meat over so that the side that was on the bottom now is getting air and report back.

P.S. damn that meat looks awesome, Juicy, heaps of fat, nice and yellow from grown grass fed cows

General Discussion / Re: Discolouration on fresh red meat
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:03:44 am »
Meat doesn't actually start out red, it's more of a mixture of purple/red/brown depending on the animal and cut. The meat turning red happens when exposed to the air, then after more exposure it begins to turn brown and rot. The darker parts just haven't been exposed to air. I leave my meats out to come to room temperature before eating and they go red. When buying vacuum packed steaks as soon as you open the package the steaks are brownish, but 15 minutes after opened are red. In a few more days will be brown again. Fine to eat either way.

Hot Topics / Re: Darwinism could apply to the cooking of food?
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:58:05 am »
Possibly...however I think you would be healthier eating really poor quality meat raw than cooking said meat. And why would wild meat thousands of years ago be of poor quality anyway? I don't agree.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: August 16, 2009, 09:10:35 am »
"I'm not buying into the whole hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine preventing scurvy thing. How come carnivores aren't included in lists of animals that don't synthesize vitamin c? Who eats more raw collagen than a carnivore? How come carnivores make vitamin c?

Carnivores which produce vitamin C can develop scurvy if fed carb/grain filled low fat diets so clearly vitamin C alone will not prevent scurvy entirely. Scurvy is common for dogs, less common for cats.

249 is a pretty good website. Even if you oppose the religious aspects, his writings about diet is backed with many sources.

we aren't more evolved monkeys, we may share a common ancestor but have evolved on different paths so the diets of monkeys isn't too important imo.

Regarding the monkeys suffering diabetes and cancer but not CAD, i'm going to just speculate that they did show some signs of CAD they just either didn't die from a heart attack or the researchers just couldn't tell.

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