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Messages - RawZi

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    Took me about three times, but I love tongue now.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 18, 2009, 07:11:05 pm »
    You are fortunate right now.  It's unseasonably warm by me, no wind or anything.  It is a little cool, but no where near snow, and little to no humidity.

Wai Dieters / Re: Count me in on this Wai Diet thing...
« on: December 18, 2009, 07:07:45 pm »
    Okee dokee.

Wai Dieters / Re: Count me in on this Wai Diet thing...
« on: December 18, 2009, 06:31:40 pm »
    Should I hit "report to moderator"?  I was thinking to do that.  I wasn't sure, as I've never done that before.  Answer me here or in a PM.  Thanks.

General Discussion / Video of Children and RPD
« on: December 18, 2009, 04:54:20 pm »

    What beautiful healthy children, bless them, makes me teary eyed with happiness that there are healthy children around and more and more of them possible with the help of real food.

    Audrey, apparently the guy who made the

Wai Dieters / I think this is Spam.
« on: December 18, 2009, 02:49:54 pm »
Super Slim Pomegranate is a revolutionary weight loss product made popular worldwide. Package includes 30 capsules. PACKAGES WITH SILVER ON BOTH SIDES ARE FAKE! The authentic capsules are are packaged with green foil on one side and silver on the other. Beware of sellers that lie to you about all silver packaging. The fake all silver packaging is not effective, so don't waste your money. You can get the authentic capsules on :)

Super Slim Pomegranate, an incredible diet capsules! I bought it from and have been taking this product for 6 days. I have lost 7lbs!!!! It really helps you control your appetite and eat smaller portions. The ingredients of this product are Granada Nut, Extract of HydroxyCitric Acid (HCA), Apple, Kiwi, Teng Huang fruit, Jerusalem artichoke, Sweet potato, and Giantarum, which are healthy for your diet. There is less side effects when taking the capsules. If you want to be more attractive, this authentic capsules must be really the best choice for you.  :)
paleo? the sweet potato is not.  is this raw?  welcome.

Anyway, I remember a vegan saying that we dont actually need protein unless we want more muscles. The reasoning was that we are not growing in height anymore or something like that.

Is it possible that we need less protein if we dont grow anymore compared to a growing child?

    @majormark alternatively is it possible that as adults we need more protein than growing children?  Growing children have growth hormones.  That's why they grow.  When we eat raw meat, we make healthy growth hormones.  Then we use the hormones we make from the grass grazed non-injected meat for repair, healing or any other bodily functions that would be more difficult for people who undernourish.  

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 17, 2009, 01:23:12 pm »
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Akutaq or agutak (????    ? ? ? ? ), also known as Eskimo ice cream, is a common food in western Alaska, consisting of whipped fat mixed with berries. The word comes from Yupik and means "something mixed".[1]

There are many variations of Akutaq, but most are based around mixing berries, meat, leaves, or roots with animal oil or fat. Cranberries, salmonberries, crowberries, cloudberries, and blueberries are common fruits. Salmon and caribou are common meats. Reindeer tallow, moose tallow, walrus tallow, caribou tallow, or seal oil can be used. ... Occasionally, extra water is needed as well.

"Mouse akutak" is made from roots found in mouse holes. Only a portion of the mouse's stored roots is taken, and some people replace the roots with something else the mouse can eat.
[edit]See also


    I imagine this desert has Vitamin C.  Anyone here Native Alaskan and have real experience making this?  Is acutaq made with dried meat?  I've mixed fish, berries and raw fat to kind of replicate this.  It was good how I made it, but not special enough to make an effort to make it often.  My berries and everything else were not hand foraged by me etc.  I bet that difference would make a real improvement.

Hot Topics / Re: Plastics component affects intestine
« on: December 17, 2009, 01:11:49 pm »
    Nicola is in Switzerland.  There must be some very special merchandise there.  She's so intelligent too.

    Places like eBay are often great places to find unusual implements.

    I'm thinking a spoon made of olive wood in a home workshop would be nice, if it could be made that small.

    Chinese places have slightly large ceramic spoons.

    I'm picturing in my head real paleo people way back when, little toddlers getting pieces of meat and fruit with their parents, with their hands.

    Oh, there are glass blowing shops.  You could probably request them make spoons custom!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Got really sick
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:40:42 pm »
    I was thinking for a second they could at least use tallow or ghee to make them, but seems the oil is the most important part:

But the Hanukkah isn't in the potato; it's in the oil the latkes are fried in. When the Jerusalem Temple was recaptured and reconsecrated by the Maccabbees, only one night's worth of oil remained to light the temple.

... If you don't believe this, please look up Aaj's "power drink" in book #2. The science goes like this, though, as taken from Aaj's February interview on One Radio Network. When Aaj fed animals freeze-dried glands, they would HAVE to take them every month in order to reteach their own glands how to function and MAINTAIN this change. FOREVER. When he fed animals fresh raw glands, the had to take them in increasingly distant intervals, and within a year or so, no longer had to consume fresh glands in order to "reteach" their own glands how to function properly. They were only able to maintain the change via raw, fresh glands. ... Even if you had the latter, you could just store it in a jar in the back of the fridge as you use it over a couple weeks. Worst that could happen is it'd get "high". ...

    What's the recipe?  Blended thyroids into what?  I'm thinking some glands can be tricky, especially thyroid.  Should you just follow the recipe in his book Recipe For Living Without Disease?  Have you tried the power drink or drank it regularly?  If so, would you mind sharing your experience of it?

    I ask so that I, or others, may give advice that is more likely to work correctly.

    Good health to you!

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: December 17, 2009, 06:57:50 am »
Hello Dear, raw,

"meat is becoming dark, black, sometimes gray fat there must be bacteria on it"

dear friend, my questions are , 1)those dark meat in the refrigerators are oxidized meat right? 2)what kind of benefit we can achieve of consuming that black color meat? 3)which is better- the fresh red raw meat or the black colored old meat? 4)my husband often says that high meat is like cooked meat (except, they have some beneficial probiotics than those cooked meat)... is it true?

these questions often bother me, because i'm new in this diet. when i feed my toddler raw meat, i see the black color here and there and i cut them off from the meat. please, help me to find out these questions. thanks. -\

    I am a very private person.  Sorry to take so long to answer.  It's a way I tend to be, as I have needs, but not so much other help.  By the way, true fact, I don't photograph, never did but maybe a school pic or so.  

"goodsomaritan experiments". i want to know also how can i make a high meat for baby (little bit tastier way, when he never consumes that before, neither do i) and the amount i should give him. i'm just so gland to find you and i'm dying to see your photo. you just email me , where no one can see you. ...

    I add some (unheated) honey occasionally when I'm making high meats.  Not too much honey though.  It dries the meat itself out.  It made it tastier though in the beginning before I was fully used to the idea of high meats.  I would start giving it in very small amount.  Maybe one cubic centimeter each day or week.  I would eat it too first.  People of any age are more encouraged to eat a new food when they see someone they respect enjoying the same food.  It might take two months to make your first batch of high meats.  Maybe a third of that time though, if you make it outside the refrigerator.  I actually really like the taste of high meats.  I can't think of anything but the honey to make it tastier.  I especially like the taste of chicken high meats.

1)those dark meat in the refrigerators are oxidized meat right?
I guess so.

2)what kind of benefit we can achieve of consuming that black color meat?
I don't know.  I don't think I've eaten black color meat.

3)which is better- the fresh red raw meat or the black colored old meat?
For me, high meats are excellent.  I like fresh meat because it works better than other foods as food to my good health.  I like high meats because they are amazing.

4)my husband often says that high meat is like cooked meat (except, they have some beneficial probiotics than those cooked meat)... is it true?
It could be like cooked meat, in that it is soft.  If you stew meat a long time it gets soft.  If you let raw meat sit it gets soft.  Both ways can help release nutrients.  High meats does it better, IMO.  Has your husband often eaten high meats?


edit 7:16 PM EST
reason: mispelling of a word

General Discussion / Re: fats and cuts of meat
« on: December 17, 2009, 06:17:21 am »
I have been reading that a lot of people here seem to be thriving on less and less plant foods and more meat instead, so who knows where my diet will go.  im still experimenting with plant foods

    Have you tried meat, wehell20?

    Is she on medication?  What kind of hypothyroidism does she have? 

Hot Topics / Re: Plastics component affects intestine
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:40:45 am »
... baby bottles, plastic containers, the lining of cans used for food and beverages, and in dental sealants.


In May this year, the six major baby bottle makers in the United States agreed to stop using the chemical. ..

    It gives me chills, to think of so many people thinking it just as good or even better to bottle feed, and the lifestyles (diets) they lead that makes their milk poorer quality.  Basically nothing is done about it, just given the bottle.  A woman might be told not to drink coffee or not to nurse if she has any prescriptions. 

    Plastics seemed so special when they first started making them.  When will they stop making them or curtail making them to only the necessary?

« on: December 17, 2009, 12:32:17 am »
If it's a fungus than maybe sodium bicarbonate could be a solution.

    Baking soda wash, externally.  Make sure not to swallow.  Some people do drink it mixed with water, but I personally do not believe that is healthy.  Did you ever see videos of Dr Simoncini Italian oncologist?  I'm not saying your son has cancer at all.  Just that Simoncini says cancer is a fungus.  He got rid of many peoples cancers by applying sodium bicarbonate directly to it. 

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 16, 2009, 02:36:32 pm »
don't know about vit C in thyroid glands, but i'm not into strict ZC diet, so i can get my vit C plenty in other ways.  past experience taught me that extreme of anything

    I read to take thyroid together with liver, pituitary, adrenal, thymus and fat, otherwise you can get heart racing that might be very dangerous.  I don't know; because I haven't tried it.  Good luck.  Do you have any idea how big the thyroid is?  I haven't even seen it.  I have read it's dangerous to eat it cooked in uncontrolled dose.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:34:55 am »
    Do thyroids have much C?  Did you need a prescription?  I heard they're pretty powerful.  Enjoy them.  Will you freeze them?  I want to hear more.

Health / Re: lip remedy
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:20:14 am »
    Use as hydrating foods as possible.  Try to wash your hands less.  Put raw fat on your lips?

« on: December 16, 2009, 11:09:56 am »
... ringworms were fungal things?
Sunlight? Ocean water? Anti fungal ...

    Looks like fungus to me too.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Growing Intolerance of Red Meat
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:15:32 am »
    I hated to eat red meat as a kid, but it was thoroughly cooked and served all the time.  With my raw food, I prefer (raw) white meat.  I know other people who need (raw) red meat for their health.  I'm fine with white.  That's me though.  Present day, I have tried cooked red and white meat.  White had worse effects on me. 

    No one should be taxed just because they need meat for health or need one color over another.  Next they'll be taxing lions but not cows or taxing people if they get color therapy:  Taxing people in this case is a control issue; they have no proof buying a raw grass grazed steak is more worthy of tax than another food.   

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Got really sick
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:03:18 am »
middle of the night, puked every thing out.
This is what I eat:
some France frites (maybe 100-150 gram) I don't usually eat this it was saturday and felt like it.
200 gram's of lam meat raw (also not usually eat this, don't know if it was frozen or not).
300 grams of fat beef raw I always eat this, alright it was a bit old maybe 4 days that's also normal for me (it's frozen before entering the store).
300 grams porkmeat, bacon like, cooked not raw paleo but paleo 8).

What do you think is the most likely suspect that gets me sick. I think the lam or frites?

    The only meats I've ever thrown up after were a cooked hot dog, a raw adrenal or raw mustard with a piece of raw tongue.  I have gotten an awful migraine and thrown everything up after a small serving of potato fried.  I didn't normally eat that, but my family was starving me on a (rare) trip.  I was not (R)AF and from time to time got motion sickness and/or migraines anyway.  I'd say it was the fries that made you throw up.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 13, 2009, 03:48:21 am »
    Are you showing signs of Vitamin C deficiency?

I think I might have to try it. I want to try getting more vitamin C and I can't get fresh adrenals and prefer to not eat fruit.

    You Limy you Van!

one, maybe two limes a day works for me without adding too much sugar to my diet.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: poultry is heated
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:36:08 am »
dear rawzi/ after slaughter, she plucks the feathers manually.

    Do they still dip it in scalding water to loosen the feathers?  Or do you not know because you're not that close to the slaughter?

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