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Messages - RawZi

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: poultry is heated
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:53:42 am »
... chickens and usually two people need to cut their head off (halal way). i see many times my momm just pulls the feathers off the chicken. ....

    How many to slaughter a larger animal?

    When does she pluck it, before slaughter?  I don't understand what you meant by her timing.  

... tripe is my very favorite. ... in USA, those store brought tripe and  didn't like them at all. when i was in my country, i used to eat them a lot and that one just delicious! i usually ate beef and goat tripe. ... feeling to eat them raw way before i know that kind of raw animal food diet exist out there. i never washed them, but i'd seen my mom  washed them with salt and hot water. most of the people consider eating tripe as very dirty ... hide that from other people. it sounds very funny. in US it is very expansive and they clean it with high chemicals ... if rawzi gets more fresh tripe, please, inform me. i'll pay for the price and fedex ... i miss that very much and i think i can eat them raw with no problem. ...

    I have a lot leftover having been soaked in room temperature water and celtic salt.  I'm going away tonight.  I'm going to throw some in the yard.  It did cost more than I think it should, but I know I'm lucky I got it.  I would send what I have here to you or carry it with me or both, but I think it will be problematic this time.  I'm sorry.  If you want next time, lets discuss in the ordering stage.  Orders have to be made before slaughters which are every ten or forteen days I think.  I'll PM you more. 

    I have this deep feeling this tripe is very healthy for me and more people should try it. 

    I want to get a sharp meat shears like GS to cut it more simply.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:39:21 am »
So I think I've entered a new stage in my recovery. I've started having lots of diarrhea today and yesterday and generally feel sick and a tad bit warm, but not yet feverish. The good news is, my stomach is for the most part calm now. I think I brought this on by not marinating my meats in lemon anymore. It has eliminated my acid reflux and horrible dryness. Itching on skin has for the most part subsided. Strangely, even though I am still fatigued and feel sickly, I also feel pretty calm, I guess my high adrenaline can't kick in in this state.

I'm actually strangely optimistic now ...

Overall, is my optimism justified?

I'm hoping I'm near the end of the storm. In any case, cleaning myself out like this can't be a bad thing per se.

    When I started eating RAF, I pretty much got diarrhea for a month.  I felt good though, for the first time in maybe ever.  It gives a better outlook, in my experience as well.  It got me feeling calm right away too, which had been more of a struggle for me before.  It worked out well too.  I never got the parasite I thought I risked by starting the RAF lifestyle.  Although I still practice eating RAF, parasites must be avoiding me now.  The must think I'm a plague to them, if they can think.  Maybe they are not attracted to healthy strong bodies.    

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:33:41 am »
do you have his contact number? dear rawzi, my mom is coming to see my little boy in this christmas vacation for 2 weeks. i want to do those tests for her.

    Here, I Googled this and I know this to be an address he has been reached at and sent email from even recently.  I do not see his phone number public anywhere.

On this note, it is unfortunately getting harder and harder to find raw milk due to germophobic agencies like the California Dairy Board, who, although they are supposed to only be "regulating" the production and sale of raw milk, are actually on an offensive to outlaw it. This is an outrage and if you care to invest in preserving your right to raw milk and other products, you can do something about it. Write to Aajonus Vonderplanitz at and tell him you want to join the class action suit he is waging. You can write the California legislators, even if you don't live in California. Tell them you have friends who live there who benefit from raw dairy and you don't want to see it banned. California sets the precedent for other states frequently, so it will be an investment in your own health, too. We hope to have a page up soon just to address this issue in more depth.

Raw goat milk is another alternative, and is often more easily accessible through local small farmers who sell their excess. Call your 4-H extension to find them (if you live in the USA). For more information on this topic, read WWTL. We will also be adding a FAQ site specifically addressing the issue of finding foods on this diet that aren't readily available in supermarkets or even health food stores. Aajonus said to ask any local farmer you might be wanting to buy from if the cows/goats had any antibiotics within the last 30 days which you won't want to be passed on to you through the milk. 

General Discussion / Re: How to consume bones?
« on: December 08, 2009, 01:35:07 am »
 I believe there's evidence of HG's consuming bones in a similar manner to RawZi by chewing them whole.  But, their teeth were far superior to our weak modern-food ravaged teeth.

    Oh, btw, I see you got what I said, but some people may assume I meant by how I wrote it to eat the bones separate from the fish or chicken and you understood right that I ate it along with my fish or chicken meal (from the same pieces of meat of course).  My teeth aren't the strongest, but they are stronger from eating this RAF.  I wish I was born with big strong teeth, but we make do with what we have and find the positives.  The fish bones I mostly swallow.  The chicken I swallow all cartilage etc, some of the bone and all the marrow.

    I ate cooked marrow as a child too, from veal neck, beef short rib and chicken.  Marrow was one of the few animal foods that didn't close my throat.   

    As a child I ate bone broths.

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 08, 2009, 01:26:25 am »
That's true, but the diet that is low amounts of animal foods is generally high in carbs, which is not so goodBut you can be on rawpaleodiet that is based mainly upon animals foods and eat low-protein, low-carb and high-fat, sth like raw version of Optimal Diet of Jan Kwasniewski; including fasting, IF, etc. :)

    Acne they say is often caused by a toxic liver.  I looked up Optimal Diet and Jan Kwasniewski and found what's below.  

Saturated fats (particularly from animal sources have all the enzymes and nutrients needed, according to the OD, especially if there is no processing and eaten with the meat or cream etc.) bypass the liver as they can be absorbed directly and are preferred as first choice by the body. So any carbohydrates quickly become an excessive source of energy and will convert to sugar/fat via the liver and be stored - hence you may gain weight instead of loosing it. For max. benefits one has to stick to proper ratio outlined in the OD.

    My liver was always fairly weak and my son who has been ill these last few years also seemed to always have weakness in the liver.  His acne has finally improved not after trying other variations of vegan diets (that did not work for him and he was strict) but improved from switching from "Vegan to the death!" or as he said "Vegan for life" to a diet mostly consisting of (raw biodynamic) butter.

    When I first started eating RAF, I ate (raw) salmon skin.  I did not want to not eat any part of the animal that I could manage to eat.  It wasn't only the nutrition, but coming from vegan for decades, I did not want any part of an animal to possibly be wasted if I could control it.  Even though AV (whose diet I basically followed) did not say to eat skin, I ate every drop. 

    White meat supposedly can be marinated with lemon without harm to digestion.  It messes with mine though.  Salmon can be considered white meat, as it is not beef, deer, elk, buffalo or bison, but I think it looks reddish colored.  Many people marinate fish with lemon.  Should be ok.  I like oysters, urchin and fish eggs with lemon.  I don't let it soak but half a minute though. 

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 07, 2009, 01:29:05 pm »
On my 6 year old boy his chicken species allergy is always through his skin.

    When I normally don't catch cold, nor eat cooked chicken at all, I caught a cold right after and I feel in direct response to eating a serving of rare chicken.

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 07, 2009, 11:38:01 am »
Highly doubt that. I ate raw chicken breast just a few days ago, and although I caught a cold soon after I didn't have any problems with it. I've been eating eggs all my life and never really had any problems from it. I would think if I was allergic it would show not only through skin would it?

    There are various types of allergies.  My son tested extremely (as in the highest amount of type three possible) type iii allergy to one absolutely plant derived food.  That was from blood tests.  You want to know how it shows outwardly on him if he eats a little of it?  A little bit of acne, and not even the same day.  You can bet a lot deeper stuff is going on with the allergy though, that no one can see on the outside.

What makes it additionally complicated is that there are 3 delayed allergy pathways, or hypersensitivity reactions. In other words, in looking for the existence and identity of a delayed allergy, there are 3 different sets of criteria to examine. An immediate allergy is considered a Type I allergy; the 3 types of delayed allergies are:
 Type II - Reactive Antibody: This immune response to some external antigen much resembles the immune response to a pathogen like a virus or bacteria. Cell and tissue damage is often a consequence of a Type II reaction. A hypersensitivity to drugs, like Penicillin, is often a Type II reaction. Conditions typically involving Type II reactions include Coombs'-positive hemolytic anemias, hyperacute graft rejection of an organ transplant, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and Goodpasture's syndrome (or anti-glomerular basement membrane disease).
 Type III - Immune Complex: Reacts similarly to a Type II allergy except that it can be caused either by a foreign substance (external antigen) or by the body attacking its own cells. Inflammation is often a consequence of a Type III reaction. A hypersensitivity to antibiotics and allergy symptoms including hives, rash, and painful joints can indicate a Type III allergy. Conditions typically involving Type III reactions include cryoglobulinemia, serum sickness, RA, SLE, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and many types of glomerulonephritis
 Type IV - T-Cell Mediated: Also known as a "contact allergy" this hypersensitivity occurs only when an antigen makes direct contact with the skin. The antigen is usually a chemical that come in contact with the skin, not a food that is consumed, although physical contact with certain foods could produce the same Type IV reaction. When contact occurs, instead of antibodies being produced the immune system produces T-Cells which either cause toxic damage to the tissues directly or releases cytokines that activate macrophages, killer cells, and other elements that cause cell and tissue damage. An example of a Type IV hypersensitivity is an allergy to latex or even poison ivy. Conditions commonly associated with Type IV reactions include tuberculosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and allograft rejection.

Health / Re: bowel movements
« on: December 07, 2009, 08:57:10 am »
    I hope you're stools are better, and you too.   

    I was looking at another thread, and it made me think of the ileocecal problem I had between eleven and four years ago.  Then ... 

    I Googled Ileocecal Valve Diet, and in the first couple of links that came up, I got this:

Most ICV is pure protein deficiency. For instance, one protein, gastrin is produced in the stomach during digestion and is carried along in the chyme through the small intestine this hormone helps the valve to relax open when it is time for the contents of the small intestine to pass through into the colon. If a protein deficient system is not producing gastrin correctly, then the ICV valve will not respond properly. This is just one small example of how protein deficiency can effect an ICV. Remember, 9 out of ten people do not properly digest their dietary protein, this means the protein is putrefying in their gut and producing tremendous amounts of the chemical indican, which can affect an ICV causing it to malfunction.
This chemical can be measured in the Urinary Indican Test. Also, a protein deficient gut is
usually struggling with yeast overgrowth and inflammation caused by gluten, these two things alone can cause a swollen, toxic ICV that has that has become thick and prone to stick open or closed. This is where the Two Edged Sword Diet is very helpful. Removing yeast and gluten from the diet helps to calm an irritated ICV.

And this:

Eat dense protein 3x a day. A portion should be at least the size of the palm of your hand.
This includes:

(All meat and fish needs to be cooked, egg yolks preferably runny)


You can eat all of the FRESH vegetables that you want except potatoes and beans.
(potatoes contain the same amount of sugar as a can of Coke. Beans contain phytates which block digestion of certain vitamins and minerals.)


After 3 months following the diet, you may eat a limited amount of FRESH fruit daily.

You can mix your fruits together but don’t mix fruit with other foods.
Fruit must be eaten in between meals at least one hour away from meals.
Eat your fruit but don’t drink your fruit or dry your fruit.


Unlimited Butter, Olive Oil

No Margarine, No Vegetable Oil, No Soybean Oil, No Canola Oil, No Safflower Oil, No Crisco, No Pam, No Trans Fatty acids, No Partially Hydrogenated oils .
(most prepackaged foods and salad dressings contain oils that can cause health problems.)


Drink 1 liter of DISTILLED WATER per 50 lbs. of body weight, daily.
(100lbs = 2 liters, 150lbs = 3 liters of water, etc.)


Eat every 2 hours to prevent your body from going into starvation mode.
(Eating every 2 hours takes stress of the adrenal glands, pancreas and many important functions off the body. In order to regain your health you want to take as much stress off of your body as possible.)


Food Sensitivities/Allergies:
Wheat, Corn, Soy & Dairy (eggs and butter are OK)

Rice, Potatoes, Cereal, Bread, Flour, Pasta, Cakes, Brownies, Pies, Cookies
Ice cream, Candy, Soda, Artificial or Natural Sweeteners* & Alcohol.
(In general, alcohol is ok approx. twice a week, but not 2 days in a row. Some people are more sensitive to one type of alcohol than another. In general the better the quality of the alcohol, the better your body will be able to handle it.)

*(Honey is ok as an occasional sweetener. Rotate a few different brands/sources so that you do not become sensitive to it.)

Try to eat organic FRESH foods. Avoid food preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or hydrolyzed proteins. If it says “LOW FAT or FAT FREE” don’t eat it.

ileocecal valve health
The following are additional guidelines for all patients, but patients with many of the
symptoms at the bottom of the sheet need to be especially vigilant.

Eliminate from your diet:

All roughage foods,
Popcorn, Potato chips, Corn chips, Nuts, Seeds, Whole grains

    I had little idea the ICV problem I was treated for between seven and ten years ago might be due to eating vegan foods and not eating animal foods.

    Come to think of it, a number of times I ate wheat, and a good portion of those time only one bite stopped me from pooping for two weeks.  I did go to the medical doctor for symptoms like these as far back as seventeen years ago, and medical tests have been run on me for the symptoms, but the medical industry always said it was not unhealthy after all was said and mostly intrusive tests done.

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:20:51 am »
... any form of the species chicken.  Whether organic, fertilized egg or home grown chickens.

So we have switched to duck eggs and duck meat.

    Duck eggs are so much more nutritious too.

... accutane in the past, and still have severe cystic acne on my face, back and chest. I have never had nice skin for longer than a few months at tops. It is extremely painful because whenever I have good skin I feel great and my social life is great, but as soon as it comes back I generally tend to isolate myself from most people and my mood is greatly affected. It depresses me because I feel like I am putting a stop on my life every time just because of my damn skin, but I can't help it - I cannot function well in the outside world without healthy looking skin. It contributes greatly to my well-being in general.

Another problem is that I have had blood in my stools as well as some mucus for multiple months now as well, and can't seem to get rid of them. I have cut out all dairy a couple weeks ago and was suspecting it to be the culprit for the acne and perhaps mucus in stools, but so far I still am having problems. I cut out pasteurized dairy (organic kefir, yogurt, goat cheese) before that and when I realized there was no progress I cut out raw cheese as well. It seems that my skin doesn't break out as much, but I still don't have an acceptable level of acne. I'm starting to think that it has absolutely nothing to do with diet, and that no matter what I do I will be plagued by it for the rest of my life. Not pleasant.

I am thinking of trying zero carb because it is the only thing that I can see that I have not tried yet. I am ready to give up after that and be dependant on accutane for the rest of my life (if necessary). I've tried so many different diets from raw veganism/vegetarianism to Wai to raw omnivorous and I am still plagued by acne. I have tried so many skin care products as well, and nothing seems to work as well as my urine, ...

    BioSET was helpful in getting rid of my acne.  I had to go through the whole protocol though.  You might be better off just going zero carb.  I have no idea which is better.

    Apparently I also had a very major blockage will my illeocecal valve.

Off Topic / Re: Shocking story
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:16:18 am »
i'd emergency c-section, my son's born a month earlier from due date. out of the blue, my severe bleeding started middle of the night. i was unconscious and rush to the hospital. before that, they found several complication on my   x-rays. so, for me it's a horrible moment.    :'(

    I was very lucky.  I never lost consciousness even once in any way.  I gave birth past the due date they calculated.  They were a mess, when I didn't give birth the day they thought, they assumed I was a month less pregnant.  So then, when I was trying to check into the hospital because the contractions were one minute apart, they all tried to force me to not enter the hospital; because I don't scream or cry.  They gave gave me radiography tests numerous times all through the last trimester.

    I'm so sorry for you.  Your husband must have been so scared too.  And your baby must have been skinny and delicate at first.  How was recovery from that ordeal?

    Most of what I have looks like the third stomach.  Some possibly like the first.  Are they attached?  This was. 

    Before I opened the box I had a headache.  As I ate a serving of good sized serving of the tripe today, the headache went away.  I suspect this tripe might be a very healthy food for me.

Helpful tips:

    Get tripe in the Summer.  The nasty stuff you rinse off it should be wonderful to pour on unfrozen ground.

    Cut the fat-like off the outside of the stomach.  Put that fat-stuff aside.  It's not dirty.  Do not soak it.

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 07, 2009, 02:54:09 am »
Calves never drank frozen colostrum or milk, let alone freeze dried.  ... try the real stuff;  raw and fresh to compare. 

    Calves drink it warm, not cool.  They can't gulp; because they have to squeeze the long teet with their tongue constantly as they drink.  We can take a lesson if we want to drink colostrum.  It should not even be cold, and like dissident said, let the colostrum rest on your tongue as the calf would have.  They innately know how to get the best nutrition from it.

I've always been wary of eating stomach-contents or intestines after some nasty experiences eating cooked versions of the latter in my pre-RPD days.

    Did you get sick from it?  If so, what symptoms?

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: How to Open Live Oysters
« on: December 07, 2009, 01:33:28 am »
... When left in the fridge for a longer time they either more or less dry and there is not much left to eat, as pointed out by Tyler, or they rot to such an extent that they smell repulsive if the atmosphere in the fridge is too wet. At this latter stage I don't eat them of course.

I can't see why such "aged" mussels might be more harmful to raw paleo dieters than high meat or "aged" meat.  

    Do you think it makes a difference to age them still in shell or cut out of shell?  If out of shell, do you think it's better to cut each into (smaller) pieces first before aging them?

Off Topic / Re: Shocking story
« on: December 07, 2009, 12:32:20 am »
... jungle naturally,  and probably with least pain or no pain. my experience is completely different. my case was very severe that i get the warning of bleed to death if i give birth at home. so, i get the cesarean baby.

    They were going to cesarean me, without warning.  A member of my obstetrician's staff went against his orders and told me the secret half a month before due date.  We promptly switched insurance to next to nothing, and switched to a hospital that statistically had less cesareans and I managed to avoid the cesarean.  For me too, one of the reasons I was even going to give to birth in a hospital is because after the doctors examined me and did tests, they said I would bleed to death if I gave birth at home.

    They were wrong.  I did bleed from their episiotomy quite a bit; I did not expect so much blood.  There was no other interventions really though, besides monitors and such, nothing they used was necessary and some apparently harmful, but not too bad.  I wasn't given anything for the episiotomy bleeding.  None of us even mentioned it.  Just a lot of bed sheets changed.

Health / Re: Desperate to get rid of health problems...
« on: December 07, 2009, 12:19:52 am »
It made me think of trying to get through my tub of colostrum super fast to see if it would yield the same results, or if it would show otherwise and then I'd know for sure dairy isn't for me.

    My son is vegetarian and does not ever touch eggs, meat, fish or any other animal foods than (raw cow) milk and (raw cow) butter.  I have reason to believe he has a severe taurine deficiency.  I read that colostrum has more taurine than milk (and cow milk has less taurine than other animal foods).  Anyway, I got (raw) colostrum this week, my first time.  It's thick, yellow and grainy textured.  It digests much easier than (raw) milk, and settled his stomach, as his stomach had been bothering him just recently. 

    The colostrum came in a regular milk bottle, and we're using it that way, no problem.  Although it IS thicker than milk, it's thinner than coffee cream.  I think it would be inconvenient in a tub package.  Yours came in a tube?  Is it powdered?  Is it like butter?  I can't picture this. 

    Thank you uph0.  That is helpful.  Obviously what I got is not the preferred type.  After soaking it a while, much of the thin outer skin and some of the carpety part part lifted and started peeling off.  I disposed of most of that part in the yard, as it is brown colored like its poo smell.  It seemed natural to peel it off plus that was the part that contacted the animal's stomach contents while the animal was alive.

    Thank you Tyler.  I don't know whether I'll buy any tripe again.  I did try it cooked in several different styles as a child.  It's another one of the (cooked) animal foods (no pun intended as this is becoming a popular dogfood) that didn't make my body react.  Maybe that's just because I only had it a few times.  I did cut some up and eat some.  It tasted better than it smelled, it didn't taste bad really and I feel ok.  

    One of my cats is very curious about it, but has not considered it as food at all.  Maybe they just think an animal is around and are curious about that.  The other cat who usually eats a lot has absolutely no interest in this.  I try to choose foods I can share with someone.  I am the only meat eater in my house, who is a human.  If I can't give some tripe to my cats for them to enjoy eating, that's a reason I will likely not do this again.

    The rest of the soaked, peeled, cut tripe is in large mason jars in my refrigerator.  I'll eat as much of what's there as I can, until I feel a strong enough reason not to.    

General Discussion / Re: How to consume bones?
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:39:38 pm »
    Fish bones, chicken bones, raw.  Cooked they are dangerous.  They splinter.  The chicken bone marrow is bloody colored and tastes good.  The fish doesn't have marrow really. 

    I ate cooked marrow as a child too, from veal neck, beef short rib and chicken.  Marrow was one of the few animal foods that didn't close my throat.  I didn't eat raw animal foods though.  I was taught animal food has to be heated thoroughly, or you'll get an infection. 

« on: December 06, 2009, 02:35:16 pm »
    Cows, goats and deer need to eat greens of some sort or another.  Some people live healthfully without it.  Bovines don't.  People probably don't need it.  Why do you ask?  Are you giving it up?  Green is a bitter color.  This color is used as a medicine for off balance people.  If you're balanced, you won't be attracted to bitter metalic tastes like that.  Dontcha think? 

    I just got an untreated sixteen pound tripe.  I expected it to have a honeycomb pattern.  I have never gotten a tripe before.  It smells like fresh farm poop.  It looks kind of like a rug, the vili I guess.  My human family are very upset about the smell, even though they don't mind any of the other raw animal product smells.  So I decided to soak it it celtic salt and filtered water (after rinsing it).  Have you ever eaten an untreated tripe?

General Discussion / Re: How to consume bones?
« on: December 06, 2009, 11:19:42 am »
    So far, I only eat the bones I can chew up myself.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 06, 2009, 05:04:47 am »
dear rawzi, my mom has severe thyroid problem and she gets high cholesterol for this. she also has gum disease, sinusitis, rheumatism arthritis and recently she diagnosed for osteoporosis. where she can go to get some kind of tests like you and will know what to eat? thanks. 

    Aajonus did my iridology and glandular analysis. 

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