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Messages - RawZi

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Welcoming Committee / Re: Newbie here
« on: December 06, 2009, 03:10:55 am »
    I'm more primal than paleo myself. 

    There are farmers markets with good meats in NY.  There must be a farmers market guide.  You can check with WAP.  The WFM in Union Square has a nice variety of meats.  I've gotten excellent meats in halal markets in NY.  I've also found some decent enough meat by introducing myself to the kosher butchers at the bigger kosher markets.  The small ones only have salted meat and cooked liver.   

Welcoming Committee / Re: Newbie here
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:23:22 am »
--Raw fresh fruits, almost any kind that I can get my hands on(mostly mono meals).
--Raw beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, wild game if I can get any,(definitely mono meals or eaten with   
   leafy greens). I may drop one or more depending on taste but I'll definitely keep beef, chicken and eggs.
-- Some veggies like baby spinach, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, a
   few others
--Nuts and Seeds (mono meals)

    Hi welcome and best of health to you!

    Why the monomeals?  Have you looked through the Instincto section of the site here?

General Discussion / Re: Rotten shark
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:17:49 am »
I only just watched a program on one of the BBC's; they got to talk about shark meat and that raw shark meat was toxic for humans! They said it needed to dry for many months (ferment) to make it fit for humans. The person (from the BBC) ate some for the first time and said it stank -v


    Yes, that was the worst park.  I smelled something like Pinesol from it for days afterward.

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:15:54 am »
I've been using this one for years, it always works, and you can get an additional filter for it that removes compounds of fluorine.

    Thank you so much William!

    I'm glad too, I've gotten my husband to realize fluoride does integral damage.  This may be the perfect time to get him agreeable about this filter.

Off Topic / Re: Shocking story
« on: December 05, 2009, 05:31:35 pm »
Yeah when i become a parent I will make sure I'm prepared. i won't be sending my kid to Public schooling either.

    I went to breastfeeding support meetings all through my pregnancy.  They warned me that in hospitals when you give birth, they give you "helpful supportive" advice and devices that make you fail at breast feeding.  Btw, although I was in college when I became a parent, I looked more like twelve years old.  So, when I gave birth, before they gave me my baby (they had strapped me down as they did every birthing woman at that hospital and not warned me), the nurse first told me she will show me how to breast feed.  I responded for her to give me privacy because I can nurse, I don't need help.  I felt a little slighted, as animals with much lower IQ's than humans don't have to be shown how to nurse.  If I did it again today, I think I'd let her show me and act like she taught me something.  Who knows?  She may have written down that I must be like an animal because I know how to nurse first time.

    My point is, as long as you aren't letting them inject toxins or what-have-you into your baby, maybe you should let them think they are geniuses.  I have found that doctors can have very dangerous ego problems, and I do act calm and respectful to them.  They like me, until I won't eat their pills.

General Discussion / Re: Rotten shark
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:34:30 pm »
    I would try it.  

    They say it smells heavily of ammonia.  High ammonia foods are supposed to detox people of some poisonings.  I bet the people who eat it are very healthy because of doing so.  I'm glad they're keeping this tradition.

    I only tried (raw) shark once.  It was not this kind, nor fermented.  I was quite the opposite of impressed to say the least.  I swore I'd never try it again.  Then after learning of fermented shark, I think I will try it may fermented next time.  I bet it will have much better effect.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: How to Open Live Oysters
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:17:09 pm »
... raw clams for the first time yesterday. Had a bitter taste. Didn't know what to think of that, didn't really like them ...

    That's why they add lemon I think .. to cut the bitter taste.  Oysters and scallops do taste better than clams do.  I like lemon on oyster and urchin, to cut the bitter taste of urchin and salty taste of oyster.

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:07:56 pm »
You can escape chlorine by filling a big pail in the evening with faucet water.  Let it evaporate overnight.

    If you live indoors, in this "robotic antiseptic" US society, you may have your doors and windows shut all day and night in the house or office with everything sealed so no little drafts.  In this case. I think the chlorine would go in the air we breathe.  I've always liked the windows open, but my family has always much preferred them closed.  I would have to leave the pail outside over night. 

    I used to air out water for my fish tank and I do it for my cats too.  I used to give them filtered water, but my filter doesn't work.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 05, 2009, 04:43:06 am »
... itching after everything I eat and my mouth and skin are very dried out. I'm feeling dehydrated and of course regular water does nothing for me but make me feel more dry. I've had a little success with papaya in a puree so far, but the itchiness ...

    My skin used to itch so much, and I barely noticed it, as it had been going on so long, I had no idea what it felt like not to it.  I believe the careful attention to type of fat, source of fat and quantity of fat has abated my itching.  Exactly how much of what source fat are you using in ratio to the rest of your food?

That says that she isn't really a long-time all-raw all-vegan.  It's probably the animal products that she eats when she cheats that allow her to survive.  The difference between someone like her and me is that I have the willpower and focus and drive to really eat raw vegan, etc., or whatever diet I choose.  People without  my level of focus learn more slowly, for obvious reasons.

    I second your sentiment ck.  I too wondered about that part of her letter.  There are so many vegans who do things differently than I did.  I knew from the start that for food to be vegan yadyada yada...  So many vegans are space cadets.  They ask me "if there is only 2% such and such, it's vegan, right?", or I visit them and they're about to make a processed egg-burger for themself, and I ask, and the respond "first time I bought the wrong thing, company must have changed recipe", etc.  Most of them proclaim veganism, but never are vegan except one day here and there or some such.

Journals / Re: Anthropomorphistic Intent...
« on: December 04, 2009, 12:18:09 pm »
Most of those nutrients are obtained from raw meats, so why would someone who eats raw meats and doesn't eat nutrient-binding foods like grains need to drink urine? Which nutrients or other ingredients do you believe you need to get from urine?

    Two things:

    1. Vegetarians drink first morning urine; because they need hormones.  Meat eaters can never drink first morning urine; because it has two many hormones for that (even if all the meat they ate was raw and non-hormone injected).

    2. A raw meat eater's urine can contain ammonia.  I'm not sure which or all, but if you poison a raw meat eater, taking ammonia in the form of their urine can help them counteract the poison.

All I have to say on this subject is I strongly recommend against conversion projects. Most people have to have their hearts broken or faces punched in or ears screamed off or some combination of those things to finally give it up though.

    I agree.  I had to become incapacitated beyond belief before I would touch an animal product, or consider whether it might be even worthy of reading or thinking about.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:16:01 am »
    Raw meat can give us what we need to heal the intestines and stomach.  Did someone prescribe you eggs and honey?  It was actually prescribed to me, and it did help me.  But I had to get a glandular analysis, an iridology consult and everything else to get the script.  I've met people who got very different prescriptions to what I got, but they had their body, and me mine.

Off Topic / Re: Shocking story
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:12:16 am »
when i become a mother for the 1st time, i don't really understand very well that in this country those medical docs are completely screwed up for real. in my 1st visit with my little one for check ...

    I was young.  My son's father didn't come with me and my little one to the doctor.  We were so healthy.  Both me and his father were always very slim.  So my son was slim too.  He was so strong, and acquiring all the babies acquire, but much earlier.  Anyway, this slim thing, that's what almost got us.  First they tried to say I had a heart murmur.  But I didn't have one!  Then they realized it's just that they heard my heart more clear than other women's because I had less than 3% body fat.  Then they said "when are you going to quit breast feeding?  He wasn't even six months old, and I only breast fed at home.  I don't know why they asked me that.  Then they told me (without testing me or my milk) that all breast milk has no vitamins, no water, no nothing! 

    They said I had to change immediately to solid food mixed with formula, and measure every drop, and given so much!  They wanted him to gain several pounds in that one week right then, or they said they would shove a tube down his throat to feed him their food. 

    Long story short, I made him gain all the weight they wanted that week.  They were very happy with that, and did not shove a tube down his throat.  But he got allergies right away from that week's diet.  He never had a problem before.  They responded that that wasn't medical.  That allergies were lack of discipline!  For God's sake!  How do you discipline a less than six month old human out of allergies?  They weren't going to tell me.  US medical doctors, most of them are a danger to living beings, and that's it.   

i was raw vegan in sometimes in my life and i know how to make yogurt by plant food. that's the thing i used to do everyday and still i do now.... THAT RAW VEGAN LADY makes her yogurt from macademian nuts.

    Macadamias are a poor choice.  They are expensive, rare, usually have to be shipped, and although the company link I posted is pretty good, macadamias are usually heated over 118degreesF during processing (to deshell them etc) so technically are not raw. 

    She should use almonds or something else that ferments better.  Then again she would have to take the thin dark brown peel off each almond after soaking by hand, and knowing she prefers macadamia I then venture to guess she would do what most raw vegans who make nut yogurt do.  She would blanch the cracked soaked almonds in boiling water then call them raw, to make her yogurt. 

    She does this every day?  And chooses macadamia?  Probably just a lot of extra money at her disposal.  Some vegans who come from super rich (monetarily) meat eater backgrounds seem to do well for a while.  Hormones like testosterone and others can improve while someone is psychic vampiring all the energy out of many people around them.  Some people who choose not to have children are truly loving of humankind.  May I guess whether she's a mom?  Vegans can feed off an air of superiority mistaken thinking they are doing what's best for the whole Earth, but I understand that feeding off this is not truly good for their spirit when the maker calls.

    Imagine, someone like this, maybe they were born to live eight hundred years like a Biblical figure on meat like most of them did all the time, and then unconscious or consciously choose to only live to eighty or so through deficient diet of veganism, just to tell everyone they made superior spiritual choices.

    Let them be.  I would hope they'd let us be.  I see it as yin and yang.  No one is good at essence.  No one is bad at essence.  Some have dense bodies and concentrated life so they seek spirit or lots of light food.  Some have spiritual light bodies, so these seek grounding or just enough nutrient dense food.  We're just two sides of the exact same piece of paper, and would do best to be together in harmony.  Is that possible?

    I made all kinds of yogurt plenty of times.  High meats are better, IMHO.

it's just painful to see that. in  other letter, she also mentioned the woman (she mentioned that woman was extremely rich and she also had all kind of access to get any animal meats) she knew and spend a significant time with her who choose the raw meat diet and died in heart attack.

    No one, no matter the diet lives forever, that any human knows of.  Everyone passes from something.  That's sad that someone died, but it was very likely going to happen when she was younger instead, had she been vegan.  I too want what's best for each and every person in the world.  We are in human form.  We cannot spread each of ourselves so thin.  The healthiest thing for everyone is to help their own personal children, their own selves, their own spouse, their neighbors or people that are in their life but we cannot control the world.  Not really.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 04, 2009, 02:35:55 am »
I just wish I had a clear cut plan of what to do to get better. Food sensitivities is an issue always in the back of my mind too. I'm supposedly moderately sensitive to eggs (probably less for raw) and honey (again, likely less for raw) and yet both of these are the staples of any digestional healing regimen. The itching I get in my throat and in small places all over my body after eating is really unnerving and tells me something is wrong, and yet just a few days ago my stomach was incredibly calm. I think I'm going to try my chicken broth for a while and eat ground turkey, and let the raw eggs aside, they might not be helping. For all I know they are what caused the problem!

    I know someone who also reacts to raw eggs, is a raw omnivore who drinks green juices, reverts from raw diet to cooked chicken soup when they can't take the detox etc.  I would think it was you, but I don't think it is.  I think from experience that sets of symptoms come together, no matter who it's often the same sets.  Maybe I should introduce you, maybe you could help each other.   

    Old people get very invested in whatever they have been doing.  If you are thinking you can get her to do better, she may not be interested no matter how right you are.  I know.  Basically my youngest cousins were older in chronological age than me than your mother is in years older than you.  I've been around old people a long time with very few that were young while I was growing up. 

    This woman who keeps writing you the letters, raw vegan is her way, until she dies of protein starvation, too much fiber or whatever.  It is her karma.  It looks to me from what she writes like you might be trying to take her karma onto you.  Are you?  If so, maybe ask yourself why. 

    Maybe find women in the park with children for your son to play with.  I know it's a problem when they have candy and junk food all the time, but there must be more fun things to do.

    Does this woman who's writing you have children herself?  Did she bear them with her body?  Pardon me if I missed and you said. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 04, 2009, 01:41:21 am »
Thanks for your support! ... Any health practitioner is just going to give me useless herbs or worse yet, drugs, when I need to fix the internal problem going on. ... I should clarify, it's overacidity that is the problem, I'm not having much reflux anymore.

    You're welcome. 

    I actually had other stuff health-wise going on too, but the day I described I was totally fatigued. 

    I remember, well, my son got sick a few years ago, and after trying everything alternative we could find, we then were trying with a doctor. 

    This doctor gave him about eight different types of medicines all at the same time.  My son's digestion got totally ruined when previously it was mostly only reflux during this illness.  Anyway, the doctor was wrong and to save my son from possible death my son and I decided he should not take four of the medicine and go to a good traditional acupuncturist. 

    One treatment, and his digestion was worlds better. 

    I hear acupuncture started when soldiers looked dead during a battle, and they were laid at the side on rocks to keep the bodies out of the way until after the battle, or something like that.  I don't know if it's true.  Anyway, enough of them would recover from appearing dead after laying on the rocks.  Supposedly acupuncture was developed by observing this.  So, I think something based on rocks might be considered somewhat paleo. 

    Have you tried acupuncture?  No pharmaceuticals involved and my son got well enough even though he did not drink the acupuncturist's herbs. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 04, 2009, 12:22:11 am »
I get all my meat from US Wellness meats and North Star Bison. I don't think the meats are the problem, I think something else is causing this. I'll wait for the terramin then and hope to get better. The major thing is not only am I fatigued, but without being able to really digest my fats, my adrenals get no relief, so I am very anxious, feel disassociated and like I'm going to fall asleep or pass out. And no, I can't really take off of work, my job is not very understanding about stuff like this, and anyways I could very well feel the same tomorrow for all I know.

    I think you had mentioned it's US Wellness.  I must have forgotten.  Even so, with the best of ground meats that aajonus would buy himself in best case scenario and ate it only an hour later, I won't even try it a second time.  Maybe mine was too high in fat for me too.  If I ever grind my meat, I prefer to grind it within only a few short minutes of when I eat it.  I have never ground meat if the meat had been wrapped in any kind of celophane.  It might be fine, but something unconscious in side me I don't think thinks that.

    The lying in bed is not because you are impaired from working.  I took dahn energy classes.  When I was not able to do anything I called them and told them so.  They told me to stay in bed 24 hr straight bundled up warm to GET BETTER.  I did so, and it worked.  Sometimes a total rest is what's o tn order to heal.  Animals do it.  We probably would in paleo times too, we just had to find some out of the way nook.

    Do you think you should go to a healthcare practitioner, doctor or some other outside help to see you in person?

For the time being I'm just going to eat nothing but eggs and sip chamomile tea. If I feel better this afternoon I'll eat a little raw lamb. It's really frustrating how many setbacks I keep having, everytime I think I'm better I get setback exponentially it seems.  

    Get well soon.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:29:02 pm »
I bought some bentonite clay to see if I can cleanse my colon out and I'm going to get some terramin clays which I know is superior to arrive by monday.

    Uh, you will likely have a good experience with bentonite.  Have you tried it before?  I have.  Most people into health say it's good.  I only tried one teaspoon once though, exactly in the manner recommended.  I got sicker than ever apparently as the result.  Bentonite is heated.  If it were me right now, I would wait for the terramin or find something else in the meantime.  Can't you take today off and just bundle up in a simple blanket for twenty-four hours? (close to the bathroom).  Have you tried charcoal or do you have some good organic earth (unheated)?  I know charcoal isn't raw, but it has helped me in extreme situations and is ancient and traditional.  

    Maybe you eating all your meats preground from the store is the problem.  I could never do that.  It gives me weird nightmares.

I'm also curious to know if you think a Metabolic type diet as developed by Dr. William Walcott is compatible with RPD? I for one am a bit skeptical of ZC even though I believe the human diet should be largely protein based.

Any help you guys can give would be awesome.

    Fat based works for me.  I do best at about eighty-percent fat.  Feels like I get rabbit starvation otherwise.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Paul Nison, Guru
« on: December 03, 2009, 01:45:57 pm »
further she claims that she cured her anemia by being vegan when her father is a gourmet chef and has access of all kind of 1st grade of meats and eggs. when she was child , she consumed so much best grade meat, eggs, and dairy and she was always anemic and had cold.

    My Mother was a good cook.  We had good quality steak every night, and soft boiled or sunny side up eggs at home every morning.  I was pale as a ghost.  I know this woman would do so much better diet-wise to eat raw meat.  It's her choice though.  What are you hoping to accomplish?

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:52:52 am »
BTW, have you heard of the "salmon leap"?

Steak tartare is exhorbitant here, and the portion is skimpy.

    Skimpy here too.  If I don't order two I'll starve.

    What's the salmon leap?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:16:09 am »
 For carbs I'm doing the PD style green juices with mostly celery, I know most people don't like them, but I have had a good reaction to them and I feel like my digestion is eased by having it in liquid form.


The big problem now is my acid reflux, I'm going to stop the kefir and limit the honey to see what happens.

    If you're doing the green juice anyway, have you tried cabbage and parsley juiced along with it, then when the juice is ready stir/blend cucumber into it.  That might be a better green juice for your stomach right now.  For me, if and when I juice, cilantro and zucchini are my best additions if any.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:10:15 am »
Primal Dieters do eat raw honey on its own, although the honey /butter combination is popular.

    I kind of fluctuate between primal and paleo.  Honey alone?  Like a bear?  Some how I thought we were supposed to focus on fat with everything.

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