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Messages - RawZi

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Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:05:30 am »
  I have no idea as I've never bought artificial enzymes. I've, personally, only ever used "high-meat" or been highly selective as to what I ate(ie no cooked animal food, cooked plant food affects me much less and I try to avoid all processed food if possible). You'll have to ask Mark "ThetaSigma" on the rawpaleodiet yahoo group about this subject as he's the expert on high-quality enzyme supplements.

    Yes, I wind up doing things my husband's way often.  I don't think I can carry high meats everywhere we go.  I may try some enzymes.  I haven't yet.  Thanks.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:02:46 am »
What I find amusing is how often I go to restaurants or farmers' markets and find that the highest quality raw food is often the cheapest of those available. I've had amazingly cheap steak tartare and raw wild hare carcasses at a fraction of the price of 100% grassfed/organic beef, and so on.

    I just ate local pasture lamb heart and kidney today and shared with my cats.  Heart and kidney are so much less expensive than other meat and more nutritious too!  Raw meat Should be less expensive in a restaurant.  They don't have to slave over a hot stove.  It should be their thank you to us for that.  Steak tartare here by me Is expensive.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:44:39 am »
"... I didn't even finish the jar off. It seemed to give me a lot of problems, like what seemed to be hypoglycemic attacks especially. I would eat some, by itself or with butter as in the "honey/butter combination", and within 5 to 10 minutes I would feel like my blood sugar would shoot downwards. A few times it was bad enough that I couldn't sit up and had to lay down while eating something to revive me. I started wondering if it really was unheated/raw, but I never experienced a blood sugar spike before the drop downwards. In the books, AV mentions that there is some sort of insulin in unheated honey, so I thought perhaps it was this that was causing my problems.

    As I understand the primal diet, the honey butter is 1:8 honey to butter.  The honey is never eaten alone, is it?  The writer of this letter sounds like he/she's practicing a different diet.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:39:31 am »
    Two more good options.  Thank you.  Which enzymes do you recommend?  Where is the best place to buy them? 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:37:14 am »
The honey is unheated but you are right I might be overdoing it. But for this to cause acid reflux seems a bit odd. The Kefir is super high quality from an amish farmer and tastes very good. Any recipes for acid reflux?

    The only Amish kefir I got, although fresh from the farm, was disgusting.  Biodynamic at home is the only palatable to me. 

    Have you tried making bonemeal?

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:32:45 am »
  Not bad, lots of dough involved, unfortunately.

    The injera?  I never made kitfo.  I order the gorrad gorrad.  It's chunks of meat, instead of grinding it. 

    Funny, when I get it raw they give me a huge serving and not expensive.  The place that lied and it wasn't raw at all, theirs was a small portion served.  I always get my gorrad gorrad with less spice, and olive oil instead of butter for toasting the spice.

    I'm afraid of ordering it with no spice at all; because maybe people will stare too much, even though they have told me they will do it for me this way.  The spices almost necessitate the injera though, or the herbed aib. 

    I don't know if you do this, if you've had gorrad gorrad, but I wipe the spices off each piece onto the ijera they leave at the table.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 05:30:55 am »
eating too much raw honey

    People here aren't too big on sweets.  Number one, your honey may not be unheated.  Number two, even so, it should only be used sparingly.  Then, kefir, may not be paleo, but I've never seen it raw in a store.  I tried store-bought kefir once, and although it was "fresh as can be" it stank to my nose.  I'm very sensitive to smells especially dairy.  Did you make the kefir?  And if so, what kind of "grains"? 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 03:08:23 am »
    It could be.  Grain makes toxic fat and organs.  WAP is big on whole grains I think.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 01:26:46 am »
My anxiety right now has been through the roof and only subsides a bit after eating raw meats (before it was the opposite), but I also get heavy gas or a heartburn feeling (but no bloating or inflamation) after my meals. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it.

    Were you practicing omnivore diet or vegetarian diet before?  Were you getting bloating or inflammation before you changed diets?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: December 03, 2009, 12:54:23 am »
Hey Guys,

I want to know if the following symptoms are common for a detox. I've been having itchiness and darkened vision, general fatigue, and stools have often been a bit pale or slightly green but diarrhea has not been constant. My anxiety right now has been through the roof and only subsides a bit after eating rat meats (before it was the opposite), but I also get heavy gas or a heartburn feeling (but no bloating or inflamation) after my meals.

    I wish I could help you here.  I have no first hand experience with rat meats.  Do you mean raw meats?  I heard rat meat can be useful in healing, but I don't know anyone who ate rat raw or even ate meat from any regular size rat.

Raw paleo diet does not let me get away with mistakes.  It reminds me HORRIBLY PAINFULLY that my body does not want rubbish, it only wants premium clean food.

Do any of you guys and gals experience such pain after eating non - raw paleo for a day?

Scares the daylights out of me.  Now I'm trully queer, ..".

No more cordial for me next time.  I'm bringing my own food next time.  I'll just say it's "medical."

After almost 2 years of raw paleo, I know how Tyler feels ...  Now it is downright scary.

Anybody else have painful experiences when eating non raw paleo?

    Yes.  Depending on the food in question.  Buffalo slightly seared gave me arthritic symptoms within hours.  Boiled organic potato with nothing swelled and inflamed my skin to look and feel horrible.  Raw butter combined with boiled potato had me dream very real dream of the other side.  A little pasteurized curd gave me very disturbing non-realistic at all dream of the other side.  I went off my diet several different times, mostly cause of travel.  I should have fasted rather than eat wrong food in most of the above cases.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 02, 2009, 09:32:09 pm »
It's considered very strange indeed, for some absurd reason. I recently tried eating raw meat kitfo in an Ethiopian restaurant and got strange stares(it seems they only offered it in cooked form) but it was worse as I'd tried this idea when on my own.

    Here I think it depends which state or area of the country.  In some places I can go into an Ethiopian restaurant, and if I tell them to treat me as one of their countrymen, they will serve me raw no problem in most cases, but I also have not eaten alone in a place like this.  There is one Ethiopian cafe, that just does not serve raw meat, as it is situated in a medical building.  There I can only get fresh made fruit salad, or fresh green salad makings and I can eat alone no problem.  Other parts, they will promise raw meat, but will deliver otherwise and then give strange looks.  At least they don't charge for there mistake though, but it is a real bother when you drive far to get there then have to wait while they cook it and be stuck with nothing.  In this case too I was not alone.

    How was your kitfo?

Hot Topics / Re: Are Fish Oils (DHA & EPA) bad for us?
« on: December 02, 2009, 02:35:48 pm »
The reason I go around looking for the ultimate diet is so I don't need to take any supplements whatsoever.
When I want fish oil I eat raw fish.

    Same here.  I've done herbs up the kazoo!  I'm done with supplements and such.  I would take them if I absolutely had too, but I don't feel like supplementing when I feel better eating good food.   

but he absolutely likes cod liver oil which i'm giving him 2 tbsps daily. if i would live in tropical country, i absolutely cut off those cod liver oil

    He likes the cod liver oil?!? Wow.  I didn't think anyone liked that.  That's wonderful!  I guess his body knows it needs D.  

Personals / Re: RAF Diet meetups
« on: December 02, 2009, 01:31:07 pm »
Even though the site does mention experts in general, the actual term we and they use among ourselves is "volunteer" not "expert".

    Sure you're a guru.  An Indian friend of mine says guru translates as someone who sheds light on your path.  You are a help.  Everyone here is, but way before I found this place, you on AllExperts helped me, just by virtue of you writing your experiences there.
3. guru - a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; "a guru of genomics"
leader - a person who rules or guides or inspires others

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

1. authority, expert, leader, master

    Beautiful plans.  It is much needed.

1)get a place almost 1 to 2 hrs distance from nyc with a stream (prefer NY state)

2)build a strawbale home

3)raise some cattles, wild deers and other animals wildly

4)i'm a gardener and i really enjoy putting some antique rose gardens, so the place will be a show place. also i collect the berries that are grown wildly and lots of exotic plants.

if you guys in this forum join with me  (i need manpower the labor), i think i can do that. my mom has the same passion. we will also host you time to time like a retreat center. i've a really small family in this country and we don't have that much friends, but i always feel too close to my all paleo friends in this forum. we don't need too much in our life to be happy, but need determination. thanks

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: December 02, 2009, 10:02:46 am »
Interesting. I wonder if there's a correlation here--maybe people who are more carb sensitive, like me, are more prone to the scratchy/tingly-throat-&-tongue effect (does anyone know what causes that?) and less prone to the soothing-throat effect?

    Raw royal jelly and a few other foods make my throat and tongue like that.  In the royal jelly I wondered if it had anything to do with bee venom.

Because of the slightly negative effects I get from raw honey, I was quite surprised when I did rather well with mead. However, much of the sugar is converted into alcohol in mead, of course.

    Lots of (raw) foods that I can't handle plain, I do well with fermented.

No. I'm about as carb sensitive as you get before diabetes and even last year the honey had a soothing effect.

    I read in AV's writings that the only sugars he can handle are raw milk drank at the same time both at least room temperature and even then sipped very slowly, unheated (not more than 93 degreesF) unfiltered honey and unripe organic date eaten with lots of raw fat.  He was diagnosed type one diabetes when he was fifteen and supplemental insulin injection dependent, and says he's still very sensitive to fruit sugar etc.  I confirmed the type one diabetes part with him personally.  I didn't ask him in person about the fruit.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Paul Nison, Guru
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:33:42 am »
i lost my all hair ... every day spent a significant time in the bathroom as a result. it's just gross of being vegan -v

    Yes, being vegan, I was losing big clumps of hair from my scalp every day.  I had to do colonics, and they didn't even get anything out, as my stool was like a combination of paste and cement in texture (sorry if this grossed you out).  I felt like my blood vessels would burst, trying to squeeze out stool. 

    RAFs work for human health.  Veganism is an unfortunate aberration.  You can get away with it maybe decades, or maybe only a year.  RAFs are for life. 

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:28:23 am »
I've had it many times in the past(actually, have some in the house for my wife right now). It has a thick layer of cappings, wax, etc. and is a very opaque with a thick consistency. It is very sweet though which I've noticed others equating to processing. I'd say it might be raw but have no guarantees.

On the topic of honey; anyone ever use Manuka honey? It's supposed to be one of the most antiseptic & analgesic of the honeys available and I've seen it recommended for topical healing purposes. Tastes awful IMO though.

    The only thing I don't like about Really Raw Honey brand, is that the label only mentions Baltimore, while I hear the honey actually comes from upstate NY. 

    I have tried manuka.  I can't stand the taste either.  I don't recommend it for this reason. 

    I like Brazilian peppertree honey from Honey Pacifica, and dislike Russian honey yuck!  I don't remember the brand, but it was from Russia and I bought it in a store here in the US.  It smelled like rat urine.  Not saying whether rat urine is a health food or not, Idk, but I don't expect it in my honey.

    @MrBBQ I would still advise to try raw wild-caught fish and to avoid mercury from other sources.  I do think my diet helps me too, just wondering if some kind of inflammatory process is keeping my face young.  

    People used to think pink cheeks were a sign of health.  Now doctors look at it and start testing for lupus.  I'm not even sure lupus is a disease.  I have been diagnosed with it years ago.  I was eating refined wheat, cooked vegetables and other problematic foods at the time on a regular basis.  I knew there were problems in my body, even though I did prove to have no organ scarring later.  What started them doing testing for autoimmune diseases on me was my healthy looking pink cheeks.  They believed me that there was something up in my body, but they didn't know where to start till the doctor observe my cheek color.  I did prove higher in several lupus type antibodies than anyone they had ever tested by far.  

    I checked again after starting RAF, and the antibodies, some came down to normal range, other came down to still high but levels doctors are more accustomed to seeing.  This was several years ago.  I'm getting new results shortly.  My point being, are a highly active immune systems only a sign of illness as the authorities propose it is?  Or is a highly active immune system only a problem when eating the food the authorities think are normal or experiencing other high stresses?  Is my very active immune system good for something the authorities are not aware of, like keeping my face young?  Maybe it's something else altogether or nothing.

    Thank you for the links.  Lots of people I know online are hysterical about the topic of mercury.

There is an anti-mercury-hysteria site which details some of the absurdities behind the anti-mercury-hysteria movement, and mentions the agenda behind it too. Plus there's that famous Seychelles study which fully debunked anti-mercury claims a long time ago(they tested Seychelles children who routinely eat 10 times the usual amounts of seafood that Americans eat, and they suffered no side-effects whatsoever):-

    If someone's face stays young, no wrinkles, no lines, no sagging, keeps tone under eyes, no age spots, no blemishes, bright and not grayish well past their thirties without using any products to do this nor any kind of treatments, might it be due to some kind of inflammatory process in their body?  Might it not be a sign of no diagnosable condition? 

    I'm thinking about myself.  People routinely think I am way younger than my age.  This was occuring even before I started RAF, although I feel the difference now and it feels much better.  I was definitely not without illness as was confirmed by lab test after lab test.

Well, I've done well re skin-tone/lines. Partly because I had skin-inflammation due to dairy-allergies and black circles under the eyes  and muscle-wastage, until the rawpalaeodiet got rid of those issues.

General Discussion / Re: Raw supermarket meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:56:43 pm »
    The first time I tried (raw) chicken after going without it for numerous years, I made sure it was very fresh, organically fed and humanely slaughtered, but not that it had not eaten any grain.  No one else seemed to notice, but I smelled on myself an odor of (rancid?) corn oil (which I never had previously) for the next few subsequent days that just kept emanating from my skin.  I resolved to make sure not to get possibly grain fed again, have eaten (raw) chicken numerous times since and only had good smell after eating chicken.  Wait, one time I ate rare chicken and it was of dubious source, since.  Right after got an intense cold and it lasted several days.  What would that constitute possibly?  A grain sensitivity?

General Discussion / Re: Raw supermarket meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 02:56:43 pm »
    Organic chicken may be raised on organic grain diet or even organic soy.  Free range can be safer, better if labeled pasture raised.  A lot of people prefer eating raw chicken marinated.  I prefer the taste and texture un-marinated.  I like it plain or with some (raw) extra fat and sometimes a little unheated honey.  Enjoy your venison too!   

General Discussion / Re: Raw supermarket meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 02:17:43 pm »
    I wonder.  I bought organic chicken rather than at a health food store, one time at a supermarket.  It tasted disgusting, like detergent or something.  I have a sensitive tongue and nose.  I couldn't eat it, thank goodness.  My cats wouldn't touch it either.  I wondered how cooked meat eaters could eat this?  I think it may not only be the spices they use, but the cooking itself may melt off the fat they are so scared of.  Fat absorbs any toxins around.  Supermarket air and their kitchens are full of soaps and cleaning solvents.   

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Paul Nison, Guru over vegans part 2
« on: December 01, 2009, 01:42:29 pm » 2

    Too bad with his ulcerative colitis, he doesn't eat raw meat.  Raw meat feels wonderful in my stomach and intestines.  Vegans wind up passing a lot of gas.  Must be constipation from the fiber gluing everything up.  How could they not see this?  Brain fog and human hatred might be what they feel.  Or it's just inexperience and brain washing. 

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:25:28 am »
... Their venison is out of this world (at least I think it's theirs--it hasn't been in stock in the store for a while, so it might have been a different brand) and their bison is the best I've tried.

    I would love to try their other products.  I can understand better now how you live on mostly beef without much of other foods.  That brand of beef really tastes nutritious in my opinion.

    I wish I had you guys and gals here.  It seems so nice to have humans around who understand nutrition.  About the closest I've had to that is a double date I went on  about a year ago.  I got habra nayyeh (without the onions), and my husband's friend's beautiful normally very sophisticated fiance dug into my plate and ate half.  She loved it, I guess she never saw that in a restaurant.  She moved far away right after.  Anyway, I wish I could share meals with you too, often.  I'm taking a break now for some liver or small Vitamin D dose, whichever name you prefer.   

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