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Messages - RawZi

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Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:12:50 am »
I think he basically is who he is through no fault of his own...

... he had already also got banned at that forum not long after he got banned here, and the main moderator there seems like a very tolerant...

    Sad.  Probably such a pest due to so much fruit, and the tinned junk food.  Diet can affect brain chemistry.

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:07:23 am »
The source of my suet doesn't sell it online:

Hardwick Beef

But they do sell in one place in NJ:


    I like bison, but as for beef, Hardwick is one of the few brands I actually like to eat.  It's juicy too.  I recommend them when buying beef in your area.

General Discussion / Re: SARDINES. Check it baby!
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:02:24 am »
... fresh raw shrimp has a sweet taste in it.  ...  Fresh raw ocean big prawns are just too gosh darn expensive ...  My grass fed raw beef sirloin is 290 pesos per kilo, while big 6 to 8 inch prawns are 650 pesos per kilo.  :o  Eating fresh raw prawns is a dreamy luxury ...

    I don't eat shrimp often, but raw wild-caught fresh shrimp are delicious.  I haven't tried farmed.  Are farmed shrimp safe for us to eat?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:28:28 am »
SuperInfinity was a man named Padraig.

    A man attempted contacting me reference raw food.  His name is too similar to Padraig.  What kind of name is that?  Is that a real name?  Something he made up?  I found him very suspicious.  I'm curious if this is the same person.  Some how I thought SuperInfinity was a young man, then I thought they were a young woman.  In either case, they're a very weird individual, and not worth having here by any stretch of the imagination.

... arteriosclerosis is linked heavily with heat-created toxins such as advanced glycation end products/advanced lipoxidation end products.

    Thank you.  Margarine too I heard.  Could be a family thing passed down as well.  We ate steamed greens and we'd put margarine on top of our servings.  My Mother didn't though.  She ate her vegetables plain.  Like I said, I was raised with some unconscious paleo tendencies/influence.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:00:29 am »
It's mainly melanomas which you need to worry about and most specialists will check the soles of your feet first for these cancers! Since when do they get exposed to sunlight!

Think about all those dodgy flip flops that you wear and the rubber and plastics.

    It's not that I don't agree, as the soles of my feet get sore when in man-made material shoes, so it does make me wonder. 

    I am curious though, as people do lie out at the beach.  Their soles could get some sunlight.  People with dark skin often have just as light skinned soles of their feet as people with light skin.  Are their any studies that show one race getting their melanoma on the soles of their feet a higher percentage of the time than another race?  Bob Marley was pretty dark skinned.  I heard what killed him was a melanoma that started on his toe.  Does anyone here know if this was the top of his toe or another part of it?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:50:59 am »
Honey is a fantastic throat aid, whether heated or raw. I remember as a kid when I'd get a sore throat I'd have a mug of hot tea made from marshmallow with a bit of slippery elm and a spoonful of honey. :)

    You probably ate carbs as a kid?  The herbal extract could have given more benefit, or maybe even the warmth what helped.  It's nice to feel something warm sometimes, especially or sore parts.

    Or the rare occasion I get a cold or sore throat, I may mix good raw apple cider vinegar, unheated honey and fresh lemon in the morning.  That usually takes care of it if I do that.  I might do it several mornings in a row if need be. 


General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:41:57 am »
I don't want to seem like I'm beating an anti-dairy drum, because I know it is a sensitive subject for some and we have multiple dairy consumers here, but I can confirm what Tyler said about dairy as far as my own experience goes. I used to think I didn't have any problem with dairy, because I did better with it in my youth than my sisters, until I cut it out and then tried reintroducing it some months later and reacted badly. I wish my parents had not fed me dairy.
Yes, raw grassfed butter contains K2, though so does raw egg yolk, raw shellfish, raw goose leg, raw chicken liver, raw chicken meat, raw grassfed ground beef, and raw grassfed beef liver. It's good to hear that your child is doing better.

My own approach is not to seek perfection, as that tends to lead to disappointment and impatience. The way I tend to put it is I seek "what works best for me." YMMV

    I agree.  That dairy you're using raw, although it seems your toddler is fine with it now, that may be or not be the case of what goes on in his body.  I do use some raw dairy in addition to (raw) meats and (unheated) honey, but I do not consider it as intrinsic as (raw) meat to health.  That being said, especially while your child still has his milk teeth, maybe it is doing him some good.  I believe everything has its place, and some things have more place than one. 

    I wonder how real tiger milk would be for human babies.  I'm remembering that concoction of peanut butter, molasses, lecithin and skim called tiger milk that used to be popular with the hippies.  Real tiger milk would likely be better for human nervous systems than cow or goat milk.  Something none of us will probably know first hand with our children.

Off Topic / Re: David Wolfe and ants
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:03:21 am »
    I guess those were regular flies, and the ones in milk fruit flies.  There was a pronounced difference in size.

General Discussion / Re: Bananas
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:00:20 am »
Once a stranger is accepted as a guest, ally or friend by a HG society, I do not know of a single such society that does/did not treat them very well. The problem is, most agrarians/moderners never tried to reach the point of friendliness.

    Yes, most agrarians will never even give them a second look, other than looking at them as the zoo animals they keep.  There's no love in them for humans as a whole.

General Discussion / Re: Vegetarians are really Starchitarians!
« on: December 01, 2009, 06:56:00 am »
"That's pretty much the way I remember it," Hillary Clinton chimed in.  (>>

I hope those of you with children can keep them from being brainwashed by the powers that be.

    I wish my son's father was raw paleo.  I'd love to see both of them chowing down on some venison.

Hot Topics / Re: Are Fish Oils (DHA & EPA) bad for us?
« on: December 01, 2009, 06:49:55 am »
I think a person should eat whole fish. Then think about what would be available in their location by a natural means with simple tools.  There are many lakes and rivers in Wisconsin. Rivers seem to freeze over. But lake Michigan doesn't, but how could you get fish out of a lake in winter? Well Eskimos actually have collected fish that washed up on shore and immediately frozen. I enjoy the taste of ocean fish, but I don't think many are paleo. The ones I do are the ones close to shore or the surface of water. Also the ones that swim up stream to spawn like salmon.

    Fish oil supplements, personally for my consumption, have always seemed ridiculous.  I think mostly vegans take them who are and always were and always will be particularly against natural.  They probably think at best that they are taking less karma by only eating oil instead of a whole liver or whole egg or whole fish.  If they cared about ethics for real, they wouldn't leave the carcass squeezed out of oil for someone else to eat and subsequently become nutritionally deficient in the same nutrients they were.  They don't make sense.  Maybe it's because they starved their brains.

« on: December 01, 2009, 05:47:01 am »
    Doesn't chlorophyll get promoted as killing bacteria and reducing odor from garlic, radishes and the like?  I like bacteria, and I do terrible with vegetable derived sulfur based amino acids.  I just go without garlic and onions and such, how could there be a need for chlorophyll?  Sure a few mint leaves here or there or some other vegetable can be nice, but I don't find as much need for chlorophyll as is promoted by people who want to subsist on greens. 

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: WHAT'S BONE MEAL AND HOW IT'S MADE
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:33:38 am »
    Ferriers file their horses' hooves on a hoofjack with a hoof file:

    I like this learning.  A vegan private messaged me.  He got a hold of a couple of old animal skulls.  He messaged me to ask if he could file them and eat the filings (for nutrition and his safety not whether its vegan).  Quite frankly I thought he was pulling my leg with that message.  That was one message I did not jump to answer. 

    I'm glad to know the term of ferrier file now.   

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:22:15 am »
    Not to be disrespectful, especial as you may be calling them by the opposite genders as an intentional insult, which would be fine with me, but I remember Superinfinity posting that she was female.  I also remember whitebox signing his name as Amir, which has never been a female name but always a male name from anything I ever read.  Just in case you didn't know, from all that I could find, and I do investigate a lot, this Amir is living as a male, has always been a male and has not portrayed himself as a female.  I could be wrong about that though.

    Also, in case you thought different, I am not a vegan.  I eat raw ants, raw maggots, raw pork, raw lobster, raw brain, raw testicle, raw spleen, (raw) high meats, raw just about anything and plan to eat as much raw animal as I can for the rest of my life (without overeating as raw fat and good raw meat nutrients eliminate cravings).  Any children in my future will eat raw meat.  I discussed this with my husband who eats only vegan.  I was a member of GI2MR at the time.  I posted when he told me I could feed our children any way I want, and they all know I eat raw meat very well.  I never hid my diet.  After all, when I became a member there, their rules for the whole forum were written as a place for people who love to eat raw food.  It did not mention what kind.  I was looking for comradery among raw eaters, and did not know about raw paleo.  You know I'm not vegan, right?   :D 

    I had actually written a much longer response, but I don't think I need to prove how not vegan I am.  And I fully agree with you on Superinfinity.  I'm not sure about Whitebox though, as he/she was saying he/she is getting needed healing results eating raw tuna steak and raw salmon and even enjoying the taste etc.  You could be right about whitebox too though.  I am not all knowing.  I only know what I sense in person.

    I want truth as much as you do.  I want health too. 

It's not so much what whitebox84 said, as the direction she was going.  She was getting less and less respectful, and more openly disrespectful.  First she says that there are some imbalanced people here, then calls me a sociopath.  It was getting worse and worse, just like it did with SuperInfinity.  And guess what?  SuperInfinity is still posting.  I banned him for the 4th time yesterday, and TylerDurden deleted his thread.  These vegans don't stop.  You have to stop them.  We were too patient with SuperInfinity. 




... It's just like when SuperInfinity started posting, I was recommending a ban from day one, and all the other mods were telling me to wait.  But guess what?  They got sick of him, too, and, just to prove me right, he is still trolling here, even now.

If the vegans back down, I might start going easier on them.  Not until then.  They have their forums where they don't tolerate RAF talk.  At least we allow the mention of veganism here.

can you tell me what's MUFA!! i give my sone bone marrow with the muscle meat when i don't have any other fats are not available. Is it okay? -\

    Thank you for asking about what's safe for your toddler.

    I wouldn't want to get arterial sclerosis, or is the link only pertaining to cooked?  Another reason to consider cutting out all carbs too.  I have been eating (raw) marrow, and didn't feel well one day last week.  I've eaten other food too though, but suspected this batch of marrow I ate.  So I went for bloodwork.  If it shows anything hinting at AS, I'll tell you.  One of my relatives had an amputation due to that disease.

    These oils make my throat burn.  I avoid them.  Marrow doesn't feel bad at all on my throat though.  Basically, I like it as a fat, better than suet even.

Off Topic / Re: David Wolfe and ants
« on: November 30, 2009, 11:55:22 pm »
i really wonder what's "meat maggots" -\!!

    They are these whitish looking wormy little creatures who squiggle around.  I'm not sure what they might grow into.  I saw them on buffalo tongue meat that was cut into one inch chunks and let to ferment.

    When I was vegetarian I always said that eating meat from cows is no different than eating worms, but I was thinking earth worms.  I would eat those, but haven't yet.  If I ever have no food, I will eat them, if I am lucky enough to be around them.  I would have to get over bias and learn more about meat maggots before possibly attempting a first taste.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: November 30, 2009, 03:19:17 pm »
    I think sage honey I think is supposed to be runny.  I don't like it though.  I tried a honey labeled unheated that looked otherwise, and it gave me a bad reaction that lasted for months.  I find runny amber regular looking as honey suspect, as well as any USDA label.  I've never heard of Heavenly Organics.  I have tried Really Raw Honey, and it stands the tests of making the foods I ferment grow good microorganisms. 

General Discussion / He cannot log in (email was posted in my profile here)
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:23:23 pm »
   WhiteBox74 asked me to pass on the quote below, onto the banana thread:

I find everyone's posts fascinating and will get back to it once my ban is over next season.

   I'm glad I made my email address available. This is the only message.  I don't think he'll give me another to pass to you, and I won't even if.

Off Topic / Re: David Wolfe and ants
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:11:27 pm »
I used to eat maggots that grew in my fermented raw goat milk.  They were fairly tasty.  :P

I've thought about eating/farming insects before.  I'd want to know the nutritional breakdown of a particular type of insect, before I'd farm it.

    I ate and used little maggots from old raw milk and its top cream to clean my skin.  I posted it on a thread where the topic was raw alternatives to soap.  They were crunchy feeling between my teeth and made my skin soft just like a healthy baby's where I rubbed the maggots on.  Of course the vegan half of the member audience felt sorry for the maggots and thought if the maggots died I should have buried them outside in the yard instead of using them.  I would definitely use them on my skin again, but they didn't have flavor so I probably would never eat any more unless I was hungry.

    Have you ever used meat maggots?  I had big maggots from raw meat in a jar, but let them go as I wasn't sure if they were edible.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Paul Nison, Guru
« on: November 30, 2009, 09:25:39 am »
    Van, I don't think I could have said it better.

    In Health,

If vegans would only be able to look at the masses of animals, small animals, they kill in order to eat.  But then it's like getting the leg of the chair you're leaning back on, kicked out from beneath you.  Not a place one will go willingly.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« on: November 30, 2009, 08:37:44 am »
    How are you doing DameonWolf?

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus New conspiracy theory
« on: November 30, 2009, 07:40:52 am »
    Did you read his latest newsletter?    >:

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 30, 2009, 04:06:54 am »
Here's what they say: <<"Pediatricians and parents should be aware that exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months of life and provides continuing protection against diarrhea and respiratory tract infection. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child."

    That's this link:

    I mean, telephone your local LLLI chapter.  Speak with your area's group LLL leader, wherever you are.  She can tell you things and give you information that is not on their FAQ list above.

I think that's a typo that is supposed to be "carotenoid" (

    I think there is something called a carenoid, but it may not be the same thing, even if carenoids do exist:
Misawa et al., “Elucidation of the Erwinia Uredovora Carenoid Biosynthetic Pathway by Functional Analysis fo Gene Products Expressed in Escherichia Coli”, Journal of Bacteriology, Washington, D.C., vol. 172, No. 12, Dec. 1990, pp. 6704-6712.   

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