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Messages - RawZi

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Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 30, 2009, 02:50:50 am »
All I'm saying is that 6 years is not generally accepted as the minimum number of years of breastfeeding among HGs. If you come across any evidence that it is, I'd be interested to see it.

    I believe you that it is not generally accepted in academia or civilization.  Even if it is accepted at a couple of universities or in several studies, it may never be generally accepted, and I do accept that.  I do not know every one who conducts each study nor their experience nor motives.  At this point in life I am a little happier with intuition than written "evidence".  If I come across evidence, I will show you.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 30, 2009, 02:45:58 am »
Right, those are figures from 1995, well after "the traditional 3 to 4 years of prolonged breastfeeding" had been abandoned. I have seen multiple sources claim that the typical breastfeeding period among numerous HG peoples was 3-4 or so years.

From your same link:
Native American women often fall into these categories (Long et al., 1995). The Inupiat Eskimos—a particular group of Native Americans who live in the North Slope region of Alaska, along the coast of the Arctic Ocean—seem to be experiencing a decline in the prevalence of breastfeeding. During the last 25 years, authors have documented that the Inupiat's lifestyle has changed from one of isolated subsistence to that of economic and social involvement in the prevailing American culture. This change has affected all areas of life (Blackwood, 1981). The Inupiats, like many other Native and Eskimo groups, have experienced lifestyle alterations directed away from their traditional cultural values. Within many Eskimo cultures, among the first things affected by acculturation was a change in the sources of food (Sayed, Hildes, & Schaefer, 1976). Blackwood (1981) reports that, during the 1950s, efforts were made by public health workers to replace and/or supplement breastfeeding with formula feeding, leading to a large shift toward formula feeding, especially in the first few months of life. Over 25 years ago, Schaefer (1973) reported that, among Canadian Eskimos, the traditional 3 to 4 years of prolonged breastfeeding had been shortened or abandoned with the increasing use of bottle feeding.

    This could have been the 1950's, the 3-4 years, I don't think that could be compared to paleo there.  Go to an organization like La Leche League International.  I'm sure they have many links and books at their disposal, as well as info right at the front of their minds.  They were amazingly helpful to me and mine when I had little questions or doubts in any way about breast feeding.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 30, 2009, 02:39:07 am »
When they tried to force the pasteurisation of raw oysters in Florida, they were only going to apply that law  to raw oysters caught in the Gulf of Mexico and even then only during the summer months. ... I've heard of side-effects from people eating raw shellfish infected by the "red-tide" phenomenon but it's so rare as to not be considered a serious threat.

    I think it may be pollution.  I think the gulf of Mexico is very badly polluted.  I think it's more polluted in Summer, when humans may get more active in the water.  Personally I have eaten oysters from the gulf of Mexico.  The fish monger I bought them from there called the oysters raw, unpasteurized and fresh.  I got sick after I ate them, and the sickness lasted a while.  I doubt what I had was detox.  It was scary.  It wasn't Summer either, but just before Spring and the weather was warm and nice.  I have a friend who eats all kinds of raw animal meat who also only got sick from gulf of Mexico seafood (a totally different time).

General Discussion / Re: Bananas
« on: November 30, 2009, 02:29:10 am »
Not to say the RawZis, PaleoPhils and Tylers of the group aren't swell chaps, though Tyler's quote on freedom to bear arms strikes me as a bit odd. I wondered during the first couple of weeks whether the high meat consumption causes aggressive qualities to be heightened among this group. Or rather, whether the qualities of empathy are higher at 30BAD than they are here ...

My apologizes for deviating the topic off bananas!

    I always see one thing reflecting on another in so many ways, always have, all my life, ever as a small child.  The 30BaDers take care of their systemic candidiasis' by feeding the yeast and making the yeast happy.  That's fungus.  Fungus is interlaced from tree to tree all through forests.  Fungus is an amazing being.  It's like the Star Trek Borg or bees in a hive, less individuality type freedom.

    Were people possibly aggressive toward you, you coming from 30BaD?  I might understand that, as 30BaDers (not all but many) have been very harsh, crooked and unnecessarily cruel to raw meat eaters in my experience.  Maybe one could need to get known in a different way.

    Do I come across to you as un-empathetic or aggressive?  I'm not sure I understand what you wrote.  I know eating (raw) white meat and occasionally eating aajonus' recipe for the high meat assists me in being totally calm in mind, action etc.  Unfortunately I eat (raw) red meat too, which doesn't seem to suit me well in my opinion, and when I at times cheat by eating Vegan food too, which gets me feeling like a mess and looking like one too, IMO but also swelling which cannot be argued.  If you do think I am un-empathetic, you might think different if you met me.  Animals approach me every chance, more positively than to almost anyone I've ever met in person around animals.  I think animals can sense I "hear" them very well (as in understanding them on some special level that they appreciate).  Or maybe there's a natural hunter in me waiting to get out.  The attraction of animals to me might be part of how I would catch them for eating when I eventually choose to catch my food.  I don't know.  I have never felt like killing or injuring one or any.

    I'm sorry if that was too aggressive.  Nuances or lack thereof in voice, breathing and almost everything can get lost in written word, especially from someone like me who almost always tended to have writer's block and can have very expressive voice facial expressions and even body language, etc in person.  Pitch (voice highs lows) also might affect communication in person.

    On the topic of bananas; I've never been overly fond of them, unless there are a multitude of yard grown ones each time to pick from, untreated.

Hashimoto's is yet another instance where vitamins A, D3 and K2 are important:


How to Stop the Autoimmune Process of Hashimoto's


    When one of our organs is jacked how do we recover it? Can we induce our immune system to heal and restore function? Certainly! With time, appropriate nutrients and stimulus, I believe depending on the extent of the incurred damage, our bodies have the capacity to regenerate itself. With Vitamin D repletion and Wheat-Cessation, I have observed a trend of improved TSH (including my own from 1.3-1.9 to 1.0 when my 25(OH)D stays above 60 ng/ml). Why? Vitamin D interacts intimately with thyroid, vitamin A/carenoid and other steroid hormone controls, including the sex hormones.

        * These below nutrients and lifestyle changes have been shown to aid the Thyroid to heal and restore functionality:
        * stopping wheat which triggers our immune systems: innate+humoral
        * stopping wheat which triggers genetic expression of stress responses
        * stopping wheat which results in rapid rises of insulin

    I was diagnosed to have this disease years ago when I was Vegan.  I was eating wheat at the time, some, very little actually as I had no appetite nor room for much food at all at the time.  My skin became an unhealthy yellowish color.  I was tested, but proved never exposed to any kind of hepatitis pathogens.  The doctors each visit said they had no idea why I was that color, but stared each time at it, unable to stop themselves or so it would seem.  I would go long periods ingesting no supplements, no beta carotene foods (cauliflower carrots whatever) and certainly no salmon or Vitamin A containing foods.  Can a human body make yellow color from something else?  Anyway, eating RAF makes my skin tone/color/shade normal and healthy, by virtue of the fact I now eat it and seems to directly correspond with how I look and feel.  What exactly is a carenoid?                 

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:21:41 am »
Yes, of course, that's what I meant(ie not eating during summer).

    Does it depend on how cold or warm a climate you live in?  I distinctly remember eating live clams and live oysters in the heat of Summer, and by doing so, making a marked improvement in the state of the health of my body.

Farmed bivalves eat the same diet as wild ones. 

Most scallops are treated with sodium metabisulfite ...  I have noticed that my teeth feel noticeably better when I eat the untreated scallops, than when I eat the treated ones.  That sodium metabisulfite must mess with mineral uptake or something.

    Thank you.  How do you know when sodium metabisulfite is not used?  At the WFM by me (the only place I can find even remotely fresh fish) they seem to have no idea about anything.  Their (raw fresh not previously frozen) scallops always smelled bad to me, but when I ate them it did not affect my health adversely and seemed to be good for me.

Off Topic / Re: David Wolfe and ants
« on: November 30, 2009, 12:15:38 am »
Yes, but are those insects raw? All the bug-eating sites offer only cooked insects in chocolate and the like. I did once order live maggots from some pet-food company but they tasted vile.There were wood-shavings in the boxes they were in, presumably the vile taste was the result of the maggots eating that stuff?

    Live crickets are sold in my town along with a calcium spray in pet shops for lizards and frogs and other live eaters.  I presume the reason the calcium spray is sold with them is because their crickets are low in calcium.  I have not bought the crickets for food, but bought the same ones as pets when I was Vegan, thinking about freeing them.

For my own part, if I could get hold of some decent grubs(especially the witchetty grub which the Aborigines often eat live and wriggling, I'd be most happy).

    There were some great looking grubs in the forest.  Times were lean too.  Too bad I didn't think of eating them.  Maybe I should go just to eat them.  I don't know when I'll get to hunt, but that might be a good start.  There aren't any poisonous grubs, are there?  Might I know that by flavor?

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 29, 2009, 11:28:45 pm »
the raw toddler didn't eat any fruits yesterday.

... again he is a baby and do you think ZC will work for him! i'm still learning about raw paleo. please leave your opinion here! thanks.

    I had always thought fruit was fine for a child for them to eat before noon each day.  Each situation is different from the next IMO.  I feel children can do fine on an all raw meat diet, maybe better, Idk.  How is your toddler otherwise these last few days as in comparison to last week?

General Discussion / Re: Trouble in Paradise - leg cramps
« on: November 29, 2009, 11:23:42 pm »
For example, in UK law, it is legal to call honey raw as long as it's heated "only" to a maximum of 80 degrees Celsius for a very short while. Of course, heating it that far destroys enzymes which rather defeats the purpose. As a result, I've stuck to eating raw honeycomb(in cartons) instead as it's the only way to guarantee rawness 100%(all the liquid so-called raw honeys in the shops would give me  massive hikes ...

    We're lucky in the US.  If the honey jar is labeled both unheated, unfiltered and unprocessed, it's almost always good.  I am very sensitive to honey and always hated the taste of it all my life until I tried such labeled honey, which tasted enticing (and usually still does).  There's a brand called Honey Pacifica.  It's stocked at Rawsome in California and also HP can mail order.  If you buy from them ask for the hand packed cold packed honey:  The others are good too, but this is better.  Even so, I think they may get none of the honey from hives in trees (I love hives naturally occurring in trees), but rather from boxes they must keep.

    I have bought unheated Amish honey.  Most of the purchases it is excellent quality.  One time it looked heated to me, and made me stink (IMO).  Another time it seemed so much like sugar to me in flavor, smell and even in texture to a degree, that I doubted that ones quality. 

    As far as leg cramps or other foot cramps, I think I got them when I stopped drinking celery juice.  Also, I had started getting them at a time I think I was hyperthyroid.  This was about eighteen years ago.  They are not occurring at any time more recently.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:46:55 pm »
RawZi, can you link me to any of the sources Elainie provided or provide some of your own (I'm not interested in becoming a member of that raw vegan forum)? If the Inuit nursed "up to" 6 - 9 years, that means some nursed for fewer years, right? The typical HG numbers I've seen have been more in the 3-4 year range. That doesn't mean that some people didn't breastfeed for 6-9 years, just that I haven't seen those numbers reported as avg/typical for HGs. For example:

"Over 25 years ago, Schaefer (1973) reported that, among Canadian Eskimos, the traditional 3 to 4 years of prolonged breastfeeding ...."

Since the typical spacing period between having children among HGs is also generally listed as 4 years, the 3-4 year breastfeeding figure matches up well with that.

    I'm not an expert at the history or anything along those lines of breast feeding.  Elaine put forth lots of amazing stuff about it at GI2MR, but eventually deleted her account, and in that forum all your posts disappear when your account is off.

    From your link:
McKim et al. (1998) discovered that, among Canadian Eskimos, 18.4% initiated breastfeeding, 4.5% were still breastfeeding at 4 weeks, and no one was breastfeeding at 16 weeks and beyond.

    From rawpaleoforum I read members writing that Eskimos even a hundred years ago were contaminated by white man with the idea and providing of cooking pots.  This tells me other issues sources nutrition could have been affected even that far back in time, maybe further.

    I remember as a child reading books and articles about real people (mothers babies) who breast fed.  There was an African tribe that the women kept the babies on their backs all day while these same mothers were working all day.  The women had a practice of taking their children off their back carrier every single hour without fail and nursing them for at least a minute.  They wouldn't have another child for four and a half years each time, even though they utilized no other method of family planning. 

    Is there proof, like carbon dating or something, that in times of history (or prehistory in this case as it be) of not nursing more than four years?  I did not nurse any child of mine that long, but I do personally know women who nurse longer each child, and I have seen this in the flesh.  If there are people who do this now, and the families are healthy, I see no reason it was not possible then.  I assume most people have not seen this, as it surprised me.  I thought it looked very strange at first.  I did not think Americans ever nursed past two years of age.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Paul Nison, Guru
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:20:52 pm »
15 years of raw vegan left bags and black rings under his eyes. Looks and sounds tired.

Just goes to show you can feel great and look ok? and still be really sick.

    Is it true that he is only thirty-nine years old?  By his physical appearance I thought he was a lot older.  For his own sake and that of his family's, I'm glad he's starting to pursue good health now rather than pursuing an (unrealistic) ideal.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:00:31 pm »
Ann Wigmore claimed to have been a strict vegan for decades.  I simply don't think she was, for 3 reasons

1.  Vegans aren't very healthy, long-term
2.  Lots/most raw food gurus eat cooked food and animal products regularly, and lie about it
3. Ann's health was excellent

    I knew her differently.  She was not a Vegan around me, as she frequently made her "champagne" which she did use local honey to make, and she did not hide that.  She also fed her dog raw chicken and did not attempt to hide that (plenty of Vegans on GI2MR force their cats and dogs to eat only Vegan food).  Around me, the impression she gave was a striving to constantly evolve and at the time using plant products more and more to HOPEFULLY only use them, as (a possible) experiment.  For example, she allowed clay therapy when I first met her, but then decided that since clay is not a plant, to use plants instead for similar therapies.  Another example of non-Vegan is her permission to use Clorox in the laundry, as a true Vegan would not kill anything directly (even germs at least I tried not to).  I never noticed her fussing about insects either, not in any capacity.  Most Vegans and other "ethical" vegetarians that I've known make points to show they don't eat nor kill insects.  Insects just didn't bother her.  Believe me, there were tons of insects around.  Vegans in my experience are usually out to prove how lacking in culpability they are, think they love the planet better than the next guy and think they don't hurt any being that crawls etc unlike all of the rest of the humans in their judgement and that humans are evil unless they are Vegans.  They may act like the last three descriptions because of some unresolved issues in their souls, that it is possible they are unaware of.   

    Dr. Ann's health was better than mine (more muscle and better recovery time etc), but I came there recovering from illness.  IMO her face showed the ravages of Advanced Glycation End-Products from the years Vegan food she ate.  That is not a healthy sign.  I don't think it was from aging from before she went raw.  She went raw at age fifty, and no one has such a wrinkly ugly face at age fifty.  Her face was really ugly IMO.  I have relatives older than her that have better looking face.  They have never gone a day without cooked meat in their adult lives.  I think this shows that there were possibly other health problems inside her body that just were not visible to the eye.  She did like people to get tests done to prove their illnesses and recoveries, but I've never seen test results that were hers.  I am curious what it might have shown.

    Let's agree to disagree.  I knew a different person than you do, as far as her.  As far as the rest of the vegetarian and Vegan gurus, I have met a number of them.  Like I said, I can judge people pretty well.  Let's just say that I have a poor impression of most of the ones I met.  I don't like detailing negatives.  Thanks for understanding.

Off Topic / Re: Lovely photo of RAFers
« on: November 29, 2009, 04:18:40 am »
Note the healthy skin-tone of the child eating raw meat facing the camera.

    I remember being about that child's age, being served basically a modified cooked paleo diet and wishing for a little SAD.

    Where do you recommend reading about the Nenet?  I prefer the recommendation of a raw paleo eater, than just Googling.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 29, 2009, 12:48:45 am »
    To be clear, energy soup which has some similarity to green smoothie but is made with sprouts and either rejuvelac or watermelon rind does not bother my body.  Also, when I did try green smoothie, I had already been an RAFer for two and a half years.  I have drank raw green soups before (no sweet fruit and instead of water or rejuvelac use peeled raw tomato) with no ill effect to my system. 

    By smoothie, do you mean with greens in it?  You may tolerate them, I know many rawists claim it's like a (wonderful) drug high.  If you don't do them, forgive me for getting OT.  Drinking a small portion of a regular green smoothie made me terribly stopped up.  Then I read all these rawists who had been vegan, then started to add an egg to their smoothie and swear by it.  I finally tried that one, and the first and only also upset my intestine.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 29, 2009, 12:15:45 am »
    Have you tried unheated honey?  I know some paleo members, the ZC'ers in particular have concerns and have not tried honey, or maybe they actually had a bad experience, Idk, but I find unheated honey combined with any food works well. 

... Eating close to a pound of greens per day, including 100-150 grams of Spinach (or dark green leaf) seems indispensible to ensuring I feel good. I have the raw egg in the morning but I'm going to start increasing intake of them to probably 2-4 in a day and see how that goes. I think combining them into a smoothie which has bananas in them (and hence sugar) causes indigestion...just like how 811'ers aren't supposed to add nuts or avocados, anything with high-fat, into sugar meals. ...

    I know instincto has its points, but I've eaten (raw) goat butter combined with banana or other times (raw) egg combined with orange wedges in a meal with no stomach upset.  By smoothie, do you mean with greens in it?  You may tolerate them, I know many rawists claim it's like a (wonderful) drug high.  If you don't do them, forgive me for getting OT.  Drinking a small portion of a regular green smoothie made me terribly stopped up.  Then I read all these rawists who had been vegan, then started to add an egg to their smoothie and swear by it.  I finally tried that one, and the first and only also upset my intestine.  Just sharing my experience, hopefully it might save you some grief.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 28, 2009, 11:34:34 pm »
    I've had cows, cats and goats.  They nursed each for years each, when I allowed them to do what they do from the beginning.  Human babies are born less developed than even other primates.  From what I've read from primatologists, we are born earlier in our gestational cycles than other animals, because of the large human skull.  Living without houses, stores, cars etc breastmilk is the most convenient, natural and consistent food possible.  Consistency is important in raising children.  Some more agricultural tribes may have nursed for two and three years, but more paleo ones I believe nurse six, seven and eight years.

What I mean is, if one traditional tribe does it for less than 6 years, than 6 years is not the minimum for traditional peoples, right? Six might be better than lower numbers, but it would then not be the minimum.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 28, 2009, 11:08:57 pm »
... I saw in the past that covered shellfish said the same thing--don't eat the ones that don't open, ... no shellfish for me, because they are the only wild shellfish offered here.

    Are there no oysters, scallops or mussels?  Healing value they're supposedly at least as good as wild.  The bivalve's nervous system is different than other animals, oysters especially.  When stressed in an oyster bed far they make dopamine which can be helpful to people.  I've been avoiding scallops, as I don't get them myself in the water, and I read that formaldehyde is added to them to keep them fresh for market.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 28, 2009, 11:02:50 pm »
Sorry, RawZi, can you clarify this part or rephrase? I'm unsure what you are asking. Thanks

    Before or after work outs?  All day long?  First thing in the morning?  Combined with fruits?  I am curious to your eating schedule, as far as what works for you?  I'm just curious.  I hope you don't mind.  Thanks.

    Oh I see.  I meant to write "THAT" you like better, not "what" you like better.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:58:19 pm »
    There's a member of this forum, Elainie, she provided many links in open discussion forum about different tribes while we were both members of GI2MR.  There were Inuit nursing up to 6 - 9 years of age, Japanese boys now normal to be nursed while in elementary school, and many tribes with obscure names, I can't remember, but they nursed a long time.  Although she still has an account here, she has not actively been contributing, I guess because she finds steamed vegetables and supplements to suit her well.  I would guess if you post a question reference this to her welcoming committee thread, she would respond.  She has several children and nursed seventeen years straight without interval, the last child I think for five years.  She's also given birth (successfully) lotus style? (leaving the placenta attached till it dries up)

    On PBS I've seen children even early teens running to suckle when scared (Africa).  I do not think there was starvation or other issues involved.  The people looked well.

RawZi, I thought the range of breastfeeding periods in HG societies was around 2 to 7 years, with most around 3 to 4 years, rather than a minimum of 6 (,

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:41:03 pm »
    Thank you for filling us in on what you're eating, and how you're managing there being unavailable grassfed meat.  Are you finding certain times what you like better than others to eat the fish and eggs?

    When my son was at least two he started avoiding bananas.  Like any other child he still liked all other fruit (and does today).  Then when we were in the tropics, during mango season, he had to swear off mangoes.  We weren't always 100% raw, but we were for a good part of that time.  Being 100% raw, mangoes messed with his digestion too much.  So he actually chose to eat a good deal of bananas every day when we lived on "Mango Road", as bananas were easy to get even though the only sweet fruit ripe everywhere around on trees and falling off them was mango. 

    For my first five months on RGJAF (raw green juice and animal food), salmon was my best flesh food.  I never liked meat much at all, but salmon did taste good.  My body was loving salmon (although I did vary my flesh foods and the other ones felt good).  Not now though.  My body is prefering terrestrial animal meat.  It feels like I've gotten enough of the nutrients salmon provide to fill my stores, the types of fat in particular.

... bananas a day constitute a harmful act to a diet? I've noticed that eating multiple mangos causes bloating/distension. In fact, I suspect it contributed to me losing my flat tummy and gaining a small belly which is now difficult to get rid of. I ate about 600 grams of raw fish today which demonstrates my diet is more raw omnivore (or paleo) than it is raw vegan. I could easily eat a pound of salmon in one go, it's absolutely delicious. ...

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 28, 2009, 01:28:35 pm »
... seeing how Ann was in such good health to such an old age, it's not hard to believe that she was eating some animal products regularly.  Let's put it this way: you believe what you want.  Don't assault me over it, though.  There's no point in getting worked up.

    Truth is that although her dLiving Food LifestyleTM wasn't ideal, it was a thousand times more nutritious than 8/1/1.  I know.  I've done a bunch of diets.  I don't mean it as assault to you.  I'm sorry if it's coming off that way.  I want truth, especially where I have experience. 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:39:59 pm »
    Naomi, wow, I enjoyed reading that.  This being a paleo forum too, I think paleo peoples breastfed each child at least six years.  I have listened to a podcast of yours on raising children.  If you read through this forum, you will see I don't go around saying, "good job", when someone posts something good.  That's not the way I normally act, plus I might add: If anyone here listens to your podcast, they will know that's not a good thing to do.  I can't help it though, forgive me: Naomi, that was a great post!

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:32:14 pm »
    What do you mean by several "reports"?  Who were these reporters?  I don't know that I accept it as a fact.  I did not see her eat those things.  I saw her soaking and peeling almonds.  I saw her own sprouts, sprout container etc.  I saw her blending energy soup ingredients.  I saw her making and drinking her famous pink "champagne" and almond "milk".  I saw her walk through fruit fields.  I walked with her barefoot outdoors every morning.  I saw her feed her dog raw food (with raw chicken).  I spent enough time with her consistently that I know proof positive that she ate more than SOME raw food.  I can also be a good judge of character, and I looked in her eyes when she talked to me alone etc.  Does your reporter have that close experience?  She was accustomed to getting lots of amino acids and lots of fatty acids by the way she skillfully prepared her food.  Could be your friend was an 8-1-1er trying to force her to become frutarian.  Ever think of that?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:03:01 am »
Of course, all the raw vegan gurus are giant liars anyway, with few exceptions.  They all eat plenty of cooked food.  Ann Wigmore is a perfect example...  I'm also not a big fan of ignorance.

    I have spent time day after day directly with Ann Wigmore herself.  I'm not saying her way was right or wrong, but I am witness she prepared and ate what she taught.  I liked her.  Maybe some can come to me and say they know someone who witnessed otherwise to them.  I only know what I know.

Off Topic / Re: Other Raw Food Forums
« on: November 28, 2009, 09:52:52 am »
Also I know there is another community called I'm not sure if meat discussion is approved. Nowhere on the site does it say no.

    Bunny, the creator of RawFu is a Vegan.  Plenty of members are not, but animal foods don't get discussed, last I checked.  The object of the community as I've understood it: is a support group for staying on raw food diet, 100 days at a time.

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