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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 28, 2009, 05:41:29 am »

    Some of us on forum try to deal without money for one reason or another, so don't have brix meters or reverse osmosis systems.  Personally I find RAFs so strengthening that if I eat them, chlorine and other toxins don't molest me as much.  It's one of the reasons I turned to RAF now while I'm still fairly young.  My guy has a very strong constitution, many generations raised in the fresh air out in the country, young mothers, majority etc.  My family is city, minority etc.  We have children much later generally too, my parents were both much older than you at my birth and their parents at theirs.  He applies his needs to me (lots of TV, screwed water filters etc), and his compromises make me very sick.  It's a favor.  It brought me to RAF.  If his path was not a sharp cross one to mine, we would have never met nor become one.  With RAF I can survive even if the way he arranges everything contradicts me.  I used to read about brix meters all the time; I was a member of vegan forums for years.  I think brix meters were invented to measure the sugar in grape crops/vineyards.  Some of the members here who've made the best recoveries are now drinking tap water that has not been treated since coming through the city pipes. 

    I used to carefully compost all my own soil from my raw kitchen in the rain forest.  I grew wheat grass from that.  I used nothing artificial.  Wheat grass is a good detergent.  At this point I avoid detergents, solvents and all of the sort if at all possible, artificially sourced or not.  I use raw grass grazed fat and raw grass grazed meat, as it works more naturally with the body.  I can not afford to fool around.  It's the step I'm up to.  If you are up to the step of carefully grown wheat grass, there is nothing to be ashamed about.  Use the grass until it serves you no more.  Know then that there are alternatives.  Wisdom is hard come by.  Suffering is the mother of finding answers that work (even if not popular).

Health / Re: Lower Blood Pressure?
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:07:14 am »
I suffered for years with low blood pressure (frequently as low as 90/45!) when I had adrenal problems.  My blood pressure would also drop upon standing.  ... 

It's no longer an issue after my many years eating RAF.  I've never thought to check my BP but I'd expect it's ok as I no longer have any symptoms.

I'm not sure we can rely on expected values with such standard tests anymore when we're eating such a radically different diet...

    My blood pressure was always 90/50.  When I was second trimester pregnant it was like 50/20.  Dehydration?  Idk.  I've never fainted in my life.  I'm sure I had adrenal problems.  A number of years ago I did some prolonged fasts on water alone.  My blood pressure has had more normal numbers since. 

    The groups thing does sound better than lumping everyone.

Hot Topics / Re: primal/paleo -> vegan?
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:41:08 am »
    Wb ltl!  There a guy with a blog.  He ate raw meat for a while and last I heard is raw vegan now and still searching.  He's a body builder, and the blog has run several years, and he receives many comments on it.  I can't think of his name.  Another friend who went from SAD to raw vegan to RAF to Weston Price pointed me to the blog.  He would know, but I've been out of touch with him.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Paul Nison, Guru
« on: November 28, 2009, 02:13:37 am »
    He just made a video saying that although he was a 100% raw vegan for 15 years up till now, he is no longer vegan now.  He's not telling others to stop being vegan, but he's saying veganism is unhealthy for him.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Undigested fat
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:17:38 am »
I started the raw zero carb paleo diet 3 weeks ago and I'm having big problems...
My stools are getting really pale and now I can see a lot of small white fat tallow ...

This his what I am eating:
Very low heat rendered suet (Tallow)

    Why did you choose to eat tallow over completely raw fat?  Feel better soon. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 27, 2009, 11:54:55 pm »
... Doug Graham.  He lies needlessly and constantly. He always tells people he's been raw since 1993, but plenty of Costa Ricans have seen him eating beans and rice in Costa Rica, near Uvita, where he owns land.  I know this, because I have lived in that town for months at at time...

    I think he's about 57 years old.  Many raw vegans try to say he's 65 or 70, and that he looks so good for that.  I have to hand him, he is in fairly good athletic shape.  I have family members much older than that, that eat conventional cooked meat, and are very active and look about as good.  1993 or less?  Raw vegan worshipers of his say he's been raw since teen years.  Hmm.

... Trying to follow the 8/1/1 plan destroyed my teeth and ...  The teeth will deteriorate, too, although staying away from watery fruits and sticking to bananas/persimmons/sapote/durian/etc. will slow that process down.

So following Doug's plan was so harmful that it forced me in a different direction, toward raw animal foods.

Thanks, Doug.

    My teeth and bones suffered fruitarian.  Maybe I got a little scurvy from it, some bones bent and retained this new form.  When I did this in my twenties this didn't happen, but I did include starchy fruits.  In my thirties is when it happened, and I included no starchy fruit then.  Thank you.  It helps writing all this and reading others' input.  I didn't know all the effects of less watery fruit.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 27, 2009, 10:28:04 pm »
Hey Lex

Why did you take up the sunbathing routine? do you wear a shirt? do you work outside or just bathe? are you craving sunlight?...

... have actively exposed myself for 3+ hours a day. I've been doing this because I crave sunlight more than ever this year, interestingly I'm experiencing my first completely free hayfever/eczema  spring of my life.

    Weeks/months I stayed away from all starch, greens, seaweeds, legumes, grains, nuts, dairy and meat completely, I craved sun.  I don't think I've ever craved sun otherwise.  Could it be consuming lots of water makes us crave sun?

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 27, 2009, 04:09:16 pm »
i want to update some info here:



    Special Thanksgiving Day gift!  How did the non-raw in-laws react?  I know some of my family didn't respect food with mine, even as new born the older (than me) ones tried feed cooked just putting things in the mouth while in my lap.  Maybe they liked stepping on me as a mother because I was somewhat young.  I imagine once you get past thirty relatives would respect with a small young child.  Maybe it's the culture too.  Maybe Bangladeshi-Americans are more respectful of what the mother is feeding the child?  Or is the case that it being Thanksgiving Day it helped someway that your toddler was not tempted by fruit?

    Does your son drink water?  If so, what kind, how much and when?  What kinds of seaweed do you use?  Does he have a favorite?  Have you tried (raw) lamb or meats from other terrestrial animals?  What do you think of cod liver without the oil extracted?

Primal Diet / Re: Just recieved raw butter...could it be spoiled?
« on: November 27, 2009, 07:51:16 am »
Thanks RawZi.  Yes, I've had commercial pasteurised goat butter in the past and had also read that it's distinctive white colour was due to the lack of beta-carotene content.

I've never separated goat cream from milk.  I have done so with large quantities of cow milk in the past using a specialist milk separator which I'd bought.  I was amazed at how much milk it took to, eventually, make a single stick of butter! ...

Did you make raw ghee from cow milk RawZi? ...

    You're welcome Michael.  The goat butter I have is raw unpasteurized.  Goat milk  comes out the teat naturally homogenized, quite unlike cow milk, so it's different to separate.  I made ghee from five lbs cow butter at a time.  I've never used a cow milk separator.  Cheese is similar, in that it takes more milk than how much cheese comes out. 

Primal Diet / Re: Just recieved raw butter...could it be spoiled?
« on: November 27, 2009, 07:08:12 am »
    I have goat butter.  It's very white colored; because goats make Vitamin A better.  Have you ever separated goat milk from its cream?  You need some special implement, unlike cow.  Has anyone made goat ghee?  I don't know if it's possible.  I too do not plan on making ghee again.  I made that years ago from cow.  Would goat ghee still be golden colored like cow?

General Discussion / Holiday Meal Menus
« on: November 27, 2009, 12:25:30 am »
    Today I'm making:

Cranberry and raw biodynamic cream smoothie for my son (no egg added).

Big salad with raw mushrooms, raw hulled sunflower seeds, raw alfalfa sprouts, raw cauliflower and many other raw salad greens and non-sweet fruit (for my gentleman :)), and dressing of stone pressed olive oil, raw ACV and celtic salt.

Raw real free range chicken and organic cranberry salad (for me)

I'm just serving apples for dessert.  None of us like complicated sweets.

    Let's post holiday food here, to give ideas to newbies!


General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 27, 2009, 12:13:04 am »
P.S.:    The salad was made from 5 - 7 inch chopped hulled buckwheat "sprout"s and sunflower sprouts (same as buckwheat) with (raw peeled deseeded diced finely) tomato, cucumber (same), zucchini and yellow squash (same) and a little ripped lettuce (everything organic).  When given regular salad, he wouldn't touch it.  I think regular was harder to digest.  He must have been low HCL similar to me.

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 27, 2009, 12:06:07 am »
    What symptoms does your little son manifest when he gets too much and too little dietary protein?  Children generally have lots of growth hormone.  Because of this, there isn't as much dire need to eat protein. 

    I do know when my son was that little though, that he loved to eat nuts.  He used to crack them open himself.  Actually, he did not like nuts unless he cracked them himself.  He also liked the seed cheese recipe (AW) that I (and others) made.  I made it to taste somewhat like tuna fish salad and also as salad dressing.

    Little children usually use a lot of fuel (carbohydrates and fats).  Nuts not only have protein, but a kind of starch (carb).  AV has been prescribing the nut formula (or made with soaked peas rather than nuts) for some people that he sees require starch.  I don't have experience with it, as I don't require starch.  Most people don't.

he does not like the animal protein that much. so i try that at night. i'm also afraid of too much protein intake. please, help me out little more. thanks.

:(my questions are,1) what else i can give him for lunch?
                           2)the day i give him fish lunch and steak diner and yolks breakfast, is it too much protein he is taking for entire day?
                           3) he loves pomegranates, cheese, apple, water melon, grapes (i don't like to give these everyday b/c of high content  of suger and they are not local. can i give him only good amount of raw cheese only?

General Discussion / Re: Trouble in Paradise - leg cramps
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:40:38 pm »
The things we do to be healthy, I've drunk Hydrogen peroxide in the past, truly revolting. As was my coconut oil detox.

    Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes/ages, the opposite of oxygenating (any raw food I know).  You're lucky you didn't do too much. 

    I'm glad I never drank oil.  Unfortunately I listened to my cat's veterinarian and fed her oil.  She nearly died from it.  He didn't say it should be good quality, but I used only organic cold pressed on her.

General Discussion / Re: Trouble in Paradise - leg cramps
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:36:41 pm »
@wodgina6722 I know, right?  Sixteen ounces is more than anyone I know.  I've eaten bowls of flax seeds ground with soaked prunes and papaya, and fell sick for months.  It was the prunes.  The same with just papaya and flax served some helpful purpose at least.  Beet juice burns me as it goes down.  I don't know how someone imagines plants are antiinflammatory and raw meat not.  They/we have to try it to know different. 

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:21:32 pm »
he is so happy drinking the celery, but as soon as i give him that paste,

    Maybe one food should be separate from the next for him.  He might appreciate nuts or paste, if it wasn't so close to celery juice.  In the primal diet, one must wait one whole hour from juice to other food, except coconut cream, unheated honey or a raw egg.  Nuts and seeds are hard to digest, no matter what the form.  To mix most foods makes it harder.  Have you heard of AV's nut formula?  It's not pasty.  It works better in the intestines.  Also Ann Wigmore seed or nut cheese works better for the muscles, skin and intestines than paste or whole soaked nuts.

General Discussion / Re: Trouble in Paradise - leg cramps
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:14:47 pm »
Iron supplements are inorganic.


I would try mineral and energy drops on it like quantum minerals plus drops just to see if it is a mineral deficiency.

    What are
quantum minerals plus drops

    Do you have a recipe how to make it?  I don't need it right now, but if I ever get stuck eating vegan style or other inferior food for me.  Soaking raisins and mixing the resultant water with a little unheated honey delivers iron, but I think raisin water is too sweet for me.  I know other herbs that can help with anemias, but no recipe.


General Discussion / Re: Salted meat and scurvy
« on: November 26, 2009, 08:01:44 am »
    When we buy meats in a regular market or from online, I think if it has red fluid in the meat package, that is not scientifically blood.  It's slightly different, and it is called interstitial fluid.  I've tried both interstitial beef and chicken fluid and buffalo blood.  Psychologically yes it was difficult.  I'm not sure if I will try more.  I might.  I have to think about it, but I probably will take more.  I think it is really healthy (if it's good blood), and a shame when the slaughterer basically flushes it down the toilet.   

Hi gs,  I do actually avoid frozen meats and all of the grass-fed meat I consume is fresh.  Thankfully, this does also mean that it comes with some quantity of blood in it's vaccum packed bag.  Only very recently - I think as a response to your own comments on the subject elsewhere, in fact - I have started drinking this blood!  I must confess that I found it a very psychologically difficult act to partake in initially.  It was as if it was the last great bastion of civilisation after which I would be committing myself to the life of an animal!   :o  I expect it is indeed a wise thing to consume nutritionally speaking.  I wonder how many others here are drinking the blood of their meats?

General Discussion / Re: what for lunch for raw toddler?
« on: November 26, 2009, 07:37:05 am »
... freshly grounded flex seeds (he loves this very much), than i give him the super combination of 1)half avocado, 2)one tsp raw soaked sunflower seeds,3)one tsp raw soaked sesame seed, 4)six California raw soaked almonds, 5)very small a pinch bee pollen... all together crush them in a stone and make a paste (this is the way i'm feeding him since he started solid food which is part of his vegan diet). he is so happy drinking the celery, but as soon as i give him that paste, he throws up every thing. he just doesn't like it.  than i give him only avocado paste, he eats that.

    The seeds/nuts could be the big problem.  You could try eliminating them, or using them as a slight condiment rather than a major component.


General Discussion / Re: Trouble in Paradise - leg cramps
« on: November 26, 2009, 07:29:31 am »
... iron overload. Beef is iron rich. has good articles on the subject...

    Thank you Matt.  Buffalo smells better than beef to me, but I kind of dislike that everyone in my house has a separate diet from the next guy.  One of my cats is very picky and will only eat buffalo, so I've been giving that to the other cat too, and eating it myself.  Also, I want variety, and the easiest organ to get is liver, so when I get organs, it's usually that.  That also has high iron, right?  Truthfully, I feel much better eating raw chicken and other light colored meats.  Not it looks like I may have too much iron in my blood.  It's time for me to stop being in denial that each in my house needs an individual diet.  I'm eating (raw) chicken tonight.

Health / Re: Teeth Recovering on RAF
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:07:32 am »
I thought of another way of describing it. On my better days it's like meditation has become me instead of me meditating.

    Isn't it beautiful?  For a hearty part of the last fifteen or more years that I was vegan, I got to a point where it was so hard to meditate.  Of course when I water fasted for a few days or more it came back for months or a year or so.  Me too, eating mostly (R)AF, mostly fat (raw), there's such a clear calm, no need to try as it's so easy for months at a time.  I haven't gone fully (R)AF yet though.  I assume if I do, it will be more stable and better. 

General Discussion / Re: How much water do you drink?
« on: November 25, 2009, 06:59:54 am »
once my uncle asked me that if he can shipped young coconuts directly to me. but shipping costs is way more expensive than the coconuts and in my belief i should consume locally what's available for me. it's just waste of money to buy them.

    Coconuts are botanically a fruit. Many fruit and flowers legally are mandatorily dipped in chemicals or hot water, sprayed with chemicals etc before they can legally enter our country here in America.  Even animal carcasses that were not imported are scalded to get fur off, so if we eat skin it's not totally raw.  It's a smart move not to buy imported fruit for the above reason.  It's like the old tax trick.  Highly tax imported products, and people are forced to use local.  The only problem I see for myself, because I already chose local as that's natural what early man would do, is that they don't warn people, and that can be seen as crimnial negligence.  Of course it's not criminal negligence, as they write the laws pretty much, so that's the way it is.

General Discussion / Re: How much water do you drink?
« on: November 25, 2009, 05:40:44 am »
    When I relied on coconut water as my sole drinking water source, it was all fresh, mostly coconuts I picked myself.  I never got sick from it.  Once they are opened, contamination can get in.  Opening them myself cuts out the middle man and who knows what else. right?  Also, the middle man (when my buddy got sick), I got the water from did not live near where coconuts grow.

    raw- Are the Florida coconuts dipped?  If so, do you think the pesticides or formaldehyde could get into them if not careful?

    Could Martins have chemicals to kill the bacteria? Has anyone information?  Like has anyone visited their manufacturing plant?

    I have gotten packaged juices that were raw.  I think they had to be sold within three days.  They're illegal where I live.  They have to be fresh made or pasteurized somehow.  Good luck with all the irradiation and such they try to do to our fruit.  It's amazing they put radiation waste in food.

General Discussion / Re: Digestion Times For RAF
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:33:31 am »
    There is more to a happy life than diet and nutrition research.  Sometimes some of us including myself are not actively outwardly dealing with some of the other aspects of life.

General Discussion / Re: Ori Hofmekler
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:26:45 am »
    I am interested to try fasting on eggs sometime in the future, possibly with the addition of celery/zucchini/cilantro juice.

    Tyler, what were the sources of the eggs on your fast?

    From what I heard from AV, he's not very happy with all milk fasts.  I suppose he thinks it's a little better than being any kind of vegan.  You mean the milk cure diet, right?  To me it seems he really feels adults need meat for their health.

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