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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: November 21, 2009, 03:09:32 am »
then why doesn't he(she) tell us?

i don't know about mating.  i'll look into it when i can

Primal Diet / Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: November 21, 2009, 02:02:40 am »
I agree, you have to be careful with chicken.  The first chicken I bought was supposed to be top quality, but turned out to be grainfed.  How long into the diet did you start making the fermented meats?  What were you taking them for?  Am I to understand you are making them from ground lamb too?  I don't think AV makes them from ground meat.  Are you eating any of the cheeses?  They're more stable than other dairy products, and I know it's crazy, but there are different laws around each dairy product.  I never got diahrea on RAF, but have had good luck with charcoal previously for it when nothing else we tried worked.

Feel better.

Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I would never recommend using chicken for making high meat as even organic chickens are almost always raised on 100% or near-100% grain diets, sop naturally such an unhealthy diet is going to lead to the bird having mutated bacteria etc.

Primal Diet / Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: November 21, 2009, 01:46:39 am »
There was a free lecture a few days ago in Ohio, also $40 personal glandular analysis.

I was reading thru all the state laws recently, and though it looked a little easier in Ohio than Tennessee.  I believe you, but just recalling my impressions of what I read on .

Did you grind the lamb just before each meal?  Are the eggs definitely pastured?  Have you tried frozen butter?  I have, and it worked well for me.  Do you check over the coconuts as described in the book before making cream?  Even so, I have a hard time digesting coconut cream. 

I hope you're doing better.

NOVEMBER 14, 2009
LECTURE: 11 - 12 PM - FREE
*please bring your own lunch
WORKSHOP: 12:15 PM to as late as 6 PM - $85
No more than 12 people may receive MINI-CONSULTS in which Aajonus analyzes each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better health: additional; approximately 10 minutes each $40.
LOCATION Of Free Lecture, Workshop and Mini-Consults:
Double J Farm
3070 Wehr Road
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Joe and Janet Streit
Individual Consults Sunday, November 15, 2009
*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $375; includes iridological and glandular analyses.
Attending the workshop or reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual consults.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $300.
For reservations to any or all of these events,
Contact Marcia at 513-300-3110 or

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.

Raw milk sales for human consumption are illegal. The state has adopted Section 9 of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance which permits only the sale of pasteurized milk to the final consumer.

There are no state laws against the sale of raw milk for pet consumption. It is the policy of the state Department of Agriculture to permit on-farm sales of raw milk for pet consumption provided that the farmer posts signs stating that they are selling raw milk for pet consumption only.

Read updates from Ohio here.

Raw milk sales for human consumption are illegal. The state Department of Agriculture has interpreted "sale" to even cover giving away raw milk and raw milk products. In 2003, a state representative introduced a bill to legalize raw milk, but the Tennessee Senate Agricultural Committee voted the bill down and it never reached the floor of the legislature.

Raw milk and raw milk product sales for pet consumption are legal, even though the state animal feed laws contain no specific provision about raw  dairy products. Producers and sellers must obtain a commercial feed license from the state.

Update, Summer 09
A bill formally legalizing cow shares has been passed by both the State House of Representatives and the Senate and signed into law by Governor Phil Bredesen on May 21. The bill simply states that nothing in the law “shall be construed as prohibiting the independent or partial owner of any hoofed mammal from using the milk from such animal for the owner’s personal consumption or other use.” The House sponsor of the bill was
Frank Nicely (R-Knoxville, District 17); the Senate sponsor was Mike Faulk (R-Kingsport, District 4). Congratulations to Brentwood WAPF Chapter Leader Shawn Dady and Tennesseans for Raw Milk ( for their persistent efforts—-spanning several years-—in getting this legislation passed.

Raw milk sales are illegal except as pet food. For a period, state authorities harassed dairy farmers selling raw milk and milk products labeled as pet food but this seems to have died down. There are a number of cow share programs in the state and a committee working on changing the law to allow on-farm sales.

Read updates from Jenny Drake of Peaceful Pastures and more about the effort to legalize raw milk sales in Tennessee.

Find out more at


Hot Topics / Re: Different fat
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:51:11 pm »
Fatback is a common food in the southern USA (though never  raw and always pork, from my experience). 

    I've seen that in a small general store.  It was in their freezer.  I think it came from a nearby hog farm.  I think people of Southern descent cook it with vegetables. 

    When I elaborated on her (raw's) term "back fat", I meant the (raw) buffalo fat that I bought.  It was frozen because I just bought it about a month ago, but they only get it from the animals in Winter.  Probably a more appropriate term is the "hide fat" (from under the buffalo's hide).   

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:00:04 pm »
duck eggs are supposed to have excellent Omega-3

I've tasted (raw) duck egg, the yolk was very deep golden and rich/thick. I can't get them regularly easily, and to buy them they are expensive here

General Discussion / Re: Raw Animal Foodist Retreats/Spas etc.
« on: November 20, 2009, 06:21:14 pm »'-appearances-and-primal-potlucks/msg1363/#msg1363

from this entry, i think you'll find a yoga oasis is Pahoa where if you arrange ahead, you can eat primal

Journals / Re: The Journal
« on: November 20, 2009, 05:59:05 pm »
Rawzi- I agree (I think) but why has it taken 3 years and not two years? and my hayfever doesn't come back even if I cheat? How come IBS comes back with even one little  ;) cheat? weird

    Healing fully can take a long time.  That may be why.  If you cheated long enough, the hayfever would possibly come back too.  The IBS possibly gets affected first because it's due to what you're eating, and food is more likely to touch your bowel more than your sinuses.  What part of your body is affected can also be due to other factors besides food, which can change in each person with time, even if a doctor says not.  You may have other work to do to heal in addition to food and exercise, and I don't mean herbs.

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: November 20, 2009, 05:41:01 pm »
fertile duck egg is like golden deer in usa. even the eggs we buy from whole foods, i wonder, if those are fertile or not. ... moreover, everyone in this forum talks about going to farmer to get this or that... the bottom line is, i can't trust anything here. ... i'm not saying that i don't have any choice to live this country, ... so i'm finding hard way to survive here.

    On Fridays in Union Sq at the farmers market you can get fertile eggs every week.  They are more expensive.  On rare occasion you can find them in a health food co-op, but they are refrigerated.  Other places in the city you can get them Thursday nights, the farmer comes in, he can tell you all the details of how he raises the chickens and gathers the eggs.  Do you check  They list which of their places have good eggs too and usually what the chickens are fed and phone or website so you can contact them and ask.  Most places you have to make a membership and reserve your portion at least.  I know it's inconvenient to not have your ducks right there in your yard, and not gather every day, but if you are willing to drive far for other things, consider your food too. 

General Discussion / Re: SARDINES. Check it baby!
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:57:53 pm »
    I eat raw wild-caught not previously frozen shrimp I buy at WFM.  I never tried Chinatown shrimp.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:28:19 am »
If the Inuit drank 5-6 liters a day, I wonder why their privates didn't freeze with all that pissing in the Arctic?  :D

    Maybe rather than urinating much, the freezing cold air took a lot of foggy moisture from their mouths with every breath.  Each breath in of that cold air, their bodies had to expend moisture to make its oxygen usable/the cold air tolerable.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:40:51 am »
mid morning:
- 1 whole pink coconut with juice and thick meat (fat)
(pink coconuts have more powerful kidney cleansing powers)

    Would you post a picture of a pink coconut?  Does it grow pink on the tree?

Off Topic / Re: Growing Meat Without Animals - the future?
« on: November 20, 2009, 06:48:52 am »
    If they want to do something special, they should grow kale from nothing in a petrie dish.

Hot Topics / Re: Different fat
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:40:58 am »
mention about "back fat' in another content. what is that?

    I'll interject.  As I understand it, animals grow a layer of fat in Winter, and use it up in Summer.  Also, as an animal ages over the years, it grows a layer of fat under its hide/skin on the animal's back.  It's this fat.  For me much better than suet so far.  I just discovered it though, and haven't gotten either fresh yet.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 20, 2009, 03:07:02 am »
It's quite a big piece of meat. By buying that and chewing on it in pieces will be a rather bold move for me. I'm rather hesitant.

    Raw meat protein gives energy.  You might want to eat your first meat meals midday rather than evenings.  You can make it into habra naya or something else interesting to start.  Also, I do better if I eat plain (raw) fat first to satiety, then only eat a little meat.  You can blend the fat to make sauces too.   Aajonus has his book Recipe For Living Without Disease available to read online for ways to prepare the food.  This book may help you a lot, especially since it's faster to receive it than ordering the physical book from another continent.  It may be published in Thai though too and shipped from Thailand, IDK but I doubt you speak Thai.  Even AV has distaste for meat sometimes, so recipes can come in handy when you'd prefer something more appetizing, or that's what other people do.  I pretty much eat plain, oftentimes with a little unheated honey on it to keep healthier internal microorganism balance.

How do you know NZ lamb is grain finished?  All the articles i've read on NZ lamb didn't mention that.

I read about the grain feeding of NZ lamb when I was struggling to find grass-fed meat myself and was considering it as a source.  I will try to dig out a source of this information.  As Andrew said, it is primarily grass-fed but

    They grass graze them because that is right.  They grainfeed in the end because it's unnatural for man to kill them in their prime of life.  We kill them in their prime; because we (the typical commercial producers) want to get their lives over with fast; because we're not intouch with them or ourselves.  Paleo man would be more likely to eat the old ones that have grown healthy fat layers over many years of life lived.  We (humans these days) try unconsiously to mimmick that by fattening with grain.  The marbelization from grainfeeding makes the meat juicier for cooking, something totally unnecessary for us here on this forum IMO.

edit: (my browser crashed because malicious add-on?) eating grain might make sense for some animals.  i read cows have a hard time converting fresh grass carotene into vitamin A in their bodies, and may get "carotene poisoning" similar to the way some people have from eating too many fresh greens. I think sheep would not get this problem and would do better on greens, like goats do.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:59:10 am »
- 5 to 6 litres per day for the inuit?!  Wow!  I'm not sure I could reach those levels.  I recall drinking one 5 litre bottle of mineral water a day back in my vegetarian days and it actually felt like it was doing me alot of harm - besides the seemingly constant urgency for passing it straight back out again

    I wonder how many calories are used to warm that much ice cold water to body temperature living in the cold.  I'm sure it's no problem.  Since I've been eating high (raw animal) fat I'm started to enjoy very cold baths and drinking cold water for the first time.  I used to hate cold water (not that I drink a whole lot).

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:50:33 am »
    I've never bought a whole leg of lamb, but this is the best way I can imagine to do it:

Have the butcher saw through the bone into one or two inche slices. 
Get a sharp knife and cut the meat (which will be fibrous due to its location).
Put the meat in glass jars in the fridge.
Let the bone pieces sit out about an hour.
Push the marrow out of the bone segments and put them in a glass jar in the fridge.
Either dispose of the bones, give them to dogs or freeze them for long boiled nourishing stock.

    I think this would make best use of the leg.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw vegans vs. raw paleo
« on: November 19, 2009, 05:07:21 pm »
    I've seen plenty of orange trees that have long spiky thick hard thorns all over, fruit with very little pith and almost completely full of seeds, barely any fruit-flesh.  The trees are dangerous to climb without thick denims etc.  There are ways of getting fruit down without climbing or machinery.  The outside of the peel of the fruit is yellow/green. What flesh there is, is juicy with a distinct bitterness.  Of course this was pretty recent.  I have no idea what oranges were like thousands of years ago. 

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:35:52 am »
Rawzi, good point on digestion and I agree that digestion and absorption are part of the overall nutritional picture, but are you sure that you literally grew taller, or might there have been some straightening involved? I know I straightened a little on Paleo and then a tiny bit more on RPD so far (my physical therapist friend also noticed a more dramatic result I've had that I missed: less-rounded shoulders).

    I always had excellent posture, no holding my shoulders rounded either ever.  My back always hurt, for decades.  It could be that the cushioning between the vertebrae is what "grew" and got rid of pain.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 19, 2009, 09:51:17 am »
    I have a Korean friend raised mostly on SAD.  Turned out very short, not a dwarf or anything though.

    I don't think it's only what we eat, but what we digest.  I was raised on VAF and I didn't get very tall.  Then I became vegan and grew no more.  In my forties I started to eat RVAF, and almost immediately I got taller (than I ever was).  A portion of our population would be taller (and of course healthier) if so much wasn't pre-pasteurized and cooked.

General Discussion / Re: How to convince my parents raw paleo is okay?
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:48:31 am »
Hi Nurture,

    Yes, crying hysterically when threatened by their child's good health, health that isn't even here yet, hm.  Of course it would be best if everyone can be open with each other at all times.  Sometimes, somewhat unfortunately, we have to deal with who we live with, rather than how they might be if they were well.  I wish I could tell her this hurts you.  She has her own trip though, and everyone deserves to have the basics.  Best to you.

In health,


Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:36:41 am »
    I heard in TCM they use bear gall as a remedy, and roaches.  People even call them Chinese herbs.  Where can I get eye of newt?  I think I have seen newts.  Maybe that's a place to start, setting a trap or just grabbing a newt.  What in a person can eye of newt help?  Just kidding.  I'm fine with four footed furry animals for now.  Not sure if I was amphibians and such in my diet.  I guess if I ever live in a more amphibious or other hot climate in the future I will have ideas now for the change in my menu.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Meat "Wife Swap"
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:29:04 am »
    Another part of the episode.  Hope it makes you laugh as much. It's from, category: funny videos

Health / Re: Food Sensitivities
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:15:36 am »
    If I were you I'd stay completely away from temperature altered/damaged food for now.  You can probably tolerate those foods raw, but be careful about sources and combining.  Go slow, not more than one new food in a week, and drop the item that you get a reaction to, not to try adding it back again for months.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Unavailable Grass-fed Meat
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:09:04 am »
I'm in Dubai and it's almost impossible right now to find any grass-fed meat. The main issue here is that the climate is such that we import everything. And there is pretty much very low demand for anything organic, free-range, etc. Hopefully this will change in the next year (I've heard some extra shops are opening of this sort). What do I do until then? Stick with raw fish until better comes around? Do other people here eat solely raw fish?

    What someone else said about NZ lamb, that should be available.  I've even gotten it in WFM Union Sq NY, excellent quality not frozen. 

    I think everyone's needs are different from the next person, and can change even in that person.  As far as meats on my diet (primal diet), in the beginning coming from decades vegan, I was enjoying mostly fish, a wide variety of types.  Presently I don't even feel like touching fish for the most part, and when I eat a meat based meal I prefer land-based animal.

    You should be fine with fish as your only meat.  It's not forever anyway, I'm sure you'll source other meats eventually. 

    I was thinking about the extreme heat in Dubai.  I don't know about you, but for me personally sweet foods generally make it harder for me to tolerate hot weather, while (raw) animal even help me tolerate very hot weather better.  One of the fats that works best for me is cultured raw grass grazed butter, even if it has been frozen.  I don't know if you can get it there.  Is it particularly fatty type fishes you're getting?  I find frozen bison back/hide fat to work well too.  I guess camels have nice fat in their humps.
BTW, as I started including steady raw fish into my otherwise raw vegan diet, my bowel movements went from once a day to 2-3 times. Pretty encouraging but why do you think this is occurring?

    On raw vegan Living Food LifestyleTM, my food went out pretty much the way it went in. On semicooked paleo I guess it was like everyone else.  On fruit alone for weeks it varied from somewhat normal to very constipated.  On 'healthy' vegan cooked food I went from pretty good to the worst stool you couldn't even imagine.  On all raw RVAF my stools are the best.  I think the stools are better because the colon muscles are working better. 

    Can you get pasture grazed eggs over there?  What about unheated honey?  What kind of fruits are you eating?  What kind of fresh vegetables are available over there.  I read all the forums.  Are your berries frozen?  Organic?     

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 19, 2009, 02:43:06 am »
    I understand, as best I can, never having gone a long period on just meat, fat, organs and water.  I read your entries.  I admire how well you express yourself, in comparison how others express themselves who are not on raw zc.  You could ask my household.  I don't ignore your journal as anything negative.  I just have nothing from personal experience to add, and not sure if I should go around back patting.  If I were you I would definitely do zc no herbs.  I don't like using herbs anyway.  Easy to utilize raw natural protein and fats give me a more healthful feeling as well, over fruit, vegetables, green juices or medicinal herbs.  I would do what you're doing and more possibly will in maybe fifteen years, if I feel I need it then.  For my age and gender, I'm pretty sure I need carbs at least half the year until then.

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