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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Antibacterial power of ginger
« on: November 18, 2009, 11:31:05 pm »
    Powerful stuff!  Sorry it killed your mushroom.

    Lots of herbs are antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic.  I wonder if that's why lung cancer sufferers can't handle ginger.  Maybe they need the bacteria and yeast that would clean up the person's toxins. 

    Too much garlic or cinnamon can't be used preparing yeasted bread dough, or the yeast will die before its time.  Americans try going to India and eat foods unspiced.  Curries were invented partially to keep pathogenic parasites under control.

    That being said, I don't know why I'm talking about this.  Drinking kombucha makes me foggy brained and yeasty feeling. 

Hot Topics / Re: Anti-raw paleo guy clip
« on: November 18, 2009, 11:22:03 pm »
    Not what I meant by enjoying status.

Hot Topics / Re: Anti-raw paleo guy clip
« on: November 18, 2009, 10:52:05 pm »
    Definitely we have godlike qualities.  We can affect our environments a lot more than other animals can theirs.  With that, of course why not enjoy our status.  As gods though, what are we doing on Earth in each our own personal body?

    MSNBC health Australia 2007 after eight years raw? vegan, and two years into his 811 stint:

Harley Johnstone is an extreme vegan. The 29-year-old endurance cyclist went cold turkey on poultry and meat six years ago and is now a total fruit and nut fan. "I wanted more so I went raw and I haven't looked back since."


Harley (aka durianrider)
Remember, Harley completely cuts out anything to do with animal products and relies purely on raw fruit, veggies and nuts.

His results have got Susie really worried: "My biggest concern is that your vitamin B12 is one of the lowest clinical levels we have ever seen!"

Harley's B12 was just 78 (in his blood drawn in 2007). That's drastically lower than the normal intake range from 145 to 637 and means our vegan could be susceptible to anaemia, blurry vision and loss of feeling in the hands and feet in the long term.

"In the case of vegans, it's really up to them if they decide to supplement with B12. It is primarily from animal-based food so it's probably worth him discussing it with his GP or medical specialist," says Susie.

    Does Susie still have her job.  Maybe B12 isn't necessary.  We might should feel sorry for him.  A person can be delusional without enough vitamins for their brain.

    The following pic has been his default profile pic for three years on his MySpace, that states he's thirty-four years old:

    Sorry, SkinnyDevil, you're right.


Hot Topics / Re: Anti-raw paleo guy clip
« on: November 18, 2009, 09:36:41 pm »
    He says, that children up till age ten have higher dietary fat needs than the 80/10/10 or 95/5/5 for adults, hence should be encouraged to extensively breastfeed as long as possible.  He has a brother about a year older than him and one around a year younger.  He would have come from a smaller family had his parents practiced that, as breastmilk letdown hormone suppresses ovulation hormone.  Says the whole thing is population control.  Some people on the GI2MR where everyone says he posts incognito as vladimir from adelaide agree the world should be depopulated. This one beat his wife then fled country not to support children & got both AIDS & colon cancer, is also a member of Harley's 30BaD.  Oh, they were both banned from GI2MR, but welcomed back only as long as they pretend they have other names. 

    Every other animal, if it needs to eat meat to live long enough to insure they will future generations; it hunts or finds carrion or whatever it needs.  Hence the people who only put down those who eat carrion leftover from other carnivores, roadkill, or their own hunted animals in order to live; they have feelings against nature herself, for humans ARE animals.  We are not separate.  When we separate ourselves we weaken ourselves.  It's masochism, we might not support it if it was up front.  I was taught by Ayurvedic Indian philosophy and by my parents that everyone has a right to their feelings, so be it.  They can want humanity to go to extinction.  Each person has a right to want what they want, right?         

Hot Topics / Re: In vitro meat - what hell awaits.
« on: November 18, 2009, 11:23:13 am »
    They still pass gas, but it's not toxic.  I still prefer buffalo and chicken. 

Hot Topics / Re: Anti-raw paleo guy clip
« on: November 18, 2009, 11:13:26 am »
The proof of the pudding is in the reproducing.
If the diet does not allow successive generations to reproduce then it is not a mainstay diet.

Reproduction is a big issue for me as for myself the purpose of life is to make more life.

    He got a vasectomy before he married.  Part of his doctrine is that humans should not reproduce.  Not unless it's the rare vegan that is, that will convert more meat eaters to his 80/10/10rv path of light, the only true word of good Lord Doug Graham.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 18, 2009, 09:13:17 am »
    Sunshine may be very important so that people can tolerate grain.  In sunnier climes grain may be tolerated better for a number of reasons.  Also there may be less incidence of autoimmune disease there for a number of integral reasons.

Do Vitamin D Deficiency, Gut Bacteria, and Gluten Combine in Infancy to Cause Celiac Disease?
This article appeared in the Summer 2008 edition of's Scott-Free Newsletter. 06/16/2008 - Do vitamin D deficiency, gut bacteria, and timing of gluten introduction during infancy all combine to initiate the onset of celiac disease? Two recent papers raise the potential that this indeed may be the case. One paper finds that when transgenic mice expressing the human DQ8 heterodimer (a mouse model of celiac disease) are mucosally immunized with gluten co-administered with Lactobacillus casei bacteria, the mice exhibit an enhanced and increased immune response to gluten compared to the administration of gluten alone.[1] A second paper finds that vitamin D receptors expressed by intestinal epithelial cells are involved in the suppression of bacteria-induced intestinal inflammation in a study which involved use of germ-free mice and knockout mice lacking vitamin D receptors exposed to both friendly and pathogenic strains of gut bacteria.[2] Pathogenic bacteria caused increased expression of vitamin D receptors in epithelial cells. Friendly bacteria did not.

If one considers these two papers together, one notices: (1) Certain species of gut bacteria may work in conjunction with gluten to cause an increased immune response which initiates celiac disease; (2) The presence of an adequate level of vitamin D may suppress the immune response to those same gut bacteria in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the enhanced immune response to gluten caused by those gut bacteria, thus preventing the onset of celiac disease.

Vitamin D has recently been demonstrated to play a role in preserving the intestinal mucosal barrier. A Swedish study found children born in the summer, likely introduced to gluten during winter months with minimal sunlight, have a higher incidence of celiac

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 18, 2009, 09:05:16 am »
it is strange that arctic peoples are not all light skinned. you know, now that i think about it, the two palest skin types (white and asian) have depended on grains for the longest. whites with wheat, barley, etc and asians with rice.

    Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin that darkens skin) deficiency and allergy to grains (celiac) go hand in hand.  I wonder if this could be related to a race evolving to have lighter skin.

Journals / Re: Ioanna's Journal
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:49:30 pm »
Monodiets work, he says he studied paleo, and it works, he talks about 80% raw diet of Inuit.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:30:31 pm »
Really? I'd imagine it'd be the spleen or kidneys as they're stronger flavored IMO. I still can't eat raw spleen but tolerate and/or enjoy the rest just fine.

    I'm fine with spleen, kidney if it's fresh, testicle I can't see, too fishy.  I think organs are a sometimes thing.  We are omnivores.  In the wild we wouldn't go around killing a dozen animals and only eating the spleens. We would eat a variety, and not kill as many.

Journals / Re: Ioanna's Journal
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:24:03 pm »
Does this mean that Lex and all the others eating the same muscle meat and fat do not digest the specific raw food? What about all those eating pemmican or cooked muscle meat and fat for years on end?

    I believe that some people do need to eat the same food every day.  I believe that other people need to vary their diet somewhat.  I think I am of the latter group.  I've never lived any length of time on just (raw) meat or had more than half a bite of pemmican at a time, so I can't be sure though.

    I know we are not cats, but one of my cats will only eat (raw lean) bison muscle meat and nothing else, but in a real pinch may eat  (raw) pork), (raw) chicken, interstitial fluid, blood, sardine juice or freerange canned catfood nothing else!  She will only eat other than (raw) buffalo (muscle) if she hasn't had other food around that she will eat in a couple of days.  You probably know cats' livers degrade if they haven't eaten in twenty-four hours.  She obviously has a very real aversion to other than the bison.  She will not touch (raw) beef no matter how long she hasn't eaten.  My other cat will eat all the above, yogurt, honey, eggs, butter, cream, kefir and cheese "no questions asked".

    I've seen it in people though too, even if in the same families.  I've always been the one that needed variety.  My only exception was doing Living Food LifestyleTM.  I could eat the same concoction of energy soup meal after meal, month on end, no desire for other food.  Problem was it made me have "pins and needles" constantly all over and look like I was from The Planet Bloodorange with black painful veins.  Also, if I couldn't have my food, I had a paining and strange looking reaction right away.

    In some poor regions people only eat rice and water.

    Eat what makes you feel best.  If any raw food makes you feel best, I can't see how it could be wrong, as long as it isn't dry beans or something like that.  Is there an animal that lives on that?

    I agree.  Magnets would probably help. 

    What about parsley?  I would probably eat a large fresh lively bunch, and juice some of it too.  I think that would be another way.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 17, 2009, 01:11:52 pm »

which cold blooded animals are you thinking of?

    Herbivorous lizards?  They need to lay on warming rocks in the sun to warm their crops (area under/between tail and torso) or they won't digest their food.  Ideally the air temperature should be between ninety and one hundred degrees F for this to happen at least for several hours each day. 

    Without direct sunlight, since their diets do no provide vitamin D, their bones bend and crumble.

If ecophysiological constraints imposed by eating plants necessitate high body temperatures and small body size in coolclimate herbivores, then phylogenetic history also may have played a critical role in promoting the repeated evolution of herbivory in liolaemids. Ancestral state reconstructions indicate that the common ancestor of Liolaemidae had a small body size
(reconstructed SVL 80.4     11.7 mm for 86 taxa) and a preference for high body temperatures (reconstructed value 33.8    5.8°C for 52 taxa), even though this ancestor was most likely insectivorous (Fig. 1) and lived in a warm climate (reconstructed value 37.0     4.9°C for 86 taxa). Thus, the evidence suggests that the critical ecophysiological traits permitting the repeated evolution of herbivory in cold-climate liolaemids were inherited from an ancestor that evolved in a very different climate and with a very different diet.
In summary, our studies reveal repeated and unexpected origins of herbivory in liolaemid lizards that challenge many preconceptions about the evolution of dietary strategies in vertebrates. The discovery of the repeated evolution of herbivory in small-bodied, cool-climate-dwelling liolaemids also raises many questions for future research, such as how liolaemids overcome the disadvantages of small size for digestive efficiency and why other groups of lizards with similar attributes (i.e., small size, cool-climate distribution, and high body temperatures) have not evolved herbivory (e.g., some lacertids, Phrynocephalus, and Sceloporus). More generally, our results show how characteristics of the environment, ecophysiology, and phylogenetic history can interact in unexpected ways to cause striking changes in macroevolutionary trends in diet.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:47:34 pm »
I would say that white/pale skin is NEVER normal. Even Eskimos aren`t white, although they can`t tan. I know many very healthy guys whose skin is deep brown/red (not inflamed), like Aajonus`s. White skin is ugly. Persons with dark hairs and skin look gorgeous.

    Veganism made my skin redder and orange-er, but I did not necessarily feel better.  Eating RAF got my skin lighter colored, but feels much healthier in the skin for me, joints and bones.  I haven't been doing it as long as aajonus though.  Dark hair does look beautiful and can be a sign of healthy hormones and dark skin generally looks healthier than most people with light, but there are so many variables, I can't be concerned. 

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:38:23 pm »
fermented and fresh milk. Kidney and liver are the most typical (testicles rare). Everything I eat is completely raw (it has been so about 2 years now) and organic/wild. You`re right, neolithic foods are really better tolerated here (even pasteurized products). My body seems to love (raw) butter/honey mixture.

    I think you say all the liver is fermented?  Even so, I was thinking along the lines of carbohydrates.  That maybe fresh milk and other carb containing food may make it harder to tolerate cold.

Taking care of animals and all kind of practical working include my outdoor activity. I love trekking in wilderness, sauna and swimming. My parents house where I live now hasn`t radiator warming, but water warming. My incoming house needs wood to keep warm, so I have to pollute myself. (smoke makes me headache which lasts 2 days)

    Where do you swim?  I love river water.  Each type of water has its own quality(ies) be they positive or negative.  If a pool, is it heated?  Saunas are so good for detox, must put that on my list.  Any kind of stove, radiator etc that I've tried so far can give me headaches.  Half a dozen of one, six of the other, heat may be needed some time and you have to do what you can.  I wish you luck with the wood and everything.  I may start using one myself.  Maybe we can exchange ideas on what kind of wood etc.

There`s maybe one good thing: low population, so pollution levels are quite low (except winter).

    Yes, but will that make you warm or tolerant to cold?

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 16, 2009, 09:40:36 am »

Yes and no. I`m eating bone marrow always when it`s available, fatty lamb/beef, some fresh and rotten organs, milk, butter (about half pound per week) and eggs (rare in winter, because chickens don`t lay much) for fat, all is organic (some aren`t so paleo, sorry for that). I really hope that I would eat more animal fats like bone marrow, lard and butter.

    Is the milk soured or fermented?  Which organs?  Are all the foods raw?  You don't bother me if you eat some neolithic foods.  I think Finnish tolerate them better than most peoples usually anyway. 

    What kind of outdoor activity do you get?  Do you take cool showers or baths?  Use radiator or other method to heat your home?  Self massage?  There are so many things to go through tweaking, but if you like warm climate, you should be where you enjoy.

In cold blooded animals where body temperature is not regulated much, the same animal living in cold climates can live 500% longer.

    Which cold blooded animals?  Some cold blooded animals don't do well in cold climates and die.  Which ones are you thinking of?  Don't most cold blooded animals live in warm climates?  Do you mean fish?

Journals / Re: The Journal
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:30:04 pm »
RAW MEAT/FAT to cure my over active immune system. Just goes to show newbies looking for quick results don't always happen and that long term results are also worth the effort.

    Found same thing.  RAF especially fat is the only thing to cure my overactive immune system.

General Discussion / Re: Health & Climate
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:21:30 pm »
    Are you eating very high (animal raw) fat?

Ray Audette's son flourished on nothing but pemmican, water and diluted juice, but the sample size of children who have lived this way is very small so far, so there is probably still much to learn.

    When did he stop fluorishing on that?  What does he eat now?  Am I misunderstanding?

easy one i can find from whole food, even though i prefer organ meats

    At the Whole Foods by me, early Thursday mornings the hearts, livers and kidneys of pasture grazed lamb is put on display, although not very obvious.  Invariably by Friday afternoons there are no more.  Fat trim is availble in the mornings until about 10 AM, and then they throw it into the garbage can

    On the power struggle thing, we humans are smart, even as babies, especially when raw.  We love to play, especially babies need to, they need that for growth, and we all need it for happiness.  He may be playing with you about not eating what you like.

... the natural docs (dr. stanely bass) prescribed him raw organic live. and it did help. ..  my back yard will have a little privacy and i will raise chickens there and if possible, then i'll raise two goats thanks.

    I have experience with Bass.

    I read farming forums in addition to this.  Recently I read that goats are social animals, and for their mental health, it's best to have at least four goats, as goats suffer otherwise.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:33:39 am »
There is nothing else to do but to hope that a carnivorous diet will balance hormones, correct underactive thyroid and boost metabolism...

    In my experience it takes more than diet.  The way we think can have effect on us, types of exercise too.  Then I never tried zero carb.  That being said, all day yesterday I was ZC, and hope to try it more often, maybe all through the Winter, if trying it more and more seems good.  I should get my thyroid checked again by the doctors, it would be interesting to see any differences that show up in their tests.  I kind of hate the medical field though in the type of existance it is in right now.

    I hope you find much more healing soon! 

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:26:09 am »
Hypothyroidism is associated with abnormal lipid levels. The thyroid hormone affects the rate of many chemical processes in the body, including the clearing of fats from the blood.

    I was diagnosed hypothyroid years before I started eating (R)AF's.  They thought my lipids should be high too.  They kept checking, but it never got high at all.  The lipids were never extremely low either.  Just noting.  A very good hospital did diagnose me, I was seen regularly, saw the endocrinologist and other specialities also during the same time all networked together.  Even so, I should say I believe it possible they did not fully understand thyroids.  

1st, when i give him raw liver, his facial expression  changes. it like he hates this. also i feed him blended beef muscles (WITH PLENTY OF RAW BUTTER) and he hates that too.

    Are you eating around the same time as him?  Do you prepare your own plate the same way.  I'd love to hear more details.  In doing so we may see more depth and balance of the picture.  When my son was about four or five he saw people who were having reactions to new foods.  Suddenly he didn't want them.  Most children are sensitive to everything going on around them.

General Discussion / Re: How to convince my parents raw paleo is okay?
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:41:07 am »
    Sounds like they are psychologically ill.  It's sad when parents put their ills onto their children.  They need help.  You have to take care of you.  If they would be eating raw fish and raw chicken their nerves would calm with healthy strength and they could better interact with family.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Une recette de Cyril Attrazic
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:41:22 pm »
Le chef du restaurant Le Camillou, Cyril Attrazic, reviste latradition culinaire de l'Aubrac: Un tartare de boeuf, gelee au macis et emulsion de noix de muscade. Un terrior savamment modernise.
by passiongastronomie

Anyone know French?  What is the wrapper?  Had it been frozen or is it prosciutto?

Might be a good basis for a recipe at a party for entertaining, a date or a potluck.


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