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Messages - norawnofun

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General Discussion / Re: Mineral water causing tooth decay/tartar
« on: September 21, 2018, 06:28:58 pm »
I´m not sure if it caused solely by the water, but it for sure contributes to it. The white residue I see in my kettle seems to be caused by the hardness of the water. So it makes sense that the teeth get white plaque/tartar due to that hardness as well, which are high amounts of minerals. There are accounts from the past and present times where people went to these thermal baths to regenerate their health. They might have drunk that water as well, but I assume they did it just for short periods, therefore one can assume that drinking it on a daily basis has a negative effect on the health, especially teeth. Or maybe as you said, a bath would be fine, drinking not so much. Maybe the water converts the minerals differently on a bath rather than orally. Who knows.

I remember Aajonus mentioned in "We want to live" that he gave his son during the coma/hospital period naturally sparkling water for his curative treatment. And in the book it says:

Drinking 1-2 cups of naturally sparkling mineral water daily helps restore the electrolyte balance and oxygen level in the blood and reduces adrenaline production

Well, I drank naturally sparkling daily as well then just naturally minteral water and that seems to cause issues. But then again, I don´t trust everything he said. Some things yes, some no. Or maybe he was right and the brand I drank wasn´t ideal. I also noticed that I am no longer bloated after stopping the natural mineral water. Big relief. Imagine you get "allergic" to water. Ur fkd  ;D

General Discussion / Mineral water causing tooth decay/tartar
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:35:27 am »
I always thought that mineral water is better than filtered water, or "man made" water, however it seems that it can have adverse effects if you drink too much of it. Some time ago I used to drink a lot of sparkling water, but after some time I noticed that I got more and more tartar. I first blamed the dairy that I eat daily, but when I cut the sparkling (mostly naturally sparkling and sometimes carbonated) the tartar reversed. Now I noticed something similar happening with still mineral water. When I sometimes look into my glass kettle I see regularly calcification at the heating part. So these "minerals" must cause that on my teeth as well.

Then everytime I drink that still mineral water it first helps but then bloats. So I am thinking that too much of it can have harmful effects on your digestion, your teeth and possibly organs. Has anybody else noticed something similar? I am thinking to switch to either filtered jug water or man made water from bottles. Or what are the alternatives? I know both aren´t the best but better that than rotting teeth and internal "calcification". A proper filter system I can´t afford atm.

General Discussion / Re: Spotting Good Quality Liver
« on: September 19, 2018, 05:29:16 pm »
Im not sure if I read it on this forum here once, but is it true that quality liver tends to be more firm while low quality is more soft?

General Discussion / Re: ground meat still good? 2days sealed
« on: September 18, 2018, 03:11:23 am »
I regularly buy ground beef and I recommend storing them in proper sealable glass containers such as

then there are different types which have no sealer rubber around and these I wouldn´t recommend (something similar to

I also store it at the lowest shelf at the very back. I found that at that location things last much longer. When I buy raw ricotta it usually lasted 3-4 days in the original plastic container, however, when I started to put it in the sealable glass container it easily lasts 7 days. Raw meat the same. 4-5 days isn´t an issue and it might last even longer.

General Discussion / Re: Mucus - beneficial or harmful?
« on: September 17, 2018, 07:08:17 pm »
And do you have issues with Dairy? And does the mucus when you get it effect you negatively? Like bloating, constipation, fatigue and so forth

Personally I found that animal foods eaten together with plants can interfere with your digestion, especially with your digestive juices. When you eat a mainly plant based diet for a long time then your body will lower the production of HCI, which is needed to digest meat and fats. Therefore once you switch from a vegan or vegetarian diet to animal foods only, ur body will have a hard time digesting something that it´s not used to. A plant based diet lead to my leaky gut and all kind of food sensitivities of all kinds of veggies, especially raw since they are too hard to digest on low HCI. I improved a lot by eating only animal foods without any plant foods, not even herbs for a couple of weeks/months. Beef, Lamb, followed by Salmon, Sardines (better not from the can), Makerele would be best. Good ratio of Omega 3 and 6, DHA and EPA with high fat content.

General Discussion / Re: Mucus - beneficial or harmful?
« on: September 16, 2018, 03:15:31 am »
So you both had mucus in ur stool in the beginning, if so for how long? And now you don´t see it anymore? I know that peristalsis is vital for good bowel movements. If u lack in that u get blocked up as food gets stuck. Fats seems to be the replacement for fiber, but without the negative effects.

General Discussion / Mucus - beneficial or harmful?
« on: September 15, 2018, 02:58:59 am »
What do you think about mucus in the stool? I always thought these are parasites, but as it turns out they aren´t. But at the end of my "sausage" I see lots of mucus which looks like worms. And the stool is always hard there. I am pretty sure it´s a mixture of mucus plus undigested fats. On one hand side I hear that mucus can be a sign of an illness, on the other hand it can be a sign of regeneration of the gut lining? What´s ur experience on that? I moved to a carnivore diet 2 month ago, changed everything in terms of energy, digestion, weight gain (from underweight). When you started eating raw did you see an increase in mucus too? I´m not sure if to be concerned or happy. Also, i don´t know if that mucus seems to slow down the bowel movement, or the fats with the mucus aid it? And in general, is fat always fully digested or can you still see fat pieces in your stool (considering your digestion and bowel movements are optimal)?

Journals / Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« on: September 08, 2018, 06:15:18 am »
Chicken only the breast, not parts such as the tights, that´s considered red as far as I know due to the muscle content. But anyhow. I read both of aajonus books too and im sure he ate a lot of honey. It was an important ingredient in many of his recipes. I ate quite a lot of honey at one point and i found it very cleansing. I have also eaten bee pollen for several weeks, but i never combined it with honey. Main problem is to source bee pollen that´s raw, organic and stored in the fridge. Many of them get mouldy when not refrigerated. Where do u source ur honey and pollen from? Honey combs would be best, but to find some which were not separated with heat is hard, unless you know where it´s coming from.

And it would be interesting how the mouldy berry juice would do you. In one of his podcasts he said: "Get rid of heavy metals: Eating coriander juice (a bit) and dark berries- raspberry? blueberry and blackberry, mulberry with coconut cream and dairy cream."

So if dark berries are good for detox then "high berries" must be an incredible cleanser. Allthough I can´t afford to have 30 days feeling like crap :) But if u do it pls report back!

Journals / Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« on: September 07, 2018, 06:37:01 am »
In terms of fully unheated honey I find the more I can eat the better for healing and detox and this can only be accomplished for me by eating it with a "white" meat as well as more importantly having it mixed as unfiltered as possible with a ton of bee pollen or with the honeycomb which both reduce sweetness and increase your ability to consume more.

How much honey and how much bee pollen do you eat when you want to heal and detox properly? And what white meat are u talking about? Fish or things like chicken?

General Discussion / Pork - Good or Bad?
« on: August 29, 2018, 07:40:41 am »
What´s ur intake on Pork? I recently stumbled across this article that explains the effect of uncured pork on the human blood system What do you think about the reputation that they have more parasites than other meats? I found that cooked pork gives me energy, makes me gain weight (in a positive way) and speeds up my digestion. Pork has a bad rep, but is it really that bad? Who of u is eating it raw? The spartans had in in their staple blood soup, the okinawans eat it a lot, so is pork really that unhealthy if its raised on pasture or at least organic? Furthermore, pork liver seems to have the highest heme iron content of any food that is out there, more than double the amount of veal liver. It seems that I can digest pork very easily on my low HCI, beef and lamb I have issues with, which are supposed to be healthier

General Discussion / Re: strange symptoms when starting out
« on: August 18, 2018, 06:38:25 am »
If ur still bloated it can mean that your body didn´t digest the food correctly. That can be because you don´t have enough gastric acid, which can happen if you come from a vegetarian/vegan diet, or it can also be that certain foods interact with raw meats. So if u eat raw meats I would eat them alone, just with salt and maybe pepper, no other things added to it (like garlic, herbs...)  Furthermore certain things like probiotics or digestive enzyme tablets can cause maldigestion and constipation. I believe that´s because of the additives in it. I´d rather go for homemade raw kefir if u want probiotics combined with digestive enzymes.  Usually takes 2-3 days to get back to normal digestion if the pills were causing these issues. Very often the "natural" pills that suppose to help you can do u harm. However, some of your symptoms can also be a sign of detox. I would also not freak out about grass fed expensive cuts. Organic ground beef would do the same, is softer and easier to digest. There are other cuts with are full of fat and also not as expensive as ribeye. Things like beef brisket, certain beef rib cuts, cube roll and so forth. This image gives you a good idea what fatty cuts are And if u don´t eat enough fats (like half the amount of protein and often more), you can get constipation. I´d first eat more fats until you get diarreah, then cut down slowly until you a) don´t have too loose stools anymore and b) are no longer constipated. So find ur middle way. For that test I´d recommend to stay close to the toilet though  ;D

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Fueling your workout
« on: August 15, 2018, 06:01:38 am »
I haven't found that I need to eat anything unusual. I personally don't drink water, and instead drink raw milk. I found that after intense workouts I am a bit thirstier than usual, so I will drink a cup of milk.

If you replaced water with raw milk, how much do you drink per day on average? And beside the workout, do you drink the milk with foods or in between?

General Discussion / Re: Pasteurised dairy - bad habit?
« on: August 14, 2018, 05:22:40 am »
It´s not always on the label. You either need to check on the website or contact the seller/producer directly. And even then they can cheat. Best is to go to a farmer and get it directly from him. Imported kefir, as with all store bought kefir has nothing to do with the real kefir. Store bought kefir is made of conventional pasteurized dairy NOT made with kefir grains but with added probiotic bacterial (I assume powder form) strains, just like they add to yoghurt. It has nothing to do with kefir, shouldn´t even be allowed to be called like that. The only kefir is real kefir made of water or milk kefir grains. Water grains have much a much lower amount of probiotic bacterial strains though. I used them for some time, but then switched back to milk grains. U can order them on the internet easily. If you don´t have raw milk available then you can use at least organic pasteurized milk. But I don´t see a need of having kefir unless you have a very low bacterial activity in ur gut due to let´s say antibiotic use. Instead u can use high meat. Still, having it for some time is not a bad thing. I have times when I drink homemade raw goat kefir daily with every meal. For almost a year now. And it helps digestion a lot. But I had to make breaks in between. Might have been due to dairy, or the mixture with other foods. That I don´t know for sure.

Raw is law when it comes to dairy. I don´t see any benefits of commercial dairy, even organic pasteurized dairy. Let alone UHT dairy or powdered like they use in the coffee machines. Utter rubbish. There is too much info out there about the benefits of raw dairy. Raw dairy contains the enzymes that help you digest it. Heating milk kills them. Been used to heal people in ancient times and today. However, as it seems only A2 dairy was used such as Guernsey cows and goat milk. Google is ur friend. But even if raw, some people just can´t tolerate it. No matter what type of raw they have. Then again, some people might confuse the intolerance with a cleansing effect or detox. It´s sometimes hard to say.

I´d stay away from conventional raw milk, but I even drank that myself (jersey milk) every day for months with no ill effect, but instead it helped a lot. Anyhow, there are big differences when it comes to the type of dairy. Cows, Goat, Sheep, then at A1/A2 cows breeds. Some people on this forum say it messed them up, some people said it heals them (it does for me). However, I would be careful not to overeat or drink pasteurized dairy, since, as far as I understood, too much calcium can remove ur bodies calcium. I noticed that myself when I used too much pasteurized dairy (such as joghurt), my bones started to crack.

I think the best way to consume dairy is by drinking room temperature raw A2 (A2 cow breeds or goat and sheep) milk with a straw (so the milk sugar doesn´t effect the teeth), or consume kefir, since the grains eat the milk sugar to produce the kefir when you ferment it long enough. Then when you have parasites you need to watch as well, as they like to feed on milk. So you would need to counteract by e.g. having raw honey (apparently certain herbs work too) with or after the milk, first lure them, then kill them so to speak. Dairy is such a huge topic that it would take a while to summarize all the benefits and negatives. But I would personally stop it if a) your bones start to crack after eating or drinking it and b) if you start to build up tartar on your teeth (even by using a straw) or c) you start to have stomach cramps or skin conditions (when u e.g. eat pasteurized or UHT). Forum Moderator TylerDurden made a big post about dairy once, listing all the negatives. You´ll find it with the search function. But I always recommend to read both, the good and the bad and see for urself. But one thing is for sure, pasteurized, UHT or powdered dairy is always bad in the long term.

General Discussion / Re: Taste of bone marrow
« on: August 08, 2018, 05:32:59 am »
I found that salting bone marrow is a bad idea since it tastes very salty already. I can believe the studies about people that tend to eat things they grew up with. That makes sense. That might also be the reason why somebody can digest certain foods better than the other. If your ancestors grew up on a certain food you might then have this "taste-bud" gene in you as well, and that certain food might do you better than another. The reason why I can´t digest certain raw meats is due to the connective tissue. When you cook something (ideally boil) then that tissues is softened and much easier to break down by the stomach acid IF you have low stomach acid, which I have. I found that when I eat something overfried or cooked too chewy, then its the same issue as digesting raw meats. Liver was the worst. It was a desaster to eat raw. Raw beef (if cut too thick) was a problem too. Ground was better, since it´s already softened and the connective tissue torn apart. Digesting fats is an issue for me too. But I think I´m improving in both since starting the pure carnivore diet (animal foods only). My stomach acid is getting back slowly. But fats are the most important thing for me I have found. Too less fats, food gets blocked up and doesnt move, which means no hunger feeling and therefore no digestive juices get produced, so food can´t be broken down properly. Fats are the answer. Only problem is that the best fats are hard to get here. And if you get it´s all from very unhealthy animals.

General Discussion / Re: Pasteurised dairy - bad habit?
« on: August 07, 2018, 05:55:36 am »
Thats the thing, many honey products are labelled "raw honey" but they can be heated up to a certain amount. F pointless. I found that the best thing to do is to find a beekeeper (there are usually beekeeper associations) and buy the honeycombs from them, squash them yourself with lets say a potato squasher and you have everything in there. The propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen. Homemade true Superfood.. The honeycombs u can buy in shops are usually separated with heat into pieces, which renders the honey useless. The one I get is from crete, raw pine thyme honey. Research showed that its equal or better for certain bacterial infections than certain manuka grades, which btw the bees can´t produce anymore (at my time of research). I found that grade on ebay though, but for a crazy amounts of money.

Antibacterial activity of selected honeys from different origins against five different
bacterial species, determined by agar diffusion.

I have been there personally and I can tell you that this type of honey is a different league. The one I got there was superior. It was from a restaurant which got it from a farmer from a certain cretan region. The guide also told us that this honey is famous for healing many illnesses. Thought he is full of shit but he was not. When I got 2 jars and took them back home you know it´s a different league. Half a teaspoon was enough and the feeling I got was emotional. Hard to describe. The one I buy now is still organic "commercial" but after tasting different brands my body can tell if it´s good or not. I also wrote to the producer asking if they heat the honey or if its purely made raw. Raw was the answer. Either way, if you have tasted other honeys you will KNOW and feel the difference. Shitty honey usually gives you a sugar rush, healing honey (if taken in half to max 1 teaspoon amounts) will give you a cleansing effect. First thing in the morning is something I would recommend. Without any other foods.

Regarding raw dairy it´s fairly easy to find in the uk. I once sent my other half to get some while she was there, and I found numerours raw dairy sellers, even the ones that sell "A2 products". There are certain markets in london, then there are certain places where you can only buy from the farm, but truly and honestly its very easy to get raw quality dairy from the UK mate, you just need to do ur research.

According to Aajonus Vonderplanitz refrigerated eggs loose nutrients. I don´t know if that´s true or not, he is a very controversial figure on this forum. Either way, after reading this I stopped refrigerating eggs. When I used to eat them raw I found refrigerated eggs easier to eat (tastewise) in the beginning of my initial raw food journey, but then I switched and left them out, even now in the summer heat (still inside though). But I think that when you eat them unrefrigerated they taste more intense, better and more "egg like". I´d recommend them to squirl inside a glass before eating, as gulping them down with the round egg yolk can be irritating (you tend to gag). Generally speaking I think that they could loose nutrients when cooled too much, I don´t think that our ancestors were refrigerating eggs, that came with modern times, neither do the hens.

Therefore I don´t think its too natural to cool certain foods. I think its best to consume them in their natural state as soon as possible (unless making high eggs). Since the egg comes with a shell I see no problem in leaving them outside for at least a month, even in summer. Even if eggs were expired I used to eat them raw. I think expiry dates are pretty useless anyway, unless its some commercial pre-packed food. If you leave them out for months they can become "high" eggs, full of bacteria, same as high meat. In some countries like china there are eggs which are left to rott for years, and they are a delicacy there. So I wouldn´t worry too much, however, I would worry if these are conventional eggs from cage hens. I would never touch that. Especially not raw.

Go for organic pastured eggs. Apparently fertile eggs are the best, which makes sense since they give the baby chick all the nutrients they needs for a healthy development, but these are hard to get. I would also go for eggs which are very orange as this can be an indication for the pasture they eat. Usually shitty caged eggs are very pale and yellow, unless of course they feed the chickens chemical colors which they do for farmed salmon. I ate many organic brands of different eggs and I can clearly say that the ones that had the most orange color were the tastiest. But the batches differed. One batch of the commercial organic brand was super orange and super tasty and then from the same brand some days later another batch had less quality, less taste and less orange color. I got super pissed and went to all the shops around to get from this previous batch. Then there are organic farmers which I know personally that have organic eggs, but they are less tasty and more yellow. And I asked them if these are pastures. Some where and some had organic corn to eat. I came to the conclusion that the pasture makes all the differene, think thats because of the beta carotene that makes the yolk orangish. Therefore I think when it comes to pastured eggs it all depends on the quality of the soil.

General Discussion / Re: Taste of bone marrow
« on: August 06, 2018, 04:18:04 pm »
I only used salt for seasoning, nothing else. When I cooked it properly and it became very soft I had no issue, but half raw I had. I also didn´t over on it. I just had one small piece which becomes tiny once cooked. Almost like oil. I could eat it only by itself, but I would only consider that when I will get a healthy source. I´m a bit fed of up experimenting and feeling like shit all the time :)

Candida is not curable in 1 month, that's just a lie. I've been eating 95% raw paleo for the last 4 months and have seen decent amount of progress, though I am not near being cured after these months.

The terrible thing about candida is that as you kill the overgrowth, you will get the same symptoms that you have been suffering from, although often to a lesser extent. For this reason it can seem like you are making next to no progress. However, I found that when I quit the diet and ate 'normally' again (a SAD, that is) the toxicity in my body caused by the die-off would go away. Resulting in me feeling the results of my anti-candida lifestyle for the first time. I gotta say, I hadn't felt so good since I was a child, making me exciting that it's only gonna be better in the future.

I found that a zero-carb or low-carb diet, including lots of raw animal foods + seafood is the best to deal with candida. Eating high meat would definitely increase the healing speed, considering candida affects the gut as well and you need to feed your own gut biome to get it back up to normal healthy flora. My guess still is, though, that candida is beatable within a year in serious cases, and even faster in less serious cases.

Question to Sabretooth: at what time did you gain weight again? how far into the diet? I've just went from 70 to 76 kg in a couple of days but it could also just be due to the fact I've been with my parents eating shit here and there.

Well I think it depends on how much overgrowth you have. If you don´t have much then why should it not be curable within short amounts of time? And when you say zero carb, do you really mean zero carb? Eggs and dairy still have carbs. When I look at Jordan Peterson´s interview he said that he stopped seeing floaters after 1 month, after eating only steak, salt and soda club sparkling water. The floaters gone within a short time was also reported by other people on the carnivore facebook forum. As far as I understand floaters are parasites, and candida overgrowth to my understanding are possibly parasites gotten out of hand. After all, if you have had a closer look at floaters in your eyes, then they look exactly like worms, so parasites. Should they be there naturally? I don´t think so, they impair your vision and bother. I can´t see them to be beneficial, so to me they should not be there in the first place. Invaders which I would call parasites.

You also mentioned that you felt better on a SAD or "normal diet". That makes sense, since the candida, or parasites as I would say will be in harmony again with you. I see them as pets that got accustomed to your body. If you piss them off and cause them to die or starve they will fight back causing you all kinds of problems. Then when you feed them things like carbs and sugar, of course they are happy and leave you (mostly) alone. I am 2 weeks into the partly cooked carnivore diet now to a) kill the parasites and b) lower the candida overgrowth. After many experiments I cut it down to cooked beef, lamb and turkey, because these are the fattiest meats (except pork but that can be an issue) and high in calories which make me gain weight. With that I have water and sparkling water plus salt (pepper I cut out). Up until yesterday I had a big glass of raw goat kefir with every meal (2-3 daily) to get my gut environment back in shape, and i eat raw goat ricotta with every meal. Sometimes cooked eggs. I noticed I am craving the fats, especially the ricotta. But I also noticed that my tartar in my teeth grew and are not shrinking like before. The reason for that is for sure the dairy. I also noticed that in the morning or evening, whenever I force vomit cuz i feel shitty, up come the parasites with food matter around them. And that food matter is dairy or eggs. So I am constantly feeding them. Therefore I don´t think my candida overgrowth can go down as fast as I want. So yesterday I decided to cut out dairy and only stick to meats and fats and I will see how it goes at the end of the day.

I also noticed something very strange which I kinda noticed since years but never really took much care of that until now. Whenever I am in the kitchen area next to the stove I get a bad feeling in the stomach that manifests in bloating and that results in becoming agressive. I have a feeling that certain environments awaken the parasites, candida or however you want to call them. They crawl up to the stomach where they cause much discomfort. I know that they are in the stomach because when I then force vomit they come out. With food matter around them. Funnily enough, sparkling water somehow triggers them to come out more and massaging the gut by leaning forward, makes them come out more. So they are mainly located in the gut area coming up to the stomach.

Reason being the kitchen area made me think of 3 things 1) mildew behind the walls (which there still might be), mold behind the kitchen furniture, bacteria surrounding the cooking area or the electromagnetic field of the cooking area. Or maybe, just maybe, but that sounds crazy, they get triggered because they (through the receptors of the body), can sense that there is food and they are waiting for it, hence they come up to the stomach (that´s why I can puke them out once they are situated there). I mean if they live with you for years or decades and they can become immune to certain herbs that can kill them, I guess they have some kind of intelligence no? But, or in the end, what parasite overgrowth or candida overgrowth might all boil down to is environment. If you live in a unhealthy environment it will be very hard or nearly impossible to sort out your health issues. Regardless if you eat the most healing raw foods. And that reminds me of the of Stamatis Moraitis, a greek guy living in the states where he got lung cancer who was supposed to die of lung cancer, but when moving back to his village on the Island of Ikaria Greece he healed and died at a good age not by cancer. And their diet also consists cooked foods including shitty beans and gluten whole grains. So all that someone might need to heal from any disease is by changing the might just be secondary after all.

I tend to agree that certain herbs can do you very well in the beginning, but then cause issues afterwards. Sometimes it´s the best to cut off all the supplements and just let ur body do it´s job. I think it has the ability to adapt once it understands that you eat healing foods. That´s why when u eat shitty foods you will get the payback straight. Either way, low carb IMO is always the way to approach things.

Regarding coconut butter I wanna ask u though, u found that more benefical than coconut oil? As I found that coconut oil can do great things to detox the body. Coconut butter i´m not sure though. I also did juiced coconut like AV suggested, but I didn´t observe the pos/neg reaction too well at that time, so I can´t judge.

General Discussion / Re: Taste of bone marrow
« on: August 04, 2018, 04:51:37 am »
well, seems that it didn´t do me too well. puked it out in the eve. Maybe it was too conventional or too raw. Which is funny cuz i tend to think that when u kinda get drawn to a certain food that it should do u well. Not in my case. EIther I can´t digest raw foods well still, or it was just shitty quality even though it smelled and tasted well..

I have/had high candida overgrowth. The average good candida level according to my naturopath apparently ranges from 9-12 %, I had 31%. So a lot and I could feel it. No energy whatsoever. Constantly feeling like crap, among many other things. I think i got my parasite overload plus low HCI due to that as well. Either way, the recommandation was a certain mixture of tinctures, twice a day with half a glass of warm water. Morning and evening. All pure tinktures from Pau d´arco, milk thistle, Gotu Cola (dont think that one is really needed but it´s suppose to calm u down), echinecea, and propolis. I put 10 drops of each tincture in that glass, except propolis, here i did 4-5. Drank that for a month among other things for parasites and candida dropped from 31 to 25 percent. Even my "doc" was surprised that it went down so fast. I also cut out certain fruits and veggies (like mushrooms, apples...). However, I am certain that you can heal much faster on a raw carnivore diet.

Personally I´m currently doing a mixed cooked/raw carni diet since 2 weeks and already see big changes, which I think I could accelerate if I´d cut out raw dairy and eggs, since these are carbs, hence sugar which feeds the candida. So just eating meats with plenty of fats including organs would be the best IMO. No veggies or fruits. If u do that, depending on your overgrowth, then I think you can fix this issue within maybe a month or shorter. Will do another candida retest in some time, curious what my levels became.

General Discussion / Re: Taste of bone marrow
« on: August 02, 2018, 05:41:33 pm »
I don´t know what the animal ate, but the diet of the animals here is in general not the best. It could be anything, but I doubt grass-fed lol. Do you think that marrow in any location has the same nutritional value? Thinking of the ribs marrow compared to leg marrow. I know there might be differences with texture. But about nutrition no clue. Cuz when I eat the ribs, why not crack the bones open to get the marrow?

And yeah, using marrow "butter" instead of dairy butter is something I will give a try. When I first smelled it yesterday I had this strong draw to it. A bit like cherry cake as Qondrar mentioned.  :) Also, it´s high in calories, so good if u wanna gain some weight I think.

General Discussion / Taste of bone marrow
« on: August 02, 2018, 05:55:36 am »
Is it normal for bone marrow to taste and smell sweet? Got some conventional marrow and the taste and smell was great. Wonder if that´s normal.

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: July 24, 2018, 07:27:58 pm »
There is no such Parasitologist where I live. They are no professionals here in the first place. The multi purpose drug that I took might have been effective for some of them, but they are not effective for all of them. I also think we need to differenciate here. I think there is a big difference between parasites that you got from your travel, which lived in you for some days or weeks, compared to the ones which live in you for years and decades and got accustomed to you, your eating and bad health habits. IMO these are the ones that are the hardest to get rid of. Some of them can even get used to the parasite cleanses or chemical drugs that you take, making them less effective or worthless. Then of course there are certain things that can trigger them coming back all the time, especially if you have a weak immune system, low HCI, candida overgrowth and what not. Combined with polluted air, pets, water, pesticides, mold and so forth will make you chase your own tail. Therefore, I think cutting their food source and at the same time boosting your body is the way to go, as I can clearly see on myself now.

I also agree that you can´t be protected from parasites all the time. That´s an illusion since they are present everywhere. The question would be how long do they survive in the host, how healthy is that host and are they really harming or helping your detox. Also, herbal methods are far from useless as you claim. They might have not worked for you but for me they sure did. It was the papaya, papaya seeds, honey, black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil, garlic, ginger, green tea, liquorice, sage, red wine and what not that triggered the very hard detox symptoms and killed them in great numbers as I could see with my own eyes. The parasite drug never showed that effectiveness. It might have been your cure, but studies show that herbal things can indeed be very effective, needless to say less harmful than chemicals. However, if the host has a weak immune system, candia overgrowth, then the biggest chemical drug on the planet might not help, since your sick body invites them coming back time after time.

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