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Messages - norawnofun

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General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: July 24, 2018, 03:01:44 am »
Beside natural treatments I have taken a prescription drug for multiple parasite strains. That didn´t get rid of them. I think I would need to poison my body with prescription drugs for weeks to get them all going. But then I can tell my health goodbye. I doubt that any pill or daily enemas will make them magically go away in a couple of days. Most importantly I see a big progress the way I do it now. I would see even more if I only eat meat without dairy or eggs not even pollen. That would speed up things a lot I think since I would absolutely cut their carb food source. I think there is a reason why people that only eat meats see their floaters go away within around a month. However, the detox might be unbearable. So far its going well, but who knows, might try meat only for some days if I wanna feel like shit again :)

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: July 23, 2018, 10:29:10 pm »
Thanks for all the extra info. Always appreciate. Things changed a bit for me here. Let me give u an update. Since a week I switched to a carnivore diet after watching and soaking up all the daily posts from people turning their life around within a couple of days/weeks on Basically I eat cooked meat, raw goat riccotta (very soft, not hard to break down), raw goat milk and homemade raw goat kefir, cooked and raw eggs and plus bee pollen. I also eat cooked liver. I initially used raw cows butter and raw cows cheese, but it impaired digestion so I cut it out, Raw cow milk I need to try again. Initially it helped a lot. I noticed that carbs were my main problem which was indigestion, bloating, constipation, inflammation, auto immune issues with foods and and and. So greens, herbs and veggies foods are all out, even veggie juice with exceptions mentioned below. Dairy and eggs still have carbs but very little so I eat them.

Basically I have 2 main problems. Parasites and low enzymatic activity paired with possibly low gastic acid. It´s easy to find out whether u got parasites when looking into your iris. If you have radii solaris (google) you can see. These radi solaris weels are fading away for me and my iris is clearing up, meaning becoming brighter. They accumulated throughout my shitty previous lifestyle.

I now strongly believe you first need to get rid of the parasites before any health can improve. Many people have them and they don´t know it. They are like pets, u feed them sugar and they are happy, leave u alone. Things can change when a) they start to eat more than they should, meaning they eat ur food away. The symptoms are malnourished, weight loss, bloating, constipation, mood swings, they impair the function of your organs (such as pancreas), they impair gastric acid, they surpress hunger and more..

So you need to a) kill them and b) shit them out. And cutting out the carbs is the way to go. Carbs=sugar, so if u cut out their food source they die. Its simple but that detox can be very heavy. They are dying like flies for me and detox was so bad I thought I´m not gonna make it. I see a lot of them in my stool, vomit and spit. Not as much as a couple of weeks ago but still there. Different shapes, different colors, different sizes. Eggs and worms. They are very active when I wake up in the morning and in the evening. The reason beeing, im now pretty sure, is that they move from the intestines and other areas where they are located up to the stomach in search of food. I know that because whenever I feel them coming, my appetite is supresses, I feel bloated and my stomach is unwell. Then i force puke and what comes out? Parasites. Almost always with a bit of food stuck to them.

Then when I force vomit them out (when I initiated the detox some weeks ago, see my previous posts), in the beginning I could count maybe 50 in one detox session which could last a couple of evening hours. The way to get them out is massaging your belly upwards so they come more up and u puke them out. Then ull puke automatically more and more for a couple of minutes. But just parasites. At least that´s how it is for me. Then once that is done I feel a light in my stomach and I burp. Then I feel hungry again, since they surpressed my appetite.  If you think u cant vomit them out you need to push them deep down your intestines, so they have it harder to come up. Very sparkling water can achieve that, food or certain red wine grapes as I mentioned in my other posts. Red wine kills them REALLY effectively. Followed by ginger, honey, certain teas like sage, liquorice and bee pollen and many others too much to mention now.

So, enough of parasites. 2nd thing mentioned was pancreas, enzymatic activity and HCI as we already mentioned many times. Up until recently I took HCI tablets (2-3 with every meal) and different types of digestive enzymes. But after testing them on and off I can tell you they aren´t good. At least for me. Including ACV and all these other magical things. I found them to be bad for getting the body back into own shape. Yes, they might help but for me they made my body stop producing it´s own juices. After all most of these things are man made. They caused indigestion, constipation and instead of helping, they actually made things worse. So, since I cut them out a couple of days ago my digestion improved a lot. So did my HCI and digestive enzyme activity.

I´m on this carnivore diet since a week now and my body shifted. I can see that in my stool in the beginning first half of stool was bristol chart type 2 and 3 other half was a perfect type 4. The last couple of days my stool changed more and more to perfect type 4, today for the first time i only have type 4 after a week of carnivore and cutting out HCI and digestive enzyme tablets since around 4 days. I have more strenght on workouts, but the parasites are still giving me hassle, but at least I´m getting rid of them on a daily basis. I also noticed that eating more fatty cuts is the solution, solution to constipation and to shit out the parasites faster, hence heal the body faster. The faster you get rid of them the hungrier u will get since they will not surpress ur hunger anymore, so u will produce more digestive enzymes (especially in the mouth), so u will want to eat more and the more u eat the faster you heal.

Fatty additions like cheese, butter, milk, eggs, animal oil fats are never as effective as the fat from the meat itself. And dairy can be an issue for ppl (even raw). If dairy then Sheep, as it´s the highest in fat, low in PH and A2. See this chart here:

For animal fatty cuts I recommend the below. But read this chart regarding Omega 6 here. As some meats like chicken are high in it so not good. it also gives you a very good overview of the highest EPA DHA foods which are good for ur brain.

Beef: All with the name "ribs" in it, or sometimes called cuberoll, tri-tip very high 77%, then porterhouse, top loin, t-bone, chuck eye. Mince beef (not lean) is good too.

Lamb: Mince or Lamb breast is high in fat.

Pork: Suboptimal. Bacon or pork belly is high in fat. I´d avoid pork most of the times since it´s fed shit. Wild boar belly/bacon would be great, but hard to get. But before u go for pork I recommend first reading:

Chicken: Not the best. Low in fat. Chicken thights are the highest in fat but still way below beef. Also chicken is high in Omega 6.

Fatty fish would be: Salmon (farmed fattier but shittier), Sardines, Anchovies, Mackerel, Trout, Herring, Mussels. These have also good amounts of EPA and DHA. Anchovies are KING for EPA DHA

So, enough of writing. To summarize what helped me to improve my energy and strengh level, bloating, digestion, enzymatic activity and almost healed my long term should injury within only 1 week:

1. Carnivore diet with little carbs coming from raw dairy and raw or/and cooked eggs. No veggies or fruits except below. As alkaline foods will interfere with your protein and fat digestion. Salt and pepper as condiments. Bee pollen is a great addition, but should be taken as last thing in eve as it can trigger parasite die off which will decrease appetite, last thing u want in the morning as it will mess up ur whole day. I also recommend sparkling water first thing in the morning, then organic green tea after that and also as last thing in eve. It will help kill and push down parasites and improve gastric acids plus appetite. DON´T drink too much green tea. It can trigger a big die off and you will suffer for hours. 5-10 min before food freshly juiced gingershot made of ginger and green apples (50/50), that will push down parasites, increase appetite and saliva for further digestion of protein and fats.

2. With every meal I recommend drinking 1 cup (or more) of homemade kefir with whatever raw milk u want/tolerate. Kefir has the enzymes for digesting fats and proteins (lipase and protease) and gives you probiotics. U wont need those digestive enzyme tablets any longer. After food I also recommend biting into a ginger and letting the juices flow around in the mouth, let it touch the tongue. That will increase enzymatic digestion. Do NOT swallow it, don´t bite too much around it. It´s no chewing gum. Change from the right to the left side. After some time like 15 min exchange the ginger piece and do another one. I usually do that until my body says stop. Around 3 pieces is a good number. I found that this is far more effective than HCI or digestive enzyme pills. What I will try as well is swedish bitters after food, but the alcoholic version. the non-alcoholic was useless and caused issues, possibly because of the shitty additives.
3. I would avoid having lean meats such as most game meats like venison, rabbit, then chicken, duck (skin wont be enough) and so forth. Focus on the ones listed above.

4. Exercise, you will gain muscle, strenght and will increase bowel movements which will increase hunger. Youtube is plenty of quick home workouts

5. I eat 2 or 3 big meals a day until I am full. I stopped grazing and meals in between. Also after eating walk a bit and rest for a couple of minutes with the ginger in the mouth, Then take a walk or do some light excercise (still with the ginger in the mouth). Ginger helps a lot.

A week like that brought changes I didn´t see in years. Curious how the next weeks will be. Will update here. One last thing. I don´t drink still water or juices with meals, unless raw milk. But I did notice that proper sparkling water can make you eat more. Since it pushes food down so you are able to fit more food. And it also helps a lot when food doesnt move after lets say an hour or longer.

General Discussion / Re: FROZEN RAW TO ROTTEN PROBLEM.
« on: July 20, 2018, 08:01:18 pm »
I had no issues with previously frozen raw wild salmon. Tasted pretty good actually. Fermented it for approx. 1 and a half month.

Science / Re: Betaine for working out and for weak stomach acid
« on: July 20, 2018, 06:02:41 am »
Couple of days ago I switched to a carnivore diet after reading your jordan peterson interview post with joe rogan. Thanks for that! Then I found this fb group and decided to give it a go after reading the comments in what incredible speed people healed severe sicknesses. It´s unreal.

All plant foods that I was eating were causing issues.. carbs, fiber, starch and even herbs. All greens are rubbish for my situation. I only eat animal foods now, cooked meats, raw dairy and raw eggs and bee pollen. Within just 3 days my strenght has increasing like NEVER before. And my appetite for red meats is very dominant. Previously I had totally cut it out. I can now do work outs I could never do while eating meats with shitty plant foods. My shoulder injury which never really healed while eating mixed foods, has improved tremendously within a couple of days. I still have a lot of parasites in my body, allthough I killed a LOT of them already, and they are dying like flies since I cut out the plant carbs and all fruits. So from time to time, especially in the eve, detox is heavy and hard but whatever. By cutting the carbs (except dairy of course), u starve them. Especially by cutting fruits. IMO that´s also the reason why many people stop seeing floaters after some weeks of eating pure carnivore like jordan explained in his interview, he was soley eating beef, salt and soda water for a month. So he had cut carbs totally.

The only thing that I need to fix is my low HCI/gastric acid and put up my enzyme activity, since these are vital to process the proteins and fats of the pure animal diet. After doing some research I found that kefir is the ideal enzyme food for protein and fat.
Kefir is a fermented milk beverage that contains many digestive enzymes, including lipases, proteases and lactases. These enzymes break down fat, protein and lactose molecules, respectively.

So that I eat with every meal again (homemade from raw goat milk), plus it gives you the probiotics for further digestion. I also included HCI again and digestive enzyme pills. However, still experimenting and trying to find the best way here. I went for your suggestion to eat raw pancreas. First I ate them braised with cooked meats, then I ate them raw with cooked meats. That caused stomach issues and they impaired digestion (force puked to see whats causing issues and this was the thing that didnt digest and i was burping up all the time). So I cut it out for now. Thing is I am still wairy of eating raw meats, otherwise I would maybe eat that with the raw pancreas. Maybe I should eat it alone? Thing is I noticed that eating small meals is a bad idea. Having 2-3 big full meals is better than snacking. So having the raw pancreas as a snack in between, I´m not sure. Apparently traditional chinese medicine recommends eating the organs that you are having problems with. I am almost certain that I have issues with the gallbladder/pancreas so I can´t produce enough digestive enzymes. Ginger does miracles for me when chewed and left in the mouth to stimulate enzymatic activity, so that, IMO indicates issues with releasing bile to break down proteins and fats. So eating pancreas would make sense. Or maybe gallbladder. Or supplementing with ox bile or pancreatin. Still experimenting what´s best.

Science / Re: Betaine for working out and for weak stomach acid
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:06:59 pm »
Thanks. Unfortunately it didn´t work out. It actually impaired digestion. Will try it cooked, due to low HCI I still have an issues digesting certain raw foods it seems.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Black pepper!
« on: July 14, 2018, 06:37:33 am »
Black pepper can aid digestion due to the Piperine content. But it can also cause issues if you have bowel inflammation.

Science / Re: Betaine for working out and for weak stomach acid
« on: July 10, 2018, 06:13:56 pm »
How would u guys recommend taking raw pancreas to aid digestion of fats and protein? With food, before or after? I was thinking of doing a pancreas smoothie

General Discussion / Re: Ways to stop a detox when it´s too heavy?
« on: July 04, 2018, 10:44:21 pm »
I think too fast can be an issue, as it is with me. And there are triggers to activate it. But the problem is that when ur still experimenting with a cleanse, you sometimes trigger things with certain foods or drinks that make the hours afterwards a desaster. I agree regarding fibers and greens, but for me I need additional things as well. Flushing is the most important thing. If thinks are stuck then no real detox can happen. But the problem is that when you accidently trigger it in the moment you cannot afford to have it. How can you stop it? I noticed for example that goat yoghurt together with coconut oil can easen it, but it takes some time.

General Discussion / Re: Ways to stop a detox when it´s too heavy?
« on: July 04, 2018, 04:10:41 pm »
A parasite detox to be more precise..

General Discussion / Ways to stop a detox when it´s too heavy?
« on: July 04, 2018, 07:16:18 am »
Is there any way to stop a detox for a short time when it gets too unbearable? I remember AV mentioned lime juice. Does anybody have experience with that and with other temporarily stopping detox remedies?

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: June 30, 2018, 05:55:16 am »
sound advice thx,but what do you think of eating raw meats during a parasite cleanse? somehow i have the urge to eat raw red beef, but i don´t want to aggravate the parasites. I´d also like to eat some raw fats with the raw meat. Do you know if they either speed up the cleansing of parasites or can impair it? I´m still undecided about that. There is no doubt about raw meats being superior, however I am not sure when it comes to a parasite cleanse.

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: June 29, 2018, 05:39:34 pm »
I am cautious and I know that some are beneficial. They don´t do the proper test here and I know I have them because I saw them in my stool, spit and vomit, I see them in my iris and I feel them. I can feel when they are present these shitters, especially in the evening they come out and in the morning. Also during the day. I get a bad feeling in the stomach and if its bad it reaches the area behind the neck impairing my thinking. Or I get the need to grind on my jaw. That can be an indication for their presence. Then when I take either coconut oil, papaya, raw garlic, raw honey (stopped for now), ginger, certain red wine varieties, bee pollen or certain herbal teas they get pushed down or die. All these are antiparasitic so it makes sense that they work instantly. Especially eating raw garlic. They take all my energy and they need to go. I will try every method to get them out. I don´t buy those cleanses anyway. I know it´s a lot about money making and these are full with additives and crap. I research and take what´s proven and what I know works from experience. Furthermore certain spokes either faded or shrinked, I don´t just imagine. It took a couple of weeks though. I know because I check my eyes nearly on a daily basis. When I finally get an iridology cam I want to document it.

One thing that I want to know is if at this stage it´s wise to eat raw meat and raw fats. Even raw milk. Since my stomach acid situation improved due to cutting out acids like ACV and lemon I want to eat it but I don´t want to make it worse. Apparently they love satured fats, when having cooked eggs it was horrible. Maybe raw would be better? Atm I feel best on a cooked and raw vegan diet, sadly. Then I had a white cooked fish yesterday and digestion was a desaster. I had to lie down for some time and the whole day was fkd.

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: June 29, 2018, 01:20:17 pm »
How is ur gastric/stomach acid improving ivanrk? I have found out that I have a huge amount of parasites in my body since a long time, which I assume are the main culprit for the low gastric acid production. That including overgrowth of candida from eating too many fruits including dried. You can check yourself easily if u got an overgrowth of parasites when you look into your iris. If you see Radii Solaris or “Spokes” in you iris then this can be one method. I also think that many red lines (Somatids) in your sklera would indicate that as well. I have both in big amounts. Stool tests for several days in a row is another method to test. As I suspected that I have parasites some few weeks ago I started taking natural remedies first.

I started researching papaya seeds and came to this study After doing that including other things like eating garlic, papaya itself and certain herbs I think I activated the die off. Unfortunately I ate a lot of cooked eggs and I think the parasites feeds on that denatured satured fat. I started feeling really bad. Then recently I noticed that eggs and too much cooked meat were the main culprits so I cut out eggs. Then I bought a chemical dewormer (vermox) for 3 days and took that including papaya, raw crushed garlic, made separate teas out of clove, liquorice root, olive leaf, cooked with ginger and chewed fresh one among other things. I also drank a shitload of water. These were the hardest 3 days of my life I think. The detox was very intense. I saw different types of worms in my stool, in my vomit, i even burped them up! So I have an overload of them.

And as I noticed that eating eggs and cooked meats made things worse, I now eat mostly plant foods and I started a new cleansing program with wormwood, black walnut, echinecia, and lots of other things. I have a proper program now to get rid of them ALL. Whilst I believe that there are some beneficial parasites, too many bad ones or an overgrowth of candida can mess up everything in your body, including your gastric acid. I also started to take bee pollen after reading the immense benefits including instructions how to take and increase it SLOWLY

If your body is missing certain vitamins and minerals, like that you will not miss much if you can´t digest certain things. It´s the most complete food on the planet followed by organ meats. Important to put it under the tongue and let it dissolve there! Bee pollen helps against parasites too.

I already noticed the Spokes are gone in some spots, so I will continue the parasite cleanse till they are all gone. I did another body scan and I have some in the intestines and stomach as well, so if they are there and eat your nutrients you a) won´t gain much weight and b) your organs will never heal, you won´t become hungry enough so that proper saliva is produced which is needed for proper HCI. Anyhow, after my cleanse is complete or things are improving dramatically, I can write the full instruction including remedies that i took. But before you go further into your research why you might have low gastric acid, I strongly suggest you to look at your parasites first!

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Portugal
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:34:11 pm »
Ok. Good to know. I know there are some organic markets in the central area of lisbon which might be the first place to look for when getting raw produce directly from farmers. And then those farmers are then probably located outside or in the vicinity of lisbon.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Portugal
« on: June 25, 2018, 03:01:14 am »
Hi there!

From which area of portugal are you from? Do you have access to raw foods there? Like raw dairy, organ meats...

Science / Re: Betaine for working out and for weak stomach acid
« on: June 18, 2018, 07:38:26 am »
I do have quite some experience with low HCI as well. I tried ACV, Red wine vinegar, Lemon, Orange juice, Grapefruit juice, a juiced gingershot made with lemon, apple and ginger, beet juice, beet juice with carrot and ginger, raw corn on cob, sparkling water (both, naturally sparkling and added carbonation), certain red wines (syrah and carbernet sauvignon were best), and also bought 2 HCI brands. One from thorne (porcine source) and the other one from premier labs (beetroot source) among some mixes of the above like orange juice with lemon, acv with lemon juice and so forth..

I took some of these things for over a year and here are my observations:

1. Apple cider vinegar and lemon. They seem to help but in my experience they don´t in the long run. Especially ACV as it can surpress hunger and made my stomach bloated. So I didn´t want to drink it anymore when I drank it before a meal (also tried with and after a meal) even though I was hungry a couple of minutes earlier. That´s a problem if you then start to eat, since your digestive juices in the mouth do not prepare the stomach for the foods what´s about to come. So you eat and you cant digest it since the hunger feeling is gone. IMO it can replace HCI, but at the same time represses your own. Bad idea. Same with lemon and red wine winegar.

2. Orange juice and grapefruit juice (g is more acidic and less sugar) help digestion too but you get a lot of sugar and you are then dependent on them. I also observed that they surpress my own HCI.

3. The gingershot was helping as well, especially due to the ginger but same thing here. However, just biting into one ginger and leaving it in the mouth for several minutes after a meal helps A LOT more to enhance digestive juices/enzymes

4. Beet juice on its own did nothing, but juice with beets, carrots and ginger helped quite a lot. But it was such a mess and hazzle to do this that i stopped.

5. Raw corn on the cob. Worked really great, however, it´s expensive to get organic so it wasn´t feasible and practical (ur not gonna carry around raw corn on the cobs all the time ur out)

6. I tried several naturally and carbonated waters. I read that the carbonated ones are acidic (I assume the natural ones as well). They seemed to work since they made the food move through the intestines quickly which makes space in your stomach and therefore you feel you need to eat more. So more hunger more gastric acid is produced (at least in my theory). Only problem is that when you drink sparkling water (even naturally sparkling) all the time it hurts or maybe even inflames your intestines. Bad idea when u got inflamed intestines already.

7. Certain red wine grapes (which are more acidic) can help digestion tremendously. I would say 1-2 glasses were ok. The food got properly digested and the wine grapes themselves have digestive abilities which help digestion further down the digestive tract. Only problem is too much alcohol is no good when ur not fully healthy and it becomes expensive. Sleep however was great on 1-2 glasses as digestion was very fast and smooth.

8. As mentioned i tried 2 types of HCI. The porcine source made me blocked and bloated (maybe the pork source) and the other one I initially cut out too. However, I started the other one again, this time on a different time interval. That´s 30-45 minutes after food. And so far it works well but I would be careful as it has already been mentioned when you don´t have much stomach lining.

Basically what I can conclude at this stage is that most of these substitues are no good. What you want is your own body to produce enough HCI himself, not lower it by taking substitutes. You might think ACV helps, but it makes things worse. Since I cut out ACV and lemon juice for example, my body produces HCI by himself more and more it seems. I just made this discovery a couple of days ago and I still experiment with the HCI supplement, but I want to cut it out asap as well. Even when ur older you should produce your own HCI, not depend on supplements. Do tribes that eat a RVAF diet use supplements when they get older? No.

I think the most important thing to reproduce your own HCI is by NOT taking supplements, but by teaching your body how to produce it naturally again. I think one crucial thing is the need for hunger, since saliva is produced which is the first step, and how fast the digestive process is (let say food moves through the intestines). IMO that can be enhanced with fats and fiber. When I was eating a lot of bread and grains (like pasta which has a lot of sauce and olive oil) my digestion was super fast and great (aside of the accumulating inflammation which then fucked up digestion), but moving food through the intestines fast mainly with the help of fats or fiber, foods high in magnesium and therefore the peristaltic movement is crucial. I recently looked into food challenges. You know, the people which can eat a shitload of food very fast. Their stomach acid must be incredible and the digestion must work super fast. Otherwise there is no way you can stuff that much in such a short time without puking it all out in a couple of minutes. So I think the key is finding out how they do it and apply it to yourself by eating healthy foods. I also noticed that what I once read you should never do actually turned out to be more beneficial than anything. That´s drinking still water with meals. Especially cooked meals (which I eat since they are easier to digest than raw foods on low HCI).

So to recap. I think the key to get your stomach acid levels back to top class is by drinking a big glass of water before food (which increases the activation of saliva and digestive enzymes according to my experiments), then eat bigger portions more frequently (bulking up) step by step with plenty of fats AND fiber (fiber in form of tigernut flour and nuts to replace the fiber in breads) together with water. That would make things move fast and fast digestion means more hunger, means bigger portions which signals the body to produce more HCI naturally. During that time you could add HCI and digestive bitters (which i found very helpful but still didn´t finish experimenting with) and maybe magnesium if food travels too slowly through the intestines and ur not eating enough foods high in magnesium (if u for ex. are intolerant to certain foods), then slowly lowering these 2/3 supplements until you notice that your body produces HCI naturally again. Once that is done you could cut out the starch/fibers of the tigernut and nuts and eat raw fats and meats only. But in my experience its better to eat a cooked paleo diet first, since the collagen is broken down due to cooking which makes digestion a lot easier on low HCI, then once digestion/HCI is back up you switch to raw meats and raw fats, fully heal and u reached ur goal.

I also think that just taking digestive bitters without HCI could help a lot, that would also be healthier than a HCI supplement. I ordered one recently and will provide an update once tested properly. And then there is the issue of candida and parasites. I think if you have an overload of them your body can´t produce enough HCI in the first place. So you need to lower the "bad bacteria" candia level by cutting out all fruits except maybe lemon and papaya for lets say a month, at the same time kill the malicious parasites (i think not all are bad) and then you have the whole package to heal.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: bodybuilding and eating
« on: June 15, 2018, 06:52:44 am »
Looking Great. Congrats! I can´t digest raw meats well due to low HCI, however, things changed recently when I cut out lemons and ACV. My body seems to produce more HCI by itself now. Tried HCI tablets but they were useless. My energy levels are super low atm but I´m trying to excercise what I can. And I am adding bee pollen again to my diet. I read heaps about it and it´s supposed to be great for workout and muscle recovery, candida, parasites, energy and much much more. Technically you could live only that for some time. But you need to start to increase them slowly. Anyhow I see how it goes.

What organs do you add to ur smoothies and what liquid? Like water, milk?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: bodybuilding and eating
« on: June 14, 2018, 03:26:18 am »
@surfsteve Don´t tell me ur 60 yrs old in that picture :o Otherwise I´ll start doing organ smoothies by tomorrow ;D

Health / Re: Good news at my most recent dental visit
« on: June 10, 2018, 07:40:42 am »
Until recently I noticed the build up of tartar on the inside of my teeth. I ate quite a lot of fruits (including dried) and dairy. I limited both (will now cut totally) and added coconut oil pulling every morning and the tartar is vanishing. I´m on a cooked aip diet with low carbs. I think in your case u should have no problem to remineralize your teeth and even regrow them. Meaning that the cavities should fill up naturally and the existing ones pop out. There are accounts on the internet were broken teeth regrew by dietary changes and adding certain vitamins (like D) and minerals (like magnesium) plus other regiments that helped speeding up the process. And these people are mainly on a cooked paleo. I´m sure on a raw paleo it would go much faster. One example (read comments) would be here:

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw fat sources
« on: June 09, 2018, 07:21:31 am »
As far as I know these should be pretty much all:

Raw meat fat sources would be: Suet (around kidney and loins), Backfat, Bone Marrow (lower legs have softer marrow than upper), Brain fat, and any other fat sourrounding the animal such as muscle fat, trim fat and so forth

Raw other animal fat sources would be: Raw cream, Raw butter, Raw cheese, Raw milk (not as fatty but still fat, some breeds and animals have more some less), Raw eggs

Raw vegetable sources would be: Avocado, Raw coconut cream (from juiced normal (not young) coconut), Coconut oil (if truly raw), Olive oil (if truly raw), Fats from nuts and seeds and their oils (macadamia, walnut, sesame, flax and so forth if truly raw)

I think the best choices would be suet and marrow in terms of nutrition. Then there would be fatty animals meats such as mackerele, salmon ...

General Discussion / Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
« on: June 06, 2018, 06:11:15 am »
IMO it all depends if you can digest the raw meat in your stomach. If you have low stomach acid and you eat raw meat or high meat then I think ur much more prone to get the bacteria that you don´t want. As it is now I could assume that I have more of the bad parasites because I consumed high meat quite frequently. And that, in retrospect, I shouldn´t have done on low stomach acid. But since I didn´t know I have low HCI I did it anyway.

And if u have very high HCI then it´s likely that it can kill most of the bad stuff, but leave u with the good. I mean there are always exceptions. Still, people on a RAF diet with high HCI can still get issues even though they did that diet for years. 

General Discussion / Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
« on: June 04, 2018, 09:43:32 pm »
u know the names of these pills?

General Discussion / Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
« on: June 04, 2018, 08:19:15 pm »
Ok. Does Praziquantel work for other parasites as well? And what did you do to balance out the negative effecs of the pill? Like probiotics and what not. Or u did nothing?

General Discussion / Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
« on: June 04, 2018, 08:05:29 pm »
What did the doc prescribe you exactly?

General Discussion / How to do a parasite cleanse
« on: June 04, 2018, 07:45:29 pm »
What would do you recommend for doing a parasite cleanse? I know that some parasites might be beneficial, however, I think an overload of bad ones is definetely not. I suspect to have a lot, which also seems to be the reason for my low HCI, low energy, brain fog, underweight, leaky gut, food intolerance, sleep disturbance, dry hair and skin and and and... everything under the sun and I see no end in sight, HCI just gets lower and lower so raw foods I had to totally stop since I can´t digest anything hard or cellulose like (unless some cooked veggies or cooked white fish or shellfish). I also have a lot of red vains in my sklera including radials in the iris which seems to be a sign for an overload of parasites as well. Parasites also effect the adrenals including cortisol levels aside of intestines blockages and many other things. So low HCI can be a result which then is a cause for malnutrition which effects everyting.

I just started this regime:

1. Water kefir for probiotics upon awakening
2. teaspoon of raw honey
3. 1 cup of coconut milk with 1 tbl. of coconut oil, whole small papaya and half of the seeds air dried and grounded into it. This tastes disgusting as the coconut milk is overwhelming, so I´ll change to either coconut water or do 20ml of ground papays seeds and honey
4. With meals I have 3 cloves of crushed garlic once a day. I heard that garlic extract is more powerful but they all seem to have additives in it.
5. During day quater of a papaya fruit
6. Gonna introduce a teaspoon of ground cloves
7. In the eve another water kefir plus another quater of papaya fruit with or without honey and later at night a tbl. of coconut oil with 4 drops of pure oregano oil.

I also have pets. I assume that they could have given them to me. As every time I am abroad I feel better, eat much more, have more energy and gain weight. It could be due to the fact that I am moving more, but I am not sure. To my cats I started to mix a bit of papaya into their food once a day in the morning. Anything else I could do?

Anything I am missing or you would recommend? I read that probiotics are important but I can´t digest sauerkraut, i cut out milk kefir and those powdered forms I am unsure. I did a stool test once, turned out negative but I read they aren´t reliable. Apparently you should do one that tests for 3 days. Nobody does it here. I can only go to alternative holistic people which do tests like bioresonance and what not. But I don´t know how reliable they are.

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