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Hot Topics / Re: Your experience with raw dairy?
« on: July 17, 2009, 11:37:28 am »
All the palaeo evidence shows an average lifespan of c.35 years for men and 30 years for women in palaeo times

Does anyone have any actual evidence to this common claim? I recall we debunked using the bone remains as evidence of dying early. The bones don't show they lived to 30, rather they died of old age with bones that looked like those of a modern 30 year old. So anything else?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: pufa's: 3 vs 6
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:49:16 pm »
Off topic question but I would be interested in the comparison of yellow beef fat and white beef fat. I have eaten grain fed beef with yellow fat before. How is this possible? Doesn't grains make the beef fat always turns white? Did these cows eat less grains perhaps? Yellow fat is generally not desired by average consumers, makes it seem like it is from an older animal or be tougher (making it priced less which is why I resorted to eating it sometimes) - which is why grass-fed beef is slaughtered at less than 18 months so it wont develop the yellow fat from the beta-carotene stores and look 'worse' to average people who might buy it.

Primal Diet / Re: New Aajonus DVD available
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:42:39 pm »
seems like a lot of money, any reviews somewhere?

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:24:36 pm »

Looks are not a great measure of someones diet...I think someones mothers/fathers/grandparents diet is equally if not more important than what you start eating once your allowed to make your own choices.

I think looks are important and can measure people's diets, but within reason. Though better than high carb crap, those gurus don't follow the best diet (cooking, grain-fed) so it will show.

Another thing is that much of looks are developed in youth and is irreversible even by changing diet. such as bone structure, nose and ear shape and perhaps some gene expression related to aging.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:09:18 pm »
I doubt their claims were unsubstantiated since every study (it probably is almost 100% of them...really) that puts people on cooked low carb diets, i.e. removing carbs improves the person's health. Uncontrolled observational studies full of enormous variables are all that exist (anything else?) against cooked meat being the biggest problem in peoples diets. Raw is a universal improvement, but the macro composition is of course important.

Off Topic / Re: Talking to plants
« on: June 26, 2009, 07:42:09 am »

I remember researching a bit about this topic after reading of experiments where plants were hooked up to a polygraph and the responses to different stimuli measured. When lettuce was put in a pot of boiling water the polygraph went crazy, similar to the response of an animal being boiled to death.

I can sleep anywhere if it's dark and quiet. I sleep great then.

I actually get pretty poor sleep though because living at home in a small place, always have to deal with people staying up late (to like 4am) making noise, slamming doors, lights going on and off etc.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:23:12 am »
IF naturally causes a reduction calories which improves health (Primitives also ate less calories overall, hence able to tolerate different macro nutrient make up).
Fasting can lower metabolism with theoretically makes one able to reduce calories and receive benefits but maintain more body weight then eating frequently.

Only one study (the mattson study) has controlled caloric intake for IFers on high carb diets, the very small amount of others (there is one study on islamics during ramadan) are too arbitrary.

I believe the actual fasting improves health but the meal that breaks the fast is just as important. An insanely high amount of glucose ingested at once can not be handled by the body and is counterproductive to any benefits received, and so low carb energy/nutrient dense food (meat) works best.

Also i remember doing intermittent fasting on a 'healthy' diet of raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, fresh meat and wholegrains and it just didn't work. My digestion was horrible, flatulence was insane, horrible stomach cramps. From my experience definitely can not mix carbs and protein.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 14, 2009, 06:09:16 pm »
medicine doesn't slow down biological aging, can just allow longer chronological age.

Really the link between aging and disease is established and would require very strong evidence to disprove. It's what Calorie restriction is entirely based on. Aging can be seen as the parent 'disease' with heart attacks, cancer etc all being the symptoms of rapid aging - literally the body choosing to turn off systems to maintain health itself having sensed the time to reproduce (the purpose of life) has past, and this sensation is because of rapid aging. The effects of stress actually mimic over eating and rapid aging. The same hormonal changes that speed aging are also disease causing (insulin, blood sugar, blood lipids, lowered sex hormone binding goblin).

Intermittent fasting could prove beneficial, however I'm not sure about on a high carb diet. IF studies conducted by some person called mattson(sp?) showed that IF (warrior diet method) is actually not beneficial (when eating a regular diet and not calorie restriced). It would make sense really since carnivores practice IF while herbivores (carb eaters) are grazers, so really IF would benefit carnivores more seems natural.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 14, 2009, 05:01:00 pm »
zero carb cooked grainfed meat diet is pretty horrible in terms of nutrients, enzymes etc compared with a raw grass fed diet, but it does bring benefits.

It works in the same way 'calorie restriction' works really, with the effects mimicking those of calorie restriction in humans. Lowering carbs and entering ketosis makes the body sense starvation causing lower insulin, lower blood sugar, lower thyroid, lower metabolism etc.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 14, 2009, 04:53:18 pm »
there is no real evidence that they aged faster. Stefannson just said they looked older (which i don't think they do based on the few pictures I've seen). That comment is rather out of place i think, and am curious why he chose to close 'adventures in diet' on such a negative note. His final paragraph saying that everything he wrote is basically worthless and there is no reason to follow such a diet that he just spent thousands of words discussing the benefits of. I wouldn't rule out him being pressured into ending it on a negative note as to not be 'promoting' a meat-only diet.

Accelerated aging is associated with increases in disease. Less disease invariably means slower aging as after all biomarkers of aging such as insulin, blood sugar levels etc are also the causes of disease. It's impossible for an entire population to be suffering from rapid aging yet remain disease free. Plus if  we look at the Inuit in isolation, hypothetically if they did have rapid aging (they didn't really) changing their diet has made them age even more rapidly.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 10, 2009, 08:18:58 pm » did I say it was so incredibly healthy? Wow...

Cooked grainfed meat is not healthy (in the sense that there is healthier food), but it is healthier than excessive/refined carbohydrates. Health won't be good if cooked meat and  high carbohydrates are eaten together but if carbohydrates are replaced by meat health will improve somewhat. If red meat was the main problem with the SAD it would be impossible for people who go on low carb diets to always show improvements in health in studies, and without any mention of the meat being grass fed it's safe to assume it's just regular supermarket meat.

General Discussion / Re: Omega-3 study
« on: June 10, 2009, 08:17:51 pm »
I was referring to comments made on the migraine thread by 1 poster re cooked grainfed meat supposedly being healthy.

but plant based oils like sunflower, peanut, canola have a much worse omega 3:omega 6 ratio than grain fed meat.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:49:12 am »
The trouble with this notion is that the multitude of studies don't merely state that (cooked) animal food is bad for you but they  also state that the health-problems become steadily worse the higher the amounts of (cooked) animal food there is in the diet. So the cooked carbs can't be as much of a problem if health-problems increase as cooked-animal food-consumption increases in the subjects' diet while plant-food-consumption in the diet decreases.

The best way to measure the effects of a change in diet is to take someone measure some bio markers of health and then change their diet and measure the change.

I have not seen a study where the same group of people, have kept their entire diet the same, with the only change adding in more cooked meat and seeing negative changes in their lipids etc. Every time someone goes on a lowcarb diet in a study their blood lipid profile invariably improves.

Regarding longevity, these plant eating people are following calorie restriction when compared with SAD. Calorie restriction will improve health if diets are identical. Meat and fat is useless if eating grains and carbohydrates to the extreme that SAD people do. So again a direct comparison has too many variables to be too useful.

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 09, 2009, 08:49:12 am »
Unfortunately for you, 1000s of studies show that exercise negates or alleviates damage from heart-disease. So, this is nonsensical. The fact of the matter is that that study shows very clearly that the Masai had a strong tendency towards arterial hardening, despite their diet. If their diet were truly healthy, one wouldn't even expect to find that.

Never seen anything conclusive. Athletes eating SAD have heart attacks or get cancer often.

Unfortunately, a far greater  multitude of studies  all show that the higher the proportion of cooked, grainfed meats/animal food there is in the diet, the higher the mortality-rate is. The claims re grainfed meat being better are in  very tiny numbers, by comparison, and that usually means that the latter studies are hopelessly flawed(science operates by concencus, after all, with credence being given more to the majority as, inevitably, no matter how rigorously studies are performed, there will always be a minority which have been badly performed.

I haven't seen studies showing that increasing meat intake is bad when the rest of the diet is controlled. The studies showing (cooked) meat to be bad are done on high carbohydrate diets, which is the actual problem there. No studies show low carb diets full of cooked meat to make people's health worse than SAD.

Of course raw meat is healthier than cooked meat, but from my experience and data I've looked at carbohydrates and particularly very processed carbohydrates are worse than cooked meat

Health / Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 08, 2009, 08:51:04 pm »
I disagree with that Masai study. I think it's clear that exercise is hardly effective at protecting from disease. If they truly ate a diet that promoted artery damage like a SAD nothing could protect nearly the entire population. Researches 'speculate' that exercise protected them from heart disease. I speculate they don't know what they are looking for and are confused.

I would have to say cooked low carb diets are healthier than cooked or even raw diets with excessive carbohydrates

There are many studies correlating health improvements from low carb diets which are based around cooked grain fed meat. Nearly all studies showing (cooked) meat to cause bad health have not controlled for carbohydrates at all.

Diet's high in plant food tend to be healthier through better cooking methods and less processed food eg. Japanese food - raw fish, steamed rice, vegetables, beef, pork vs SAD of coke, pizza, fried meat, white flour, cookies, chocolates etc. Even if the ratio of plants:meat and macro nutrients were the same a SAD would still be far more detrimental to one's health.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Abdominal fat
« on: June 08, 2009, 02:21:24 pm »
My thoughts

2 things

1) Are you losing weight in other areas? If you aren't you need to eat less. My original post wasn't mean to imply that you will automatically lose belly fat on this diet, rather that fat is stored and utilized more evenly over the body (eg storing 1000 calories would be stored 300 in gut, 300 in arms, 300 in legs, 100 somewhere else, for me from 1000 surplus calories 500+ would be stored in my gut when eating standard diet). IMO a calorie defect is still required for weight loss. Though I am already at a very light weight. This may make things different.

if you are losing weight all over except for your stomach see point 2

2) I was eating low/zero carb with grain fed cooked meat for some time, but it's obvious raw meat has much more positive effects for me even when compared to only lightly cooked or rare meat.

General Discussion / Re: All Suet Is WHITE?
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:50:58 pm »
So basically grass-fed fat can either be white or yellow, but grain fed fat can only be white

Sometimes I've seen regular supermarket/butcher beef have a yellowish tint to their fat. Usually the cheaper grades, whereas prime is always very white. Grading beef is based on marbling and fat content, maybe the cheaper grades get a lower grading because they spent less time in a feedlot thus less fat and are actually more grass-fed than the Prime grade cuts.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Paleo Since Weaning
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:47:26 pm »
We'd be better looking. Younger looking skin, no need for glasses, no bumps in nose bridges, straight teeth, proportioned limbs, thick hair, less body fat, no acne.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Abdominal fat
« on: June 05, 2009, 01:44:39 pm »
Has anyone noticed on a raw carnivorous diet that abdominal fat, traditionally being the hardest place to remove fat, is the first to go? I'm noticing this. Seems that on a raw meat diet fat is more evenly distributed all over the body rather than causing you to be skinny with a gut.

General Discussion / Re: DUCK
« on: June 02, 2009, 07:23:48 am »
Red meat refers to the meat from a mammal. The specific colour is actually not important to whether it is 'red' meat or not.

There is a Mr. Bean episode where he orders steak tartare - and does not enjoy it all that much.

I eat 'organic' meat not specifically grass fed meat, but I had a look at what certifies organic meat in australia and it said that they must always have acess to pasture eating grass, plants, sometimes hay. Maybe you could access the UK organic standards online.

General Discussion / Re: fats and cuts of meat
« on: May 12, 2009, 03:41:28 pm »
I will just speculate on what I believe raw to mean. There is probably some particular temperature at which meat begins to lose nutrients, becomes harder to digest and enzymes are destroyed. Once it reaches this point - whatever it may be - it could no longer be called raw.Surely a piece of meat at 10 celsius and another at 30 celcius are both raw and have full nutrient values, enzymes intact etc despite the difference in temperature. Add another 20 degrees or so and the meat immediately begins to lose nutrients and becomes 'cooked' despite increasing temperature by the same amount.

General Discussion / Re: Mental/Emotional/Moral Transition
« on: May 12, 2009, 05:12:35 am »
Grass fed organic animals would live better, happier lives than wild animals i.e. not having to worry about predators, and have a much more pleasant death. The way animals for example lions kill their prey in the wild is horrific, traumatic and extremely painful as uncensored footage shows. Footage can be found on youtube. Nature is not always nice, but why sacrifice your own health for some pointless rebellion?

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