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There is the movie "Alive", the true story about the soccer team who had their plane crash in South America and were forced to canabalise the dead to survive.

General Discussion / Re: How often do you eat zero carbs?
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:55:45 am »
I usually eat nothing but red meat

Are you sure they were raw, not cooked?

The snakes were still alive!

In Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom the Indians eat raw bugs, snakes and monkey brains

Journals / Re: my so called journal
« on: March 29, 2009, 09:17:08 am »
Hey Kyle, u said your diet suffers when you spend time with your girlfriend. Is that because you haven't told her you are on a diet, you are tempted by the food she wants to eat, or she is opposed to the diet?

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 26, 2009, 01:28:13 pm »
studies do exist, well correlation studies (but that's all that exist for anything really) between baldness and diseases

for example

There is also plenty of sound scientific theory behind baldness being caused by high insulin and blood sugar levels. DHT is thought of as one of the main culprits to hair loss. High blood sugar shuts down Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin, the body then increases hormone production regardless of the levels one actually has. This testosterone is largely unused testosterone just floating around the body and so is converted to DHT and results in hair loss.

By treating insulin resistance (through diet) you can stop such erratic hormone levels. Propecia artifically trys to do this by stopping the conversion of testosterone to DHT, but unfortunately doesn't actually create a healthy hormone balance. Body likely ups estrogen to balance out circulating testosterone causing gyno, loss of sexual function etc.

General Discussion / Re: frozen foods safety
« on: March 24, 2009, 09:10:47 am »
theres no need to eat frozen meat in Oz. Where abouts are you?

where do you get grass fed fresh organ meats? I'm in sydney, I tried some frozen heart, didn't taste good at all. Apart from liver I don't think I will eat any organ meat until I can get it fresh Fresh will probably taste better correct?

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:46:25 am »
a shaved head looks much better when u have a full head of hair because the hairline frames the face

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 24, 2009, 06:02:03 am »
I tend to think that this is a very modern idea, and we do see many products on the market to "cure" this baldness.  How was it viewed 2000 ya though?  Was it unattractive then?  Or was it honored?  Same with white teeth, it is very cultural and really has nothing to do with health.  Dark teeth due to staining from fruit means nothing.  It is modern society that says we must bleach the teeth and otherwise keep what we see as youthful. 

Personally, I would rather be super strong and fast all my age than worry about superficial markers like hair and teeth.  I can do the splits and spar teenagers, and if I can do that into my 60s, then I will have preserved my health, afaiac.

I think it would be viewed much as it is today. Makes you less attractive, but it's not going to warrant killing yourself over. Possibly would have made you more unattractive than it does today since primitives show less baldness than moderns. It's common nowdays so not much of a problem. The less common it is the less likely a woman is to overlook it and the less likely a man is to accept it.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 24, 2009, 05:55:19 am »

 Plus, if all or most women really did view baldness as being so bad, why is it that as much as 1 in 4 men noticeably grow bald in their twenties(NOT in old age) with 3 in 4 growing bald, later on? The only plausible explanation for the 1 in 4 figure for young men is that there must be some reproductive bonus to being bald. And it's also been pointed out  that the greater number of androgen receptors you have on the surface of your follicle cells, the more DHT activation is likely to be induced and the more likely it is that your hair will fall out and stay out. The distribution of androgen receptors is thought to be determined almost entirely by your genes.

All illness increases as people age. Diabetes is more common in older people than young. No reproductive advantage, simply bad diet affecting particular people worse/differently. Everything doctors don't understand is thought to be "genetic". I think very little is.

Of course, the clincher re the testosterone-genetics theory  is that if a man is castrated before or at the very start of puberty, he gets a full head of hair. Castration is the one sure defence against baldness. This blows the whole notion linking baldness and ill-health out of the water. Besides, if one takes the theory of baldness and ill-health too seriously, one would have to assume that Asians were healthier/had healthier diets etc. than other racial groups, which is very unlikely.

Not true. Castrating a man might stop him going bald, since baldness is only a symptom of illness. He would not be able to produce the hormones needed to go bald, but he would likely develop another illness instread. Seems to be going back and fourth. Raw Kyle already said that you don't have to assume that Asians were healthier, since Asians are more likely to get other diseases than other people were - they suffer from the same underlying problem but the body shows it in different ways. It's not as if 100% of Asians had there hair or that baldness was scarce compared to Native Americans, Aboriginals. But after world war 2 Baldness in Japan increased dramatically with a change in dietary practices. Evolution can't take place within a few decades. The Australian Aboriginals also have lost any seemingly baldness immunity Weston Price talked about. Even if he exaggerated it, it's beyond doubt that baldness has increased consistent with other health problems in people adopting a SAD.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 24, 2009, 05:43:04 am »
These associations with baldness are simply cultural though. Different societies will associate different things will baldness (in this case its claimed intelligence). The only consistent thing between cultures is that having hair is physically more attractive than being bald.

Hot Topics / Re: Homosexuality in the Weston Price healthy tribes?
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:39:16 am »
I just read something that said homosexuality in animals is very rarely seen but it made an interesting point that when it is it is isolated incidents that appear to be homosexual. Animals are never seen to display prolonged homosexuality as if they truely have a homosexual orientation.

Hot Topics / Re: Homosexuality in the Weston Price healthy tribes?
« on: March 23, 2009, 06:10:28 am »
homosexuality is said to be seen in nature, not that ive ever seen footage or a documentary about it. Even if it is "present" how common is it compared to homosexuality in civilized humans? Is there any footage of it? It certainly seems that if nothing else primitive humans have less homosexuality amongst them thant moderns.

Although I don't have much knowledge because I haven't researched it much, my first inclination is to think that homosexuality in nautre - though does exist somewhat - is EXTREMELY rare and not really present. It's exaggarated by gays and equal rights supporters as a come-back against bigots.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:57:55 am »
The point is that baldness is not a disease but a physical characteristic.

If that were true then there would be no connection between insulin, fat intake, hormonal imbalance and hair loss. Hair loss is treateable by improving things that are known to impact overall health, therefore its likely a disease.

Hairloss treatement drug propecia stops the conversion of DHT from excessive free testosterone. This excessive unused testosterone in the body is not healthy or simply a characteristic of the body.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:42:24 pm »
not really a contradiction at all I think. Many people follow a SAD and die old and relatively healthy. Genetics determine how susceptible to a disease you are, diet determines if you actually get it. So not everyone is as likely to go bald. Someone might go bald being only slightly below perfect health, while another person would only go bald if they really abused their body to its limits. The same could be said about any condition though. However it seems that some people are REALLY susceptible to going bald. It doesn't take much to trigger hairloss compared to other problems.

Breeding out baldness would be like breeding out diabetes, or heat disease. Pretty impossible I think. Its not something like the colour of ones eyes.

Hot Topics / Re: Homosexuality in the Weston Price healthy tribes?
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:06:44 pm »
I am completely fine with people being gay. It doesn't bother me. However I do believe that diet does play a role in homosexuality. I don't think that homosexuality really has anything to do with being feminine though - that is a cultural creation.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 22, 2009, 02:38:26 pm »
Also have you considered there is NO selective pressure for baldness? Without selective pressure there is NO evolution. Women do not like baldness, there is no increased reproductive rate in bald men, at best it's equal with men who do not go bald. It's probably a little lower. Therefore baldness does not fit the most important criteria for evolution, being something that builds up in the gene pool over time due to selective pressure.

This I agree with, but baldness is not an evolutionary trait, and you can't really breed baldness out or in. Anyone can potentially go bald, just as anyone can potentially get cancer. A poor diet is the cause, but some get lucky and don't go bald or get cancer while eating crap their whole lives.

I believe hair on the head has the purpose to attract women, and people lose hair once their body percieves the time to reproduce has passed (hence body loses interest in preserving health and looking good) due to accelerated aging caused by toxins, sugars, excessive calories.

I started losing hair in my teens. Radically changing my diet made it stop and thicken a bit then remain steady. Unfortunately it didn't completely grow back (yet? hair cycles are qute long). I also had incredible severe acne, which RAF treated perfectly. Treatements that helped my skin also helped my hair (unless it was some horrible drug like Accutane, which doesn't help me but has others). Although the majority of diseases all share some common causes, acne, hairloss and diabetes are extremely closely tied.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 21, 2009, 01:57:30 pm »
is it possible that europeans are more susceptible to baldness because they were in generally colder and less sunny climates? maybe there was just no advantage for having lots of hair to block out the sun. i dont know, just an idea

Disagree, since the evolutionary purpose of hair on the head is to attract women.

I see plenty of bald men of all racial stock as well. Adoption of a SAD diet invariably increases baldness.

General Discussion / Re: frozen foods safety
« on: March 21, 2009, 10:00:48 am »
yeah I found I don't have to eat it frozen. It gets shipped to a butcher every couple of weeks and if not sold after a few days is then frozen so I now purchase it fresh the day it comes in.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 21, 2009, 09:49:26 am »
As regards baldness, there are so many variables. I mean, Europeans are more likely to experience baldness, yet they are not necessarily less healthy than asians, say. Native Americans, being Asians, do have a genetic advantage re warding off baldness, but this has nothing to do with health.

This is because hairloss is not a stand alone disease independent of the rest of the body. Hairloss is only a sympton (all diseases are merely symptons) of an underlying problem. People experience and are more susceptible to different symptons.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Baldness American indians
« on: March 20, 2009, 07:00:43 pm »
Baldness is just another disease. Genetics determines whether you will be susceptible or not, diet determines whether you ultimately end up going bald, and how severe. The thing is that baldness is one of the less severe illnesses that shows itself in people who aren't particularly unhealthy. Baldness is actually very similar to acne in it's cause and treatements.

General Discussion / Re: raw paleo diet recipe books
« on: March 11, 2009, 07:14:35 pm »
one of the things i like about the diet is the 0 preparation time and no need for recipes...

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked meat and health
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:06:12 pm »
The trouble is that most people take some time before they get used to the tatse of raw meats(c.8-12 months).

Ive always liked the taste if rare meat and would have eaten meat raw long ago if I wasn't told of the dangers of bacteria. I think people are scared more of the thought and appearance of raw meat. Thinking it is somewhat gross. They like their meat to not resemble an animal when they eat it.

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked meat and health
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:01:28 pm »
I found that a zero carb diet of cooked meat increased my health dramatically compared to a standard diet. I was on it for months. In practically every study showing benefits of following low carb diets the meat was indeed cooked. However a raw zero carb diet is just that much better in every aspect. I will never willingly eat cooked meat again, nor will anyone who adheres to the raw meat diet for hmm no more than a week. That's all it will take.

General Discussion / Re: frozen foods safety
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:07:02 am »
thanks for the reply

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