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General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:48:54 am »
@Sully, I think my grapes are not concord grapes type. They contain very strong flavor and skin are thicker than regular grapes in the market. I don't know the proper spelling, but called "mascandas" something. I'm also growing so many water melons and cantaloups..., if you come to visit, you can also share them. Remember, I do have enourmous supply of wild grapes too. You can even hunt the deer in the winter time straight from my yard. My home is top of huge hill (in the picture) ;)

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:15:53 am »
GS, your photos are great. One thing is very obvious to me that fresh frush taste amazing after consuming raw animal products.

I've just eaten 2 lbs of 100% grassfed beef and home grown seeded grapes. So delicious!

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:23:18 pm »

"My problem with dairy is with the milk proteins and milk sugars.  Many people are intollerant to these as our bodies stop manufacturing the enzymes to properly digest them once we are weaned.  This is true for many animals.  Milk works well for them until they are weaned and then they become intollerant.  Some of us are able to delay this intollerance by continuing to drink milk well beyond the weaning stage.  Just because we can do this doesn't seem to me to make it optimal.  Once  past the age of 3 I just don't believe that every body needs milk, and I think that there is a good bit of evidence that the opposite is true.

As for butter, as long as your talking pure fat I suppose butter works.  I eat it on occasion when eating out becuase most of the meat available is too lean and butter is the most available fat.  It's one of those "make the best choice you can" situations and I'd prefer the extra fat even if it is butter rather than overly lean meat which just doesn't satisfy."


I feel the same way about milk. But people who suffer mental illness or other kind of illness, they get poison from milk casein. Even raw milk has them. So we should be careful of drinking milk. I like to consume some fresh raw butter for extra fat than consuming milk. But definitely, that raw milk fat even doesn't work for my son. He likes and also he shows more improvement on raw meat fat, brain, marrows, tongue...etc.

I am not discouraging to consume raw milk. Raw milk and in general, milk products are delicious. People who suffer diabetics, raw milk works like magic for them

Journals / Re: Lifestyles of The Raw and Paleo
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:36:57 am »
@KD, your bed looks so cool. All those organs are super delicious. Definitely paleo is the best. All about simplicity of life. Who needs a kitchen or a bed?

If you get the high quality meat, even anaerobic bacteria is usueful for our bodies. My son is testing rotten brain recently which is solely anaerobic bacteria. Trust me, he 's glowing! Good health is being a blessing. So high quality meat is the best to make high meat aerobic or anaerobic bacteria, doesn't really matter.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:38:44 am »
Ron Paul  :-*

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:50:08 am »
Now this is my most favorite:

Welcoming Committee / Re: Tried Paleo for one month...
« on: August 21, 2011, 12:57:48 pm »
You tested out this diet, which is believed by most of the world to be one that would cause sickness unto death, upon your child first?
Why would you not test it out on yourself first to make sure it was safe before feeding something considered so deathly to your child? 

Mother's instinct! I get that feeling by reading an old book that beef juice is very healthy for sick people. My child was ill and had blood deficiency. After hearing that beef juice, I was too much into making raw beef juice and all I was doing from internet searching. Because, my son was raw vegan from his birth and then raw vegetarian. I just don't want him to give any cooked food and cooking meat is the only thing that prevents me to give him meat and make him just raw vegetarian . That means I only used to give him raw eggs, raw vegetables juice and fresh fruit smoothies. In one point I trust raw meat more than anything else and feed my child that. After I introduced him raw meat, he asked for raw meat even more then his favorite orange juice. So even his 1st try, he likes raw meat so much that he asked for it instead of freshly queezed orange juice. After that I get more curious about raw meat and discover this raw paleo forum.

Other than that, how are you going to deal with your child going to school, if he goes to a public school, and preventing him from eating any of the school food or candy that he will come across?  I know when I was in elementary school, teachers often gave candy as a reward for getting answers correct, and they sold pizza once a week.. once getting into middle and high school, then they sold pizza and soda every single day.  If all your friends and everyone else around you is eating it everyday, you're probably going to eat it too.  Although, I wonder if growing up on a raw diet would cause him to dislike the taste of cooked foods and junk foods and soda and candy?
Or will you not be sending him to public school?

I see my family (uncle, aunt...etc. ) eats fried chicken or pizza or candies in front of him and he just looks at them but never asks. But at the same time if he is hungry and one of them eating a fresh fruit, he asks for that fresh fruit, not any cooked things. So, I guess he must be developing a sense. I never have any plans to put him those poisonous public schools. Probably Montesories or other type of schooling is good for him. He's now four. But planning to put him in school after five.

General Discussion / Re: What Farms/Brands Sell NON GMO Meat?
« on: August 21, 2011, 12:32:17 pm »
He has a very small farm solely operated by his family. Past couple of months he had lambs, but now there is no lamb meat available. Mostly veals and cows. All of their animals are raised on grass only and of course free range. I have some visitors from raw paleo forum and I treat them with those meat. They  also highly praise of those meat including veals' meat. But the supply is limited. Beside meat, I buy all organs from him and he is just the best.

Here's his contact number: Mark Nolt 7177763417 . He is an old fashined guy, no computer access. Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: What Farms/Brands Sell NON GMO Meat?
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:21:16 am »
Get that GMO free animals and meat from my farmer who is 100% honest on that. He is in PA and twice a month he delivers the product in NJ and NY area. He can UPS in any place.

General Discussion / Re: fasting
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:12:30 am »
I know that 4 days fasting with fresh green coconut juice and spring water can calm a mental patient without any medications. Eight days fasting on just water will calm a mental patient also. Orthomolecular treatment is very effective for mental patient like my brother . Recently he improves almost 65% within 15 days only. I would like to publish a topic on his condition and improvements.

For people like me who is mostly on raw paleo don't need fasting. Raw paleo itself is a healing diet. For mentally ill people, it's just a magic pill. But people who are too sick, they need orthomolecular help. Great topic. Thanks.

Hot Topics / Re: Amusing article by a smoker(in favour of smoking)
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:01:55 am »
Recently they found a woman who is living for 125 yrs now and her secret is smoking pot. I am not supporting smoking, but I believe in that, 'cause I have seen many elderly in third world live very long time without any sickness but smoking pot.

Hot Topics / Re: Pure Sprouted Wheat Bread?
« on: August 21, 2011, 09:57:33 am »
I have done all kinds of sprouting in my life including whole grain sprouted bread. Doesn't help that my friend. Of course, it's better than junk food and I never consumed junk in my life. No more bread or rice for me -v

Off Topic / Re: Drugs and alcohol
« on: August 20, 2011, 01:08:53 pm »
I learn this hard way why people drink and use drugs. When we go through any deficiency in our bodies, alchohol helps temporarily. But if we give our bodies right nutritions, we can't be alchoholic or drug abusers.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Tried Paleo for one month...
« on: August 20, 2011, 01:04:06 pm »
I didn't know any paleo forum or raw paleo diet. But out of desperation, and strong believe in rawsome food, I did this experience on my 2 yrs old boy 1st. I see the change within 2/3 days. Then I waited months and I saw how he improved infront of my eyes. My son taught me raw paleo. Then I tried myself and got the result. Now my husband is on raw animal diet for the past 12 months almost. I did not force my husband, but he saw the huge change on me and he decided to eat raw animal food by one night. Now we all eat raw animal at home and we are much more happier.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Kane: Primal to Raw Paleo
« on: August 20, 2011, 12:51:19 pm »
My son is a real raw paleo. His entire meal consists of only raw animals. His health is rock solid. I mostly eat raw meat, but sometimes raw butter and honey. But I see the changes in me even more on only raw animal food without dairy. No doubt that raw paleo is the best option. But try to consume entire animal (I mean every parts of it to get the real benefit).

Off Topic / Re: Water purification
« on: August 09, 2011, 06:04:29 am »
I read the book, called "living energies" by Viktor Schauberger's, to understand the water. My dear husband always gifts me some great books to read. I highly suggest to all my paleo friend to read this.

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: August 09, 2011, 05:55:34 am »
one tea spoon of raw lamb thyroid gland, one table spoon of raw lamb brain, some ground veal, 2 veal eyes, good portions of complete grass fed beef bone marrow, veal heart, lamb kidney and some raw lamb stomach...yummy! all of these blended together for my son and he enjoys them in the morning.

for me 2 lbs of fatty ground veal

my husband eats 3 lbs of ground veal,heart and kidney and of course, 3 fertile chicken egg yolks in the morning.

For diner, my son will eat just ground veal with a whole chicken egg

my husband will be eating watermelon and avocados

I'll be eating fruits too for diner

PS. my son takes some raw fermented cod liver oil in the morning. he loves it. ;)


General Discussion / Re: There was a maggot on my plate
« on: July 23, 2011, 11:46:05 am »
My mom is trying to dry some fresh thyroid glands (of course, that's my idea) in the sun. End of the day , she sees lots of flies and entire white thyroid becomes black. I think that's too nutritious now.

General Discussion / Re: Wild Food Sources
« on: July 23, 2011, 11:41:09 am »
Wild food sources are the best option for paleo dieters on budget. If you have a land in country side, you will be surprised what you can find there.

So he doesn't eat carbs every day? Once in a week, a month or only in the summer?
Does he eat some veggies, honey?
How much protein does he eat on average? Any organ-meats?
What about his cognitive development?
He absolutely doesn't eat any veggies. But I put him on bath with wild grass and wild dandelion leaves juice on the water. He doesn't like honey. Almost a pound of meat/other organs, fats (brain, bone marrows, ducks and chicken eggs, tongue, eyes), he consumes. That's all. Whenever he gets a chance wild berries or blueberries, he eats. He loves seeded water melons. Oranges time to time (once or twice a week). His language (we speak couple of different languages at home) development is slow, but every other thing is normal.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:49:12 am »
The gut is the main problem with autism. These population are sensitive consuming even raw milk, sugar and gluten. Strictly raw paleo diet is the cure for autism, but for these special population, need to consume extra vitamins and minerals until they get cured from it. Orthomolecular treatment is the best choice for autism. 

I want to upgrade this post now. He's been doing 100% raw paleo almost two years now and my son is four. His dairy intake is zero, no sugar , salt....The result is amazing. Past two years, he's absolutely showing no sign of any kind of illness, even not a little runny nose. His diet is similar to Lex Rocker. But now sometimes he likes to eat seasonal wild berries and grapes (seeded of course).

My four years old son eats just plain raw brain everyday. I blend the brain with heart, kidney, liver , stomach, eyes and other glands for his breakfast.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Jerky "Protein Bars"
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:29:13 am »
wolf, another great picture from you. thank you for being so creative.

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