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Messages - raw

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Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Ice Cream
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:27:12 am »
great recipe. My son never seen or tasted ice cream in his life. probably i will make this for myself only.

Please, put yourself or your love one on this diet who is ill for a long time. See if she or he  improves after weeks or months or a year. Remember, this diet is not a drug, it will take some times, but the result is amazing.

I was salt addict before my RPD . My mom's side entire family eat a lot of salt . They always die early,heart problem, their hair turn gray earlier, "Hot Temper"...and it goes on and on. My self, I never see the advantage of eating salt. Don't mind to drink fresh young coconut water which is already salty or celery juice. The best thing is raw red meat and fresh blood  already has salt in it. Why you bother to supplement with that stupid salt? How many people in this forum eats every organ after killing a grass-fed cow?

It took me a day to completely stop eating salt. My hair stops graying now and I feel 100% better. NO, I DON'T EAT SALT -v

General Discussion / Re: I'm bbbback. All raw, yet again.
« on: May 30, 2011, 12:20:24 pm »
I heavily disagree, as I think that showering etc. is indeed needed.
I'm not telling anyone not to take shower. All I mean that, clean diet is enough for keeping a clean body. Plus there's a good reason to avoid showering in the western world, where city water is chemically loaded with poison.

Wow! I hope when your boys will be little older, they will have more understanding about RPD. Now-a-days kids are very advanced. I am waiting for the time that I can explain my son why I give him RPD . In the future when he goes to school or involves with other things in this society, I need to talk to him about that more and he will be known that he is very different from other kids . We need to teach our children constantly the truth. When entire society is far from to obtain the true health.

General Discussion / Re: Candida, Sardines, and fish
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:04:01 am »
Just consume plain grass fed raw meat. You will see the differences within weeks and months. I wouldn't try any fish first. Only good source of meat. After your improvement, add variety other food. No risk there. Also use the sun energy, like sunbathing, sun water, sun gazing... that will help you for sure.

General Discussion / Re: I'm bbbback. All raw, yet again.
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:58:31 am »
When people eat 100% raw, they don't need to take shower, brush their teeth or any normal activities that we do in this society. Earlier of your life if you eat raw, you are much better off. My son takes shower yesterday 2 months later. Absolutely no odor. He doesn't brush his teeth (matter of fact he does not even know it), his mouth is refreshing all day long. For me, the body odor improves dramatically, but without brushing my teeth end of the day, feels uncomfortable, and of course, using only baking soda.

It's proven many times before that starches are our enemy. Even my pet fish eating paleo. They eat live roaches. They make way less poops and they look so great without changing their water.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: the importance of exercise
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:44:02 pm »
It's a waste of time and boring to maintain fitness through exercise. We should go for hunting or to choose a lifestyle to live such a way that requires physical movement to survive. 

Thanks Rawzi. The last year I took her to Chinese healer where he stated that her vagina is dirty like she had STD. That's the reason she can't have babies , or even if she'd have a baby, the baby would be disable. So he asked to buy  $1000 herbs for each month and continue that for six months, so, she can get rid of STD and can have a normal baby.

She got married 15 yrs ago and doesn't have any idea of going around after different partners. So, the healer guessing that using something dirty place or bathroom she got them. Anyway. I know her that she will not consider herself eating raw meat or perhaps she can''t even afford to buy. But she can consume raw eggs, raw milk, raw veggies...etc. Today is the 3rd day that she says she gets mild fever (on/off).  Please, need help! Thank you...

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Paleo Children?
« on: May 04, 2011, 04:37:47 am »
my son is on raw paleo for almost 2 yrs now. he looks like a litle superman now. absolutely no sign of any kind of illness. he doesn't look big, but very heavy. his jaws are well-formed. he never tasted any kind of potatoes, rice or other grains

Health / mysterious condition of a woman, feeling really sick...
« on: May 03, 2011, 11:16:56 pm »
My relative who is late 30's something and problem with infertility that for the past 15 yrs unable to have baby. Anyway, it's happened the other day right before her period strats, the pain of her menstruation feels very strong and runs moderate fever and chill entire night. Next moring after her regular menstruation starts (always on time), she doesn't feel feverish, but her body feels chill all the time and she loses the taste  to eat anything except drinking water. She gets cold very rare. But this situation doesn't look like cold or anything else but feeling chill all day long... -[

She doesn't have any health insurance or have enough money to go to a psysician (probably that's a good thing). But please, any type of suggestions for her is helpful. She doesn't eat raw meat, but kind of tips will be helpful.

In USA, any type of animals' organs are special, 'cause you usually don't see them. US considers organs are dirty things...
Markets are loaded with "D" grade food.

Raising our own animals is

General Discussion / Re: Liver
« on: April 24, 2011, 12:52:29 am »
My four yrs old boy consumes  raw liver almost everyday. Very little i give him. I just bit worried about the copper content of liver.

I see the big different to consume liver myself. Usually I get fresh liver on glass jar. I collect the blood from the liver to feed my son.

General Discussion / Re: Why would high meat be healthier?
« on: April 15, 2011, 02:37:50 am »
@ magnetic, the problem is all these reaserchers looking this rotten meat  -v as a danger for human consuption. The only thing they're interested how to use these good bacteria making drugs. I take a look high meat under a microscope, the color of these bacterias like rainbow.

General Discussion / Re: High meat growth time...
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:36:54 pm »
I'm consuming high meat for almost a year now. My source of meat is 100% fresh grassfed. So, I feel the same benefit one I make the first batch or more than six months old one. My mom does also high meat with wholefood grassfed beef and her one is not the same as mine. She feels that my high meat is more effective than her.

General Discussion / Re: Triploid oysters?
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:31:53 pm »
Are you consuming them? How is the taste?

General Discussion / Re: Under the ice mussel collectors
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:27:35 pm »
It's rare to have wild mussel like that.

General Discussion / Re: High organs ,fat,blood and marrow?
« on: March 17, 2011, 02:24:48 pm »
I definitely eat liver, bone marrow fresh. Don't mind to ferment other organs.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Pictures of Caribou herders
« on: March 16, 2011, 12:26:37 pm »
Seeing some young people wearing glasses... not a good sign. I believe if they get rid of smoking, and all other non-paleo food from their diet, they all will look much healthy.

Health / Re: doctors in NYC
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:33:47 pm »
Monk Jack refuses to treat my brother who is severely mentally ill (bipolar,Schizophrenia...etc). So, I like his honesty about the people that he can treat or can't. So many diseases that other medical doctors can't cure, but he can. For my brother, he suggested to start his treatment 10/15 yrs ago and now the time's passed away. But I still believe in miracle and someone must be out there to treat my brother beside medical doctors...

Off Topic / Re: Japanese QUake
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:17:15 pm »
It was on the internet two weeks ago that March 11 is a day that something will happen in this earth. The moon also looks very weired and more disasters!!  :'(

Hot Topics / Re: One thing non-paleo you occasionaly indulge on?
« on: March 01, 2011, 05:26:08 am »
Cooked meat, fish and veggies once or twice a month. Of course, I pay my price to be sick for sometimes after consuming cooked fish/meat. I love chilies and extremely hot peppers. Are they paleo?

General Discussion / Re: Best livestock for a small pasture
« on: March 01, 2011, 03:01:28 am »
Great post! I'm also planning to start my project for livestock in 24 acres instead of 75 (for this moment). Will be looking to raise wild turkeys, geese (in 10 acres of swampy land), some wild deer, sheep and some goat. Instead of transforming the natural wooded area to a pasture land, I'm looking for a way to do that naturally.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High meat bacteria
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:25:38 pm »
Sabertooth, great experience! Nothing is written on a stone and we all should be little more adventurous. I think different type of rotten proteins carry different type of benefits. With air, without air... these won't kill us. If we eat like vultures, we will survive well

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