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Messages - achillezzz

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Hot Topics / Re: Herschel Walker Diet & Exercise
« on: January 30, 2011, 05:09:25 pm »

He looks like he has some of the monkey genes mike tyson was the same and they both super athletss

Check the facial structure they probably share some of the monkey gene lol

Their faces are intimidating they have this paleo monkey look maybe they are not that degenerated as the white man so they have few more generations to have a physical advantage over the white man?

I mean when the black people were brought from Africa to america as slaves? so they ate naturaly more than the white man so they have less degeneration probably.

Hot Topics / Re: Herschel Walker Diet & Exercise
« on: January 30, 2011, 02:08:47 am »
King Salmon  I see you continued my research about worlds class athlets that eat what they want when they want and dominate sports.
I stumbled across Herschel walker half year ago he was one of the reasons I started epxploring this area about athlets and their diets.

He probably has godlike glands or he is on raw paleo but lying to the press.

After all rich people always convinced poor people that meat is bad for them because they wanted to keep it for themselves.

If you get somewhere in sports with raw paleo would you expose your secret strength source? I would lie probably but thats just me.

Hot Topics / Re: Goodbye Grass-fed Meat
« on: January 30, 2011, 12:46:10 am »
devils plan works im telling you there gona be a war soon

Im just wondering when its gona happen 2012 or we have to wait more

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: January 28, 2011, 08:31:44 pm »
If you reduced your parasites population to a level where you feel great whats the problem with that let the rest live quiet in your body they probably have their own benefits.

If you don't eat any crap then its should be ok I think they wont grow again.

Off Topic / Re: changing country for quality foods
« on: January 28, 2011, 07:14:24 pm »
Ok, was just wondering. When I hear someone say beast I think of big and strong, and I was just going to say I know from experience bison won't make you any bigger or stronger than beef haha. Was just hoping you were not chasing a pipe dream. :)

Look I saw a video with daniel vitalis where he compares bison with beef and explains the difference he also eats raw bison in that vid and says thats pretty good meat because its all aggresive and grassfed.

My major problem here is that I have no grassfed beef here totaly !!!
Its middle east you know the desert, grass here grows only 2 months in a year its depends on the rain and as you know in the desert you dont have much.

The top quality meat here is Free range organic with only 2 months grass eating and rest of the time it eats grains.
Is this good enough to support my body when I start workout serious?  Right now I don't eat alot because Im not in a team and not forced to workout hard. as soon as I start working out hard  i'll need to eat especially FATSS and some fruits for carbs.
I read that grainfed fat is high in omega 6 so I am afraid of eating the meat here in such big quanities.
I want good meat totally grassfed so I wont feel bad about eating it and just eat it happy alottt 2-3kg atleast a day lol I love food.
Im just scared of eating grainfed in big ammounts.

I had the same story with eggs firt I found out I can eat them raw I gave it a try but their tasted and nutrients level sucked because they were regular eggs from supermarket. Then I found out about farms where I can get free range pasturised eggs the yolks were so creammy and tasty they didn't smell like shit.

Recently I started eating eggs yolks in very big quanity almost 1k calories only from the yolks!!! I eat up to 20 a day.
And I am happy with that they make me full and digest so fast AND easy I don't feel hunger for few hours after that.

The story with meat is different I eat raw meat only once a week and only the lean parts All the other times I eat cooked meat.

If I only find grassfed tasty meat/fat that I can actually enjoy like from the pasturized creammmy egg yolks  yumy I will be the happiest dude in the world.

What should I do???  :'( :'( :'(
I need atleast a plan so I can get grassfed in future I don't want to eat grainfed all my life.

Off Topic / Re: changing country for quality foods
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:28:37 am »

But whats this talk about bison making you a beast...?

cows are degenerated animals because we humans fed them alot of crap milked them and stuff like that.

Bison is untouched by human hands all time through history been fed on grass I dont know I saw a video where daniel vitallis explains that bison is strong meat..

Just look at a bison its loaded with androgenic hormones.

Off Topic / Re: changing country for quality foods
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:23:44 am »
Horses live a pretty good life, they are treated better than some humans ;)

Yes but I am talking about meat that I can eat daily.
You know horse meat is not something you can buy from the supermarket or a butcher nor from farmers.

The only way to get horse here is to find an arab riding horse and make him an offer.
If I start buying horses from arabs everyweek they start asking questions like where are the horses I bought last time and why I buy horses everyweek what I tell them that I eat it? they will fucking driveby me they love their horses I dont wana know what they do If they figure our I eat them ....

Journals / Re: Farm Diaries
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:19:24 am »



Health / Re: weird muscle tightness after reintroducing fruit
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:17:18 am »
Did or did not, there was no try.

I had no reason to try and eat them as I felt good already, I just did eat them. I had been training Judo every day so I needed to be in good health, so I hadn't been eating anything which I know to compromise it, not that I had any desire to eat anything else that I was suppressing. Anyway that changed because of financial stuff which meant to couldn't train full-time any more, so I stopped training completely because I needed to train full-time or there was no point... so I loosened up for a bit. It started when there was a 5p, reduced massive ripe water-melon in the super market. I didn't have any desire for fruit or plants, but it was a load of food for not much money so I thought I might as well buy it since I didn't have any training and didn't have to worry about it. Also I had only ever eaten cooked-meat paleo with non-animals or raw-meat paleo animals only so I didn't actually know what it was going to be like. I basically went the same for 4 months, just eating any non-animal food(fruit/honey/nuts/milk/anything 'paleo') I felt like trying, in varying quantities and proportions, my health getting worse the more non-animals I ate but I wasn't so bothered. Just about a month ago I stopped eating non-animals again because I need my health back for the next part of my life, starting with going to live in the wild, something I decided to do at the end of the last part of my life. I was basically on a four-month gap. My health declined more the more non-animals that I ate. So now I've gone back to eating only animals.

Miles what do you think if a young professional athlet is put on raw paleo diet will his performance increase to a degree where he can get to the olympics?

I sooo wish I had grassfed animal fats here I would eat them all day become 240lbs and get to the NBA, Im for real.

Health / Re: Steroid spray before nose operation - alternatives
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:07:05 am »
don't take any of this crap..
As a kid I used to fight alot I broke my nose 2 times nothing serious that requires operation barely noticed.
Both of the times I had to wait 1/2 weaks till it get fixed BY IT SELF!!
Just feel that weird feel of your inflamed area and try to enjoy it

Off Topic / Re: changing country for quality foods
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:33:54 am »
I want to eat real meat like bison which is available in usa .

I can get sheep lambs horse maybe camel but its not all grasfed and not like bison that makes you a beast >D

Off Topic / changing country for quality foods
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:22:27 am »
I thought about it alot and I came to a conclusion I have to move somewhere to get my soul and my body the best foods possible.
Not long ago I had 18 birthday im still young and this world is trying to kill me. food in russia suck.

Currently I'm in israel, Finished school and came to see my family probably I will stay here for a while.
Now if I want to stay here the goverment wants me to join their army for 3 years the food here is so processed they dont even have grass here for more than 2months a year this country is fucking dehydrated its a desert ffs!

I was thinking about moving to the US to live there maybe new york or something I am not sure.
I have a friend my age at miami he is living there maybe I move there to live with them for some time,the real problem is to get U.S. citizenship so I can live there  :'(

Right now I don't even care about work I need access to high quality foods a pullup bar and a beach..

Its my dream to live in usa.

What do you think about it how can I do it? Im still young will US accept me?

Sorry for bad english   -\

How can I make this come truee  :'( :'( I dont want to start eating grassfed animals when I am 30 years old fart tired of crappy foods.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Question for Iguana - Instincto carbs
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:53:56 am »
I like overeating watermelon when it starts feeling sweet I drink glass of cold water and continue eating it like crazy!!
I like to do it in the morning and it makes me soo full and relaxed untill evening then I have to eliminate the watermelon its very cleansing in my opinion!

thank you iguana!

Off Topic / Re: The Great Health Debate
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:59:13 pm »
watap caveman :D

registered  :D


Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: cow spine fixens
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:37:16 pm »
on the plate it looks so much better

Off Topic / Re: Funny vid
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:30:55 pm »

Hot Topics / ZC Approach and craving
« on: January 22, 2011, 12:00:05 am »
So I tried living on zero carb for 1 week I've been sooo alright like if there is a number to choose how I feel between 10 to 0 I choose 5/6 you know just stable all day, craving sweets a little bit but feeing stable regular good fine nice.  -\

Today I couldnt resist the urge for sweets!!

I woke up drank 2 liters of orange juice!!!
Than ate cooked meat with eggs and bread
+ a huge pie with cocnut and chocolate with tea for desert.

Afternoon I ate again cooked meat with bread
and finished the pie with chocolate with tea

I feel so guiltyyy whyyyy damnn so much sugar in one day the only thing I m thinking right now is the diarhea tomorrow hope not fuckk

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Personals / Re: Raw Paleo Forum Chat
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:12:07 am »
watap watap

General Discussion / Re: raw eggs, the oldworlds vitamin supplement?
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:53:51 pm »
overdo raw eggs and get allergy

Hot Topics / Food combining question (quick please) :D
« on: January 16, 2011, 12:43:43 am »
Can I drink fresh squeezed orange juice after medium rare lamb leg and some rice??
I am finishing my meal and I want orange juice sooo much!

Its a good combination ?(Acidic fruits help digest protein? )
Is it better to wait half hour?

Thank you!!!

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: January 15, 2011, 08:48:02 pm »
You should train hard to become the best out of your group, then they won't expect you to socialise and will be happy with you whatever you do.

Haha so true !! you gotta be the alpha male of the group lol then even if you do something very fucked up the guys just smile and dont give a fuck lol

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments: Tapeworms are moving!
« on: January 15, 2011, 08:43:28 pm »

Now I'm thinking I must observe my children's poop as well.

Sounds very very wrong.

General Discussion / Your sleep.
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:44:13 am »
When you go to sleep and when you wake up?

I want to teach myself go to sleep at 22:00 and wake up at 6:00.

But I always fail to wake up early, so I stay awake late night and watch tv. and next morning I fail again  :'(

how about you ?

Hot Topics / Re: Heil Tofu.
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:17:16 am »
Hitler had IBS and Acid Reflux I read it somewhere.

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