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Messages - achillezzz

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General Discussion / How many calories you eat per day?
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:35:54 am »
Just out of curiosity how many calories you guys/girls eat per day?

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:33:18 am »
Iguana so you eat a big meal at the end of the day or how is your daily eating goes I need that info  :)
and how many calories you eat per day?


General Discussion / Re: Help with cravings
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:21:33 am »
1300 calories is quite small amount.
But you are not satisfied with your weight loss results?
So you should try with smaller amounts - 50-70 g
Do you do some anaerobic exercises?
"Lift like a man look like a goddess" - do you know that? :)

Hannibal how much calories you eat per day?

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:43:08 am »
You guys are so resourcefull!!!

General Discussion / question
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:23:20 am »
I don't have access to grassfed meats, and we all know that grainfed fat is nothing in terms of nutrition(fatty acids++).
So I thought about getting the max of what I have access to.

I can get pasture raised eggs some organic onions and this grainfed beef
I take 2pounds beef mix it with 10 egg yolks and onions.

I also eat some fruits and another 10eggyolks mixed with lemon or orange juice.

What do you think? will the eggyolks be a good thing to add for this serious lack of good fat?

Off Topic / Re: had Dog Meat today
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:59 am »
I'm disappointed in this thread.I actually ate dog meat while in China.It was cooked though but really good.

I can't believe you guys of all people would talk about bread & hummus as being healthy.You're not rookies,ya know >D

No no no no no no no I was joking about the bread thing  :'(
But I am surprised this thread served me as an eye opener on hummus and im very thankful   :D

Off Topic / Re: had Dog Meat today
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:47:38 pm »
I know I just kidding but from time to time eating foods like bread is it alright?
And humus has plant fats like avocado does why would it be unhealthy?

Sorry If it sounds dumb but I thought all my life humus is good  :o

Off Topic / Re: had Dog Meat today
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:12:11 pm »
I eat hummus with pitta bread sometimes its great and healthy lol

Hot Topics / Re: what happend to neolithic eden
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:08:44 pm »
I enjoy reading your posts Sabertooth.

Indeed he needs to be a writter or something I would buy his books  :)
ermm or I just download his book from warez website!!! yay  ;) Just joking sabertooh is great

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Vegan vs Paleo
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:58:17 pm »
We don't even need to chase animals 8hours to hunt...
I am in shock that nobody Mentioned the fact that we could hunt in groups...

Imagine that surround an animal with humans who have weapon and slowly get close to the animal NO WAY TO RUN!! the animal is DOOMED!!

General Discussion / Re: Sleep/Wake Cycles
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:30:41 am »
Can some explain me this weird thing that happens to me..
When I wake up early in the morning everything is good, When I sleep till noon I have no morning wood? is it normal?
At 6 morning it shots out of my pants but more than 12 its goes to sleep?

General Discussion / Re: Fuel of the Digestive System
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:47:04 pm »
good question rofl

General Discussion / Sleep/Wake Cycles
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:51:39 pm »
Whats a good sleep?
I always thought waking up early at 6 and going to bed at 10 would be the perfect thing to do, is it true??
Sometime I sleep til 12 and feel even better but the early I wake up the more morning wood I have.

So whats a good paleo sleep with maximum hormones release?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:12:20 am »
KD and SD you are  beasts  >D lol

2x10 Handstand Pushups
2x20 Diamond Pushups
3x20 Leg raises

100 jumpshots

basketball game 3 v 3 with some cool dudes

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: How much water do you drink?
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:03:30 am »
People listen take few thousands dollars and buy a good water regenerator in long run it saves you alot of money and health as plastic bottled water is not the healthy choice you probably know that!

General Discussion / Re: Will fasting help me like the taste of raw beef?
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:58:28 am »
Have you tasted other grass fed beef to compare it too?

Not really but some say even at the begining they could find the taste differents between grassfed and grain fed.
 people can get grassfed from regular supermarkets while I get the grainfed from pro butchers coz the supermarket here feed their animals cereal :(

General Discussion / Re: Will fasting help me like the taste of raw beef?
« on: January 02, 2011, 09:20:28 pm »
I hope to find a place where they actually sell grass beef over here... because the meat I eat raw currently is like... -v
So I am forced to cook some of it  :'(

General Discussion / Re: Fuel of the Digestive System
« on: January 02, 2011, 09:04:29 am »
Enzymess probiotics bacteria acid ermm glucose??

I've seen it 1 year ago!! on discovery chanel !!  I thought he is a crazy dude but now ermm..

General Discussion / Re: How to store Beef Mince
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:17:33 am »
I've not eaten raw beef mince, but if you are freezing it you are in my opinion best off eating it straight out of the freezer.

Why not? It has anything to do with bacetria/parasites?
I remember you mentioned that it was your first raw meat meal I am not sure

Do you guys think ground beef is not a good idea?

Maybe I can put it on a plate and into the refrigerator without covering it the same like with steaks?

General Discussion / How to store Beef Mince
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:12:27 am »
Im buying beef mince lets say in the morning, how do I store it for the evening?
If I freeze it and let it be on the table 30Minutes before eating it is it fine??

I know how to store steaks or atleast I think I do by putting it on a plate dont covert it with anything and just put it in the refrigirator
and switch sides every hour its gona give it good bacteria right? and if I cover it its gona have bad bacteria.

What about ground beef / Mince Beef? how Do I store it?

Sorry for very basic questions Im still newbie.   :'(

I also read ground / mince beef digestion time is longer than regular meat? is that right? I could use some information  -\

Health / Re: RPD brings EXCESSIVE HEALING for Eye Surgery Recovery!!!
« on: January 02, 2011, 03:49:00 am »
In Soviet Russia Doctor fears YOU!!!


Health / Re: RPD brings EXCESSIVE HEALING for Eye Surgery Recovery!!!
« on: January 01, 2011, 09:29:49 pm »
If your friend J heals fast and has no eye problems and doctor still wants something from you take your friend buy 2 baseball bats and go visit your doc!! yes its that simple!!

Off Topic / 1 meal side effects?
« on: January 01, 2011, 09:15:37 pm »
Lately i've been eating 2 meals or only 1 at the end of the day im not hungry but im pissed off im angry all day and when it comes to the meal I need to force myself relax if its cooked, if its raw I feel eating it wont be a problem.
If I eat breakfast I am relaxed all day long like a happy slave.
What shoud I do I was so pissed yesterday when it was new year celebration after eating the desert I felt so calm what is that lol drug cake?

Anybody noticed agressive behaviour when not eating all day long?
Also it seems like orange juice makes me happy when im angry suddenly im social butterfly

Sugar makes me relax Cooked eggs with bacon make me relax Any tasty food makes me relax while raw paleo foods digests fast make my hunger disapear but doesnt satisfies me so im angry.


Health / Re: Calcium in animal blood and how to obtain blood
« on: January 01, 2011, 09:11:01 pm »
I got two goats off of craigslist for 100 dollars, they were pasture raised and grass fed. I went out to the farm and the lady had a flock of sheep and goats that she was getting rid of to downsize. They weren't certified but I talked to her about feed and she only gave them minimal grain in the winter along with hay.

 I fed them grass and milked them for my baby's for a few months and then slaughtered them and ate them at the beginning of my raw diet. Best 100 dollars spent ever. I am not sure how to bleed them safely without over doing it.

100 dollars?!?!?!? what the hellllll :o

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