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Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:25 am »
 @ Iguana, you can't bicep human being in a laboratory and look at the parts and think that  you know everything of human being. Human has very complex emotions and behaviors. As far as we know the tribes fight among each other and that could be for women, for food  or many other unknown things and I'm sure they fight among members of the same tribes. You can't just bring a group of people together in a jungle, eating raw meat and assume that you could have a sexual relationship with every single women and just assume that's what tribes members do in a paleolithic time. Once you talking about paleolithic, than you probably talking about the Darwinisms, which is survival of the fittest. So, the strongest guy can beat you up and take women  away. Is this  the kind of society you wanna live in?  It sounds like a very nice idea for the males to display their hormones. That means you are not learning anything and just want to step back in a brutal world where there is no law. It looks like your lawlessness nature is becoming stronger in every posts you make. I think humans are more than just brutes. Without the proper structure, there could not be any respect and trust among members. This is not just to fulfill you fantasy.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 02:26:13 pm »
A very strong love could develop between two men, who both work together and benefit each other in staying alive. The one man wants the other man to stay alive, because they stand a better chance of survival together(e.g. in war), and over time as they build a trust between each other that they will always look out for them, it becomes love. This has nothing to do with sex. But it is the same in a sexual relationship.. When you find someone you want to ...
Love can develop between any two living things. And that doesn't have to be sexual. But love is a fall, whether lover forget himself; he's willing to give everything and doesn't expect to get anything back. It is possible that one person fall in love for someone who doesn't love him/her. But that person may like only sexual pleasure or anything that the lover is willing to give. We know that the society we living now, some people have many partners and they have to lie to some of the partners. so, until the community is mature, they can't rely solely on the trust between people. so we have to take the responsibilities of all our actions and not to be burden on any other people.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 02:02:13 pm »
That is why I feel in a paleo society, one where we try to live a simple, happy and healthy life we shouldn't have to make people get married.
There's so many examples of this kind of relationship. Most of them ended up an unhappiness, where a child is born and no one knows who is the father. Living a paleo life doesn't mean that u completely cut off from society,  that could still be emotional dispute among members. And that can result end some people living from the community. Than what will happen to those children? That's why allowing multiple partners without some social contracts among them is very risky. Not only for the paleo community but for all other community in general. Therefor I say the focus can't be  just on sensual pleasure. So, we gotta think about the welfare for everybody, including the children who may be born in the community. And the same time we need to think about the long term survival of the community.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 09:12:48 am »
If by the other part you mean hunter-gatherers, nomads or paleo people, I don't think they had marriage, they had no need for it. Marriage is something that sprouted out of the same society that sprouted relationship problems, sexual problems and other mental & physical issues we have today.
In a truly happy paleo environment there should also be no need for requiring a marriage contract for people that love each other and want to be together... Maybe some people can if they want, to celebrate being together, then thats cool!  ;)
It's one thing celebrating your love and taking time to grow your relationship, its another thing if marriage HAS to occur in order to do that acceptably. Once comes this, then other rules, rituals and ceremonies will start to follow, and it will be hard to follow a paleo type society then.
It seems that there is great confusion about what it means to be human and even more confusion about what it means to be happy.  What is a truly happy paleo environment? Would you run in front of an approaching truck?  Paleo don't know what truck is.  So would you do it or would you use the common sense that you have learned from living in this society.  We still have all of the bad habits, until we take them away it is best that we protect ourselves with the knowledge that we have.  What is not a ritual? don't you eat every day, don't you sleep? these are rituals that you perform every day.  They are your ritual.  We know that we all seem to think that there is something beyond the physical, it is hard wired in us.  Therefore we can 't say that we are going to completely go back because that is contrary to evolution.  We can't really go back, we can't go back to the exact paleo time. 

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 09:02:40 am »
@ Tyler, you see, this is the exact reason why we need to spend time to learn what love is.  To say that after 11 years (so more easily put up with), you are tired of your partner  only shows how little you know about love.  Therefore before we start passing judgment we need to know exactly what love is.  We hear that love is this wonderful thing that every body is looking for everywhere.  It is valuable.  You cannot just look at a book and name a few statistic and dismiss it.  Science is at the point now where most things can be proven to be good or bad.  It is full with confusion.  Therefore I say first know what it is before passing judgment. Instead of concentrating on physical pleasure let us take the time to figure what love is first.  This can't be achieved with so much confusion that exist between sex and Love. Sex is sensual but Love is a fall.  To fall in love is to forget yourself so that you can experience something greater than this physical existence.  It is the fall of the physical, it is more profound then what we currently understand.  Therefore let's learn before we jump into sensual pleasure.  Sex degrades but Love up build, sex is with love is beyond all imagination.  It is a union, the division is broken (ecstasy). Love is best practice in a monogamous relationship, such as marriage.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 08:40:52 am »
I once read that before the age of vaccines etc., the average lifespan of a marriage was only 11 years so more easily put up with. This was because, despite divorce being practically nonexistent(except for the likes of Henry VIII), husbands would often  die in wars, while women would often die in childbirth, plus there were epidemics, malnutrition and a generally shorter lifespan due to increased hardship.
You can't concentrate only one part of the world. This is not a strong point. Try to see other part of the world too.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 07:53:43 am »
Unfortunately I see more married couples having problems and divorcing lately then anything, alternately I know many couples who are together long time and happy without marriage (I am one of them  ;)). Even if you want to discourage promiscuity there is better ways to do it then imposing a ceremony that has nothing to do with a person learning about true, real relationships. It just doesn't work that way, I see it time and time again  :'(

ps. I am not saying all married couple are unhappy, quite only that marriage has nothing to do with the fact that they are happy or not
until we learn how to control emotions like anger and jealousy.  It is best that we stay in monogamous relationship. Yes, there are many example of married couple who are having problems but that is because they got married for the wrong reasons and there are also more example of those that are happy. In this society where a couple only get to spend time together on the weekend and on the week days they are too tired from working at least 8 hours a day, there is not time for the relation to grow, there is not time for love to grow. They grow apart from each other and then they forgot what love is all about.  I see many couples who have forgotten about love because their focus has changed.  It is hard for coupled in this society to stop thinking about the material they need for tomorrow.  There is no time for that which is important, Love.  Using the way the family structure is involving in this society is probably not a good example of marriage. You see that is what we need, we need to start to remember what love is. we cannot say paleo = love that is just too simplistic. We know that the family is the building block of any society. we can't just disregard all the things that we learn. 

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 07:30:48 am »
That is beautiful... :)
it's easy to say, but never forget about the other human emotions.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 05, 2010, 07:10:26 am »
It’s not my personal opinion, there’s a lot of anthropological evidence showing that social organization changed drastically with the Neolithic from nomadic hunter-gatherers tribes to sedentary families of farmers. True, some animal such as birds have strictly monogamous relationships, but it’s not the case for primates.

Hunter-gatherers have no senses of private property, they share everything. It was still the case for Polynesians and Inuits a few decades ago. Marriage is a contract of exclusivity (possession of the spouse) specifically introduced by sedentary Neolithic farmers and so called “civilization”.  

There’s no safety in an exclusive family structure: if one of the parents goes away, is injured or killed, what happens in the absence of any kind of organized (civilized) social security? On the contrary, there’s much more security in a tribal structure where the children are welcome everywhere,  with every body, no matter who are the father and mother. As a matter of fact, the biological father is usually unknown.

Marriage and exclusive couples are a disaster. It has led to sexual dissatisfaction, divorces, adultery, jealousy tragedies, prostitution, pornography, and most important : failure of love.  >D

A main difference between hippies and us is that hippies fed on cooked food, grain and dairy. Those food contain opioïds and other noxious molecules causing sexual over-excitation. With strict raw paleo diet, the sexual obsession due to inappropriate food disappear. Therefore, in the wild with raw paleo food, in principle there would not be genital relations without love.   ;)

if there is not going to be any genital relation without love then there is no reason why marriage should not be a requirement.  This is not something that we should take lightly in any society.  Probably as we become more mature, in the society we may decide that it is not that much important but for now we want to start on the right foot with as much care as possible.  There are many thing right now that is associated with sex and that can degrade any society. it is best to avoid these things for now.  We are just babies now learning how to walk and as we take one step at a time, we learn from the miss steps that we make. we don't forget. we learn. The same there are many things that we have learned from this world that is very beneficial, like the danger in promiscuity.  It is best to avoid all danger for now until we can run.

Health / Re: doctors in NYC
« on: November 05, 2010, 03:40:26 am »
I live in Arizona, could I just drive up there for a few days or would I have to stay there for a while? What's his treatment like?
wow! it's quite far! probably u can rent motel/hotel. he's more available in new jersey than new york city. every Sunday he sees his patients. initial visiting cost's $150 cash (no insurance) and if he recommends any diet or herbs, u need to buy from ur own pockets. my husband is under treatment and each months he buys herbs which costs us $800 a month and he needs to do this for six more months. he's  already sees some improvements where medical doctors would put him surgery. good luck.

Biased and uneducated opinion by the "doctor".
these are the people in this civilized society that can't see anything further than their noses. we need to educate them

Some more women pics, not totally paleo but all I could find...

those are lucky babies and women looks so good when they hold these beautiful babies. i also give my toddler unlimited supply of milk and feel really good about this.

it says that wild animals look good in nature and babies look good on their mothers' arms.

I think some of the tribes living in the forests of Indonesia are 100% raw paleo, i saw a documentary about one of them and i saw no sign of cooking. Their diet is extremely limited, they live almost entirely on leaves and small fish, eaten raw.
can u put some videos ? thanks

Danial looks better  :-* than that freaking doctor  -v and other audiences  -v in the show.  i'm not going to believe that doc saying that AV's breath was bad. that doctor is a real life idiot!

Health / Re: doctors in NYC
« on: November 02, 2010, 11:38:31 pm »
I'm interested to hear how it goes for you. I've been disabled without a diagnosis for 8 years and I've been eating raw meat/fat for a couple months now with some improvements but definitely not getting completely better so I really need to find a doctor somewhere in the US that would be able to diagnose me.
the Chinese doc that i recommended, he is one of the best for that. u don't have to mention the problems. after seeing u within couple of minutes, he can tell u what's wrong.   

Journals / Re: Southeast Asia here i come!
« on: November 02, 2010, 11:16:06 am »
wow! u had so much fun! i get water in my mouth seeing those fresh beef, coconuts and specially, that raw shrimp with spices. when i go back my country, i'll make that shrimp. i'll also meet to Edwin in Philippines. life is too short. i'll be going anytime by next year. :D

Journals / Re: Louna
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:58:48 am »
Two years ago, yes I was very sick, all day sit/in bed because of so many pain all in the body. Doctors wanted to operate me and changed my hips, cut bones of one leg to make it longer... also they offered me to take some hormones all my life to mask a little ovaries polycistics symptoms  (horrible thing for a woman :'( I really hope this will cure with paleo diet), and said to me I probably will be in a wheelchair in few years...
At this time, I cannot slept (few hours) without cannabis, I was like a zombie you know. I had horrible sciatic day and night, and was obviously tired all the time and cannot do any sports as it made me worse. My longer walk was 15 minuts (with many pain...). I looked at death like a quite tempting solution  :o... Then I discoved fruity livestyle, and jumped into it as I had nothing to lose !
Finally I had huge improve with fruits diet and fast!

Louna, thank u for ur journal. as i always have trust on this forum and thankful to all other members to convey all these life saving information through their journals.  my husband is pretty healthy . but recently he develops a kind of pain that comes from his lower back and moves around different parts like knee, elbow, neck, thigh, ankle...etc. he says that the pain is like the tendons are tearing up. i just wonder that if u felt the same type of pain? he almost can't lift up his leg sometimes. if he moves, he feels more pain.

love ur photos. beautiful background!!

Welcoming Committee / Re: insects anyone?
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:09:09 am »
i can eat everything, except spiders :P

Primal Diet / Re: Brushing Teeth Primal Style
« on: November 02, 2010, 02:47:00 am »
my toddler's teeth is in perfect condition. i stop brushing my toddler's teeth for the past 5 months. his teeth gets little yellow sometimes, but when he chews on an apple or other things, his teeth gets brighter immediately. he never eats cooked food in his life. one and half yrs ago, he was raw vegan, i brushed his teeth every once a week, 'cause, his mouth was stinky when he used to wake up in the morning. since i put him on ZC RPD, he doesn't stink anymore.

i need to brush my teeth everyday. i guess many yrs of consuming cooked food and malnutrition effect my teeth. on ZC RPD, my teeth is very clean, but end of the day, i feel i need to brush. so, i use only baking soda, that's all.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 01, 2010, 12:29:57 pm »
Wow, they are pretty complex with it. I like to squat when I poop. I lift up the lid, stand on the rim. Squat and poop
very good sully. u're the man! :D in asia, squat toilet is very popular. so, this is nothing new to me. definitely a better choice for a paleo lifestyle.

That woman doesn't have any babies. i kinda know her, 'cause i was almost joining with them (my raw vegan days). most of them are into weight loss program. they also have classes where they teach how to prepare raw food and permaculture and other stuff. they have some young families their too. my son was very small baby and our plan was to raise him diaper free.

in paleo village, there'll be a martial arts class  and hunting and sports club. we'll focus on to raise bison and other wild native animals.

i know for sure that i can't try tilapia here in US. God knows, how they grow. but i can grow them easily in my home and that i'll try to eat only.

very interesting video. we should definitely look for these worms for time to time and needed to consume them raw. is it in Africa? in north america, where we can find some worms to consume?

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