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Messages - eveheart

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Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:19:00 am »
CK, your slogging is much appreciated!

I enjoy the diversity of belief here, evidence-based or not. After all, who doesn't have some evidence for his beliefs, invisible though it may be to others. Also, I have become a competent in raw-food handling and storage that I find in this forum, and I've changed many elements of my lifestyle because of what I have read here.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:09:34 am »
Guys... if you want to talk about Acupuncture, MMS, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Snake Oil... you might want to split this into a new topic?

So... no using analogies, metaphors, and clever remarks if they contain references to acupuncture, MMS, TCM, and/or snake oil?

General Discussion / Re: Farm raised oysters, are they safe?
« on: February 15, 2015, 12:19:20 am »
Supermarkets work off a distribution system that may include warehousing at a distribution center owned by the supermarket itself or an independent distributor, so you really don't know the harvest date. Ask to see the "label" which indicates the harvest date and location, if that is available. I know that this information is available in California, but your local laws may differ.

Also, the outside of the oyster tells you nothing, as the shell color is determined by the variety, not the condition of the inner oyster. When oysters are well past harvest date, the gills get all dried out and shriveled - not the freshest, although safe to eat.

I have to tell you a story about the people behind the counter at the market. I was at the meat counter last week and overheard a customer ask the butcher, "What's the difference between grassfed beef and regular beef?" The butcher replied, "All beef is grassfed." I butted in and asked what he meant by that, and he explained that there is really no difference except in the last few months before slaughter. My point is, he wasn't lying, but he had no idea what he was talking about from a consumer's point of view, so learn to read between the lines when a supermarket employee gives you an answer, and find out from your own experience who knows the true answers. Some workers might as well be selling men's suits for all they know about food. When you find a good supplier, let that person know how much you appreciate them.

General Discussion / Re: Farm raised oysters, are they safe?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:53:50 am »
You might want to ask your supermarket about the oysters that they sell - where from, when bought. I've never bought oysters at a supermarket because I don't think the supermarkets have a good turnover. The idea of 60 oysters is just an example of what my local wholesaler packages and sells, but after all, they are in the wholesale business. Another good source for me is a seafood restaurant that has a retail sales counter. Their stock is always fresh because they are selling bazillions of oysters in their oyster bar. I like to eat about 6 or 8 oysters at a time, but after that, the taste does not appeal to me anymore.

Primal Diet / Re: How to make vanilla extract?
« on: February 14, 2015, 12:27:23 am »
AFAIK, heat (sweating) is involved to develop the chemicals that bring out the aroma of vanilla beans. Researching things like that in a modern world is part of the fun of RPD. Try googling "vanilla bean processing" and "raw vanilla bean" and then contact the sources to find out any unanswered questions.

You also might consider that you are not eating these beans as a raw food, but more as a tonifying supplement. As in the case of many, many supplements, they are not represented as "raw" or unprocessed. If that is okay with you, just find organic vanilla beans, or buy the brand that AV recommends.

Primal Diet / Re: How to make vanilla extract?
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:12:22 pm »
Do you know how they ferment them?

Yes, I'm a fermenter, and I have read about how they ferment everything. Like the fermentation of tea leaves, coffee beans, and cacao beans, I don't consider it to be a DIY project. You can google descriptions of the process online.

General Discussion / Re: Defrost
« on: February 13, 2015, 11:30:50 am »
I thaw food at room temperature when necessary. Part of the "official" advice is to defrost frozen meat slowly in the refrigerator so you won't get bacterial growth during the time it takes to defrost the meat, but I don't follow that advice. In general, I'm not refrigerator crazy. I don't think it is necessary with good quality foods.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:06:29 pm »
GS, since the acquired immunity from a case of the mumps and acquired immunity from a mumps vaccine are the same, then why would you try to expose your own boys to mumps but not to the mumps vaccine - a mild dose of the pathogen you wanted to expose them to?

Primal Diet / Re: How to make vanilla extract?
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:05:59 pm »
I think you'd have better luck finding whole fermented vanilla beans, unless you live where they grow. The flavor develops from fermentation, and I don't think it's an easy process. The whole beans are found in gourmet markets, maybe in some ethnic markets, and online.

Primal Diet / Re: How to make vanilla extract?
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:43:14 am »
Does AV approve of glycerin, which is the liquid in Frontier non-alcoholic vanilla extract? You can just scrape the beans and get the pure vanilla bean's pulp, which is where the flavor comes from.

Primal Diet / Re: How to make vanilla extract?
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:51:59 am »
Do you already have a source of fresh, organic, unfermented vanilla beans? Or do you just want to buy organic ones already fermented, (in which case they are ready to use)?

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:50:56 pm »

...all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public schools.

Let's read that quote in context:
All 50 states require vaccinations for children entering public schools even though no mandatory federal vaccination laws exist. All 50 states issue medical exemptions, 48 states (excluding Mississippi and West Virginia) permit religious exemptions,and 19 states allow an exemption for philosophical reasons.

The part that says "no mandatory federal vaccination laws exist" means that the US does not require vaccination.

The part that says "All 50 states issue medical exemptions, 48 states (excluding Mississippi and West Virginia) permit religious exemptions,and 19 states allow an exemption for philosophical reasons" means that parents can sign a vaccination waiver. I was raised in a church where everybody got those waivers. It was no big deal. Same thing happens in lots of churches And everywhere else - they don't ask "Oh yeah, which church?" - parents sign what they need to sign and that's that.

The part that is not written is that, since we have a private medical system, nobody can actually track whether a child has been vaccinated. There are no uniform "vaccination ID cards" in the US, so you can pretty much write down what you want when you enroll your child in school. You have heard of outbreaks in the US due to unvaccinated children, such as the recent measles outbreak at Disneyland. If vaccination were mandatory in the US, as you claim, from where did these unvaccinated children materialize?

My cousin was never the same after he had childhood measles in the 1950s. He required thousands of dollars of medical treatment and hospitalization each year, and he died of common complications of childhood measles at the age of 27.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:14:26 pm »
Yes it is required or in some places or you have to wear a mask which is a joke.

And exactly which government made this requirement? In my mind, there's a big difference between a government mandate and a private requirement.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:00:28 pm »
If you work in a hospital or old folks home or certain businesses you are obligated to get vaccinated.

Does the government obligate one to get vaccinated? It's a whole different issue in the private sector, for example, in my field of work, I am required to give annual certification that I am free of active TB. I have been offered free flu vaccinations, but I have never been asked to provide any vaccination information.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 11, 2015, 01:37:53 pm »
So my proposal is you guys and gals stick to this SPECIFIC HUMAN US CDC guideline...
... since it seems most of these vaccines are pushed by the US Govt empire anyway.

GS, what do you mean by pushed by the US Govt? I'm in the US, and nothing has been pushed at me.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Can i eat frozen meat for a newbie?
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:17:15 am »
I aim for fresh meat, but sometimes I resort to frozen meat from the processing plant. However, when I have extra meat to store for a while, I hang it in the open air in the refrigerator. There are threads on this forum about hanging meat.

This doesn't work for a cut like a steak, where the butcher has already cut the muscle into slices, because the meat dries out to quickly. But if you get a roast with the fat still on the edges, it'll last without spoilage and be safe to eat by hanging it in the air.

When the meat does dry out, it's still good but it can get rock hard. You can learn by trial and error how much dryness you like.

Health / Re: Dozens of drugs recalled; Not OK in UK but OK in USA
« on: February 11, 2015, 10:15:05 am »
... falsifying data. In this case EKG data.

I guess that in the USA it is an OK practice. Best if not caught though, because then the embarrassing headlines, but not to worry the FDA has your best interests in mind, especially of the companies were from guess where.

This does happen often, it seems. For example, we have a current hoopla over brand-name herbal supplements - Walmart, Target, GNC - because samples of these supplements were found to have absolutely none of the main ingredient. Does that make ALL of Walmart, Target, GNC, and all herbs suspect?

When viewed from what gets picked up on the news, all countries look like hell (except Canada - too cold!). However, a reasonably savvy person can live a long lifetime without being bombarded by most of the scandals, and once in a while we can expect to be duped by someone else's dishonesty. As far as cheating in the field of science, hasn't even Gregor Mendel (the pea geneticist) been accused of tweaking his results?

General Discussion / Re: Brushing your teeth
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:13:17 am »
The research that backed the link that the OP posted was for Rennou, an extract of the theobromine found in cocoa; however, the link itself was a click-through affiliate marketing webpage for cocoa powder, clove oil, and coconut oil. It concerns me that what they are selling isn't what the research is about.

Theodent is the company that produces the toothpaste with the patented ingredient Rennou.

Health / Re: Dozens of drugs recalled; Not OK in UK but OK in USA
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:04:02 am »
I realize the broadcast must promote itself, but "you heard it first here" is a massive overstatement.

In general, there have been vast differences between treatments in the US and other countries. For example, 20 years ago, we were told that European countries successfully treated varicose veins with antioxidant food supplements whereas the US medical protocol was and is vein-stripping surgery.

But the good news for those in the US: we are an assimilative society, and curative treatments from all over the world are found and permitted here. If the AMA doesn't endorse a particular protocol, it's fairly easy to find some other protocol from the other countries in the world.

General Discussion / Re: Brushing your teeth
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:40:45 am »
Is there proof that raw cocoa powder works as well as the extract Rennou? How about a study comparing baking soda paste with Rennou vs baking soda paste without Rennou? And of course, don't forget to compare ANY dentifrice with and without RPD.

My dental repair expenses for infected gums and carious teeth dropped from about $2000/year to zero (as expected) since I switched to a paleo diet, with minimal daily dental care.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 10, 2015, 02:01:39 pm »
... I was emboldened to explore new things and BET on the other children for a different outcome... hopefully better.

GS, you make it sound as if vaccination is for the good of your children. Vaccinations were and are developed globally, not individually. In order for them to work, they must be administered globally. I can't find fault with mankind's desire to eradicate disease. "We" (mankind) are using best strategy that we know of at the moment. Side-effects of vaccination are real, but not as catastrophic as the disease itself. You won't see people in disease-torn areas strutting around saying that they have so many children that they can afford to expose them to the decimation of epidemic disease.

Journals / Re: Alberto's Journal
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:19:07 pm »
Well, it's actually the other way around. I went low carb because I didn't have any gut flora. I did try a lot of raw starches like jicama, plantain, seeds and nuts, but they didn't work. They made me bloated and gasy, with no subscecuent improved digestion.

Technically, you can't not have any gut flora. Each person's gut flora is nourished and sustained by what that person ingests. Whatever gut flora you have, it will change when you change the food you feed it. Sometimes, a switch in food might result in initial discomfort, like the gas and bloating you described, but the gut microbiome is very maleable. Initial discomfort is not an indication that something is wrong, only different. Sometimes the gut flora that you hope to have can be introduced with supplements, fermented foods, fecal transplant, and so forth.

By the way, many of my vegan friends claim that, if they ate meat, they would die. They are actually describing the same effect: a new food causes initial discomfort because their digestive microbiome was prepared to digest something else entirely.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: February 08, 2015, 03:34:18 pm »
ACV is fermented apple juice. It's a food with lots of probiotics, assuming you get raw ACV.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:27:53 am »
again, what was coming out of my colon for 6 weeks, everyday? what was all of that shit? from where did all of that shit come from?

Mucus is what was coming out for 6 weeks.  Think of it in terms of a cold in your nose: you keep blowing thick snot (mucus) out of your nose, but until the membranes have been healed, the snot keeps building up. There is no point in provoking a flood of mucus once the mucus has done its job of flushing out the original irritant.

Back to the colon, you'll find that it keeps producing copious mucus in reaction to the "cleansing" irritants. Let the organ heal, and it will be coated with a thin layer of clear mucus, the way nature intended. (The colon is, after all, a mucus membrane.)

I was duped into the colon-cleansing craze back in the 1990s, so I've seen the shit coming out of my colon, too. Even though you see stuff coming out, the explanation that the colon cleansing guys give is not accurate in terms of gut healing. If you want a seasonal clean-out, why not try eating bitter melon every year, or some other traditional practice with non-concentrated foods or teas?

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: February 08, 2015, 02:10:36 am »
Does anyone know if veal has to be grassfed? Or is it raised on mothers milk?

The veal at WF doesn't say gf, but it looks tender/fatty and is cheap bc it's local.

Of course, you must ask your supplier and sometimes the ranch to get the answer to your question, but be aware that veal is often fed "milk replacer" instead of milk... and veal calves are often housed in feedlots and are subject to sickness because of their housing situation. (Read: might need antibiotics.) Even if veal calves are given only cows's milk, it's not like they are suckling from the cow.

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