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Messages - achillezzz

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In surviver show that guy bear gryls did him self enema with the sea water lol you can find it in youtube..
here it is lol

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: When do you eat sweet fruit?
« on: December 23, 2010, 05:08:17 pm »
when I want to  ;)

I have not heard of anyone famous doing the diet other than Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson does raw paleo?

General Discussion / Re: Who bolts, who chews, who chews thoroughly?
« on: December 21, 2010, 05:55:24 am »
First time I smelled the meat then putted it in my mouth tried to understand its taste chewed few times sensed a little bit of blood, than just droped it inside my self.

The thing is that raw meat is usually have that watery/blody and fatty texture that it just slids down through the esophagus easilly like it meant to be that way I even tried to not chew few cuts and it was easyyy not like chewing a cooked steak when you are mentally and physicly (jaw mucles) tired of it -\.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:54:03 am »
SD you love calisthenics aint ya :D? try handstand pushups and tell me how much you can bang in a row.
I just started them my goal is get it to 20 in few months, I assure you that you will like the burn in your shoulders  ;)

edit: oh and I do it with the wall cant do the freestand yet

General Discussion / Re: How did you end up RP?
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:45:18 am »
We are at an age where there is a great missunderstanding about the power of DNA to regenerate under the right conditions. We are being told that all these degenerative diseases is due to genetic flaws or bad genes. What we aren't being told is that its all caused by the same principles that were at work in pottingers cats.There is a downward spiral of circumstances that has lead to the problems of today. As long as the genetic code is still intact and capable of healing then even in many people who have already been labled as having bad genes , cancer genes, diabetes genes there is the capacity to heal. There is still time to reverse allot of the chromosomal chaos that has been caused by the adulterations in the food and environment. I propose that returning to the evolutionary diet is the best way to reverse the damage, and perhaps in some lucky people with the DNA survival structures intact, new adaptions and mutations will occur that will spawn the new age of human development. We are all constantly germinating and the will to survive and thrive is alive within the structures of our genes, we need to focus our efforts to provide the proper nutrition and environment which will restore us to our evolutionary peak. This can be done , and I have faith that my own children could be the beginning of the neo paleo Renaissance and if I am even remotely successful then perhaps within two generations I will have personally spawned a new breed of people with the strength and vitality of the ancient Olympians, and along with proper education and a good work ethic , they will be at the pinnacle of the next phase of our species.(I can still Dream)

Things are fairly dark for those who continue to follow the recommended dietary guideline's, its time for the illuminated people to break rank and take the authority over our own lives and declare I am not an insect in a hive, I don't want to consume food that was dissigned for slave class people. I will not be subject to standardization and will not blindly march the path that has been layed out by society. Anyone here with half a brain can see the new total wave of degenerative humanity that is upon us. The easier our lives become because of mechanization the less our will to live will be exercised and if the current trends persist then those survival mechanism's will soon become switched off completely and the human species will no longer be capable of proactive evolution. This degenerative creature that man is becoming will have no instincts left to protect it from the advances of mad science and will be doomed to extention.

Its up to us to develop a new science based on stimulating positive genetic expression by wholesome means. We can build a life were the DNA is kept pure from contamination and is exposed only to the best nutrition , and a life style were the thrills of the hunt can be reasonably simulated, a life with real pourpose that will drive us to new peaks of experience . If technology were to be properly harnessed then its possible to develop protocol that would insure the health vitality and happiness for people, from an evolutionary perspective. This wont happen on a large scale due to the nature of how the world works, but for a few pioneers there should be enough space on this big blue rock to attain this Ideal on a small scale.

I like this very much  :)

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 20, 2010, 05:33:33 am »
>>>   I know of no “magic number”, whatever that is

    Tyler (owner of this board) and many other card-carrying-raw-true-believers apparently have chosen 104 F  as the maximum temperature above which they draw a "has been cooked" line in the sand.

In general,  I enjoy and almost prefer the taste of cooked beef.  However, in my personal meal preparation, i can't seem to work up the motivation to do it and its attendant cleanup. I buy raw ground beef a serving at a time, and eat it out of the package

is your ground beef grassfed?
You know that ground beef, when you buy it prepared there is a little risk of contimination? better make it yourself  ;)

General Discussion / Re: I did it and Im scared...
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:36:43 pm »
Wow its was quick the meat disapeard within 1 hour its digestion time amazed me !
This was my first time 100gram of beef. I think Im going to do this once every weak and slightly increase the ammount? maybe within a year i'll start loving the taste??

What I need now is get some raw paleo books to educate my self so I dont ask dumb quetions.
I was thinking about AV book we want to live will it be good enough for me to cover the basics of raw paleo???

General Discussion / Re: I did it and Im scared...
« on: December 19, 2010, 09:47:49 pm »
Carrots are covered in bacteria as well. better make it a double.
:) I'm a little bit proud of my self but on the other hand its my first time and I Don't know what to wait for .
How did you react in the very first time you tried raw meat ? I also had some gag reflex while eating it.

General Discussion / I did it and Im scared...
« on: December 19, 2010, 09:04:32 pm »
Today I Woke up at 10, juiced some carrots ate em and went to school.
After School to the gym after gym home some water relax....
Then I ate 100 gram of raw beef and now Im freaking scared and waiting to see what gona be  -\

Its filled me up a little bit I feel no need to eat the taste was a little bit fatty salty and some kind of light iron taste.
Im scared of fungis and bacteria fuck im going to drink 1 huge shot of squeezed lemon I am going through terrifying moments right now.

Health / Re: Helminthic worm therapy
« on: December 19, 2010, 03:39:59 am »
Don't combine raw meat with the plants, don't drink water during and after the meal.
Meat only with fat.

Why no water is it because of the Hydrochloric acid that can kill parastites for me if they are there???
Hanibal what do you think about chewing meat untill its liquid so parasites dont have places to hide theory
And why meat with fat????

Health / Re: Helminthic worm therapy
« on: December 18, 2010, 11:11:50 pm »
If I ate meat with parasites and/or their eggs what I do then??
and how often people get this parasites I don't wana get them grrrr
how to minimize the chance to 0 of any dangers from raw meat?? or atleast to the lowest point im so angry on this parasites..

Health / Re: Helminthic worm therapy
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:39:08 pm »
What would the paleo people do if they get parasite? just die or suffer?
how their bodies go rid of parasites? AV says its myth but people still get parasites?
Is it because the handling of meat ? how they cut it (careful with intestine because of bacteria)?
meat by itself cant contain parasites right its all about the butchers right?
I need this info thanks

Off Topic / Re: Question re youtube software
« on: December 18, 2010, 08:37:22 pm »
you have that java program? try turning it on update it or download it if you dont have it.
but you said you cant watch only some videos so i think you have java :D

erm what do you mean cant watch videos? what do you have a black square without the control buttons?
or is it a message that says "video currently cant be viewed blah blah blah" ?

if java is not the case try this
turn off all antivirus and firewall unistall flash
download the new one install it -> turn on antivirus and firewall.

if its still wont work post some more details:D

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:04:58 pm »
wow three halves? no wonder you are drained, I'd never be able to achieve that without some space-time distortion technique  :P
My diet is kinda simple when I wake up I do some juicing and some raw eggs.
after school some kind of a "good" sandwich in huge baget with cooked or half cooked meats with veggies.
some milk after workout
dinner I eat cooked meat/fish salad cheese

maybe I should not post untill I try some raw beef  >: tomorrow my mom is getting me some steaks Im making steak tartar -\

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:42:29 am »
Running & Parkour for about 1h30mins.

Miles how do you eat? 1Meal a day? Don't you get hungry after long activities ? provide me an example of your typical day please and the meals please !! you do ZC?
Im on Half sad half cooked paleo half raw I eat carbs too.. after 1h30min ball game I am hungry and drained I just wana go home :(. and you?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Carb containing meats?
« on: December 17, 2010, 10:02:21 pm »
Good luck if you're lactose intolerent l)
But raw milk has that enzyme to break it down by itself and AV said there are no lactose intolerent people but casein in your liver from the old processed diary?????

Off Topic / Do you belive in illuminati?
« on: December 17, 2010, 05:57:21 pm »
Do you? Just wana know what people here think about this it seem to be so real..

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 17, 2010, 01:39:17 am »
and they had better stronger healthier jaws and teeth than we do now. jaws and grip strength are 2 bio-markers of true health.

explain please I want to know more about this.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Your experience with DATES?
« on: December 16, 2010, 10:07:10 pm »
I like em with tea! someone told me once that its good for your testicles or something haha

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Winter running
« on: December 16, 2010, 10:05:03 pm »
all day everyday lol i love it but I hatee running with music because you can get huge adrenalin/cortisol shots from it lol and after this feel like shit.

But when slow run without music totally relaxed without sweating because of winter and concentrate on the wind passing by your ears its incredible!!

Hot Topics / Re: I just dont get it
« on: December 16, 2010, 03:48:25 am »
stay in India lol

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: How much running?
« on: December 14, 2010, 02:37:46 am »

Rigorous exercise is absolutely vital for recovery. Sounds like you need to stop making excuses and start building up stamina instead of going for 12 minute walks, like a pussy.

You kidding me right ? I suggested 12 minutes to hannah rofl...

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: How much running?
« on: December 14, 2010, 12:33:51 am »
Nobody can tell you how much cardio you can do its just hannah asked for it I Assume her body is not ready for high stress.
If you recover from your workouts and feel great then do what yo do :D

But when I personally stoped running alot I gained huge ammount of weight,health and vitality on a SAD diet.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: How much running?
« on: December 13, 2010, 11:56:41 pm »
12 minutes a day of fast walking? Jeez.

I'd say more like 2 hours of intense training would be more fitting.

maybe this is why you dont gain muscle and want to quit raw paleo?
want put money on this argument here you go lol

listen to this

to work out like a pro you need super nutrition super health and super masages to recover... its my opinion
high itensity is not for everyone its for very healthy people who have the ability to recover fast for example look
at the NBA Lebron james who workouts everyday he is a testosterone beast and is on SAD diet but he never had a problem with his health his glands must be super strong.. good genetics.

Most people in this forum got their glands after a burnout  or tired ones so by telling someone to do high intensity for 2h its like asking to you got the idea :D

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