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Messages - raw

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Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: October 26, 2010, 02:00:54 pm »
i agree with cinna. i think sully is just brilliant. he's beyond the school learning. but unfortunately, at this time, none of us can do anything easily without the paper from college.

still the word "vegan" is man made word.  the man forces himself to be a fiber machine and to keep this machine smooth, he takes supplements... ! i do agree that vegan diet works for some people sometimes for short time. in Hinduism, the widows are forced to be almost vegan, so they can die quickly for malnutrition.   

every single wild fruits go with me... absolutely no problem there. only pineapples are troublesome and give me that itchiness on my mouth. the smell and taste of a ripe pineapple is the best.

i don't do well with nuts and seeds.

General Discussion / Re: Reccomend a good natural deoderant
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:37:06 pm »
i also don't shave my underarms. :(. i need to share that with you ;)

General Discussion / Re: Reccomend a good natural deoderant
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:32:47 pm »
Armpit and private area sweat is meant to smell. There are two types of sweat glands. The sweat on most of your body is not meant to smell, but in your armpits and around your reproductive area there is a second type of sweat gland, which is meant to cause a smell when metabolised. A healthy person should smell in these areas(unless they have killed the bacteria which would metabolise the sweat), but not elsewhere. It should smell strong if you've not killed the bacteria, but not 'bad'. Although in the modern world any natural smell is considered bad.
wow! good to know. but i just don't smell and i 'm not judging by myself. the other day i took shower 2 weeks later and right before that i ask my aunt to smell me (gross, i know), out of curiosity (to see the effect of strict raw meat diet, i do many crazy things). ididn't ask my husband, 'cause he always stays with me. you can imagine, if i take sunbathing and sweet a lot, after that if i don't take shower...etc. probably it's also the power of sun and wearing nothing for hours when i bathe. it's very true that being nude also eliminate the body odors. i also sees my toddler the same thing. 

General Discussion / Re: Blood - its soo good, but how good?
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:22:42 pm »
once i've asked my farmer to send me some fresh blood, he doesn't like that. even i offer him good money for that. i'd love to bland my toddler meal with blood instead of plain water. i do need access of my own animals to get the blood. i'm sure it's nutritious. probably one small cup will be enough to drink.


When I was in Nepal in the late 90s, for a time I stayed in a small, high-elevation town and the mother of my host family had a huge baby and the baby was almost always wrapped on her in a huge blanket. Whatever she did (including work/chores), the baby was on her person (or another family member). That really struck me. No stroller, no nothing. So low-tech/non-tech and intimate. I barely saw him not attached to somebody. Interestingly, when I was back in the states, those things (I'm not sure what they're called) where the baby can ride in back or front of you - they were just starting to get in fashion. I don't remember ever seeing them when I was younger.
this is the way i grew up and so does my brother. even now, i see all my cousins' children are raising like that without diaper in non-tech environment. only different between them and myself is, if they have access of all these things which i have, i bet u that'll be something else.

Hot Topics / Re: Appetite when eating cooked food
« on: October 20, 2010, 06:42:28 am »
My appetite has increased hugely since eating raw food only. I rarely get a feeling of being full nowadays. I really don't crave cooked food at all. But I think I need to increase my fat intake (ordered some suet which will arrive on friday), I don't know if consuming more fat will change my appetite.
this sounds like ur body deprives of nutrition. even after eating raw meat, if u have that feeling, than increase ur organs and fat intake. i prefer egg yolk than animal suet. but recently i surprise to see my love on tripes, which is loaded of yellow fats. i wouldn't chose avocado as my main source of fat. i don't consume dairy but raw butter. also if u can do sunbathing and sun gazing, that'll reduce ur appetite dramatically.

when i eat cooked meal, i can eat a lot, but after than, i feel to eat some desserts. and than i feel to sleep. i just don't get that.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Are you a ZCer?
« on: October 19, 2010, 01:00:59 pm »
Raw did you vote? I didn't notice the vote tally go up after you posted.
i didn't vote at the beginning, later i did.

i don't like to be stubborn to be on raw ZC diet. i find that, if i have a meal with lots of meat and organs and fats, i just don't have enough place to eat other things. i'm not punishing myself eating same food, i also crave same food (weird!). i realize that my mind goes after so many things that i put less time to seat and think "what's for my diner today!"

Hot Topics / Re: Bread Was Around 30,000 Years Ago
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:23:36 am »

Two parts that stuck out for me are
 plant root flour, how does that compare to wheat?

i know that plant root flour is absolutely gluten free and way better than wheat flour. i don't eat them personally, 'cause animal proteins are enough for me now. 

Hot Topics / Re: Bread Was Around 30,000 Years Ago
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:14:09 am »
when famine attacks in a country, and there's no sign of living animals exist, people will depend on the availability of other sources to survive. so, there's no way, we can draw a conclusion that paleolithic men never eat such a thing like bread.

General Discussion / Re: Reccomend a good natural deoderant
« on: October 19, 2010, 10:17:56 am »
if u are complete raw paleo, "DON'T NEED ANY DEODORANT". i can use lemon if i need to (i don't smell). eating fresh cilantro can gives body nice smell. or if u can eat a huge watermelon in the summer, u can achieve a sweet smell from that too. 

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Dairy? Who embraces it?
« on: October 19, 2010, 04:10:12 am »
me too

Primal Diet / Re: Brushing Teeth Primal Style
« on: October 19, 2010, 04:07:05 am »
i completely stop brushing my teeth after being rawZC. if i need to clean my teeth (like after eating sea food or so), than i put some baking soda tip of my fingers and rub on my teeth. that's all.

Primal Diet / Re: Best way to make raw butter?
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:22:28 am »
my mom used to make them

Off Topic / Re: Vaccinations on the road to becoming compulsory?
« on: October 18, 2010, 12:12:46 pm »
living in US is challenging no doubt. i can't put my toddler in New jersey's school, 'cause he has a record not taking the immunization. if anyway they know that, i'll loose my toddler forever.

to phil, i know a doctor (he's a medical plus holistic doctor in new jersey). he can give u some type of homeopath vaccin, which u can probably use for ur work. check for Dr, kalvin holder

Off Topic / Re: How long have you been raw paleo?
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:55:47 am »
my toddler is in strictly raw paleo (almost ZC) for a whole yr now.

myself for past 5 months mostly raw , but now for a month is completely raw ZC (only animal)

my husband is completely raw ZC for the past 10 days now. (only animal)

Off Topic / Re: Vision
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:51:32 am »
i know that my mom's vision improves a lot after sun gazing within couple of days. she's eating only raw muscle meat for a year with some small quantity of wild rice and her eyes get even worse.

Hot Topics / Re: Undigested meat?
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:43:52 am »
wolf, do u buy all meat from trader joe? this is the only place i didn't go yet. there's one that very close to my home. but the problem is i need lots of organs too. please, let us know with ur current condition. i think there's something in that meat.  -\

Hot Topics / Re: Shampoooo!
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:29:55 am »
i usually put organic coconut oil, eggs, wheatgrass juice on my toddler's  head. today i also put that combination on his head and after 15 minutes later i wash his hair. than i use the left over for my hair. i usually don't like to take care of myself the way i do for my son. anyway, i do see that my scalp is very clean today, but hair looks okay. after straight raw ZC, i see my hair stop falling, not that much dandruff issue anymore.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Are you a ZCer?
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:17:01 am »
me, my husband, my toddler are raw ZC. last two weeks me and my husband didn't eat any fruits or veggies, but my toddler drinks some squeezed oranges in his water. we eat like lex rocker. everyday same food. i eat one meal or 2, my husband eats two meals and my toddler also eats two meals.

my toddler is in ZC almost a year now. today we visit a doctor who's also our family friend. he says that my toddler is too strong for his age. he checks his hands and feet and he also states that it's rare to see all pinkish color like that.

my husband eats 50% raw, 50% cook paleo for the past 2 months, but now he's complete raw paleo (for almost 10 days now). he's having some difficulties in his spinal cord, he's so hopeful that he'll heal faster with complete raw paleo ZC. i prepare his meals twice a day and i also feed him by my own hand. 

my health is also very vibrant. skin, hair,lips everything glows. i get my sculpted arms already, strong hands and feet...etc. amazing!!

Health / Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« on: October 17, 2010, 01:36:18 pm »
do u use ur both hands for work? the strength i've on my right hand , isn't the same on my left hand. in asian culture, most of us are right handed. i'm training my toddler to work with both hands. it is necessary.

Hot Topics / Re: Shampoooo!
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:40:22 pm »
i found that egg white is good for oily hair and yolk is good for dry hair. since my hair is dry, scalp is oily, so, i should use entire egg. (i haven't done that yet, after i use that, definitely i'll flash the result). back home, i see natural shampoo (RITHA= don't know the englisg name of it). it's a part of  plant that after soaking couple of hrs, can make more foam than any shampoo i use ever in my life. for conditioner, i use henna. it's a bitter colored leaf and my grandma's home has that tree. those makes hair look absolutely gorgeous.

To Ionna, i also have very curly hair (long) and always need to do the conditioning after shampooing my hair. if i don't use the conditioner, i can't brush my hair. after using the baking soda, you never use the conditioner?

   Yes, that's why I didn't buy it till months of searching for a farmer who would sell me unbleached, undyed etc.  They often would have dyed it green too.  I've only receive brown covered unpeeled half digested grass covered stink to the high heavens bits of fat stuck in a bunch of spots tripes so far.  I have to take the fat off, wash like hell (of course filtered water etc) and peel the linings off.  I wish they would rinse it first and peel maybe.  It smells terrible when I receive it.  I had no instructions either, so I made minor mistakes.  I wish there was an instruction manual.

    I have seen it in a regular supermarket.  It was bright white and spanking clean.
recently me and my family all eating raw beef tripes. i pay almost $40 to $50 for an uncleaned whole tripe. i put that tripe in the freezer for a month. than one of those sunny day, i clean the entire tripes outside in my back yard. i don't use any chemicals. me and my aunt cut them into little pieces. we do have indian knives (some kind of knive that sits on the floor only). it takes hours to clean entire tripes. than i put them in my refrigerator and eat them little by little when i feel to eat. it is absolutely delicious! i realize that putting into the freezer, the dirty parts of the tripes get little loose and using indian knive, it's easy to remove the layers. i'm so happy with my supplier, the entire tripes have so much grass which is very visible. these tripes are naturally little salty (i was salt addict and stop eating any type of salt entirely about 5 months now). i'd love to know the nutritional facts of tripes. i always crave to eat some everyday. i eat it 2/3 times sometimes.   

Whats wrong with that?  Nothing.

Meat and milk go very nicely together.

Tomatoes and meat how ever is a nono.
good to know. i try only raw butter with raw meat.

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